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HackED 2023 Devpost Submission Guide

HackED 2023 Devpost Submission Guide
Go to https://hacked-2023.devpost.com/ and click the “Join hackathon” button. Make sure it’s
the HackED 2023 Devpost.
Sign in with the credentials of your choice (Google, Facebook, etc…) and then fill in the
registration form. Click “Register” when finished.
Click the “Create project” button:
This opens the project creation form. On the first tab, enter the email addresses of your
teammates to invite them to the project. Click “Send invite” when all of them have been entered.
You can also send them a “Secret invite link” to join with instead. Click “Save & continue” when
In the next tab, please set the name of the project to include your project name and your team
name. This makes it easy for us to locate your project once hacking is complete. You must
include both of these or your project will not be judged.
Then you can add a description of your project in the Elevator pitch section below.
You can also add a thumbnail to the project by pressing “Edit thumbnail”.
Next you can add additional details to your submission. The critical part for us is the “Try it out”
links section. You must include a link to your project’s GitHub Repository in this section. Any
teams that don’t won’t be eligible for judging, so best to include it as soon as possible.
Next, answer the following questions.
Special Note: Make sure to opt in to every award that you want to be considered for under the
“Sponsor / Special Prizes” section.
You must opt into the Servus Financial Award to be considered for it.
Lastly, check the terms and conditions box, and “Submit project”.
Please note, you can make changes to your submission at any time before the deadline, and
can continue editing your GitHub Repo until then as well. Happy Hacking!!