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Day Trading Strategy: OI Spurts & Top Movers on NSE

Hi Here goes
It is a very simple thing.
At the EOD look at OI spurt data from the NSE site. I usually look at top ten
which are sufficient for me then look at top gainer and losers and if you find
a common stock which appears in OI spurt and Top gainers and losers then
you have got your trade for next day now a further refinement of the above
the above is one way to look at things
now part B) which is refinement of the above method
Repeat the above process next day at around 9.30 am ( let us say after
closure of first 10m candle) and repeat the above process again which is
given above if you find a share which appear in both EOD data and first
10m data data in both OI and Top gainers losers list then you have got
rockstar of the day . otherwise trade on the list as per EOD data or first 10m
Data both will give you volatility. As a day trader you should not be
bothered about up move or down move and your system should be adapted
for both the plays.you will soon come to realise one thing that there will be
some shares which will be frequent in this list. These are the shares which
are strongly in speculators' grip.
After watching this for let us say two weeks you will soon be master in
getting shares which are high on speculators list.
That is all
I hope you all like it. if you do not like then please throw this in the dustbin
and move ahead.
Link to OI Spurts : ​NSE - National Stock Exchange of India Ltd.