3. Find a news/online article on this topic and summarize the main points here (must summarize at least two main points): (2 pts) According to the article “Escape to the Country: Why Rural Living is Good for Your Health,” by Global Health and Pharma, shares that a rural lifestyle can have several benefits including lower stress and better mental health, less air pollution, strong communities and also healthier food (GHP, 2022). Knowing this, it seems highly relevant to move to a rural area, or spend time in a rural area for health benefits. Article” https://www.ghp-news.com/escape-to-the-country-why-rural-living-is-good-for-your-health/ 4. Find a research article on one of the main points you found in the news/online article (1 pt) List the article citation here (any style citation is acceptable): Nicholson, L. (2008). Rural mental health. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, 14(4), 302-311. doi:10.1192/apt.bp.107.005009 5. Does the news/online article and article agree or disagree with one another and how so? (2 pts) The article and news article somewhat agree. The research article explained that mental health is better in terms of less prominence of certain mental health problems (Nicholson, 2022). However, the research article also suggests that this could also be partially due to the lack of mental health resources in rural areas (Nicholson, 2022). The online article by GHP rather shares that it can reduce stress levels, in comparison to urban environments, due to the access to more green space and vegetation (GHP, 2022). The research article also emphasizes particular social aspects to the community, and how these concepts of close communities can also serve to have downsides (Nicholson, 2022), unlike the online article which mostly emphasizes positive aspects of a “close knit community” (GHP, 2022, p.1) Based on this research article, it may be more beneficial to do research on how being in predominantly green spaces may aid mental health, and recognizing to what extent quality of life is recognized amongst rural communities in the United States. 6. Explain how the topic you explored influences two or more of the 8 dimensions of wellness we are discussing this semester AND how understanding the impact on multiple dimensions could be helpful for your personal health and wellness? (3 pts) The topic explore emphasizes at least two main areas of wellness including social and emotional/ mental wellness .Both the research article and online article share information on how communities can be cultivated in rural spaces, with both positive and negative social impacts. They also both emphasize mental/emotional wellness since they focus heavily on how rural environments can impact mental health, including stress reduction, and less of an emphasis of other existing mental illnesses or adverse effects. These two articles are relevant for understanding my own personal wellness through the fact that they allow me to be aware of the relevance of being in rural environments, and also show how I can determine whether or not I would want to live in a rural area for my own personal wellness.