Energy Economics 101 (2021) 105418 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Energy Economics journal homepage: Three-factor commodity forward curve model and its joint P and Q dynamics Sergiy Ladokhin, Svetlana Borovkova ∗ Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands ARTICLE INFO JEL classification: Q41 G13 G17 C13 C30 C51 Keywords: Commodity forward curve Derivatives pricing Oil futures Joint dynamics model Kalman filter Brent oil futures ABSTRACT In this paper, we propose a new framework for modeling commodity forward curves. The proposed model describes the dynamics of fundamental driving factors simultaneously under physical (π ) and risk-neutral (π) probability measures. Our model is an extension of the forward curve model by Borovkova and Geman (2007), into several directions. It is a three-factor model, incorporating the synthetic spot price, based on liquidly traded futures, stochastic level of mean reversion and an analog of the stochastic convenience yield. We develop an innovative calibration mechanism based on the Kalman filtering technique and apply it to a large set of Brent oil futures. Additionally, we investigate properties of the time-dependent market price of risk in oil markets. We apply the proposed modeling framework to derivatives pricing, risk management and counterparty credit risk. Finally, we outline a way of adjusting the proposed model to account for negative oil futures prices observed recently due to coronavirus pandemic. 1. Introduction 1.1. Motivation Commodities is a popular and continuously growing asset class, interesting not only for commodity producers and consumers, but also for institutional investors. Commodity derivatives markets exhibit a multibillion yearly trading volumes. Trading or investing in commodities is, however, a risky business: due to new technological developments in commodities production and rapidly changing geopolitical landscape, commodity prices show extreme moves, high volatility and dynamic correlations with other asset classes. A quest by academics as well as practitioners for realistic commodity price models is far from over. The following recent example shows the potential impact of model risk on financial institutions involved in commodity markets. On September 10, 2018, a major default had happened on NASDAQ Central Counterparty (CCP) Clearing (Stafford, 2018; Nasdaq-Clearing, 2018). The default of energy trader Einar Aas results in exhausting of multiple capital buffers in the CCP default waterfall, namely variation margin, initial margin, default fund contribution, dedicated NASDAQ resources, as well as default fund contribution of other members. In a way, this resulted in a near default situation for NASDAQ CCP, one of the major clearing houses in the world. The losses were caused by more than expected loss in the spread trade in European electricity futures. Although it is hard to pinpoint exact reasons for the default of Einar Aas’s firm, it is clear that problems in modeling of energy futures were partly to blame. This shows how important commodity price models (and especially futures price models) are for internal risk management of financial institutions as well as for the stability of financial system as a whole. It is evident that there is a need for realistic and advanced models for the forward curve dynamics to be used as a core of the market-risk and counterparty-credit risk systems used across financial institutions involved in energy derivatives trading. 1.2. Commodity forward curves Commodity forward curves – collections of futures prices for a range of maturities – are fundamental objects that are at the center of commodity trading and risk management. Futures prices are the result of liquid trading of a large number of market participants and provide an excellent mechanism of price discovery. This is particularly true for crude oil futures — the most liquid futures contracts in the world. Commodity producers and consumers are exposed to the movements in futures prices more than to movements in the spot price. Furthermore, futures prices reveal the parameters of the risk-neutral measure, necessary for pricing commodity derivatives. Commodity futures prices can demonstrate complex patterns (see Fig. 1 for examples of different shapes of oil forward curves). Crude ∗ Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: (S. Ladokhin), (S. Borovkova). Received 5 February 2021; Received in revised form 17 June 2021; Accepted 25 June 2021 Available online 3 July 2021 0140-9883/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( Energy Economics 101 (2021) 105418 S. Ladokhin and S. Borovkova oil forward curves can be in the so-called backwardation, when futures that expire soon are more expensive than those expiring later — something not often observed in other markets. The opposite situation is called contango. For seasonal commodities such as gas, electricity or agricultural commodities, forward curves can exhibit maturity-related seasonal patterns. So modeling commodity forward curves requires different tools and techniques than e.g., simple no-arbitrage (buy-andhold) arguments, commonly used in futures pricing for investment assets. Until recently, everyone assumed that commodity futures (and spot) prices can only be positive. A well-known exception to this are electricity prices, which regularly become negative (if only for a short period at a time). This happens due to market imbalances and oversupply of electricity (for example, due to high quantity of wind-generated electricity). This, in combination with inability to store electricity efficiently, can lead to producers being prepared to pay for someone to take over the excess supply of electricity in order not to compromise the network. On April 20, 2020, for the first time ever a similar situation has occurred in oil futures market, when the first nearby WTI futures contract exhibited negative prices never seen before and closed at −35 USD per barrel (see e.g., Borovkova, 2020 for some explanations of this phenomenon and its impact on quantitative modeling). This event highlights the need for specific solutions tailored to complexity of oil (and other commodity) markets, and in this case, variants of models that would allow for negative futures prices (even though these might be short-lived). So in this paper we also outline a possible way of adjusting our proposed model to deal with this phenomenon. (2013), who showed that models that allow for slowly varying mean fit market prices better than the standard mean-reversion. In this paper, we will further develop this approach. Commodity markets are influenced by multiple economic forces that have different impacts on the spot price and forward curves. This results in a complex stochastic behavior that cannot be fully described by one-factor models. A popular stochastic two-factor model is that of Schwartz–Smith (Schwartz and Smith, 2000). This model assumes the first factor to be a zero-mean Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process and it represents short term fluctuations of price. The second, long-term factor is modeled by the arithmetic Brownian Motion. The two factors are assumed to be correlated. The Schwartz–Smith model provides a closedform expression for futures prices and suggests an effective calibration method. However, often two factors are still not enough to create a flexible model that fits market quotes well, and an additional factor(s) is needed. Here we will add one more factor to a two-factor model and will simultaneously describe long-term behavior as well as medium and short term price fluctuations. Commodity price and forward curve models are often an important input to many downstream models, such as valuation models for energy projects, real option models and such. In these models, both real world and risk-neutral dynamics of the commodity prices are important. The approach toward this application of commodity price models was developed by Hahn et al. (2018), who have shown that the risk premia, which relates the real world and risk neutral dynamics of prices, can be estimated by filtering techniques — this is the approach we also explore in this paper. Their work originates from their earlier paper (Warren et al., 2014), where Kalman filtering techniques were applied to estimate long-term level of oil price, again, for energy project valuation and planning applications. Theirs is either one- or two-factor model in the spirit of Schwartz and Smith (2000), while ours is a threefactor model, but the filtering techniques we use are the similar. They have also shown that the risk premia estimates can significantly depend on the historical period and, moreover, project valuation methods can be quite sensitive to these estimates. A major drawback of many commodity forward curve models is their reliance on the spot price. In practice, often the spot price is not directly observable; moreover,it is usually determined in a relatively illiquid OTC market. Borovkova and Geman (2007) introduced an alternative approach to overcome the issue of unobservable spot price. As the main driving factor, they use a synthetic spot price which is a geometric average of observable futures prices (this has an analogy with some futures-based oil price benchmarks). By construction, this synthetic spot price is non-seasonal, not prone to jumps and exhibits lower volatility than the actual spot price (if such is observed at all). The Borovkova–Geman model also incorporates the convenience yield and deterministic seasonal premium. However, the model describes the dynamics of the forward curves only under the real-world probability measure. This makes it useful for risk management applications, but not for derivatives pricing. An extension of this model, presented here, overcomes calibration difficulties under both real world and risk neutral probability measures. To conclude this discussion on commodity price models, we would like to mention that most of the academic and practitioners’ models (especially those for oil price) are fundamentally lognormal models, i.e., where the log-price is driven by the Brownian motion. This is also the standard assumption of the Black–Scholes framework of pricing options. In this paper, we also assume such a framework. For those commodities where price can become negative (such as electricity), a normal model is often used, where the price itself (and not the logprice) is driven by the Brownian motion. However, as in equity, FX or interest rate markets, commodity prices can exhibit high kurtosis, i.e., heavy tails, but also stochastic volatility and jumps. An extreme case of this is electricity price, which can exhibit jumps of hundreds of percent in a short period of time — this happens due to inability to store electricity (such jumps are rarely observed in e.g., oil or natural gas 1.3. Commodity price and forward curve models Generally, there are three distinct approaches to model commodity futures prices. The first approach starts with a stochastic dynamics of the spot price and, from that, a formula for futures prices is derived as the expectation of the future spot under the risk neutral probability measure. Such models are either calibrated to observed history of spot prices (under the physical probability measure) or fitted to the observed forward curves (under the risk-neutral probability measure). The second approach assumes certain dynamics directly of the forward prices (see e.g., Amin, Ng and Pirrong (1995)). The forward curve is considered a given object that is formed as a result of trading. This approach is useful to price derivatives on futures contracts (instead on spot commodity). Finally, the third approach is to assume a functional relationship between forward and spot prices. This functional form usually depends on the spot price as well as on the so-called convenience yield - a rate of return of owning the commodity rather than a futures contract on it (such approach sometimes also referred to as the cost-of-carry). It is often assumed that commodity prices exhibit a mean-reverting behavior. This behavior is observed not only in a short-time deviations of the spot price, but also in a long-term property of the prices to revert to the stable means over years or even decades. Such behavior of commodity markets significantly differentiates them from equity markets. For a broad discussion on mean reverting properties of commodity prices, see an excellent book by Geman (2005). The standard mean-reversion process assumes that the stochastic variable (e.g., a commodity spot price) reverts to the constant mean. To date however, little attention was given to the stationarity of this mean. Empirical evidence suggests that the mean level of commodity prices is not constant but stochastic with a (relatively) low volatility. This has deeper economic justification, e.g., the relationship of commodities to business cycles, extraction and production technologies and other varying economic fundamentals. So forcing the mean level to be constant (while it is not) leads to instability and poor performance of models. The first step toward stochastically varying mean in mean reversion models for commodities has been set by Borovkova et al. 2 Energy Economics 101 (2021) 105418 S. Ladokhin and S. Borovkova Fig. 1. Oil forward curves can be in a different shapes, for example contango or backwardation, and all the different regimes in between. speaking, it is driven by those economic factors that change the near-end of the forward curve, such as changes in the inventory levels. markets). Models that incorporate these features into account have also been suggested for commodities. For example, B. Trolle and S. Schwartz (2009) incorporate stochastic volatility into an oil price model. Works by Benth (e.g., FE and J, 2004; Barndorff-Nielsen et al., 2013) introduce a class of different driving processes — the so-called Levy processes into commodity price models, and successfully manage to model heavy tails in commodity returns. However, practitioners seem to be very attached to Black–Scholes framework of lognormal prices, due to its analytical tractability and ease of calibration and use. So while we acknowledge that there are sophisticated (e.g., Levy-driven) models that might be better at modeling leptokurtic features of returns, in this paper we stick to the Brownian motions as the main stochastic drivers of the price process, to reflect practitioners’ preferences. We develop an innovative way to calibrate our model under two probability measures, by a variant of Kalman filtering technique. We fit the model parameters to the extensive history of Brent oil futures curves. The model shows good fit to the market prices across all maturities, as well as consistent factors’ dynamics. A side research question discussed in this paper is a time-dependent market price of risk. The market price of risk links the dynamics of the asset under physical and risk-neutral probability measures. Typically it is assumed to be constant. Inspired by the work of Ahmad and Wilmott (2013), we propose a way to estimate time-dependent market price of risk. We apply it to the historical market price of risk for Brent oil futures. The proposed model has multiple practical applications, such as derivatives pricing, market risk management, as well as counterparty credit risk and credit valuation adjustments. These applications are extremely important for many financial institutions, so we discuss them in detail at the end of the paper. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. We start with the short overview of popular forward curve models in Section 2. In Section 3, we introduce the synthetic spot price and other building blocks of our model. In addition, this section also contains derivations for the commodity futures prices and their dynamics. This section is the key section of the article. In Section 5.1, we describe the statespace representation of the model which allows for the application of Kalman filter. In Section 5, the calibration set-up and results are described. Model applications are summarized in Section 6. Finally, we state possible future extensions of the model in Section 7. Note that we use the terms ‘futures’ and ‘forwards’ interchangeably, to mean financial contracts that allow to buy or sell a certain amount of a spot commodity in the future. Such interchangeability is justified since we focus on the commodity price dynamics and largely ignore interest rates, transaction costs and counterparty risk. As a result, the terms ’futures curve’ and ’forward curve’ are also used interchangeably. 1.4. Model summary and goals of the paper The main aim of this paper is two-fold: to expand the Borovkova– Geman commodity forward curve model to include stochastically varying price level and to develop its calibration to the risk-neutral probability measure, which allows for derivatives pricing. This results in the so-called joint-measure model. Such a model simultaneously describes the dynamics under real-world and risk-neutral probability measures. As a side research question, we investigate the dynamics of market price of risk under assumptions of our model. Our extended model is a useful practical tool for pricing and risk management of commodity derivatives. The general modeling framework presented here has three fundamental factors: • Synthetic spot price. This factor was originally introduced in the work of Borovkova and Geman; it corresponds to the level of the commodity forward curve. This factor is based on the actual quotes of the (liquid) futures, so it better reflects overall price level compared to the (often non-transparent) spot price. Moreover, the synthetic-spot factor is not seasonal and does not exhibit jumps. • Long-run stochastic mean. This is the major innovative element of the model: we assume that the synthetic spot price is meanreverting, but in contrast to the previously proposed models, it reverts to the slowly varying (and stochastic) mean. This echoes concerns of practitioners, who believe that over time commodity prices return to some ‘‘psychological’’ expected mean level, but that this level is not constant. • Short-term deviation factor, or convenience yield. This factor corresponds to the well-known concept of convenience yield. This factor is modeled by zero-mean mean-reverting process. Loosely 2. Overview of related forward curve models The topic of energy futures modeling is not new in academic literature. The early models were based on the considerations for equity or interest rate derivatives. Such approaches did not result in successful models and the need for specialized energy models was recognized. 3 Energy Economics 101 (2021) 105418 S. Ladokhin and S. Borovkova 2.1. Mean-reverting model 2.4. Spot-forward relationship It is often stated that energy (and other commodity) prices exhibit mean-reverting pattern. The early models incorporate mean-reversion in the commodity spot price. They were fundamentally one-factor models, so the spot price was the single stochastic factor driving evolution of forward curves, such as in the Schwartz one-factor model, see Schwartz (1997) for details. The model describes the dynamics of the underlying spot price as: The spot price π(π‘) and the forward (or futures) prices πΉ (π‘, π ) are linked by the well-known cost-of-carry relationship: ππ(π‘) = π (π − ln π(π‘))π(π‘)ππ‘ + ππ(π‘)ππ (π‘), πΉ (π‘, π ) = π(π‘)π(π−πΎ)(π −π‘) , where we assume that the spot price π(π‘) is observable, π is the constant interest rate, πΎ is the so-called convenience yield, which is often defined by the above relationship. The convenience yield is the rate of return, or a ‘‘premium’’ of owning the physical commodity rather than a futures contract. The above relationship stems from no-arbitrage arguments for ‘‘storable’’ commodities. We refer to Geman (2005) for details. Although frequently used by practitioners, the spot-forward relationship is more a transformation from the observed forward curve πΉ (π‘, π ) (and the interest rate π) to the unobserved convenience yield πΎ(π‘). To use the cost of carry relationship, we need a model for the convenience yield πΎ(π‘). The convenience yield that follows from the forward-spot relationship is not constant for different maturities, moreover it dynamically changes over time. Furthermore, in this approach, the forward prices are directly based on the spot price π(π‘), which can be unreliable and often even unobserved. In many energy markets, the spot price π(π‘) is determined by a small group of physical commodity traders in a nontransparent way. In many cases, the spot price is quoted, instead of being determined as a result of actual trading. This is different from futures market, where settlement prices of futures contracts πΉ (π‘, π ) are determined based on actual trading. (1) where π is a constant mean reversion level, π speed of mean-reversion, π is volatility of the spot price and π is the standard Brownian motion. This model is very similar to the famous Vasicek interest rate model, with log-spot replacing the short-rate dynamics. Recall that, in mathematical terms, the commodity’s futures price is equal to the risk-neutral expectation of the commodity spot price π(π ): πΉ (π‘, π ) = πΈξ½ [ππ |ξ²π‘ ], (2) where ξ²π‘ is filtration on date π‘. By explicitly computing πΈξ½ [ππ |ξ²π‘ ], the mean reverting model is analytically tractable and provides explicit formulas for forward curves as well as for European options. However, this model is unrealistic for several reasons. It has only one stochastic factor which is not sufficient to explain all variability in the forward curve’s shape. Although the volatility of futures prices is, as expected, decreasing function of time to maturity, it goes to zero for long maturities, which is empirically not observed. Finally, the model relies on constant mean π. Such mean is hard to calibrate, as it can change significantly over time. In our model, the mean reversion level will be stochastic (but slowly varying), introducing a lot more flexibility in traditional mean reverting models. 2.5. Borovkova-Geman model One way to overcome problems with an unreliable spot price (or its absence) was introduced by Borovkova and Geman in Borovkova and Geman (2006). Their model is build around an observable factor πΉΜ (π‘): the geometric average of all (liquidly traded) futures prices. This factor, the ‘‘average’’ futures price, is non-seasonal, directly observable, and is explicitly computed from liquid futures quotes πΉ (π‘, π ). In their model, the forward prices are given by the following formula: 2.2. Schwartz-Smith two-factor model Energy prices are impacted by multiple economic events, such as changes in supply–demand, inventory levels, news, political events, technological developments, and so on. This suggests a need for multiple factors to describe the forward curve dynamic. A popular choice is the two-factor forward curve model by Schwartz and Smith, introduced in Schwartz and Smith (2000). The model describes the spot price as a sum of two (not directly observable) factors: ln ππ‘ = ππ‘ + ππ‘ . πΉ (π‘, π ) = πΉΜ (π‘)π(π (π )−πΎ(π‘,π −π‘))(π −π‘) , πππ‘ = πππ‘ + ππ ππ2 , (3) (4) where π1 and π2 are two correlated Brownian motions. The forward curve is obtained by introducing market price of risk and finding the expectation of the spot price under the risk neutral probability measure. Here we will use a similar technique to go from physical to risk-neutral probability measure. We extend the ideas behind Schwartz– Smith model by introducing an observable factor and increasing the total number of model factors to three. 2.3. Gibson-Schwartz stochastic convenience yield model 3. Model definition and specification Gibson–Schwartz model (Gibson and Schwartz, 1990) is yet another example of a two factor model. The model describes dynamics of underlying spot price ππ‘ and the stochastic convenience yield πΏπ‘ . The dynamics of the state variables is given by the following processes: πππ‘ = (π − πΏπ‘ )ππ‘ ππ‘ + ππ ππ‘ πππ , ππΏπ‘ = [π (πΌ − πΏπ‘ ) − π]ππ‘ + ππΏ πππΏ , (7) where π (π ) is a seasonal premium and πΎ(π‘, π − π‘) is a mean-reverting dynamic convenience yield, which now also depends on the time to maturity π − π‘ and hence, exhibits a term structure. Such model can be applied for both non-seasonal and seasonal commodities such as natural gas and electricity. As the model describes the forward curve dynamics under the physical probability measure, it is useful for simulations (under that measure) and for risk-management purposes, but it cannot be directly used to price derivatives. One of the goals of our work is to extend the concept of synthetic spot factor πΉΜ (π‘) to be used as a main building block for forward curve dynamics not only under physical, but also under risk neutral probability measure. These are just a few models in a long list of forward curve models suggested in the literature. Other models worth mentioning are: TrolleSchwartz model with stochastic volatility (B. Trolle and S. Schwartz, 2009), Geman–Roncoroni model (Geman and Roncoroni, 2006), Geman model (Geman, 2000). The dynamics of the factors is described by the following stochastic differential equations: πππ‘ = −π ππ‘ ππ‘ + ππ ππ1 , (6) 3.1. Synthetic spot factor Unlike Borovkova and Geman, we do not worry whether the spot price of a commodity is or is not observed — it can be either of the two. However, just like in their model, we start by introducing the same observable factor which reflects the actual liquid trading; even for seasonal commodities, this factor is non-seasonal. This is what we call the ‘‘level’’ factor (it is, in fact, the level of the forward curve). Such (5) where ππ and ππΏ are two correlated Brownian motions. The Gibson– Schwartz model, as Schwartz–Smith model, results in a closed form formula for futures prices. 4 Energy Economics 101 (2021) 105418 S. Ladokhin and S. Borovkova factor should be not influenced by tilts, or contango–backwardation transitions of the forward curve. Denote the futures price of a commodity on date π‘ as πΉ (π‘, π ), where π is the expiry date. Time to expiry of the futures contract is given by π − π‘. Denote the commodity spot price as ππ‘ (if it is observed). As in Borovkova and Geman (2006), we introduce synthetic spot factor πΉΜ (π‘), which is defined as: √ √ π √∏ π πΉΜ (π‘) = √ πΉ (π‘, ππ ), (8) If the spot price is not available (or is unreliable), it can be proxied by the sum of the synthetic spot ππ‘ and the correction (convenience yield) π¦π‘ : ln ππ‘ = ππ‘ + π¦π‘ . (9) Many commodities also exhibit seasonal effects. In that case, the above equation can be extended by adding a deterministic seasonal component, which can be easily estimated from historical price series. Since this paper focuses on non-seasonal commodities such as crude oil, we will leave modeling seasonality effects to a subsequent paper. We can rewrite the model in the following, perhaps more intuitive way. Assume that the long-term mean of the (log) oil price (i.e., of synthetic log spot ππ‘ ) is πΏπ‘ - this is the mean reversion mean of ππ‘ , but which is not constant (instead, we can model it as e.g., a stochastic process with a very low volatility). Define a new factor π=1 where π = ππ‘ is the number of all (liquid) available futures traded on day π‘. Synthetic spot price is a non-seasonal characteristic of the forward curve, corresponding to its level. Due to averaging, this factor evolves quite smoothly over time — it typically does not exhibit jumps and has lower volatility than e.g., spot price or first nearby futures price. Since synthetic spot is a function of (liquid) futures prices, it is based on active trading (in contrast to the spot price ππ‘ , which is quoted by a small pool of commodity producers). In a way, replacing ππ‘ by πΉΜ (π‘) as the main building block of the model prevents the same problems as in interest rate markets with LIBOR-style rates.1 We will work with the logarithmic representation of the synthetic spot factor: ππ‘ ≡ ππ‘ − πΏπ‘ . This factor corresponds to the deviations of the synthetic log-spot ππ‘ from its long-term mean πΏπ‘ . Such deviations are usually triggered by longer term changes in supply–demand balance or political events. Reversing the above equation, we get that ππ‘ = ππ‘ + πΏπ‘ . ππ‘ ≡ ln πΉΜ (π‘). In other words, we can say that the ‘‘level’’ of the forward/futures market is measured by the geometric average of the futures prices, but it (or, rather, its logarithm ππ‘ ) is modeled by the sum of ππ‘ and the long-term log-price πΏπ‘ . With this new π-factor at hand, the spot representation (9) can be re-written into the following three factor model: A comparison between the synthetic spot factor and the actual spot (if such is available) is given in Fig. 2. As can be seen from that figure, the synthetic spot factor corresponds to the level of the curve (given by the geometric average of futures prices). Note that this average will, in general, deviate from the actual spot price ππ‘ . This deviation is determined by the slope of the forward curve: if the curve is in contango (as shown in Fig. 2), the synthetic spot is above the actual spot, and in backwardation this is reversed. This motivates us to introduce the second fundamental factor, which will be similar to the convenience yield (as it is that factor that determines whether the curve is in contango or backwardation) and which we denote by π¦π‘ . This factor will reflect deviations between the actual spot price ππ‘ and its synthetic version πΉΜ (π‘). ln ππ‘ = ππ‘ + π¦π‘ + πΏπ‘ , (10) (since ππ‘ = ππ‘ − πΏπ‘ ). Such spot representation is similar to the one in Schwartz–Smith model (Schwartz and Smith, 2000), but has a different interpretation and dynamics of factors. To summarize: πΏπ‘ is the long-term factor, influenced by long term market developments; ππ‘ is the ‘‘medium-term’’ factor, it changes faster than πΏπ‘ and it is influenced by medium-term events, and π¦π‘ is the ‘‘shortterm’’ factor, influenced by short term changes in supply and demand or fluctuations in inventories. 3.2. Three factor model 3.3. Dynamics of factors The three fundamental factors in our model are: Recall that both factors ππ‘ and π¦π‘ are essentially deviations of something from something else, so it is reasonable to assume that both follow the ordinary mean-zero Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process. The long-term mean πΏπ‘ is fundamentally a macroeconomic variable, indicating longterm stance of the oil price. So in agreement with academic literature, the dynamic of πΏπ‘ is often assumed to be a random walk. This is what we will assume here also. Let ξΌ be the physical probability measure. We postulate the following factor dynamics under the physical probability measure ξΌ: • Synthetic log-spot ππ‘ , introduced above. This factor corresponds to the level of the forward curve, it is non-seasonal and it is based on actual trading in liquid futures. • The difference between the actual (if available) and the synthetic spot prices, which we denote π¦π‘ . The need for this factor comes from the fact that synthetic spot πΉΜ (π‘) is not equal to the actual spot price ππ‘ . This factor is related to the ‘‘traditional’’ convenience yield: it changes sign between backwardation and contango markets (so here we will call it ‘‘convenience yield’’). In economic terms, this factor is influenced by changes in supply–demand balance, inventory level or news. • Long-term average commodity price πΏπ‘ . This fundamental factor captures the long-term price development. This factor is influenced by long term supply–demand expectations as well as by the speed of technological advances in energy production. Arguably, this factor is slowly varying, with the volatility much smaller compared to the volatility of synthetic spot factor ππ‘ . This factor is the key innovative element of the proposed model. πππ‘ = −πΌππ‘ ππ‘ + πππ1 , ππ¦π‘ = −ππ¦π‘ ππ‘ + πππ2 , (11) ππΏπ‘ = ππΏ ππ3 , where ππ are (possibly correlated) Brownian motions. In the above dynamics specification, the parameters πΌ and π are the mean reversion speeds of respectively medium- and short-term stochastic factors π and π¦, and π and π are their volatilities (and ππΏ is the volatility of the long-term price level πΏ). We assume these Brownian motions to have the following correlation structure: ππ1 ππ2 = π, ππ1 ππ3 = 0 and ππ2 ππ3 = 0. In principle, we could let all correlations to be nonzero, but we restrict two of them to be zero for simplicity and due to some economic intuition: the moves at the short end of the forward 1 In interest rate markets, many derivatives were quoted based on unreliable and nontransparent LIBOR rates that did not reflect actual market trading — something that impending LIBOR reform aims to rectify. 5 Energy Economics 101 (2021) 105418 S. Ladokhin and S. Borovkova Fig. 2. A schematic representation of the synthetic spot compared to the actual spot level. curve (i.e., of short maturities’ futures prices) are typically in sync with the synthetic spot price. The long-term price level is impacted by quite different market forces than the short- or mid-end of the forward curve, hence the corresponding correlations are assumed to be zero. In addition, we define ππΏ = ππ, with 0 < π < πmax < 1. The idea behind such representation is to ensure that the volatility of long-term price is smaller than the volatility of the synthetic log-spot factor ππ‘ . Similar to the signal processing literature, we call parameter π the signal-to-noise ratio. In the above model, πΏπ‘ is the long-run mean of the stochastic logspot price ππ‘ but it is itself also stochastic. The idea behind this factor is to model long-term shared view, or expectation of market participant about the ‘‘level of crude oil prices’’. Such level incorporates political developments, economic cycles, ongoing technological advances (e.g., shale oil, under ice exploration, tar sands) as well as global changes in the demand for oil (e.g., electrification, wider availability of alternative energy). Stochastic mean is a much slower changing quantity compared to the other model factors; this property is enforced by setting π < 1 (and typically π βͺ 1). The slowly varying long term mean model for commodity products was also introduced by Borovkova et al. in Borovkova et al. (2013). In contrast to πΏπ‘ , the factor π¦π‘ corresponds to the short term deviations of the stochastic spot ππ‘ from the actual log-spot price ln ππ‘ . Movements in π¦π‘ result from short term supply and demand changes, weather impact, news and such factors. As with the traditional convenience yield, it is naturally to assume that π¦π‘ is a mean-reverting process with zero mean: short term changes in supply or demand will have an influence on short-term (i.e., spot) commodity price, but once resolved, it is expected that the spot price will go back to the ‘‘overall’’ level. Finally, ππ‘ is a mean-reverting spread between the synthetic spot price ππ‘ and its long-term mean πΏπ‘ . In general, oil prices are more sensitive to the supply–demand changes and less to the interest rate or inflation. Moreover, usually inflation is considered as a result of an increase in oil price and not other way around (see for example LeBlanc and Chinn, 2004). That is the reason for not including interest rate or inflation-specific factors into the model. clearly not a sustainable solution in the long term. Here we would like to suggest such a solution, within the framework of our model. First of all, in calculation of our first fundamental factor πΉΜ (π‘), we include only those futures prices that are positive. This is not a significant restriction, since negative prices in oil markets will be shortlived and are not representative of the overall state of the oil market (this is in contrast to negative interest rates, which can remain negative for a very long period of time, truly depicting the state of the money markets, as we observe at the moment of writing of this paper in Eurozone). The definition of π(π‘) remains the same, as the logarithm of πΉΜ (π‘). Another modification of our model allowing it to deal with negative prices is in Eq. (10), where we replace logarithm of spot price by the spot price itself: 3.4. Model variant for negative futures prices Μ1 , πππ‘ = −πΌππ‘ ππ‘ − ππππ‘ + π ππ ππ‘ = ππ‘ + π¦π‘ + πΏπ‘ . (12) The dynamics of all fundamental factors remains the same. So we are basically going from logarithmic to arithmetic representation of the model. In this representation, spot as well as nearby futures prices can become negative. Other model variants to deal with negative prices are possible. In our subsequent paper we will further develop this and other model variants and apply them to WTI futures. But here we proceed with the logarithmic form of the model and its application to Brent futures prices. 3.5. Risk neutral dynamics To derive the formula for futures prices, we need to compute the expectations of the spot price under the risk neutral measure. Before that, we present the dynamics of the factors under this risk neutral measure. Overall, our approach is similar to the one used by Schwartz and Smith in Schwartz and Smith (2000), where the dynamics under physical measure is adjusted by the market price of risk. Let us introduce the equivalent risk-neutral pricing probability measure ξ½. This measure is connected with the physical probability measure ξΌ by means of the market price of risk π. The model dynamic under the risk-neutral measure is then: Μ2 , ππ¦π‘ = −ππ¦π‘ ππ‘ − ππππ‘ + π ππ When, in April 2020, WTI futures prices went negative, many financial institutions had big problems with their models and software. A typical ‘‘duct tape’’ solution was to simply ignore the offending futures contract (the first nearby one) and base all the calculations of the remaining futures prices, which remained positive. However, this is (13) Μ3 , ππΏπ‘ = −πππΏ ππ‘ + ππΏ ππ Μπ are ξ½-Brownian motions with the same correlation structure where π as ππ . By the above representation we explicitly assume that there exist a single market price of risk parameter that is used in the dynamics of 6 Energy Economics 101 (2021) 105418 S. Ladokhin and S. Borovkova all of the factors. We choose to subtract π while some authors add it in risk-neutral dynamics. Note, that conceptually this is equivalent and the only difference is that the sign of the calibrated parameter π. The quantities ππ, ππ, and πππΏ are also called risk premia. Our representation explicitly assumes that the risk premia are proportional to the volatility of each of the factors. An alternative approach would be to assume a different market price of risk parameter (say π1 , π2 , π3 ) for each source of risk. However, we will not consider such approach in this paper. Under our assumption, investors consider risk premium to be proportional to the volatility of the risk source, and the proportionality constant is the same of all risk sources. For now we assume that the market price of risk π is constant, although later on we will relax this assumption. We will introduce a time dependent market price of risk ππ‘ and suggest a way to estimate it from the data. Although our estimation approach will differ from the one proposed by Wilmott and Ahmad in Ahmad and Wilmott (2013), we obtain a similar interpretation of results. Note that the dynamics of π¦π‘ can be rewritten in terms of uncorrelated Brownian motions: √ Μ4 , Μ1 + π 1 − π2 ππ (14) ππ¦π‘ = −ππ¦π‘ ππ‘ − ππππ‘ + ππππ where [π ] π (1 − π−πΌ(π −π‘) ) + (1 − π−π(π −π‘) ) + ππΏ (π − π‘) + πΌ π πππ π2 (1 − π−2πΌ(π −π‘) ) + (1 − π−(πΌ+π)(π −π‘) )+ 4πΌ (πΌ + π) π π2 π 2 π 2 (1 − π2 ) (1 − π−2π(π −π‘) ) + (1 − π−2π(π −π‘) ) + πΏ (π − π‘). 4π 4π 2 π΄(π‘, π ) = −π The above formula provides the futures price at time π‘ (so also at π‘ = 0) for maturity π . This price depends on the current value of the three state variables ππ‘ , π¦π‘ and πΏπ‘ as well as on the parameters of their dynamics. A natural requirement for a forward price is the condition that, for a short time-to-expiry, forward price would converge to the spot price. It is easy to see that, when π = π‘, the forward price formula above will indeed simplify to the spot price and will be ππ ≡ πΉ (π , π ) = πππ +π¦π +πΏπ . We will illustrate this later on empirical data. If the arithmetic version the model is used, the derivations in this and following paragraphs simplify significantly, as we only need to deal with a simple sum of Brownian Motions. So here we will proceed with a more involved, geometric version of the model, and leave the corresponding derivations of futures prices and their dynamics to a future research. Μ1 , ππ Μ2 and ππ Μ4 are pair-wise uncorrelated, and π is the where ππ correlation between Brownian motions driving short- and medium stochastic factors. We will use this representation in further steps of the model building. 4.2. Futures price dynamics For many applications, such as derivatives pricing, we need the dynamics (and especially the volatility) of the futures price. Moreover, we must impose a natural condition that the futures prices are martingales under ξ½. Here we derive, by Ito’s lemma, the dynamics of the futures price ππΉ (π‘, π ), which depends on three stochastic variables ππ‘ , π¦π‘ , πΏπ‘ . 4. Forward curve and its dynamics 4.1. Forward price We can now proceed to deriving formula for forward prices. In line with literature, the forward price is the expectation of the spot price under the risk-neutral probability measure ξ½. The model dynamics allows us to solve for this expectation. Processes π and π¦π‘ are described by Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process and πΏπ‘ is described by arithmetic Brownian motion. Such representation allows us obtain log-spot price at time π , given πΉπ‘ : ππ + π¦π + πΏπ = ππ‘ π−πΌ(π −π‘) − π √ π 1 − π2 π−π(π −π‘) ∫π‘ Μ1 (π ) + πππ π ππ ππ ∫π‘ Μ1 (π )+ π ππ π Μ4 (π ) + ππΏ πππ π π ∫π‘ (16) The resulting process has zero drift, so is a martingale. This is in line with our expectation about the form of the forward price dynamics. From this dynamics we can easily obtain the time- and maturity-dependent Black’s volatility: √ (17) ππ΅ (π‘, π ) = (ππ−πΌ(π −π‘) + πππ−π(π −π‘) )2 + π 2 (1 − π2 )π−2π(π −π‘) + ππΏ2 . π −π(π −π‘) πΌπ π ∫π‘ ππΉ (π‘, π ) Μ1 + = (ππ−πΌ(π −π‘) + πππ−π(π −π‘) )ππ πΉ (π‘, π ) √ Μ4 + ππΏ ππ Μ3 . π 1 − π2 π−π(π −π‘) ππ ππ ππ (1 − π−πΌ(π −π‘) ) + π¦π‘ π−ππ‘ − (1 − π−π(π −π‘) ) πΌ π −πΌ(π −π‘) +πΏπ‘ − πππΏ (π − π‘) + ππ Proposition 2. The dynamics of the forward price of commodity, whose spot price follows the 3 factor model with dynamics (13) is given by: Μ3 (π ). ππΌπ π π The above solution allows us to explicitly compute the expected value πΈξ½ [ππ + π¦π + πΏπ |ξ²π‘ ] and the variance of π ππξ½ [ππ + π¦π + πΏπ |ξ²π‘ ] of the log-spot price: This volatility can be directly used in Black-76 formula to price options on futures (see Black, 1976). An example of the volatility term structure is given in Fig. 3. As can be seen in the picture, the volatility decreases with the time to maturity; for long maturities it will converge to nonzero ππΏ . This property overcomes existing problems with many simple mean-reverting models, where volatility decreases to zero for long maturities. Inspired by yield curve modeling, commodity forward curve modeling can follow two main approaches. First one assumes, as a starting point, the dynamics of the spot (or short rate), while another one assumes directly the dynamics of the forward prices (or instantaneous interest rate forwards). The second approach is also referred to as Heath–Jarrow–Morton (HJM) framework (Heath et al., 1990). In our paper, we have chosen for the first approach, with the goal to obtain a closed form formula for futures prices. Formula (16) is an important link between our approach and the HJM-style framework in commodity forward curve modeling — this is the approach taken by e.g., Amin et al. (1995). Equipped with this formula, we can extend the modeling considerations outlined in this paper to pricing of exotic derivatives on both commodity spot and futures contracts. πΈ[ln ππ |ξ²π‘ ] = ππ‘ π−πΌ(π −π‘) + π¦π‘ π−π(π −π‘) + πΏπ‘ − [π ] π π (1 − π−π(π −π‘) ) + ππΏ (π − π‘) + (1 − π−πΌ(π −π‘) ) , π πΌ 2πππ π2 π ππ[ln ππ |ξ²π‘ ] = (1 − π−2πΌ(π −π‘) ) + (1 − π−(πΌ+π)(π −π‘) )+ 2πΌ (πΌ + π) π2 π 2 π 2 (1 − π2 ) (1 − π−2π(π −π‘) ) + (1 − π−2π(π −π‘) ) + ππΏ (π − π‘). 2π 2π Since ln ππ is normally distributed, the spot price is log-normally distributed with mean: [ ] ] [ ]) ( [ 1 πΈξ½ ππ + π¦π + πΏπ |ξ²π‘ = ππ₯π πΈξ½ ππ + π¦π + πΏπ |ξ²π‘ + π ππξ½ ππ + π¦π + πΏπ |ξ²π‘ . 2 The above results allow us to formulate the following proposition. Proposition 1. Forward price of a commodity, where spot price is represented by the 3 factors following the dynamics (13), is given by: ( ) πΉ (π‘, π ) = πΈξ½ [ππ |ξ² ] = ππ₯π ππ‘ π−πΌ(π −π‘) + π¦π‘ π−π(π −π‘) + πΏπ‘ + π΄(π‘, π ) , (15) 7 Energy Economics 101 (2021) 105418 S. Ladokhin and S. Borovkova The explicit representation of the problem in terms of measurement and transition equations allows us to apply Kalman filter machinery, including explicit formula for the log-likelihood of residuals. In this work we will not give further overview of the approach and will refer to Durbin and Koopman (2012) instead. The Kalman filtering approach allows us to calibrate the model simultaneously under the physical ξΌ and the risk-neutral ξ½ probability measures. From a practical perspective, it means that the single model can be used for risk management applications (under ξΌ) as well as for pricing applications (under ξ½). Using the single model for these two purposes can significantly reduce model risk as well as costs (of development and validation) in a financial institution. Moreover, such an approach can result in a more consistent modeling practices between departments within one financial institution. 5.2. Data Fig. 3. Volatility term structure. The shape is consistent with patterns observed in implied volatility of futures options on futures, the so-called Samuelson effect. We apply our model to an extensive dataset of ICE Brent futures prices. Brent oil is the major oil benchmark and one of the most heavily traded oil grades in the world with many derivatives using it as the underlying. We use Brent futures for a period from 7-02-2005 till 2407-2018. Note that Brent futures have not become negative in 2020 as WTI futures did. So in our next paper, we will apply the model to WTI futures, including most recent negative prices. There are 3134 daily observations of the Brent oil forward curves in our dataset. Brent contracts have a monthly expiration schedule, but for each day we use 1-st, 2-nd, 3-rd, 4-th, 5-th, 6-th, 9-th, 12-th, 18-th, 24-th, 30-th and 36-th to expiry futures contract. That results in a daily observations of 12 points which form the forward curve. Such choice is guided by higher trading volumes of the front futures compared to the low liquid far end of the curve. In addition, to reflect liquidity of the contracts, we have used the first 6 contracts on a daily calculation of πΉΜ (π‘). 5. Calibration 5.1. State-space representation By design, our model is a joint-dynamics model. This term was introduced by Hull, White, Sokol in Hull et al. (2014) in the context of interest rate models. The parameters of such a model describe dynamics under both physical and risk-neutral probability measures. Such approach poses some challenges to the calibration of the model: the calibrated model should fit observed market prices of derivatives (futures) and at the same time produce parameters that evolve from one day to another according to the specified dynamics. A suitable approach to solve such problems is filtering approach, known from the field of signal processing. We estimate the model with a dynamic panel data set of futures prices via Kalman filter combined with the method of maximum likelihood. In order to apply Kalman filtering technique, the state-space representation of the problem has to be written first. The state-space representation consists of the measurement and transition equations. First, we formulate the measurement equation for the model (10) (geometric version of the model): β‘ ln πΉ (π‘, π1 ) β€ β‘ π−πΌ(π1 −π‘) β’ ln πΉ (π‘, π ) β₯ β’ π−πΌ(π2 −π‘) 2 β₯ β’ β’ ... ... β’ β₯=β’ β’ln πΉ (π‘, ππ )β₯ β’π−πΌ(ππ −π‘) β’ β₯ β’ 1 β£ ln(πΉΜ (π‘)) β¦ β£ π−π(π1 −π‘) π−π(π2 −π‘) ... π−π(ππ −π‘) 0 1β€ β‘ π΄(π‘, π1 ) β€ 1 β₯ β‘ππ‘ β€ β’ π΄(π‘, π2 ) β₯ β₯β’ β₯ β’ β₯ ...β₯ π¦π‘ + β’ ... β₯ + ππ‘ , β’ β₯ 1 β₯ β£πΏπ‘ β¦ β’π΄(π‘, ππ )β₯ β₯ β’ β₯ 1β¦ β£ 0 β¦ 5.3. Calibration approach and results The model is calibrated by minimizing the negative log-likelihood function of the Kalman filter. The optimization is performed on changed (unbounded) variables, which are then converted back to the original (bounded) variables. We do this conversion to ensure a number of conditions (such as positive volatility and mean-reversion speed). The optimization is performed in two steps. On the first step, the global solver is applied (we have used Simulated Annealing algorithm) to determine a region with the global minimum. This algorithm is applied with arbitrary chosen values of the input parameters. On the second step, a local solver is used with the starting values of parameters obtained on the first step. We use a Quasi-Newton method with numerical estimation of derivatives as a local solver. Such a two-stage approach allows avoiding local minima associated with parameters that are unrealistic close to their bounds. The calibration procedure takes as an input prices of futures πΉ (π‘, π1 ), πΉ (π‘, π2 ), . . . , πΉ (π‘, ππ ), history of synthetic spot factor πΉΜ (π‘), value of πMax as well as a set of initial values for model parameters π0 , where π0 =< π0 , πΌ0 , π0 , π0 , π, π, π0 , π¦0 , πΏ0 >. We design the calibration in such way that the following constrains are satisfied: πΌ > 0, π > 0, π > 0, π > 0, 0 < π < πMax , −1 < π < 1, ln 30 < πΏ0 < ln 100. In addition, we also calculate two error measures to compute the goodness of fit of theoretical forward curves vs observed ones: √ √ π ∑ πΎ √ ∑ ( )2 √ 1 πΉ (π‘ , π ) − πΉModel (π‘π , ππ ) , π΄ππ πππ’π‘ππ πππΈ = √ π + πΎ π=1 π=1 Market π π √ √ ) π ∑ πΎ ( √ ∑ πΉMarket (π‘π , ππ ) − πΉModel (π‘π , ππ ) 2 √ 1 π ππππ‘ππ£ππ πππΈ = √ , π + πΎ π=1 π=1 πΉModel (π‘π , ππ ) (18) with [ππ‘ π¦π‘ πΏπ‘ ]π being a state vector. ππ‘ is an π +1 vector of disturbances with πΈ[ππ‘ ] = 0 and π ππ[ππ‘ ] = π»π‘ , where matrix π»π‘ is a diagonal matrix with elements equal to βπ‘ . The last row of the measurement equation is a way to enforce the condition that the filtered value of the synthetic spot is equal to the observed value: ππ‘ = ln πΉΜ (π‘). Transition equation describes the dynamics of the state vector and is given by: β‘ππ‘ β€ β‘1 − πΌπ₯π‘ β’π¦ β₯ = β’ 0 β’ π‘β₯ β’ β£πΏπ‘ β¦ β£ 0 0 1 − ππ₯π‘ 0 0β€ β‘πt-1 β€ 0β₯ β’ π¦t-1 β₯ + π€π‘ β₯β’ β₯ 1β¦ β£πΏt-1 β¦ (19) In the above equation, π€π‘ is a residual vector with zero expected value πΈ[π€π‘ ] = 0 and the variance given by: β‘ π 2 π₯π‘ π ππ[π€π‘ ] = β’ππππ₯π‘ β’ β£ 0 ππππ₯π‘ π 2 π₯π‘ 0 0 β€ 0 β₯. β₯ 2 ππΏ π₯π‘β¦ Note that, for our application, π₯π‘ corresponds to daily changes and is equal to 1β365 or 1β250, depending on whether calendar or trading days are considered. 8 Energy Economics 101 (2021) 105418 S. Ladokhin and S. Borovkova Fig. 4. Filtered time series of model factors. Signal-to-noise ratio of π = 0.1. Table 1 Calibration results with πMax = 0.9. This results are obtained after 10 000 iterations of the first step of the solver, 56 iterations of the second step of the solver and result in log-likelihood of 159 280. Parameter Value (Standard error) π πΌ π π π π π 0.1443254∗∗∗ (0.009361403) 0.2430296∗∗∗ (0.001635522) 0.4000135∗∗∗ (0.003455691) 3.7857089∗∗∗ (0.024889426) 0.003885854∗∗∗ (0.003885854) 0.5457884∗∗∗ (0.027449226) 0.5246947∗∗∗ (0.010475912) Table 2 Sensitivity of model calibration results to the choice of πMax parameter. Parameter Test 1 πMax 0.9 π 0.1443254 πΌ 0.2430296 π 0.4000135 π 3.7857089 π 0.1187412 π 0.5457884 π 0.5246947 Log-likelihood 159280.0 Num. Iterations (step 1) 10000 Num. Iterations (step 2) 56 Absolute RMSE 0.3085206 Relative RMSE 0.004492449 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 0.5 0.1152516 0.2427340 0.4000178 3.7472506 0.1183404 0.5413630 0.4866871 159263.1 10000 64 0.409216 0.005627727 0.25 0.0952823 0.2406266 0.4512142 3.8200394 0.1036434 0.2817274 0.2499994 158507.9 10000 120 0.3377983 0.004748221 0.1 0.13578620 0.23215921 0.49656735 3.82370828 0.10015373 0.11572452 0.09999984 154705.2 10000 144 0.4753287 0.006187431 Fig. 5. Differences between filtered time series of πΏπ‘ + ππ‘ and observed synthetic spot time series of ππ‘ . Signal-to-noise ratio of π = 0.1. with our model specification. Moreover, we see that stochastic log mean πΏπ‘ is varying, but stays in a relatively smaller range compared to the changes of synthetic spot factor ππ‘ . This is also in line with empirical observations, that energy prices mean-revert, but not to the constant, but to some kind of floating level. In addition, in Fig. 5 we show that the sum of the filtered time series πΏπ‘ + ππ‘ is very close to the observed synthetic spot time series ππ‘ . This is an additional confirmation of correctness of our model. Finally, an example of the fit of the theoretical model (πMax = 0.9) to the market data is given in Fig. 6. As can be seen from this figure, the model fits observed market prices of futures very well. where πΎ = 3469 is the total number of daily observations in the dataset. We have used R statistical software for all of the computations. The optimal parameters calibrated with fixing πMax = 0.9 are presented in Table 1. The calibration procedure depends on πMax as an input parameter. Natural question could be a sensitivity of the model to the choice of πMax . The sensitivity of the model calibration to the choice of πMax parameter is summarized in Table 2. The run with πMax = 0.9 results in the best market fit as well as in the highest value of the likelihood function. The run with πMax = 0.1 gives attractable model features, such as low volatility of the long-term factor πΏπ‘ ; as well as still acceptable quality of the model fit. We choose to use these two settings, the particular value of the πMax depends on the potential model use. For each application considered in this paper we will specify the value of πMax used. In addition, Table 2 contains the values of Absolute and Relative RMSE assuming constant market price of risk (MPR). The filtered time series of the state variables are presented in Fig. 4. As can be seen in these figures, volatility of the short-term deviation factor π¦π‘ is smaller compared to the volatility of ππ‘ - this is inline 5.4. Model-implied spot price One of the main distinctive features of our model is the synthetic spot factor ππ‘ . This factor is determined using only futures prices and not the actual spot price. However, our model can be used to determine the model-implied spot price ππ‘ = πππ‘ +π¦π‘ +πΏπ‘ . Such a spot price depends on the liquid derivatives products and reflects significant trading volumes, rather than a small panel of large market players. The time series of differences between the model-implied spot price and the actual Brent spot price is given in Fig. 7. This figure shows that 9 Energy Economics 101 (2021) 105418 S. Ladokhin and S. Borovkova Fig. 6. Examples of the model fit to Brent futures market data. The boundary of signal-to-noise ratio is πMax = 0.9. Fig. 7. Differences between model-implied spot ππ‘ = πππ‘ +π¦π‘ +πΏπ‘ , observed Brent spot price and synthetic spot πΉΜ . Signal-to-noise ratio of π = 0.1. the model-implied spot follows the actual spot price remarkably well, as the differences are generally less than 5 cents per barrel (with the exception of one observation). alternative (to the first nearby futures price or spot price) commodity ‘‘reference price’’. When financial press talks about ‘‘the oil price’’, they can mean different things. As the ‘‘state’’ of oil market is given by the combination of the current spot price and the today’s forward curve, different reference prices can be chosen as ‘‘the oil price’’. Typically, it is the price of the first-to-expire futures contract, but sometimes (but rarely) it is the oil spot price. Our model suggests two more candidates for such a reference price: the synthetic spot price πΉΜπ‘ and the model-implied spot price ππ‘ = πππ‘ +π¦π‘ +πΏπ‘ . 5.5. Stochastic market price of risk The model specified in (13) contains a constant parameter for the market price of risk π (MPR). As was argued in Ahmad and Wilmott (2013), MPR parameter is actually time-dependent, moreover, it is most likely stochastic. We can expand our model to accommodate for the time-dependent market price of risk. This is done by changing the specification of the Kalman filter and introducing one more unobservable variable ππ‘ . This is possible because the pricing formula for futures can be re-written as follows: The problem with the first nearby futures contract is that it does not represent the ‘‘constant maturity’’ object, because its time to expiry changes every day (i.e., it decreases by one day). Both synthetic spot πΉΜπ‘ and the model-implied spot price are synthetic objects without an expiry date. This is a convenient feature for the modeling purposes. −πΌ(π −π‘) +π¦ π−π(π −π‘) +πΏ +π π΅(π‘,π )+πΆ(π‘,π ) π‘ π‘ π‘ πΉ (π‘, π ) = πππ‘ π , (20) where in case of a constant MPR π΄(π‘, π ) = ππ΅(π‘, π ) + πΆ(π‘, π ). The specification of the measurement equation of the Kalman filter changes too: While the implied spot price is model-dependent (it depends not only on the underlying processes, but also on the choice of calibration method), the synthetic spot πΉΜπ‘ is model-independent. It also has an advantage that it reflects liquid and traded contracts. Finally, the synthetic spot ππ‘ has lower volatility than the nearby futures price, observed and model-implied spot prices. In all, it provides a great −πΌ(π −π‘) β‘ ln πΉ (π‘, π1 ) β€ β‘ π 1 β’ ln πΉ (π‘, π2 ) β₯ β’ π−πΌ(π2 −π‘) β’ β₯ β’ ... β’ β₯ = β’ ... β’ln πΉ (π‘, π )β₯ β’π−πΌ(ππ −π‘) π β’ β₯ β’ β£ ln(πΉΜ (π‘)) β¦ β£ 1 10 π−π(π1 −π‘) π−π(π2 −π‘) ... π−π(ππ −π‘) 0 1 1 ... 1 1 π΅(π‘, π1 ) β€ πΆ(π‘, π1 ) β€ β‘π β€ β‘ π΅(π‘, π2 ) β₯ β’ π‘ β₯ β’ πΆ(π‘, π2 ) β₯ β₯ β’ π¦π‘ β₯ β’ β₯ + β’ ... β₯ + ππ‘ , ... β₯ β’ β₯ πΏ π΅(π‘, ππ )β₯ β’ π‘ β₯ β’πΆ(π‘, ππ )β₯ β₯ β£π β¦ β’ β₯ β£ 0 β¦ 0 β¦ π‘ Energy Economics 101 (2021) 105418 S. Ladokhin and S. Borovkova Fig. 8. Time-dependent market price of risk ππ‘ for Brent oil futures. Fig. 9. An example of the model fit with time-dependent MPR ππ‘ to Brent futures market data on 29-12-2008. Table 3 Quality of fit of theoretical forward curve to market quotes with time dependent MPR ππ‘ and the boundary of signal-to-noise ratio ππππ₯ = 0.9. Table 4 Comparison of quality of fit of the proposed model to Gibson–Schwartz model. Test type Absolute RMSE Relative RMSE Test type Model Absolute RMSE Relative RMSE Constant MPR Time dependent MPR 0.3085206 0.2113817 0.004492449 0.003041120 In-sample In-sample Out-of-sample Out-of-sample Gibson–Schwartz Proposed model Gibson–Schwartz Proposed model 0.4477562 0.3085206 0.2521213 0.3369156 0.006629341 0.004492449 0.005555177 0.005278424 The transition equation then becomes: β‘ππ‘ β€ β‘1 − πΌπ₯π‘ β’ β₯ β’ β’ π¦π‘ β₯ = β’ 0 β’ πΏπ‘ β₯ β’ 0 β’π β₯ β’ 0 β£ π‘β¦ β£ 0 1 − ππ₯π‘ 0 0 0 0 1 0 5.6. Comparison to gibson–schwartz model and out-of-sample performance 0β€ β‘πt-1 β€ β₯β’ β₯ 0β₯ β’ π¦t-1 β₯ + π€π‘ , 0β₯ β’πΏt-1 β₯ β₯ β’ β₯ 1β¦ β£ πt-1 β¦ In this section we describe model benchmarking tests, where we compare the performance of our 3-factor model to the performance of Gibson–Schwartz model. Gibson–Schwartz model is a very popular choice among practitioners, so it is natural to choose it as the comparison. We perform two performance comparisons tests: in-sample and out-of-sample. For the in-sample test, we fit both models on the whole Brent futures data set described in Section 5.2 and calculate errors within the same data set. For the out-of sample comparison, we first calibrate the models on the data from 07-02-2005 to 29-12-2017, then we filter unobserved variables for dates from 02-01-2018 to 24-072018. Finally, we calculate the errors on trading dates from 02-01-2018 to 24-07-2018. In such a way, the differences between market and model prices are evaluated on the data different from the one used for model calibration. where π€π‘ is a residual vector with zero expected value πΈ[π€π‘ ] = 0 and the variance given by: β‘ π 2 π₯π‘ β’ππππ₯π‘ π ππ[π€π‘ ] = β’ β’ 0 β’ 0 β£ ππππ₯π‘ π 2 π₯π‘ 0 0 0 0 ππΏ2 π₯π‘ 0 0 β€ 0 β₯β₯ . 0 β₯ β₯ 2 ππ π₯π‘β¦ Given the new specification of the Kalman filter, we explicitly assume MPR to follow a simple, driftless stochastic process. We make such an assumption to impose as few constraints on the structure of the MPR process as possible. We apply a similar two-steps optimization procedure to determine optimal parameters of the new filter. For this test, we keep the boundary of signal-to-noise ratio at ππππ₯ = 0.9. The resulting filtered time series of ππ‘ for Brent oil is presented in Fig. 8. As can be seen from the picture, MPR increases during the times of price increase, and drops during the periods of the market stress. These findings are similar to the ones observed in the interest rate markets in Ahmad and Wilmott (2013). Willmott defines the periods of low (or even negative) market price of risk as periods of ‘‘fear’’, while high positive values of MPR would correspond to the periods of ‘‘greed’’. Finally, the model with time dependent MPR ππ‘ results in a lower RMSE and ARMSE measures (see Table 3 for details). An example of the model fit with the time-dependent MPR is presented in Fig. 9. Additionally, from Fig. 8, we observe that the filtered MPR resembles the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process path. Potentially, the proposed model can be extended by introducing the fourth stochastic factor that describes the MPR. For the benchmarking tests, we have used R implementation of the Gibson–Schwartz model provided by package Schwartz97 (refer to package documentation (Luthi et al., 2014a) and (Luthi et al., 2014b) for more details). Gibson–Schwartz model was calibrated using functionality of Schwartz97 package; calibrated parameters are described in Appendix A.5. For the comparisons tests we have used a calibration version of our 3-factor model with ππππ₯ = 0.9. This setting results in the highest value of the likelihood function and lowest RMSE. The results of model benchmarking for in-sample and out-of-sample performance are given in Table 4. Our 3-factor model performs superior to Gibson–Schwartz model for in-sample comparison test. It also performs with a comparable error for out-of-sample test. The proposed model has an advantage of a number of pre-defined features (such as synthetic spot price, long-run mean) that give our model a more intuitive interpretation without the loss of a good fit to the observed futures prices. 11 Energy Economics 101 (2021) 105418 S. Ladokhin and S. Borovkova 6. Model applications 6.1. Scenario generation Our three-factor model has multiple practical applications. In this section, we discuss some of them. One natural application of the model is forward curve scenario generation. For example, for counterparty credit risk (CCR) computations, one would consider long-horizon simulations under the risk neutral probability measure. Such computations can be used as a part of the credit valuation adjustment (CVA) engine, where one computes potential negative and positive counterparty exposures of a commodity derivatives book. The critical steps of the CVA calculations include generating a large set of scenarios of risk factors (in our case, energy forward curves), re-pricing all the OTC derivatives linked to these factors and calculating potential positive/negative exposures for the selected time horizons. Finally, calculate the CVA adjustment based on the exposures and probabilities of default assigned to each counterparty. A realistic model for generating the forward curves scenarios is paramount for the model performance. Such a model should capture all main empirical properties of the underlying energy forward curves (e.g., contango–backwardation switch, mean-reversion, etc.). The general approach for implementing the exposure model is: Fig. 10. Example of Monte-Carlo simulations using the three factor synthetic spot model. Simulation start on 2018-07-11 and the simulation end date is 2019-07-11. Such simulations allow practitioners to compute exposures on 2019-07-11. • Calibrate model parameters (including the market price of risk π), based on historical observations of forward curves. Typically a few years of historical data is used, possibly including a period of market stress if required by the regulation. • Using model dynamics under risk-neutral probability ξ½, generate scenarios of the state variables ππ‘ , π¦π‘ and πΏπ‘ . This is done by generating a number of paths up to some required time horizon. Typically, 5000 to 10000 paths are generated. • Based on the generated scenarios of the state variables, calculate scenarios of commodity forward curves using formula (15). • For each curve scenario, re-price all the derivatives associated with this curve. This will result in the risk-neutral distribution of portfolio values for a given counterparty at a given future time. • Based on the scenarios of portfolio values, calculate statistics of interest such as Expected Positive Exposure, Expected Negative Exposure or other. Calendar spread options can be viewed as a particular case of a more general construction — basket or spread options. Calendar spread consists of the futures from the same forward curve, while general basket and spread options can contain different commodity futures. A typical example is 3:2:1 crack spread which is a difference between different quantities of crude oil, heating oil and unleaded gasoline. The main challenge in pricing of basket options lies in the fact that a linear combination of log-normally distributed random variables is not log-normally distributed. Moreover, it does not follow any known probability distribution. As the result, the Black–Scholes framework for pricing options cannot be applied. Several methods have been proposed for such options, starting with the seminal paper by Margrabe (1978), where zero strike is assumed. If the strike of a spread option is not zero, then Kirk method can be applied (E, 1995) or the Wakeman method (Turnbull and Wakeman, 1991). A visual example of Monte-Carlo simulations under the risk-neutral probability measure is shown in Fig. 10. Another possible application of the model is for market risk management purposes. Here one would generate forward curve scenarios with a short horizon (typically 2–10 days) and the simulations should be based on the physical probability measure. This is done in a similar way as above, but using Eq. (11) and by computing different risk metrics (such as Value at Risk or Expected Shortfall), based on the generated set of scenarios. Such applications can be especially valuable for initial margin modeling for clearing houses and brokers. Borovkova et al. (2007) proposed a robust way to price basket options based on displaced log-normal distribution. The approach approximates the distribution of the basket value based on the moment matching technique. The paper describes close-form pricing formulas for options on very general baskets and so also on calendar spreads. The framework in Borovkova et al. (2007) depends on the following assumptions about futures dynamics: ππΉπ (π‘, ππ ) = ππ π πΜ π (π‘), π = 1, 2, … , π πΉπ (π‘, ππ ) 6.2. Pricing options on calendar spread futures (21) where ππ2 is a variance of the futures π, π is a number of assets in the basket, πΜ π (π‘) and πΜ π (π‘) are Brownian motions driving futures π and π with correlation πΜπ,π . Our model can be used also for pricing commodity derivatives. The model naturally yields closed-form expression for futures and forwards contracts. In this section we discuss possible application of the model to pricing of a more complex derivative products, namely options on calendar spreads. The payoff of a calendar spread is the difference between two futures with different expiry dates π (π‘, π1 , π2 ) = πΉ (π‘, π2 )−πΉ (π‘, π1 ). A typical example is the calendar spread between the second and the first nearby futures. Calendar spreads can be used, for example, to hedge against the move of the commodity curve from contango to backwardation and vice verse. A European option on a calendar spread is an option whose payoff depends on the value of the spread π (π‘ππ₯π , π1 , π2 ) at the option’s expiry date π‘ππ₯π ≤ π1 . The same framework (as well as methods of Magrabe, Kirk or Wakeman) can be applied to the problem of pricing European option on calendar spreads. All these methods mentioned above require the volatilities and correlation between assets underlying the basket or the spread option. Our 3-factor model provides such modelimplied volatilities and correlations, without having to estimate them separately. To do that, we need to determine the variances of the futures in the spread and the correlation coefficient. This can be done by re-writing the dynamics of the futures πΉ (π‘, π1 ) and πΉ (π‘, π2 ) from the representation (16). The correlation between two futures is naturally given as the ratio 12 Energy Economics 101 (2021) 105418 S. Ladokhin and S. Borovkova β It specifies the model not only under the physical, but also under the risk-neutral probability measure. β It adds a stochastic but slowly varying long-term mean to the mean reverting dynamics of the commodity price. β We develop an innovative calibration approach based on the Kalman filtering methodology. Furthermore, we outlined possible model adjustments for dealing with recently observed negative futures prices. We also demonstrated that the market price of risk plays an important role in transition from π to π measure, and that the market price of risk is not constant, but stochastic and is related to the price level. This is in line with findings of Willmot and Ahmad in Ahmad and Wilmott (2013). We described practical applications of the model, ranging from scenario generation (under physical or risk-neutral probability measures) to pricing options on calendar spreads. Future research will be focused on including stochastic volatility and seasonal effects into the model, as well as applying the arithmetic version of the model to WTI futures which recently exhibited negative values. Fig. 11. Correlation between two legs of calendar spread πΉ1 and πΉ2 represented as a function of difference between corresponding time to expiry of the futures π2 − π1 . The time to expiry of the first future is fixed at 10 days π1 = 10β365. Appendix A. Appendices A.1. Derivation of forward pricing formula of covariance to the variances of the corresponding legs of the spread: πΜ1,2 = √ πΆππ£1,2 . In this section we will derive forward contracts pricing formula (15). As was mentioned before the log-spot is assumed to depend on three stochastic factors ln ππ = ππ + π¦π + πΏπ . The dynamics of these factors under the risk-neutral probability measure is given by Eq. (13). The dynamics of ππ is described by Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process, which results in the following solution is: (22) π ππ1 π ππ2 The covariance can be calculated from the dynamics of the forward prices (16) and is given by the following formula: πΆππ£1,2 = π 2 π−πΌ(π1 +π2 −2π‘) + ππππ−πΌ(π1 −π‘)−π(π2 −π‘) + ππππ−π(π1 −π‘)−πΌ(π2 −π‘) + ππ = ππ‘ π−πΌ(π −π‘) − π 2 π2 π−π(π1 +π2 −2π‘) + π 2 (1 − π2 )π−π(π1 +π2 −2π‘) + ππΏ2 . π Μ1 (π ). ππΌπ π π The dynamics of π¦π can be solved in a similar way leading to: (23) π¦π = π¦π‘ π−π(π −π‘) − The variance for futures πΉ (π‘, ππ ) is: π πππ ≡ ππ2 = (π 2 π−πΌ(ππ −π‘) + πππ−π(ππ −π‘) )2 + π 2 (1 − π2 )π−2π(ππ −π‘) + ππΏ2 . ππ (1 − π−πΌ(π −π‘) ) + ππ−πΌ(π −π‘) ∫π‘ πΌ ππ (1 − π−π(π −π‘) ) + πππ−ππ‘ ∫π‘ π √ π 1 − π2 π−π(π −π‘) (24) The above formulas depend on the calibrated model parameters. The correlation coefficient (22) depends on the time difference between the legs of the spread π2 − π1 . The dependency of the correlation to the value of π2 − π1 is presented in Fig. 11. As can be seen from that figure, the correlation decreases when time spread increases. Overall, correlation stays high which is consistent with empirical observation that two futures prices with nearby time to expiry are highly correlated. Plugging in Eqs. (23) and (24), which result from the dynamics of our 3-factor model into your favorite spread option valuation method (Magrabe, Kirk, Wakeman or the framework proposed in Borovkova et al., 2007), we are able to price calendar spread options in a fast and efficient way. π Μ1 (π )+ πππ π π π ∫π‘ Μ4 (π ). πππ π π Finally, the dynamics of the long-run mean πΏπ is described by arithmetic Brownian motion, which also enables us to easily obtain the solution: π πΏπ = πΏπ‘ − πππΏ (π − π‘) + ππΏ Μ3 (π ). ππΌπ π π ∫π‘ The next step is to compute expected value and variance of log-spot process ln ππ . These calculations are based on the fact that all three stochastic factors are normally distributed. The expected part is easily obtained from the above solutions of SDE: πΈ[ln ππ |ξ²π‘ ] = ππ‘ π−πΌ(π −π‘) + π¦π‘ π−π(π −π‘) + πΏπ‘ [π ] π − π (1 − π−π(π − π‘)) + ππΏ (π − π‘) + (1 − π−πΌ(π −π‘) ) . π πΌ The variance of log-spot is given by the sum of variances with respect to individual uncorrelated Brownian motions: 7. Concluding remarks and further research In this paper we proposed a new three-factor model to describe the dynamics of the commodity (energy) forward curves. The new model is an example of the so-called ‘‘joint dynamics’’ model: i.e., the model that describes dynamics of the state variables under both risk-neutral and physical probability measures. The model is based on the three factors with the synthetic spot factor being the main one. The synthetic spot factor was originally introduced by Borovkova and Geman in Borovkova and Geman (2006) and has a number of useful properties. Our work extends the work in Borovkova and Geman (2006) in three dimensions: π ππ[ln ππ |ξ²π‘ ] = π1 + π2 + π3 , where π1 = π( ∫π‘ π2 2πΌ 13 π( ∫π‘ ππ−πΌ(π −π‘) ππΌπ + πππ−π(π −π‘) πππ π 2 π−2πΌ(π −(π −π‘)) + 2ππππ(π+πΌ)(π −(π −π‘)) + π 2 π2 π2π(π −(π −π‘)) (1 − π−2πΌ(π −π‘) ) + π 2 π2 )2 )2 ππ = ππ = 2πππ (1 − π−(π+πΌ)(π −π‘) ) + (1 − π−2π(π −π‘) ), πΌ+π 2π Energy Economics 101 (2021) 105418 S. Ladokhin and S. Borovkova π2 = ππΏ2 (π − π‘) Table A.5 Calibration results for time-dependent MPR test with πMax = 0.9. This results are obtained after 10 000 iterations of the first step of the solver, 116 iterations of the second step of the solver and result in log-likelihood of 175684.7. π 2 (1 − π2 ) (1 − π−2π(π −π‘) ). π3 = 2π Finally, since all the stochastic factors are normally distributed, the logspot price is also normally distributed. As the consequence, spot price is log-normally distributed. The forward price is equal to the expected value of the spot price, which yields the following pricing formula: −πΌ(π −π‘) +π¦ π−π(π −π‘) +πΏ +π΄(π‘,π ) π‘ π‘ πΉ (π‘, π ) = πΈξ½ [ππ |ξ² ] = πππ‘ π , where [π ] π π΄(π‘, π ) = −π (1 − π−πΌ(π −π‘) ) + (1 − π−π(π −π‘) ) + ππΏ (π − π‘)+ + πΌ π πππ π2 (1 − π−2πΌ(π −π‘) ) + (1 − π−(πΌ+π)(π −π‘) )+ 4πΌ (πΌ + π) π π2 π 2 π 2 (1 − π2 ) (1 − π−2π(π −π‘) ) + (1 − π−2π(π −π‘) ) + πΏ (π − π‘). 4π 4π 2 Parameter Value πΌ π π π π π ππ 0.7926642222 0.3999862774 1.8170002163 0.1007189394 0.1552717310 0.8334227542 0.1012842194 Table A.6 Calibrated values of Gibson–Schwartz model that are used for the model bench-marking. The interest rate π is taken as an average USD Fed-Fund rate over the dates within the data set and is equal to π = 0.0134. A.2. Derivation of forward dynamics In this section we will derive dynamics of the forward price and we will do it in two steps. First, we will compute partial derivatives of log-forward price πΊ(π‘, π ) ≡ ln πΉ (π‘, π ) with respect to the stochastic factors and time: ππΊ ππΊ = πΉ (π‘, π )π−πΌ(π −π‘) , = πΉ (π‘, π )π−π(π −π‘) , ππ ππ¦ π2 πΊ ππΊ = πΉ (π‘, π ), = πΉ (π‘, π )π−2πΌ(π −π‘) , ππΏ ππ 2 π2 πΊ π2 πΊ = πΉ (π‘, π )π−2π(π −π‘) , = πΉ (π‘, π ), ππ¦2 ππΏ2 [ πππ −π(π −π‘) ππΊ = πΉ (π‘, π ) πΌππ‘ π−πΌ(π −π‘) + ππ¦π‘ π−π(π −π‘) + π ππ‘ π 2 πππΌ −πΌ(π −π‘) 2πΌπ −2πΌ(π −π‘) +ππΏ π + π − π − πΌ 4πΌ πππ(πΌ + π) −(πΌ+π)(π −π‘) π − (πΌ + π) 2 π 2 π2 2π −2π(π −π‘) ππΏ π 2 (1 − π2 )2π −2π(π −π‘) ] π − − π . 4π 2 4π After applying Ito’s lemma and canceling some terms, we will obtain: √ ππΉ (π‘, π ) Μ1 + π 1 − π2 π−π(π −π‘) π π Μ4 + ππΏ π π Μ3 . = (ππ−πΌ(π −π‘) + πππ−π(π −π‘) )π π πΉ (π‘, π ) Parameter All data set From 07-02-2005 till 29-12-2017 πΌ ππ π ππΏ π π 0.4177644 0.537943 0.5190225 0.2471361 0.8656749 0.2623438 0.595662 0.6050017 0.5142756 0.2530181 0.9071371 0.3732789 coefficients πππ . Volatilities π ππππ and ππ‘π as well as correlation π can be easily derived from covariance matrix π . • For −πMin ≤ ππ ≤ πMax the following transformation is used: π + πMin πMax − πMin arctan(πΜπ ) + Max , π 2 (( ) πMax + πMin ) π πΜπ = tan ππ − , 2 (πMax − πMin ) ππ = where πMax and πMin are two constants that bound the variable ππ . This transformation is used for bounded variables, such as πΏ0 , π, as well as for π11 , π12 , π22 etc. A.4. Optimal permeates time-dependent MPR test Optimal parameters for Kalman filter with time-dependent MPR ππ‘ are presented in Table A.5. A.3. Change of variables in optimization A.5. Parameters of Gibson–Schwartz model The model calibration is performed in terms of changed variables πΜπ , this is done to ensure realistic constrains on the optimal parameters values (such as positive volatility). There are few types of variable change used in the model. 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