Laboratory Labels PDC Healthcare knows that when it comes to patient safety in laboratory operations, positive identification is mission critical. We offer labeling systems designed specifically for LIS systems, including Sunquest, Cerner, SoftLab, Meditech, and others. ™ ■ V-Notch Secondary Labels, along with BD Vacutainer® Plus Plastic Tubes, provide correct label placement the first time and every time! So you can ensure accurate identification and an optimal healthcare experience for patients and staff alike. Compliant Bank Labels enhance ■ ISBT patient safety, while supporting ISBT 128 standards. ■ Point-of-Care Labeling Systems use bar code scanning and wireless mobility for convenient, positive patient identification. Table of Contents V-Notch™ Labels................................................................106 System Labels.......................................................................107 Point-of-Care Labeling Solutions........................ 126 ISBT Blood Bank Labels..............................................127 Microscope Slide Labeling Solutions..................128 Laboratory Labels help healthcare organizations meet applicable patient safety regulatory guidelines, including: ■ The Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goals: Identify Patients Correctly, Improve Staff Communication, Use Medicines Safely, Prevent Infection, Identify Patient Safety Risks, and Prevent Mistakes in Surgery. Consecutive Number Labels/ Tamper-Evident Labels & Tape............................. 133 Color Circles & Specialty Tape............................... 134 Time Tape®............................................................................ 135 Stat/Specimen Labels................................................... 136 Inventory Management/ Lot Control Labels.............................................................137 Refrigeration/Blood Labels.......................................138 Hazard Communication Labels............................. 139 General Purpose Labels/Tape................................140 Custom Labeling................................................................ 142 View the V-Notch™ Video Online • Learn how you and your lab can benefit from standardized blood collection tube labeling for accuracy, efficiency and patient safety. • Discover how V-Notch™ Secondary Labels also help save you time and money! • Watch simple, step-by-step instructions on how to apply V-Notch™ Secondary Labels to BD Vacutainer® Plus Plastic Tubes. 105 LABORATORY V-NOTCH™ LABELS V-Notch™ Secondary Labels: The Simple Solution for Accurate Labeling & ID. V-Notch™ Secondary Labels provide quick, easy and accurate identification of BD Vacutainer® Plus Plastic Tubes. The V-shaped notch aligns with the color-coded notch and sidebar to provide: • Consistent & Easy Labeling Guides • Accurate & Reliable Bar Code Scanning • Quicker Test Results • Operational Efficiencies That Save Time & Money • Increased Clinician Satisfaction • Patient Safety & Satisfaction • Accurate ID Look for labels with the symbol. before after To Apply the V-Notch™ Labels: Peel your V-Notch™ Secondary Label from the liner. 106 STEP 2: Visually align the V-Notch™ with the color-coded notch on the BD Vacutainer® Plus plastic tube. STEP 3: Before you apply the V-Notch™ Secondary label, make sure the color-coded notch and the color-coded sidebar on the BD Vacutainer® Plus Plastic Tube are clearly visible. Smoothly wrap the label around the tube. sidebar STEP 1: CALL 800.435.4242 | FAX 800.321.4409 Color-coded notch and ­ sidebar ­ should be ­ clearly visible. LABORATORY MEDITECH SYSTEM LABELS Meditech Labeling Solutions (For Direct Thermal Printers) LDWHP58 LDWHP64 LMEDW10 LMED51 LDWHP155 2" x 5/8" Product Number Label Size LDWHP61 LDMEDY91 LMEDY10 LMEDY51 LDWHP59 LDWHP65 LMEDB10 LMEDB51 LDWHP62 LDWHP66 LMEDO10 LMEDO91 LDWHP63 LDWHP67 LMEDR10 LMEDR91 LDWHP160 LDWHP60 LDMEDG91 LMEDG10 LMEDG51 2" x 1-1/4" Carrier Width Core Size Wound Material/Adhesive Color Qty. 1” In Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 1,000/RL-8RLS/CS LDWHP58 LDWHP61 1” In Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Yellow 1,000/RL-8RLS/CS LDWHP59 1” In Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Blue Border 1,000/RL-8RLS/CS LDWHP62 1” In Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Orange Border 1,000/RL-8RLS/CS LDWHP63 1” In Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Red Border 1,000/RL-8RLS/CS LDWHP60 1” In Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Green Border 1,000/RL-8RLS/CS LDWHP64 3” Out Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 3,600/RL LDMEDY91 3” Out Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Yellow 3,600/RL 3” Out Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Blue Border 3,600/RL 3” Out Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Orange Border 3,600/RL LDWHP67 3” Out Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Red Border 3,600/RL LDMEDG91 3” Out Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Green Border 3,600/RL LMEDW10 1” In Direct Thermal IR/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 1,000/RL-8RLS/CS 4” x 1-1/4” 4-1/8” 1” In Direct Thermal IR/Glove-Friendly Permanent Yellow 1,000/RL-8RLS/CS LMEDB10 1” In Direct Thermal IR/Glove-Friendly Permanent Blue Border 1,000/RL-8RLS/CS LMEDO10 1” In Direct Thermal IR/Glove-Friendly Permanent Orange Border 1,000/RL-8RLS/CS LMEDR10 1” In Direct Thermal IR/Glove-Friendly Permanent Red Border 1,000/RL-8RLS/CS LMEDY10 LMEDG10 1” In Direct Thermal IR/Glove-Friendly Permanent Green Border 1,000/RL-8RLS/CS LMED51 3” Out Direct Thermal IR/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 3,600/RL LMEDY51 3” Out Direct Thermal IR/Glove-Friendly Permanent Yellow 3,600/RL LMEDB51 3” Out Direct Thermal IR/Glove-Friendly Permanent Blue Border 3,600/RL LMEDO91 3” Out Direct Thermal IR/Glove-Friendly Permanent Orange Border 3,600/RL LMEDR91 3” Out Direct Thermal IR/Glove-Friendly Permanent Red Border 3,600/RL LMEDG51 3” Out Direct Thermal IR/Glove-Friendly Permanent Green Border 3,600/RL LDWHP155 1” Out Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 1,000/RL-8RLS/CS LDWHP160 1” Out Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Red Border 1,000/RL-8RLS/CS LABORATORY LDWHP65 LDWHP66 V-Notch™ TD1-MIT-3BD TD-MIT-3BD DPS-MIT-3BD 2” x 5/8” Product Number TD-MIT-3GBD TD-MIT-3RBD 2" x 1-1/4" Material/Adhesive Color Qty. TD1-MIT-3BD 1” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 1,000/RL - 6RLS/BX TD-MIT-3BD 3” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 3,600/RL - 1RL/BX TD-MIT-3BBD 3” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Blue Border 3,600/RL - 1RL/BX Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Green Border 3,600/RL - 1RL/BX TD-MIT-3GBD Label Size TD-MIT-3BBD 4” x 1-1/4” Carrier Width 4-1/8” Core Size 3” Wound Out TD-MIT-3RBD 3” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Red Border 3,600/RL - 1RL/BX DPS-MIT-3BD 3” Direct Thermal IR/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 3,600/RL - 1RL/BX BD, BD Logo, and V-Notch™ trademarks are the property of Becton, Dickinson and Company. ©2005 BD. 107 LABORATORY MEDITECH SYSTEM LABELS Meditech Labeling Solutions LDWHP146 LDWHP125 LDWHP123 LDWHP165 LDWHP154 LDWHP153 LDWHP126 LMED52 LDWHP164 LDWHP177 LDWHP124 3-3/8" x 2-3/8" 1-1/8" x 2" 9/16" x 7/8" Product Number Label Size Carrier Width LDWHP146 Core Size Material/Adhesive Color Qty. 3” Wound Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 500/RL-2RLS/CS 1,000/RL-2RLS/CS LDWHP125 3” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White LDWHP126 3” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Pink Border 1,000/RL-2RL/CS LDWHP154 3” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Purple Border 1,000/RL-2RLS/CS Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Red Border 1,000/RL-2RLS/CS Direct Thermal IR/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 1,000/RL-2RLS/CS LDWHP164 3” 3-3/8” x 5-1/4” LDWHP123 3-1/2” 3” Out LDWHP124 3” Direct Thermal IR/Glove-Friendly Permanent Pink Border 1,000/RL-2RLS/CS LDWHP153 3” Direct Thermal IR/Glove-Friendly Permanent Purple Border 1,000/RL-2RLS/CS LDWHP165 1” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 500/RL LMED52 1” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Pink Border 500/RL LDWHP177 3” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Yellow Border 1,000/RL-2RLS/CS LDWHP127 LDWHG01 LDWHP712 LDWHP128 LDWHP71 LMED61 LDWHP711 3-3/8" x 2-1/4" 1-1/8" x 2-1/4" 9/16" x 3/4" Product Number Material/Adhesive Color Qty. LDWHP712 1” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Red Border 500/RL-2RLS/CS LDWHP127 3” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Pink Border 500/RL-2RLS/CS LDWHP128 3” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 500/RL-2RLS/CS Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Pink Border 1,000/RL LDWHG01 Label Size 3-3/8” x 5-1/4” Carrier Width 3-1/2” Core Size 3” Wound Out LDWHP71 3” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 1,000/RL LMED61 3” Direct Thermal IR/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 1,000/RL-2RLS/CS LDWHP711 1” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 500/RL-2RLS/CS 108 CALL 800.435.4242 | FAX 800.321.4409 LABORATORY CERNER SYSTEM LABELS Cerner Labeling Solutions 1” x 15/16” 1” x 15/16” V-Notch™ 2” x 1-1/4” TD-PN6-SL DPS-PN6-SL­ TD-PN6-SLZ­ TD1-PN6-SL 4” x 2-5/16” TD-PN6-SLY LPNSY1 TD-PN6-SLBD­ DPS-PN6-SLBD TD-PN6-SLZBD TD1-PN6-SLBD 2” x 1-1/4” V-Notch™ 2” x 1-1/4” LPN6Y LDWHP137 1” x 15/16” TD-PN6A-SL 4” x 2-5/16” TD-PN6A-SLBD LABORATORY 4” x 2-5/16” 15/16” x 15/16” TD-PN6B-SL For a complete selection of Cerner Labeling Solutions, visit us online at 2” x 1-1/4” 4” x 2-5/16” 1” x 15/16” DPS-PN6 4” x 2-5/16” 2” x 1-1/4” Product Number TD-PN6-SLYBD 4” x 2-5/16” 1” x 15/16” LDWHP113 V-Notch™ 2” x 1-1/4” Label Size Carrier Width Material/Adhesive Color Qty. 3” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 1,000/RL-2RLS/BX DPS-PN6-SL 3” Direct Thermal IR/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 1,000/RL-2RLS/BX TD-PN6-SLZ 1-1/2" Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 600/RL-4RLS/BX TD-PN6-SL Core Size Wound TD1-PN6-SL 1" Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 500/RL-4RLS/BX TD-PN6-SLBD 3” Direct Thermal IR/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 1,000/RL-2RLS/BX DPS-PN6-SLBD 3” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 1,000/RL-2RLS/BX TD-PN6-SLZBD 1-1/2” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 600/RL-4RLS/BX TD1-PN6-SLBD 1" Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 500/RL-4RLS/BX TD-PN6-SLY 3" Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Yellow 1000/RL-2RLS/BX 4” x 4-1/2” 4-1/8” Out Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Yellow 350/RL-2RLS/BX TD-PN6-SLYBD 3" Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Yellow 1,000/RL-2RLS/BX LDWHP113 3” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Green 1,000/RL-2RLS/CS LDWHP137 3” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Light Pink 1,000/RL-2RLS/CS LPN6Y 3” Direct Thermal IR/Glove-Friendly Permanent Yellow 1,000/RL-2RLS/CS TD-PN6A-SL 3” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 1,000/RL-2RLS/BX TD-PN6A-SLBD 3” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 1,000/RL-2RLS/BX TD-PN6B-SL 3" Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 1,000/RL-2RLS/BX DPS-PN6 3" Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 1,000/RL-2RLS/BX LPNSY1 1” 109 LABORATORY CERNER SYSTEM LABELS Cerner Labeling Solutions LDWHP181 TD-PN7-S 1” x 1-1/8” 1” x 1-1/8” Product Number Label Size LDWHP181 2” x 1-1/8” TD-PN7-S 2” x 1-1/8” Carrier Width Core Size 1” 2-1/8” 3” For more Slide Labels, see pages 128-129. Wound Out Material/Adhesive Qty. Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent 2,500/RL Direct Thermal Synthetic/Extra Permanent 5,000/RL-6RLS/BX V-Notch™ TD-PN8­ TD-PN8-S TD1-PN8 Product Number Material/Adhesive Qty. TD-PN8 3” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent 3,000/RL-6RLS/BX TD-PN8-S 3” Direct Thermal Synthetic/Extra Permanent 3,000/RL-6RLS/BX TD1-PN8 1” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent 1,000/RL-6RLS/BX Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent 3,000/RL-6RLS/BX TD-PN8-BD Label Size LPN8S LDWHP148 TD-PN8-BD TD1-PN8-BD 2” x 1-1/4” Carrier Width 2-1/8” Core Size 3” Wound Out TD1-PN8-BD 1” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent 1,000/RL-6RLS/BX LPN8S 3” Direct Thermal IR/Glove-Friendly Permanent 3,000/RL-6RLS/CS LDWHP148 3” Direct Thermal Synthetic/Glove-Friendly Permanent 5,000/RL BD, BD Logo, and V-Notch™ trademarks are the property of Becton, Dickinson and Company. ©2005 BD. 1” x 15/16” Product Number TD-PN12-SL DPS-PN12-SL 2” x 1-1/4” 110 Label Size Carrier Width Core Size Wound TD-PN12-SL 2” x 2-3/16” DPS-PN12-SL 2-1/8” 3” Out Material/Adhesive Direct Thermal/ Glove-Friendly Permanent Direct Thermal IR/ Glove-Friendly Permanent CALL 800.435.4242 | FAX 800.321.4409 Qty. 1,000/RL-4RLS/BX LABORATORY CERNER SYSTEM LABELS Cerner Labeling Solutions 1” x 15/16” TD-PN4-BD­ TD-PN4-BDS DPS-PN4-BD 1” x 15/16” 1” x 15/16” 2” x 1-1/4” 2” x 1-1/4” 2” x 1-1/4” 1” x 15/16” LDTSP84 MCCG-PN4W TD-PN4-S 2” x 1-1/4” 2-5/8” x 1-1/4” 1-5/16” x 1-1/4” 1” x 15/16” 2” x 1-1/4” V-Notch™ TD-PN4-NTCH LDTSYP1 Label Size Carrier Width Core Size TD-PN4-BD 4” x 2-3/16” 4-1/8” 3” LDTSYP1 4” x 2-3/16” 4-1/8” 3” TD-PN4-BDS 4” x 2-3/16” 4-1/8” 3” DPS-PN4-BD 4” x 2-3/16” 4-1/8” 3” TD-PN4-NTCH 4” x 2-3/16” 4-1/8” 3” Wound Out Material/Adhesive Color Qty. Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 2,600/RL-2RLS/BX Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Yellow 2,850/RL-2RLS/CS Direct Thermal Synthetic/Extra Permanent White 2,600/RL-2RLS/BX Direct Thermal IR/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 2,600/RL-2RLS/BX Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 2,600/RL-2RLS/BX LDTSP84 4” x 2-3/16” 4-1/8” 1” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Pink Border 800/RL-2RLS/CS MCCG-PN4W 4” x 2-3/16” 4-1/8” 1” Direct Thermal/ Glove-Friendly Permanent White 1,000/RL TD-PN4-S 5-1/4” x 2-1/2” 5-1/2” Fanfold/EDP Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 5,000/BX LABORATORY Product Number V-Notch™ TD-PN5 DPS-PN5 TD-PN5-BD LDRHP75 LDYHP75 1-1/8” x 2-1/2” 1-1/8” x 2-1/2” 1-1/8” x 1-1/4” 1-1/8” x 1-1/4” Product Number Label Size Carrier Width Core Size Wound Material/Adhesive Color Qty. Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 2,000/RL-4RLS/BX Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Yellow 2,000/RL-4RLS/CS Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Red Border 2,000/RL-4RLS/CS DPS-PN5 Direct Thermal IR/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 2,000/RL-4RLS/BX TD-PN5-BD Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 2,000/RL-4RLS/BX TD-PN5 LDYHP75 LDRHP75 2-1/4” x 2-1/2” 2-3/8” 3” Out 111 LABORATORY CERNER SYSTEM LABELS Cerner Labeling Solutions TD-PN-115162 TD-PN115162A TD1PN115162A 2” x 1” LDWHPA166 1” x 15/16” Product Number Label Size Carrier Width Core Size TD-PN115162A TD1PN115162A Wound 3” TD-PN-115162 2” x 1-15/16” 3” 2-1/8” Out 1” LDWHPA166 3” 1” x 15/16” Qty. 2,700/RL-6RLS/BX Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent 2,700/RL-6RLS/BX Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent 1,000/RL-6RLS/BX Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent 3,000/RL 1” x 15/16” TD-PN3-BD TD-PN3-NTCH 3-1/2” x 2-3/16” V-Notch™ 3-1/2” x 2-3/16” 2” x 1-1/4” 2” x 1-1/4” 1-1/4” x 1-1/4” Material/Adhesive Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent LCERP29 3-1/2” x 2-1/2 2-1/2” x 1-1/4” Product Number Label Size Carrier Width 7-5/8” 112 TD-PN3-BD 7-1/2” x 2-3/16” TD-PN3-NTCH 7-1/2” x 2-3/16” 7-5/8” LCERP29 8-1/2” x 2-1/2” 8-3/4” Core Size Wound Material/Adhesive Qty. 3” Out Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent 2,400/RL CALL 800.435.4242 | FAX 800.321.4409 LABORATORY CERNER SYSTEM LABELS Cerner Labeling Solutions 1-3/32” x 11/16” TD-MPN-122 2-1/8” x 1-3/8” 2-1/4” x 1-1/16” DPS-MPN-01 4-1/32” x 1-3/8” 3-1/4” x 1-3/4” Product Number Label Size TD-MPN-122 8-15/32” x 1-3/8” Carrier Width DPS-MPN-01 8-1/2” x 1-3/4” Core Size 8-1/2” Fanfold 1-1/4” x 11/16” Material/Adhesive Qty. Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent 4,000/BX Direct Thermal IR/Glove-Friendly Permanent 5,000/BX 1-1/8” x 11/16” 4” x 1-7/16” LABORATORY For a complete selection of Lab Labels, visit us online at LDWHP553 2” x 1-5/16” TDS-1142 Product Number Label Size Carrier Width LDWHP553 4” X 2-3/4” 4-1/8” TDS-1142 2” x 1-1/4” 2-1/8” Core Size Wound 3” Out Material/Adhesive Qty. Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent 2,000/RL Direct Thermal Synthetic/Extra Permanent 2,000/RL-4RLS/BX DPS-L1A 2-1/8” x 11/12” DPS-L1TWIN Product Number DPS-L1A DPS-L1TWIN Label Size Carrier Width Core Size 4-1/4” x 11/12” 9-1/2” Fanfold/EDP Material/Adhesive Smudge Proof Flexo/Glove-Friendly Permanent Smudge Proof Litho/Glove-Friendly Permanent Qty. 5,000/BX 113 LABORATORY SUNQUEST SYSTEM LABELS Sunquest Labeling Solutions TD1-SQ4-BD TD-SQ4-XPBD TD-SQ4-BD 1” x 19/32” TD-SQ4Y-BD V-Notch™ V-Notch™ TD-SQ4­ TD1-SQ4­ TD-SQ4-XP­ DPS-SQ4 1” x 19/32” TD-SQ4YB-BD 2-1/16” x 1-3/16” TD-SQ4Y­ TD-SQ4Y-XP­ DPS-SQ4Y TD-SQ4B-BD­ V-Notch™ TD-SQ4YB TD-SQ4R-BD TD-SQ4B­ DPS-SQ4B TD-SQ4-SLBD V-Notch™ TD-SQ4R­ DPS-SQ4R­ TD-SQ4R-XP Product Number Label Size Carrier Width Core Size Wound V-Notch™ V-Notch™ TD-SQ4-SL Material/Adhesive Color Qty. TD-SQ4 3” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 4,300/RL-2RLS/BX TD1-SQ4 1” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 1,000/RL-6RLS/BX TD1-SQ4-BD 1” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 1,000/RL-6RLS/BX TD-SQ4-XP 3” Direct Thermal/ Glove-Friendly Extra Permenent White 4,300/RL-2RLS/BX TD-SQ4-XPBD 3” Direct Thermal/ Glove-Friendly Extra Permenent White 4,300/RL-2RLS/BX DPS-SQ4 3” Direct Thermal IR/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 4,300/RL-2RLS/BX TD-SQ4Y 3” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Yellow 4,300/RL-2RLS/BX TD-SQ4Y-XP 3” Direct Thermal/ Glove-Friendly Extra Permenent Yellow 4,300/RL-2RLS/BX DPS-SQ4Y 3” Direct Thermal IR/Permanent Yellow 4,300/RL-2RLS/BX TD-SQ4-BD 3” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 4,300/RL-2RLS/BX TD-SQ4Y-BD 3” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Yellow 4,300/RL-2RLS/BX TD-SQ4YB TD-SQ4YB-BD 4-1/8” x 1-3/16” 4-3/8” Out Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Yellow Border 4,300/RL-2RLS/BX 3” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Yellow Border 4,300/RL-2RLS/BX 3” TD-SQ4B 3” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Blue Border 4,300/RL-2RLS/BX TD-SQ4B-BD 3” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Blue Border 4,300/RL-2RLS/BX DPS-SQ4B 3” Direct Thermal IR/Glove-Friendly Permanent Blue Border 4,300/RL-2RLS/BX TD-SQ4R 3” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Red Border 4,300/RL-2RLS/BX TD-SQ4R-BD 3” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Red Border 4,300/RL-2RLS/BX TD-SQ4R-XP 3” Direct Thermal/ Glove-Friendly Extra Permanent Red Border 4,300/RL-2RLS/BX DPS-SQ4R 3” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Red Border 4,300/RL-2RLS/BX TD-SQ4-SL 3” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 4,300/RL-2RLS/BX TD-SQ4-SLBD 3” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 4,300/RL-2RLS/BX 114 CALL 800.435.4242 | FAX 800.321.4409 LABORATORY SUNQUEST SYSTEM LABELS Sunquest Labeling Solutions The following labels are designed specifically for Sunquest Information Systems. The BD symbol in this section indicates a V-Notch™ label, which are developed in conjunction with BD to prevent misidentification errors from unaligned labels, while facilitating accurate bar code scanning. TD-SQBLSTR TD-SQBLSTR-XP DPS-SQBLSTR 1” x 19/32” TD-SQBLSTRBD V-Notch™ 2-1/16” x 1-3/16” DPS-SQBLSRED­ TD-SQBLSRED 1” x 19/32” 1” x 19/32” TD-SQBLSR-BD 2-1/16” x 1-3/16” 1” x 19/32” V-Notch ™ LABORATORY 1” x 19/32” 2-1/16” x 1-3/16” TD1-SQ4A 2-1/16” x 1-3/16” Product Number Carrier Width Core Size Wound Material/Adhesive Color Qty. TD-SQBLSTR 4-3/16” 1-1/2” In Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 1,200/RL-8RLS/BX TD-SQBLTR-XP 4-3/16” 1-1/2” In Direct Thermal/ Glove-Friendly Extra Permanent White 1,200/RL-8RLS/BX DPS-SQBLSTR 4-3/16” 1-1/2” In Direct Thermal IR/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 1,200/RL-8RLS/BX TD-SQBLSTRBD 4-3/16” 1-1/2” In Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 1,200/RL-8RLS/BX DPS-SQBLSRED Label Size 4-1/8” x 1-3/16” 4-3/16” 1-1/2” In Direct Thermal IR/Glove-Friendly Permanent Red Border 1,200/RL-8RLS/BX TD-SQBLSRED 4-3/16” 1-1/2” In Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Red Border 1,200/RL-8RLS/BX TD-SQBLSR-BD 4-3/16” 1-1/2” In Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Red Border 1,200/RL-8RLS/BX TD1-SQ4A 4-3/8” 1” Out Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 1,000/RL-6RLS/BX “Each year more than 7 billion laboratory tests are performed in North America, influencing an estimated 70% of medical decisions.” ­ Implementation Guide for the use of Bar Code Technology in Healthcare published by HIMSS PDC Healthcare Laboratory Labels provide positive identification for superior patient safety. 115 LABORATORY SUNQUEST SYSTEM LABELS Sunquest Labeling Solutions DPS-SQBLS-SL­ TD-SQBLS-SL TD-SQBL 1” x 19/32” 2-1/16” x 1-3/16” Product Number Label Size TD-SQBLSL-BD 1” x 19/32” 2-1/16” x 1-3/16” Carrier Width Core Size Wound Material/Adhesive Qty. TD-SQBL 4-3/8” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent DPS-SQBLS-SL 4-5/16” Direct Thermal IR/Glove-Friendly Permanent TD-SQBLS-SL 4-1/8” x 1-3/16” 4-5/16” TD-SQBLSL-BD 1-1/16” x 9/16” 1-1/16” x 7/8” 1-1/2” In Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Product Number DPS-MSQ-22­ TD-MSQ-22 1,200/RL-8RLS/BX Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent 4-5/16” Label Size Carrier Width Core Size Wound Material/Adhesive Qty. Out Direct Thermal IR/ Glove-Friendly Permanent 1,200/RL-5RLS/BX DPS-MSQ-22 3-1/16” x 1-7/16” 2” x 1-7/16” 3-1/8” 3” Direct Thermal/GloveFriendly Permanent TD-MSQ-22 1-1/16” x 9/16” 1-1/16” x 9/16” TD-MSQ-23 2” x 1-7/16” Label Size 3-1/16” x 1-7/16” 1-1/16” x 9/16” Carrier Width Core Size 3-1/8” 1” 1-1/16” x 7/8” Wound Out TD-MSQ23-R Material/Adhesive Color Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White Qty. Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Extra Permanent Red Border 1,000/RL-5RLS/BX TTRS-23 1” x 1” 2” x 1” Product Number TTRS-23 Label Size 3” x 2” Carrier Width 3-1/8” Core Size 1” Wound Material/Adhesive Qty. Out Thermal Transfer Synthetic/ Glove-Friendly Permanent 1,000/RL 3” x 1” 116 TD-MSQ23-R 2” x 1-7/16” 1-1/16” x 7/8” TD-MSQ-23 TD-MSQ-23BD V-Notch™ TD-MSQ-23BD 2” x 1-7/16 1-1/16” x 7/8” Product Number 1” x 19/32” 2-1/16” x 1-3/16” V-Notch™ CALL 800.435.4242 | FAX 800.321.4409 LABORATORY SUNQUEST SYSTEM LABELS Sunquest Labeling Solutions 3/4” ­ x 3/4” 9/16” ­ x 23/32” 7-7/8” x 4-7/8” 9/16” ­ x 11/16” DPS-SQ6 3/4” ­ x 2-3/32” 9/16” ­ x 11/16” 9/16” ­ x 11/16” 9/16” ­ x 23/32” 2-1/2” x 7/8” 3/4” ­ x 2-11/32” TD1A-SQ7 LABORATORY 1-1/8” ­ x 3-1/8” 3/4” ­ x 3/4” DPS-SQ7 3/4” ­ x 2-3/16” 3-3/4” x 1-15/16” 3-3/4” x 1-1/2” 2-1/5” x 7/8” Product Number Sheet Size Carrier Width Core Size Wound Material/Adhesive Qty. DPS-SQ6 8-7/8” x 6-7/8” 11” Fanfold/EDP — Smudge Proof Flexo/Glove-Friendly Permanent 1,000/BX DPS-SQ7 8” x 5-3/8” 9” Fanfold/EDP — Smudge Proof Flexo/Glove-Friendly Permanent 1,000/BX TD1A-SQ7 3-3/4” x 6-5/8” 3-25/32” 1-1/2” In Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent 400/RL-8RLS/BX Save Time and Money! ValuePlus is the only standardization service of its kind that combines best practices for patient safety, regulatory compliance, and fiscal control. With unmatched personal attention, PDC Healthcare can guide you through a quick and convenient procurement process. TM For details, visit us online at 117 LABORATORY SUNQUEST SYSTEM LABELS Sunquest Labeling Solutions 1-1/16” x 13/32” Product Number DPS-SQ2 1-9/16” x 13/16” DPS-SQ2 Label Size 2-5/8” x 13/16” Carrier Width 4-3/4” Core Size Material/Adhesive Qty. Fanfold/EDP Smudge Proof Flexo/ Permanent 5,000/BX 3/4” ­ x 3/4” DPS-SQ3 Product Number Sheet Size Carrier Width Core Size Material/Adhesive Qty. DPS-SQ3 12” x 5” 12” Fanfold/EDP Smudge Proof Flexo/Glove-Friendly Permanent 1,000/BX DPS-SQ5 3/4” ­ x 3/4” For a complete selection of Lab Labels, visit us online at 3-3/4” x 1-15/16” 3-3/4” x 1-1/2” 118 Product Number Sheet Size Carrier Width Core Size Material/Adhesive Qty. DPS-SQ5 8” x 3-7/16” 9” Fanfold/EDP Smudge Proof Flexo/Glove-Friendly Permanen 2,000/BX CALL 800.435.4242 | FAX 800.321.4409 LABORATORY CPSI/VA SYSTEM LABELS CPSI Labeling TDWHP01 TDWXP01 TDWHP03 1” x 15/16” 2-1/2” x 15/16” 2-1/2” x 15/16” 1” x 15/16” 2-1/2” x 15/16” Label Size Carrier Width V-Notch ™ 1” x 15/16” 2-1/2” x 15/16” Wound Material/Adhesive Color Qty. TDWHP01 Out Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 5,000/RL TDWXP01 Out Direct Thermal/Extra Permanent White 5,000/RL TDRED01 Out Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Red Border 5,000/RL 5,000/RL 3-1/2” x 15/16” 3” Direct Thermal IR/Permanent Yellow Out Thermal Transfer/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 5,000/RL TD-CPSI-312A In Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 5,000/RL-2RLS/BX TD-CPSI312BD Out Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 5,000/RL-2RLS/BX LABORATORY Out TDWHP03 TDYLP01 3-5/8” Core Size 2-1/2” x 15/16” 1” x 15/16” TD-CPSI312BD TD-CPSI-312A Product Number TDYLP01 TDRED01 1” x 15/16” VA Labeling Solutions 19/32” x 1-3/8” 29/32” x 1-3/8” Product Number Label Size Carrier Width Core Size Wound Material/Adhesive Qty. DPS-CHCS 1-1/2” x 3-3/4” 1-5/8” 3” Out Direct Thermal IR/Glove-Friendly Permanent 1,000/RL-4RLS/BX DPS-CHCS 1-1/2” x 2-3/8” DPS-VA1 2-13/16” X 3/4” 2-13/16” x 9/16” 1-11/32” x 3/4” 1-11/32” x 9/16” Product Number Label Size Carrier Width Core Size Material/Adhesive Qty. DPS-VA1 8-3/16” x 1-5/16” 9-1/4” Fanfold Smudgeproof Flexo/Permanent 5,000/BX 119 LABORATORY VA SYSTEM & DYMO PRINTER LABELS VA Labeling Solutions V-Notch™ DPS-VA2 TD-VA2 1/2” x 1” 1/2” x 1” 7/8” x 1” 7/8” x 1” LVA55 TD-VA2-BD LVA43 1/2” x 1” 7/8” x 1” 1” x 1-1/4” 1” x 2” 1” x 2” 1” x 2” 1” x 2-3/4” Product Number LVA46 1-1/4” x 2-7/8” 1-1/4” x 2-7/8” Label Size Carrier Width Core Size SJCSLP10 For Dymo and CoStar only For Dymo Label Size Carrier Width LDWHP103 3/4” x 2” 1-7/32” 120 SJCSLP10 1” x 2-1/8” 1-7/32” SJCSLP11 2-1/4” x 1-1/4” 2-7/16” Core Size 1” 800/RL-4RLS/BX 2-3/8” x 4” 2-1/2” TD-VA2 2-3/8” x 4” 2-1/2” Direct Thermal/ Glove-Friendly Permanent 800/RL-4RLS/BX TD-VA2-BD 2-3/8” x 4” 2-1/2” Direct Thermal/ Glove-Friendly Permanent 800/RL-4RLS/BX Out LVA43 2-3/8” x 4” 2-1/2” Direct Thermal/ Glove-Friendly Permanent 1,400/RL-10RLS/CS LVA55 3-3/8” x 4” 3-1/2” Direct Thermal/ Glove-Friendly Permanent 800/RL LVA46 3-1/2” x 2-7/8” 3-3/4” Direct Thermal/ Glove-Friendly Permanent 1,700/RL-4RLS/CS SJCSLP11 For Dymo Product Number Qty. DPS-VA2 For Dymo/Costar Printers LDWHP103 Material/Adhesive Direct Thermal IR/ Glove-Friendly Permanent 3” 1” x .9583” Wound Wound Out Material/Adhesive Qty. Direct Thermal IR/Glove-Friendly Permanent 500/RL Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent 500/RL Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent 1,000/RL CALL 800.435.4242 | FAX 800.321.4409 LABORATORY SMS SYSTEM LABELS SMS Labeling Solutions TD-MSMS-82 TD-MSMS-82P TD-MSMS-82BD TD-MSMS-82Y V-Notch™ V-Notch™ LDWHP12B LDWHP12R LABORATORY LSMSMP TD-SMS-2A LDWHP12 LDWHP12Y 4-1/4" x 2" 2-1/8" x 1-3/8" 1-1/16" x 5/8" Product Number Label Size Carrier Width Core Size 4-5/16” TD-MSMS-82 Wound Material/Adhesive Color Qty. In Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 500/RL-4RLS/BX 500/RL-4RLS/BX TD-MSMS-82BD 4-5/16” In Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White TD-MSMS-82P 4-5/16” In Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Pink 500/RL-4RLS/BX TD-MSMS-82Y 4-5/16” In Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Yellow 500/RL-4RLS/BX LSMSMP TD-SMS-2A 4-1/4” x 6” 4-3/8” 4-3/8” 3” In Direct Thermal IR/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 500/RL-4RLS/CS Out Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 870/BX-2RLS/BX LDWHP12 4-3/8” Out Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 1,000/RL-2RLS/CS LDWHP12B 4-3/8” Out Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Blue Border 1,000/RL-2RLS/CS LDWHP12R 4-3/8” Out Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Red Boder 1,000/RL-2RLS/CS LDWHP12Y 4-3/8” Out Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Yellow Border 1,000/RL-2RLS/CS 121 LABORATORY SOFTLAB / HEALTH SCIENCE SYSTEM LABELS SoftLab Labeling Solutions V-Notch™ TD-SL1212­ TD1B-1212-XP TD-SL1212Y 7/8” x 11/16” TD-SL3 TD1-SL3 7/8” x 11/16” TD1-SL3-BD 2-1/8” x 1-3/8” 2-1/8” x 1-3/8” TD1-SL3RB TD1B1212XPBD V-Notch™ For a complete selection of Lab Labels, visit us online at 7/8” x 11/16” TD1-SL3YB 2-1/8” x 1-3/8” Product Number Label Size Carrier Width Core Size Wound Material/Adhesive Color Qty. TD-SL1212 2-1/2” x 1” 2-5/8” 3” Out Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 4,000/RL-2RLS/BX TD-SL1212Y 2-1/2” x 1” 2-5/8” 3” Out Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Yellow 4,000/RL-2RLS/BX TD1B-1212XP 2-1/2” x 1” 2-5/8” 1-5/8” In Direct Thermal/ Glove-Friendly Extra Permanent White 2,000/RL-12RLS/BX TD1B1212XPBD 2-1/2” x 1” 2-5/8” 1-5/8” In Direct Thermal/ Glove-Friendly Extra Permanent White 2,000/RL-12RLS/BX TD-SL3 3” x 1-3/8” 3-1/8” 3” Out Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 2,500/RL TD1-SL3 3” x 1-3/8” 3-1/8” 1” Out Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 1,500/RL - 3RLS/BX TD1-SL3-BD 3” x 1-3/8” 3-1/8” 1” Out Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 1,500/RL - 3RLS/BX TD1-SL3RB 3” x 1-3/8” 3-1/8” 1” Out Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Red Border 1,500/RL - 3RLS/BX TD1-SL3YB 3” x 1-3/8” 3-1/8” 1” Out Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Yellow Border 1,500/RL - 3RLS/BX For Health Science Systems LDWHP83 LDWHP141 11/16” x 7/8” 2-1/16” x 1” Product Number LDWHP141 LDWHP83 122 11/16” x 7/8” 2-1/16” x 1-1/8” Label Size 4-1/8” x 3” Carrier Width 4-1/4” 2-1/16” x 1” Core Size 1-1/2” Wound In 2-1/16” x 1-1/8” Material/Adhesive Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Color White Pink Qty. 500/RL-20RLS/CS CALL 800.435.4242 | FAX 800.321.4409 LABORATORY CITATION / MEDLAB SYSTEM LABELS Citation Labeling Solutions LTWHP52 LCIT18 1-1/8" x 3/4" 2" x 1/2" 1-1/8" x 1/2" Product Number LTREP52 LCYIT18 LTYEP52 2" x 3/4" Label Size Carrier Width Core Size Wound LTWHP52 Material/Adhesive Color Thermal Transfer/Glove-Friendly Permanent White Qty. Thermal Transfer/Glove-Friendly Permanent Yellow Thermal Transfer/Glove-Friendly Permanent Red Border LCIT18 Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White LCYIT18 Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Red Border LTYEP52 LTREP52 3-1/8” x 1-1/4” 3-1/4” 3” Out 4,200/RL-2RLS/CS DPS-MLA DPS-ML1 2-13/16” x 1-5/16” Product Number DPS-MLA DPS-ML1 Label Size 8-3/16” x 1-5/16” LABORATORY For MedLab Systems 2-11/16” x 3/4” 1-11/32” x 9/16” Carrier Width 9-1/4” Core Size Material/Adhesive Fanfold/ EDP Smudgeproof Flexo/Glove-Friendly Permanent Light Weight/Glove-Friendly Permanent Qty. 5,000/BX For Other Laboratory Information Systems LDWHP111 Product Number Label Size LDWHP111 TD-12-XP GP-1-1212 TD-114214-XP TD1-114214 TD-12-XP­ TD1-12-XP LDWHP161 2-1/8” x 1” Material/Adhesive 1-3/8” x 1” Carrier Width Core Size Wound Qty. 1-7/8” x 1-1/8” 2” 3” Out Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent 5,000/RL 2” x 1” 2-1/8” 3” Out Direct Thermal/ Glove-Friendly Extra Permanent 4,000/RL-3RLS/BX TD1-12-XP 2” x 1” 2-1/8” 1” Out Direct Thermal/ Glove-Friendly Extra Permanent 2,500/RL-4RLS/BX TD1-114214 2-1/4” x 1-1/4” 2-3/8” 1” Out Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent 1,135/RL-12RLS/BX TD-114214-XP 2-1/4” x 1-1/4” 2-3/8” 1” Out Direct Thermal/ Glove-Friendly Extra Permanent 1,135/RL-12RLS/BX GP-1-1212 2-1/2” x 1” 2-5/8” 1” In Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent 1,300/RL-8RLS/BX LDWHP161 3-1/2” x 1” 3-5/8” 3” Out Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent 5000/RL 123 LABORATORY OTHER LABORATORY INFORMATION SYSTEM LABELS For Other Laboratory Information Systems TI-138178 TI-138218 TI-1212 Product Number Label Size Carrier Width Core Size Wound TI-138178 1-7/8” x 1-3/8” 2-3/8” 1-1/2” Out TI-138218 2-1/8” x 1-3/8” 2-1/4” 3” In TI-1212 2-1/2” X 1” 2-5/8” 3” Out Material/Adhesive Qty. 1,000/RL-6RLS/BX Direct Thermal IR/ Glove-Friendly Permanent 4,000/RL-5RLS/BX 4,000/RL-4RLS/BX LDTSLTO1 LDWHP138 LDWHP368 LDWHP764 LDWXP137 4” x 3-3/4” 4” x 3-3/4” 4” x 3-3/4” 2” x 13/16” 2” x 13/16” 2” x 13/16” 2” x 15/16” 2” x 15/16” 2” x 15/16” LDWHP765 Product Number Carrier Width Core Size Wound Material/Adhesive Color Qty. LDTSLTO1 3” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Orange Border 1,000/RL LDWHP138 3” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 1,000/RL-6RLS/CS Thermal Transfer/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 1,000/RL-6RLS/CS Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 500/RL LDWHP368 LDWHP764 124 Label Size 4” x 5-1/2” 4-1/8” 3” 1” Out LDWXP137 3” Thermal Transfer/ Glove-Friendly Extra Permanent White 1,000/RL-6RLS/CS LDWHP765 1” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Orange 500/RL CALL 800.435.4242 | FAX 800.321.4409 LABORATORY OTHER LABORATORY INFORMATION SYSTEM LABELS For Other Laboratory Information Systems TD-14A TD1-14A For a complete selection of Lab Labels, visit us online at TD-14BR-P TD-14BR TD1-14 TD3-14 Label Size Carrier Width Core Size Material/Adhesive Color Qty. TD-14A 4” x 1” 4-1/8” 3” Wound Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 5,000/RL-2RLS/BX TD1-14A 4” x 1” 4-1/8” 1” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 1,500/RL-4RLS/BX TD-14BR-P 4” x 1” 4-1/8” 3” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Pink Border 5,000/RL TD-14BR 4” x 1” 4-1/8” 3” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 5,000/RL TD1-14 4” x 1” 4-1/8” 1” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 1,300/RL-4RLS/BX TD3-14 4” x 1” 4-1/8” 3” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 3,300/RL-4RLS/BX Out LABORATORY Product Number LDWHP162 LDWHPK013 2-1/2” x 1-1/4” LTPB622 2-1/8” x 1-3/8” 5/8” x 3/4” 1-7/8” x 3/4” 1-1/16” x 5/8” 15/16” x 3/4” Product Number Label Size Carrier Width Core Size LDWHP162 4-1/4” x 4” 4-3/8” 3” LDWHPK013 2-1/2” x 2-3/4” 2-5/8” 3” LTPB622 1-3/4” X 3/4” 4” 3” LDWHP01 3” X 15/16” 3-1/8” Fanfold Wound Out — 5/8” x 3/4” Varnish Strip 15/16” x 3/4” LDWHP01 Material/Adhesive Color Qty. Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 1,000/RL Thermal Transfer Synthetic/Glove-Friendly Permanent Red 1,800/RL Thermal Transfer Piggyback/Glove-Friendly Permanent White/Yellow 8,000/RL Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 7,000/CS 125 LABORATORY POINT-OF-CARE LABELING SOLUTIONS Labeling Solutions for Point-of-Care Safety Increase patient safety and assure accuracy of identification at the point-of-care. Whether it’s medication administration or specimen collection, PDC Healthcare labels help hospitals utilize the latest bar code scanning and wireless mobility products for medical care. Labeling at the point-of-collection • Provides an immediate method of positive identification • Increases accuracy of labeling specimens and containers • Can help reduce costs associated with retesting When accuracy and speed of diagnosis count, you can rely on PDC Healthcare’s point-of-care labeling solutions. For additional information, please contact your local PDC Healthcare sales representative. Compatible with Cerner Compatible with Cerner TD75-1142A­ (No Sensor Bar) TD75-1142­ TD75F-1142 TD75-1142-BD TD75-17162BD V-Notch™ V-Notch™ Compatible with Care Fusion Compatible with Sunquest Collection Manager 1” x 15/16” TD75-SQ-BD V-Notch™ TD75-23162BD V-Notch 2” x 1-1/4” 1” x 15/16” LDQL220 Product Number Label Size 2” x 1-1/4” ™ LDQLP220 Carrier Width Core Size Wound LDQLPY220 Max OD Material/Adhesive Color Qty. TD75-1142 2” x 1-1/4” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 250/RL-8RLS/BX TD75F-1142 2” x 1-1/4” Direct Thermal Synthetic/Extra Permanent White 250/RL-8RLS/BX TD75-1142A 2” x 1-1/4” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 250/RL-8RLS/BX TD75-1142-BD 2” x 1-1/4” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 250/RL-8RLS/BX TD75-17162BD 2” x 1-7/16” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 250/RL-8RLS/BX TD75-23162BD 2” x 2-3/16” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 200/RL-8RLS/BX TD75-SQ-BD 2” x 2-3/16” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 200/RL-8RLS/BX LDQL220 2” x 1” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 350/RL-36RLS/CS LDQLP220 2” x 1” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent White 350/RL-36RLS/CS LDQLYP220 2” x 1” Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent Yellow Border 350/RL-36RLS/CS 126 2-1/8” 3/4” Out 2” CALL 800.435.4242 | FAX 800.321.4409 LABORATORY ISBT BLOOD BANK LABELS ISBT Blood Labels Reduce Errors and Improve Patient Safety with ISBT Compliant Labels We can help you meet the ISBT Blood Bank standards with our complete line of blank and pre-printed labels. Available in single quadrant, double quadrant and full-face configurations, our labels are precisely sized to run easily through your thermal printer while producing accurate bar codes and eye-readable information. All our ISBT 128 Blood Bag Labels on this page are for direct blood bag application. 2” x 3/4” 59715118 59715119 59715040 59715003 59715288 Donation Identification Number ABO/Rh Blood Groups LABORATORY Expiration Date Product Code Special Testing 59715042 59715001 59715306 59715307 We also carry ribbon! Call us at (800) 435-4242 Product Number Description Label Size Carrier Width Core Size 59715118 Without Cut-out 4” x 4” 4-1/8” 3” Wound 1,000/RL 59715119 Without Cut-out, Kit 4” x 4” 4-1/8” 3” 1,000/RL-4RLS/CS, 1 RL RIBBON 59715040 With Cut-out 4” x 4” 4-1/8” 3” 1,000/RL 59715003 With Cut-out, Kit 4” x 4” 4-1/8” 3” 1,000/RL-4RLS/CS, 1 RL RIBBON 59715306 With Cut-out 4” x 2” 4-1/8” 3” 59715307 Kit 4” x 2” 4-1/8” 3” 59715042 Without Cut-out 2” x 2” 2-1/8” 3” 2,700/RL 59715001 Kit 2” x 2” 2-1/8” 3” 2,700/RL-3RLS/CS, 1 RL RIBBON 59715288 With Cut-out 4” x 4” 4-1/8” 1” 500/RL-4RLS/BX Label Size Material/ Adhesive Qty. 2” x 2” Synthetic/ Glove-Friendly Permanent Out Material/Adhesive Synthetic Thermal Transfer/ Glove-Friendly Permanent Qty. 1,750/RL 1,750/RL-4RLS/CS, 1 RL RIBBON ABO/Rh Blood Group Product Number Description ISBT 128 Bar code 59715013 A Rh POSITIVE 6200 59715012 A Rh NEGATIVE 600 59715039 B Rh POSITIVE 7300 59715038 B Rh NEGATIVE 1700 59715058 O Rh POSITIVE 5100 59715057 O Rh NEGATIVE 9500 59715023 AB Rh POSITIVE 8400 59715022 AB Rh NEGATIVE 2800 500/RL 127 LABORATORY MICROSCOPE SLIDE LABELING SOLUTIONS PDC Healthcare microscope slide solutions are available in tape and label form. Choose from white paper or tag stock, with permanent or Glove-Friendly adhesive in roll or sheet forms. They can be provided blank, imprinted with your facility and department name, or color coded in the size and thickness indicated. Accession numbering is also available. Our StainerShield® (page 130) and MicroTrax® (page 131) thermal transfer label/ribbon combination products are durable and dependable solutions for identifying patient tests. TD-MM1 DPS-MM1 Paper Slide Labels TD3-7878 TTR-7878 For a complete selection of Lab Labels, visit us online at 7/8” x 7/8” Product Number Label Size Carrier Width Core Size Wound Material/Adhesive Qty. 5,000/RL3RLS/BX 7,400/RL3RLS/BX TD3-7878 7/8” x 7/8” 4” 3” Direct Thermal/GloveFriendly Permanent TTR-7878 7/8” x 7/8” 4” 1-1/2” Thermal Transfer/GloveFriendly Permanent TD-MM1 3-1/4” x 6” 3-3/8” 3” Direct Thermal/GloveFriendly Permanent 3” Direct Thermal IR/GloveFriendly Permanent Out DPS-MM1 DPS-AP1 3-1/4” x 6” 3-3/8” 1” x 15/16” 1” x 3” 1,000/RL8RLS/BX 15/16” x 15/16” Product Number Label Size Carrier Width Core Size Material/Adhesive Qty. DPS-AP1 15/16” x 15/16” 7” Fanfold/EDP Smudgeproof Litho/Glove-Friendly Permanent 25,000/BX SLIDE24 15/16” x 15/16” TTR-PN-1516 TD1-PN-1516 Product Number 15/16” x 15/16” TTR-1516 Carrier Width Core Size SLIDE24 4-1/4” TD1-PN-1516 4” TTR-PN-1516 TTR-1516 128 Label Size 15/16” x 15/16” 15/16” x 15/16” 15/16” x 15/16” Wound Material/Adhesive 3” Out Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent 20,000/RL 1” Out Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent 1,800/RL-4RLS/BX 4” 3” In Thermal Transfer/Glove-Friendly Permanent 7,400/RL-3RLS/BX 4” 1-1/2” Out Thermal Transfer/Glove-Friendly Permanent 7,400/RL-3RLS/BX CALL 800.435.4242 | FAX 800.321.4409 Qty. LABORATORY MICROSCOPE SLIDE LABELING SOLUTIONS Synthetic Slide Labels 7/8” x 7/8” SLIDE64 Product Number TTRS-3-1516 Label Size Carrier Width Core Size SLIDE64 7/8” x 7/8” 4” 3” TTRS-3-1516 15/16” x 15/16” 3-1/16” 1” SLIDE68 3-3/4” x 15/16” 3-7/8” 1” Wound Out 15/16” x 15/16” SLIDE68 Material/Adhesive Qty. Thermal Transfer Synthetic/Permanent 20,000/RL Thermal Transfer Synthetic/Permanent 6,000/RL Direct Thermal Synthetic/Permanent 1,800/RL Stock & Custom Microscope Labels - Roll Form Product Number Description MRS-78 Stock - Roll Form MRSC-78 Custom - Roll Form* Label Size Carrier Width 7/8” x 7/8” Core Size 5” Wound Material/Adhesive Qty. Out Smudgeproof Litho/ Glove-Friendly Permanent 1,000/RL 1” 15/16” x 15/16” Stock Custom MRS-78 MRSC-78 *Imprint can be on the top or bottom of the label. LABORATORY Stock & Custom Microscope Labels - Sheet Form Stock Custom 7/8” x 7/8” 7/8” x 7/16” 7/8” x 7/8” 7/8” x 7/16” MSS-78 MSS-38 MST-78 (Tag) MSSC-38 MSSC-78 MST-38 (Tag) Sheet Size Product Number Sheet Form Label Size Labels/ Sheet Material/Adhesive Qty. MSS-38 Stock 7/8” x 7/16” 80 Smudgeproof Litho/Glove-Friendly Permanent 13 SHTS/BX MST-38 Stock 7/8” x 7/16” 80 Tag/Glove-Friendly Permanent 13 SHTS/BX MSS-78 Stock 7/8” x 7/8” 40 Smudgeproof Litho/Glove-Friendly Permanent 25 SHTS/BX MST-78 Stock 7/8” x 7/8” 40 Tag/Glove-Friendly Permanent 25 SHTS/BX MSSC-38 Custom* 7/8” x 7/16” 80 Smudgeproof Litho/Glove-Friendly Permanent 13 SHTS/BX MSTC-38 Custom* 7/8” x 7/16” 80 Tag/Glove-Friendly Permanent 13 SHTS/BX MSSC-78 Custom* 7/8” x 7/8” 40 Smudgeproof Litho/Glove-Friendly Permanent 25 SHTS/BX MSTC-78 Custom* 7/8” x 7/8” 40 Tag/Glove-Friendly Permanent 25 SHTS/BX 5” x 7-9/10” MSTC-38 (Tag) MSTC-78 (Tag) *Imprint can be on the top or bottom of the label. 129 LABORATORY MICROSCOPE SLIDE LABELING SOLUTIONS StainerShied® Slide Labels are Xylene and Stain Resistant! StainerShield® Slide Labeling Solutions Tired of spending valuable time and money on misidentified specimens, redraw samples and repeat testing? StainerShield® slide labels are a simplified solution to the complex problem of properly identifying and tracking specimen slides in a laboratory environment. Lab technicians can now print on-demand patient-specific labels and apply them to tissue and specimen slides as the slides are produced, before they go through the stainer. No over laminate flap, UV ink, or etching system is needed. These labels can be printed on-demand using standard desktop thermal printers. In one simple printing step, technicians can print slide labels with both text and bar codes – including 2D bar codes – that contain data directly from the lab’s information system. Product Number TDSS1-1-7878 TDSS15-17878 TDSS3-1-7878 Label Size Carrier Width TDSS1-1-7878 TDSS15-17878 Wound Max OD 1” 7/8” x 7/8” 1” 1-1/2” TDSS3-1-7878 4-13/32” In 4-13/32” 3” Product Number TDSS1-2-7878 TDSS15-27878 TDSS3-2-7878 Core Size Label Size Carrier Width TDSS1-2-7878 TDSS15-27878 TDSS1-4-1278 TDSS3-4-1278 TDSS1-4-1516 TDSS3-4-1516 Core Size Qty. StainerShield® Direct Thermal/Glove-Friendly Permanent 1,800/RL-4RLS/BX Wound Material/Adhesive Qty. In StainerShield® Direct Thermal/ Glove-Friendly Permanent 3,600/RL-2RLS/BX 1” 7/8” x 7/8” 2” TDSS3-2-7878 TDSS1-4-7878 TDSS3-4-7878 5” Material/Adhesive 1-1/2” 3” Carrier Width Core Size Product Number Label Size TDSS1-4-7878 7/8” x 7/8” 1” TDSS3-4-7878 7/8” x 7/8” 3” TDSS1-4-1278 7/8” x 1/2” TDSS3-4-1278 7/8” x 1/2” Product Number Label Size TDSS1-4-1516 TDSS3-4-1516 15/16” x 15/16” 4” Wound In 1” 3” Carrier Width 3-7/8” Core Size Wound 1” 3” Custom StainerShield® labels are available in: yellow, pink & light blue. Contact your PDC Healthcare Sales Representative for more details. (800) 435-4242 130 CALL 800.435.4242 | FAX 800.321.4409 Material/ Adhesive StainerShield® Direct Thermal/ Glove-Friendly Permanent Material/ Adhesive StainerShield Direct Thermal/GloveFriendly Permanent Qty. 7,200/RL-1RL/BX Qty. ® In 7,200/RL-1RL/BX LABORATORY MICROSCOPE SLIDE LABELING SOLUTIONS IDguard® Slide Labeling Solutions TD15A-1516 15/16” x 15/16” Product Number TD3-7878A Label Size Carrier Width TD15A-1516 15/16” x 15/16” TD3-7878A 7/8” x 7/8” 4” Core Size 1-1/2” 3” Wound Material/Adhesive Qty. Out Direct Thermal/ Glove-Friendly Permanent 5,000/RL-3RLS/BX Carrier Width 15/16” x 15/16” Core Size 3-7/8” 4” Wound Material/Adhesive Qty. Out Direct Thermal/ Glove-Friendly Permanent 1,800/RL-4RLS/BX For Thermal Transfer Solutions, see page 155. MicroTrax Slide Labeling Solutions ® MICROTRXLBL4 LABORATORY Label Size TD1-PN-1516 2,500/RL-4RLS/BX Recommended for Cerner Millenium Software Systems TD1-PN-1516 Product Number 7/8” x 7/8” 7/8” x 7/8” Labels for MicroTrax® Printers Product Number Label Size Carrier Width Core Size MICROTRXLBL4 7/8” x 7/8” 4” 1-1/2” Wound Material/Adhesive Qty. In Thermal Transfer Synthetic/Glove-Friendly Permanent 7,400/RL-3RLS/BX Thermal Transfer Ribbons Product Number Ribbon Size For Use With Formula Qty. MICROTRXRBN4 4.25” x 5,496’ MICROTRXLBL4 Labels Wax (High Mark) 1EA Kits: Label and Ribbon Combinations Product Number Box Contents MCRTRXLBLRBN (3) rolls of MICROTRXLBL4 labels and (1) MICROTRXRBN4 ribbon 131 LABORATORY MICROSCOPE SLIDE LABELING SOLUTIONS Custom Imprinted Accession Numbered Slide Labels CMSST-38 Can also customize 15/16” x 15/16” labels. CMSST-78 CMSTT-78 Product Number Label Size CMSST-38 7/8” x 7/16” Sheet Size CMSST-78 7/8” x 7/8” CMSTT-78 7/8” x 7/8” 00 No. M MM The year The abbreviation for number One letter Two letters Labels/Sheet Material/Adhesive Style 80 Smudgeproof Litho/Permanent Thin Tablet 40 Smudgeproof Litho/Permanent Thin Tablet 40 100# Tag/Permanent Thick Tablet 5” x 7-9/10” Minimum order: 10,000 labels Product Number Label Size Carrier Width Core Size Wound Material/Adhesive Qty. CVR-58 5/8” x 7/8” 3/4” 3” Out Laminated Synthetic/Glove-Friendly Permanent 1,000/RL Minimum order: 10,000 labels CNB-1024-R (Butt Cut) CNS-0824-R (Stripped) Product Number Style CNB-1024-R Roll CNB-1024-T Sheet CNS-0824-R Roll CNS-0824-T Sheet Label Size Material/Adhesive Qty. 1,000/RL 1-1/2” x 5/8” Smudgeproof Flexo/Permanent 1-1/2” x 1/2” 1,000/BX 1,000/RL 1,000/BX Minimum Order: 10 rolls or 10,000 labels Custom Imprinted Accession Numbered Tape Product Number Tape Imprint Size Core Size Material/Adhesive Roll Size CNR-10 1/2” x 1-1/2” 1” Time Tape /Removable 1/2” x 750” ® Minimum Order: 12 rolls. 132 CALL 800.435.4242 | FAX 800.321.4409 LABORATORY CONSECUTIVE NUMBER LABELS / TAMPER-EVIDENT LABELS & TAPE Consecutive Number Labels Beginning Ending No. 00001 No. 01000 CNL010 (P) Beginning Ending Beginning No. 00001 No. 01000 No. 00001 No. 01000 No. 00001 No. 01000 No. 00001 No. 01000 No. 00001 No. 01000 CNL020 (P) Ending CNL030 (P) Beginning Ending Beginning Ending No. 00001 No. 01000 No. 00001 No. 01000 No. 00001 No. 01000 No. 00001 No. 01000 No. 00001 No. 01000 No. 00001 No. 01000 No. 00001 No. 01000 No. 00001 No. 01000 CNL040 (P) No. 00001 (P) = Permanent Adhesive (R) = Removable Adhesive Product Number Qty. CNL010 1,000/RL CNL020 2,000/RL CNL030 No. 01000 Label Size 1-1/4” x 5/16” 3,000/RL CNL040 4,000/RL CNL050 5,000/RL CNL050 (P) LABORATORY Tamper-Evident Labels & Tape Ideal for labeling various specimens and containers. These labels provide a cost-effective means of security where tamper-evident seals are necessary. For a complete selection of Tamper-Evident Labels & Tape, visit us online at DATE INITIALS PRODUCT CODE: TRL-61 TRL-61 — Red DO NOT USE IF PROTECTIVE SEAL IS BROKEN TRL-2N — Red DO NOT USE IF PROTECTIVE SEAL IS BROKEN TRL-1 — White/Red Product Number Label Size Carrier Width Core Size Material/Adhesive Qty. TRL-61 6-1/2” x 1-1/2” 1-1/2” 1” Acetate/Permanent 200/RL-1 RL/BX TRL-2N 6” x 1/2” 6-1/2” Sheeted Acetate/Permanent 1,000/BX TRL-1 4-1/8” x 1/2” 4-1/4” Sheeted Light Weight/Permanent 1,000/BX TAMPER RESISTANT TAPE Product Number Tape Imprint Size Roll Size HCL8006 1” x 7” 1” x 1,296” HCL8006 — Red 133 LABORATORY COLOR CIRCLES & SPECIALTY TAPE Circle Labels Circle labels are ideal for a variety of uses in the laboratory - from alerting staff to conditions needing attention, to general direction of specimen flow and urgency. C-1A ­— White C-2A ­— Yellow C-5A ­— Red C-20A ­— Dk. Blue C-1FA ­— Fl. Pink C-7A ­— Blue C-2FA ­— Fl. Green C-13A ­— Lavender C-3FA ­— Fl. Orange Label Size Core Size Carrier Width Material/Adhesive Qty. 3/4” Circles 1” 7/8” Smudgeproof Litho/Permanent 1,000/RL Hi-Lo Temp Tape This product can withstand temperatures as high as +550 oF and as low as -384.8oF. The unique self-adhesive tape may be subjected to various testing equipment such as ovens, sterilizers, and incubators. Hi-Lo temp tape combines great strength with durability and has a textured surface that may be stamped or written on with a carbon pencil. Product Number Tape Width AT-312 1/2” AT-334 3/4” AT-301 1” Core Size Material/Adhesive Roll Size 1/2” x 300” 1” Temp Tape/Permanent 3/4” x 300” 1” x 300” Red Border Tape Product Number Tape Imprint Size Roll Size Rolls/Box RB-534 3/4” x 1” Core Size 3/4” x 500” 16 RB-501 1” x 1-5/8” 1” x 500” 12 RB-5112 1-1/2” x 2-1/2” 1-1/2” x 500” 8 RB-502 2” x 3” 2” x 500” 6 1” Material/Adhesive Time Tape®/ Permanent See Inside Back Cover for a PMS Color Guide of Fluorescent Label Colors on this Page. 134 CALL 800.435.4242 | FAX 800.321.4409 LABORATORY TIME TAPE® STOCK & CUSTOM Time Tape® — the toughest, most reliable labeling tape in the industry! Time Tape® Stock Time Tape® 2160” Rolls Stock Time Tape® 500” Rolls Stock Time Tape® in 500” Rolls - Available in the 18 stock colors shown below Product Number Tape Width Core Size Qty. T-512 1/2” T-534 3/4” T-501 1” 1” 500”/RL T-5112 1-1/2” T-502 2” Stock Time Tape® in 2160” Rolls - Available in the 18 stock colors shown below Product Number Tape Width Core Size Qty. T-1260 1/2” T-3460 3/4” T-160 1” 3” 2160”/RL T-11260 1-1/2” T-260 2” 1 - White 2 - Yellow 3 - Green 4 - Pink 5 - Red 6 - Orange 7 - Blue 12 - Violet 13 - Lavender 14 - Grey 15 - Lime 16 - Aqua 17- Chartreuse 18 - Black 8 - Tan 9 - Salmon 10 - Copper 11 - Rose To order, add the “color number” to the end of the product number. For example, 1/2” x 500” in green is T-512-3. Time Tape®, 500” Rainbow Packs Tape Width Colors per Box Box Qty. T-512-RP 1/2” (5) White, (4) Yellow, (3) Blue, (3) Green, (3) Orange, (3) Red, (3) Pink 24 Rolls T-534-RP 3/4” (4) White, (2) Yellow, (2) Blue, (2) Green, (2) Orange, (2) Red, (2) Pink 16 Rolls T-501-RP 1” (2) White, (2) Yellow, (2) Blue, (2) Green, (1) Orange, (2) Red, (1) Pink 12 Rolls Time Tape ® is also available in a convenient Rainbow Pack, which contains assorted rolls of 500” tape. The Rainbow Pack is available in three widths and priced per box. Order in full box quantities. CUSTOM COLORS Time Tape ® can also be manufactured to match your specific color requirements. When ordering custom imprinted Time Tape ®, please specify the following: 1) Length of the roll and quantity: q 500” q 2160” 1/2” W 3/4” W Minimum Qty. (500”) Minimum Qty. (2,160”) 2) Width of the roll: q 1/2” q 3/4” 24 12 q 1” 24 8 q 1-1/2” 1” W 24 6 1-1/2” W 24 8 2” W 24 6 q 2” 3) Repeat length of the imprint: Repeat length is the distance from the beginning of one imprint to the beginning of the next imprint. REPEAT REPEAT REPE (The repeat length is = 1-1/2”) YOUR IMPRINT HERE 7) Reverse Plates: hen a light colored type on a dark background is needed, W there is an additional 25% tinting charge. 8) Perforation: dd an additional 10% to the tape price for perforations A between imprints. 9) Special Logos: ustom logos or unique graphics/type are subject to an C additional plate charge of $35.00 for one color and $50.00 for two colors. 10) Proof: Upon written request with your purchase order, we will supply a one-color proof of your label. This proof must be returned within 30 days with your approval before the order can be processed. Proof orders that are cancelled will be billed for all production charges incurred prior to cancellation. 4) Exact wording needed: For best results, include a sample or a sketch 5) Tape Color: Choose from one of the 18 colors shown above. 6) Color Matching: ny color not selected from the 18 shown above is subject A to a $25.00 ink matching charge. Add 20% for each additional imprint ink color. Call your PDC Healthcare representative at (800) 435-4242 for more details. 135 LABORATORY Stock Time Tape® in 500” Rolls - Rainbow Pack Product Number LABORATORY STAT / SPECIMEN LABELS STAT Labels STAT Label Size Roll Qty. Label Size Roll Qty. 1-1/4” x 3/8” 1,000 1-1/2” x 1/2” 1,000 59702043 ­— Fl. Red (P) 59704101 ­— Fl. Red (P) 59701020 ­— White/Red Border (P) STAT LSTAT39 ­— White (P) Bar-codes 39 STAT Label Size Roll Qty. 1-1/2” x 1/2” 250 Label Size Roll Qty. 1-5/8” x 7/8” 1,000 59702048 ­— Fl. Red (P) LSTAT128 ­— White (P) Bar-codes 128 59704098 ­— Fl. Red (P) STAT Label Size Roll Qty. 2-1/4” x 7/8” 1,000 59701116 ­— Fl. Red (P) Specimen Labels FROZEN SPECIMEN FROZEN SPECIMEN DELIVER IMMEDIATELY 59704084 ­— Fl. Pink (P) FROZEN SPECIMEN Roll Qty. 2-1/4” x 7/8” 1,000 59704123 ­— Fl. Yellow (P) 59704131 ­— Fl. Red (P) SHARED SPECIMEN Label Size FROZEN SPECIMEN 59702045 ­— Fl. Red (P) Label Size Roll Qty. 1-1/4” x 3/8” 1,000 PRIORITY SPECIMEN 59704107 ­— Fl. Yellow (P) PEDIATRIC SPECIMEN 59704041 ­— Fl. Yellow (P) 59704126 ­— Fl. Yellow (P) See Inside Back Cover for a PMS Color Guide of Fluorescent Label Colors on this Page. 136 CALL 800.435.4242 | FAX 800.321.4409 (P) = Permanent Adhesive (R) = Removable Adhesive LABORATORY INVENTORY MANAGEMENT / LOT CONTROL LABELS Inventory Management/Lot Control Labels DATE RECEIVED DO NOT USE THIS LOT NUMBER 59704156 ­— Fl. Red (P) NEW LOT Record # in Log before using 59713392 ­— Yellow (P) NEW LOT DO NOT USE 59702206 ­— Fl. Orange (P) Date Opened______________ Exp. Date_________________ 59702218 ­— Yellow (P) Date Received Date Opened Date Opened Exp. Date DATE 59713383 ­— Fl. Green (P) INIT 59704160 ­— Green (P) Exp. Date Control Exp. Date Label Size Roll Qty. 1-5/8” x 7/8” 1,000 59704163 ­— Blue (P) Label Size Roll Qty. 2-1/4” x 7/8” 1,000 LABORATORY REVISED EXPIRATION Date_________Time_________ THIS LOT IS READY FOR USE Date Rec'd________________ For a complete selection of Lab Labels, visit us online at 59702193 ­— White (P) THIS LOT IS READY FOR USE DATE INITIALS 59704159 ­— Green (P) Label Size Roll Qty. 3” x 1-3/4” 500 DATE RECEIVED DO NOT USE THIS LOT NUMBER 59704155 ­— Fl. Red (P) See Inside Back Cover for a PMS Color Guide of Fluorescent Label Colors on this Page. 137 LABORATORY REFRIGERATION / BLOOD LABELS Storage Condition Labels Store at Room Temperature REFRIGERATE 59712785 ­— Fl. Green (P) FROZEN REFRIGERATE 59704138 ­— Blue (P) 59704139 ­— Fl. Yellow (P) DO NOT REFRIGERATE Roll Qty. 1,000 59704127 ­— Fl. Pink (P) REFRIGERATE 59702057 ­— Fl. Green (P) Label Size 1-1/4” x 3/8” Label Size Roll Qty. 2” x 3/4” 1,000 59704143 ­— Fl. Yellow (P) REFRIGERATE ON ARRIVAL REFRIGERATE 59704132 ­— Fl. Yellow (P) 59714047 ­— Fl. Yellow (P) Label Size Roll Qty. Label Size Roll Qty. 2-7/8” x 7/8” 1,000 2-1/4” x 7/8” 1,000 Blood Labels Blood labels on this page are not intended for direct application on blood bags. They are to be applied on the blood bag base label. ABO & Rh CONFIRMED Date / Tech. Label Size Roll Qty. 2” x 3/4” 1,000 59702016 ­— Fl. Pink (P) Label Size Roll Qty. 1-1/4” x 3/8” 1,000 59702223 ­— Fl. Pink (P) ABO GROUP CONFIRMED Rh OF NEGATIVE UNITS CONFIRMED DATE/TECH 59702012 ­— Yellow (P) UNCROSSMATCHED BLOOD Label Size Roll Qty. 2-1/4” x 7/8” 1,000 59702066 ­— Fl. Red (P) CORD BLOOD 59702224 ­— Fl. Yellow (P) CORD BLOOD CORD BLOOD Baby's Name Baby's ID # Mother Birthdate Type Sex M Time Nurse Initials 59702225 ­— Fl. Yellow (P) See Inside Back Cover for a PMS Color Guide of Fluorescent Label Colors on this Page. 138 F CALL 800.435.4242 | FAX 800.321.4409 Label Size Roll Qty. 2-7/8” x 7/8” 1,000 LABORATORY HAZARD COMMUNICATION LABELS Hazard Communication Labeling Solutions When dealing with any biohazard materials, Hazard Communication Labels from PDC Healthcare ensure safety and efficiency. In accordance with various federal and state regulations, these Hazard Communication Labels quickly identify containers, rooms and materials. Any Hazard Communication Label can be customized in the size and design that you require. 59702960 ­— Fl. Red (P) LABORATORY BH-405 ­— Fl. Red (P) 59704555 ­— Fl. Red (P) 59702956 ­— Fl. Red (P) 59701557 ­— Fl. Orange (P) 59712724 ­— Fl. Red (P) BH-11 ­— Fl. Red (P) BH-55 ­— Fl. Red (P) 59704557 ­— Fl. Red (P) 59704971 ­— Fl. Orange (P) Product Number Label Size Qty. Product Number Label Size Qty. 59704555 2” x 3” 500/RL 59704557 6”x 6” 50/PK BH-405 2” x 3” 500/RL 59704971 6”x 6” 50/PK 59702960 2-1/4” x 7/8” 1,000/RL BH-55 5” x 5” 250/RL 59702956 3” x 3” 500/RL 59712724 1-1/4” x 3/8” 1,000/RL 59701557 3” x 3” 500/RL BH-11 1” x 1” 1,000/RL See Inside Back Cover for a PMS Color Guide of Fluorescent Label Colors on this Page. (P) = Permanent Adhesive (R) = Removable Adhesive 139 LABORATORY GENERAL PURPOSE LABELS / TAPE Equipment Status Labels DEFECTIVE DEFECTIVE MAINTENANCE REQUIRED DATE: DO NOT USE TECH: Comments: WO# PROBLEM: CLEANED —— CHECKED DATE: STATUS: BY: By: 59701652 ­— Fl. Red (R) 59701653 ­— Fl. Red (P) Date: 59701756 ­— White (R) Label Size Roll Qty. Label Size Roll Qty. 2-1/2” x 2-1/2” 500 2” x 3/4” 1,000 Label Size Roll Qty. 2-1/4” x 7/8” 1,000 Radioactive Warning Tape RA-1 - Yellow Product Number RA-4 - Yellow Tape Imprint Size RA-1 1” x 3” RA-4 3/4” x 3” Core Size Material/Adhesive Roll Size Qty. 1” Time Tape®/ Removable 1” x 500” 166 Imprints/500”RL-12RLS/BX 3/4” x 500” 166 Imprints/500”RL-16RLS/BX Fomalin Labels 10% FORMALIN CAUTION: CONTAINS FORMALDEHYDE Toxic by inhalation and if swallowed, irritating to the eyes, respiratory system and skin. May cause sensitization by inhalation or skin contact. Risk of serious damage to eyes. Potential cancer hazard. Repeated or prolonged exposure increases the risk. 59707959 ­— Fl. Red (P) 10% FORMALIN CAUTION: CONTAINS FORMALDEHYDE Toxic by inhalation and if swallowed, irritating to the eyes, respiratory system and skin. May cause sensitization by inhalation or skin contact. Risk of serious damage to eyes. Potential cancer hazard. Repeated or prolonged exposure increases the risk. 59707946 ­— Fl. Pink (P) See Inside Back Cover for a PMS Color Guide of Fluorescent Label Colors on this Page. 140 CALL 800.435.4242 | FAX 800.321.4409 (P) = Permanent Adhesive (R) = Removable Adhesive LABORATORY GENERAL PURPOSE LABELING Reagent Label Reagent Prep. Date Exp. Date Storage Room Initials For a complete selection of Lab Labels, visit us online at Refrig. Label Size Roll Qty. 3” x 1-5/8” 1,000 LFWHG02 ­— White (P) Other Preprinted Labels SERUM PLASMA 59704022 ­— Fl. Red (P) 59704043 ­— Fl. Green (P) 59704042 ­— Fl. Yellow (P) 59704023 ­— Fl. Pink (P) Label Size Roll Qty. 1-1/4” x 3/8” 1,000 1/2 59713388 ­— Fl. Yellow (P) HOUR LABORATORY EXTRA TUBE LINE DRAW FASTING PLASMA 1 HOUR 2 HOUR Signature Identifier Date Time MV04FO3395P Label Size Roll Qty. 2-1/4” x 1” 420 3 HOUR MV04FO3395P ­— Fl. Orange (P) 4 HOUR 5 HOUR 59707939 ­— Fl. Yellow (P) Label Size Roll Qty. 4” x 2-5/8” 375 MV09FP1027 ­— Fl. Pink (R) Label Size Roll Qty. 1-1/4” x 1/2” 8 LABELS/SHT100 SHTS/PK See Inside Back Cover for a PMS Color Guide of Fluorescent Label Colors on this Page. 141 LABORATORY CUSTOM LABELING PDC Healthcare is your expert in custom labels Select Your Label Size, Color and Text on page 143 and we’ll print it! Patient Name ______________________ DOB ________ Medications at admission: printed version. From sketch... _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ __________________________________ ____________ Doctor/Nurse Date Simplify your job by creating your own custom message labels. • Save Time – eliminate time spent writing the same message • Reduce Errors – clearly communicate your message • Get Attention – choose from available fluorescent and brightly-colored materials to print your message on so it doesn’t get overlooked. See inside back cover for a PMS color guide of Fluorescent colors. • Low Minimum Quantity – minimum quantity as low as 1 roll of 500 labels To order today, call us (800) 435-4242 or download the order form online at Specialty Custom Labels Lidocaine 1% With more than 55 years of experience, PDC Healthcare is your expert in designing and producing the exact healthcare labels to meet your facility’s specific needs. Give us your specifications and we’ll create the labeling solution for you at the most economic cost. Our portfolio of labeling solutions includes: Sterile Medication Labels Computer Generated System Labels Label/Form Combination Sheets Bar-codes Labels HIPAA Compliant Self-Shred IV Labels Self-Laminating Labels LIDOCAINE Property Asset Tags Date Time Consecutive Numbers Flags and Tags Tape Tapes and More . . . Property of: : EXP. DATE Lidocaine 1% w/ Sodium Bicarb EXP. TIME : EXP. DATE Omnipaque 300 EXP. TIME Time: 14:23 : EXP. DATE Omnipaque 240 Known Allergies: Latex, gluten EXP. TIME Current Medications: Zoloft : EXP. DATE Visipaque 320 EXP. TIME % : EXP. DATE 0.9% Sodium Chloride Init. EXP. TIME HIPAA Compliant Self-shred IV Labels No. 0001 No. 0001 0123456789 No. 0002 No. 0002 No. 0003 No. 0003 No. 0004 No. 0004 No. 0005 No. 0005 YOUR MESSAGE HERE 142 Admission Date: 8/15/2006 DOB: 04/04/1952 ABC Hospital Property Asset Tags Flags Patient Name: John Smith EXP. TIME Consecutive Numbers : EXP. DATE Sterile Labels Oakdale Hospital Pharmacy 1392 W. 4th St. (800) 555-4983 Oakdale, IL 60517 CAUTION: Federal law prohibits transfer of this drug to any person other than patient for whom prescribed. Computer Generated System Labels Call us (800) 435-4242 for a FREE quote today! CALL 800.435.4242 | FAX 800.321.4409 LABORATORY CUSTOM LABELING Create your own custom printed message labels! Pick a size and sketch your design within the appropriate label size below (use a separate form for each unique label). Length of message will determine type size. 1) Select Your Label Size 1. 3˝ x 1-3/4˝ 6. 3˝ x 7/8˝ 7. 2-7/8˝ x 7/8˝ 2. 1-5/8˝ x 7/8˝ 8. 2-1/4˝ x 7/8˝ 4. 1-1/2˝ x 1/2˝ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5. 1-1/4˝ x 5/16˝ LABORATORY 3. 1-1/4˝ x 3/8˝ Sketch desired imprint within the sizes — One time typesetting charge of $16.95. Product Number Label Size Roll Qty. 59726003 59726007 59726001 59726000 59726006 59726009 59726002 59726008 3” x 1-3/4” 1-5/8” x 7/8” 1-1/2” x 1/2” 1-1/4” x 3/8” 1-1/4” x 5/16” 3” x 7/8” 2-7/8” x 7/8” 2-1/4” x 7/8” 500 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 2) Select Your Label Color Additional options: • Any size • Up to 4 ink colors • Any logos or graphics (please provide a clear black and white copy) • Transparent labels Call (800) 435-4242 for a custom quote! 4) Select Your Border Color Fluorescent Green Light Green Fluorescent Orange Light Blue Fluorescent Pink Pink Fluorescent Yellow Yellow Fluorescent Red White See Inside Back Cover for a PMS Color Guide of Fluorescent Label Colors on this Page. 3) Select Your Ink Color* Red Green No Border 5) Select Your Label Color Permanent - Removable - Adheres firmly to most surfaces. Removes easily, leaving little or no residue. 6) Select Your Label Color Quantity of rolls ___________________(minimum 1 roll) 7) Select Your Font Style Reflex Blue Green (PMS 342) Helvetica Times New Roman Black Red (PMS 185) Helvetica Bold Times New Roman Bold Brush Script *For fluorescent material, black ink only. YES, I would like to start saving today! Account No. __________________________ PO # _ ______________________________ Ordered By___________________________ Title_ ______________________________ Phone _ _____________________________ Fax _________________________________ Facility _ _____________________________ Dept. _______________________________ Check One: q BILL ME Street ____________________________ P.O. Box _______________________________ Card Number __________________________________________ “VCODE”____________ City _________________________________ State _________ Zip _ _________________ Expiration Date _____________ Print Name _ ___________________________________ Email _ __________________________________________________________________ Signature _________________________________________________________________ q VISA q MASTERCARD q AMEX 143