CAMPUS AMBASSADOR PROGRAM : Tryst 2023 1)WEBSITE -Reg:name college phone number email id state city Social media id (google form details; same) -after reg: unique code *Guidelines(different window) *Submission window(task, total points system) *Leaderboard(must) *Notification(day updates, same schedule to be uploaded on the backend) *Refer & earn (to different students, help in publicising our events) -Execution:complete assignments & win rewards socia media handles proof offline events proof(video + photos) developer team window (multiplier, top x% of CAP types gets this incentive : cert+member, id cards) 2)D2C/internshala:responsibilities:1. You will be the face of Tryst at your institute. 2. During the CA Program, your primary responsibilities will be to promote Tryst and its events via online and offline channels. 3. Publicity via social media platforms is one of these methods, as is holding virtual/offline sessions on your campus. 4. Your points will be regularly updated on the website itself. Don't forget to keep track of the leaderboard, we have some exciting prizes for all of you! 5. You must persuade your friends and acquaintances to join Tryst and register for events that interest them. 6. Our team at IIT Delhi works extremely hard to organise these events, and as new members join us in this endeavour, we hope to see the same enthusiasm from you. 7. Your group admins will organise community events to encourage interaction and cross-college networking among CAs. 8. You must keep in touch with your Institute's technical societies to keep them up to date on the events. Deliverables:-LOR/Cerificates -Goodies -Vouchers/passes for events -Top performer will be featured on our social media handles -Prizes worth Rs 1 lakh, based on the leaderboard. Point tally system:- -Following Tryst on FB/Instagram/LinkedIn (compulsory) - 50 points -Getting others to follow Tryst on FB/Instagram/LinkedIn - 20 points each -Liking and sharing a post on FB/Instagram/LinkedIn - 5 points each -Sharing a post in your college groups (WhatsApp/FB/Insta) - 10 points/share(task, proof required) -Registering on Tryst's website (under construction) - 20 points -Obtaining registrations from your college for the website (under construction) - 20 points/registration(tracked by checking the college) -Bringing registrations from your college to events - 100 points/registration -Task based points on the website : 100 points each(offline), 40(online)