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Dialysis and other lines and drains

September, 2021: Dialysis Patients and
Other Lines, Tubes & Drains
Dialysis Related Complications:
Tracheostomy Tubes:
Hypovolemia or fluid overload
Life-threatening hemorrhage from fistula
Disequilibrium Syndrome: confusion, coma, seizures and cardiac arrest
Indwelling medical devices, such as dialysis shunts, urinary
catheters, tracheostomies, central lines, and medication
ports are also possible sources of infection.
• Pulse > 90
• Respiratory rate > 20
• Temperature > 38 C (100.4 F) or < 36 C (96.8 F)
Long-term replacement for ET tubes:
• Lon-term ventilator support
• Frequent tracheal suctioning
• Airway Protection
• Follow DOPE acronym for troubleshooting Trachs:
•Obstruction (most common)
Feeding Tubes:
EMS personnel should NOT need to troubleshoot or manipulate
feeding tubes.
May need to monitor or cover during transport
If complications develop:
• Stop feeding.
• Flush catheter with tap water.
• Don’t try to reinsert a dislodged tube.
Don’t stress if you haven't seen it before, just ask the family for directions!