Biology Syllabus

Genetics/Biology: The Living Earth Syllabus
Teacher: Ms. Ly (pronounced Lee)
School Phone: (323) 981-5500
Course Description/Outline (may be modified based on class needs and progress)
The focus of this course is to guide students to be independent learners who can collaboratively work in
groups in order to develop critical thinking skills. This course is aligned with the Next Generation
Science Standards (NGSS) and will prepare students to answer the following essential questions:
Semester 1:
Structure, Function, and Growth (from cells to organisms)
How do organisms live and grow?
● Growth and Development of Organisms: Students will gather evidence to support how proteins
work in cell and living systems and how it leads to growth and development in organisms. (HSLS1-1)
Inheritance of traits
How are characteristics of one generation passed to the next? How can individuals of the same species
and even siblings have different characteristics?
● Inheritance of Traits: Students will discover and provide evidence for how traits can be passed
on from one generation to the next. (HS-LS3-1)
● Variation of Traits: Students will use probability to explain genetic variation and why individuals
have different characteristics. (HS-LS3-2)
Unit 3: Evidence of Evolution
What evidence shows that different species are related?
● Evidence of Common Ancestry and Diversity: Students will evaluate explanations and find
evidence to support the claim that all organisms share a common ancestry. (HS-LS4-1)
Semester 2:
Ecosystem Interactions and Energy
How and why do organisms interact with their environment, and what are the effects of these
● Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems: math will be used to show understanding of
carrying capacity, factors affecting biodiversity and populations, and the cycling of matter and
flow of energy among organisms in an ecosystem. (HS-LS2-4)
History of Earth’s Atmosphere: Photosynthesis and Respiration
How do living things acquire energy and matter for life? How are photosynthesis and cellular
respiration connected? How has the cycling of energy and matter changed over Earth’s history?
● Organization for Matter and Energy Flow in Organisms: Students will model and explain various
cycles such as photosynthesis, respiration, and the cycling of matter and flow of energy in living
organisms. They will discover how they are all related and recycled. (HS-LS1-2HS-LS1-5, HSLS1-6, HS-LS1-7, HS-LS2-3, HS-LS2-5, HS-ESS1-6).
Ecosystem Stability & the Response to Climate Change
What are some solutions to reduce human impact on the environment?
● Human impact: understanding the different systems will lead to development of designing
solutions to reduce the impact of human activities on the environment and to maintain
biodiversity. (HS-LS4-6)
How will you learn?
Each learning target (LT) starts with a phenomenon to engage your thinking. Within each LT, your
learning is supported using the following daily activities: problem solving, project making, virtual labs,
direct instruction, and computer simulations.
You are expected to work on these daily activities and demonstrate your growth towards mastery of LTs.
Homework is used as practice and preparation, so it is not graded. Why do homework if it’s ungraded?
Very important question! Do soccer players get assessed (graded) on their practice? No. They practice to
build skills for the assessment which counts, which are the games. Here, the game acts as the “summative
How will you be assessed? Introducing Expertise Learning and Grading (ELG)
Let’s think about what traditional percentage grades tell us about your knowledge by looking at a
traditional grade report’s “quizzes and test” section. Let’s say you took three quizzes and tests combined.
You received the following scores: Punnett Squares, 90%; Mitosis, 75%; Evolution, 40%. Your average
grade for the quiz/test category would be 68%. Does this mean you’re “bad at taking tests?” The answer is
no. You understand Punnett Squares well. You somewhat understand Mitosis, but you don’t get Evolution
concepts yet. Traditionally, these scores would be averaged into 68%, which does not give a better picture
of your knowledge and other ideas that you need to learn. Let me introduce you to Expertise Learning
and Grading.
Although all students must learn the same standards, they do not learn at the same rate. This course and its
grading policy emphasize student growth and progress toward mastery of the learning targets (LTs). I will
provide you with multiple chances (formative assessments) to demonstrate growth and progress toward
mastery of the learning targets throughout the summer term. In plain language, if you don’t master a
concept on your first attempt, you will get to try again. This is just exactly what real life does. If you
fail your driver’s license test, is it over? Do you never get to drive? NO! You study, practice, make another
appointment, and try again. If you apply for a job as a chef, and your desserts aren’t up to par, do you just
make pancakes for the rest of your life? Definitely not! You practice your craft and apply again.
I will continuously check for understanding during class instruction. I will provide specific, descriptive,
actionable feedback based on rubrics so that you will know what, why, and how to improve expertise of the
You are suggested to have the following materials to our class EVERYDAY because they will be
needed to be successful.
1. Composition notebook only for this class (for any and all written activities like notes, and
activities, etc.)
2. A writing tool (pen/pencil)
3. Color pencils and sharpener
4. Highlighter
5. Charged Chromebook to complete assignments on Schoology
Classroom rules:
1. Be respectful and polite
o No oppressive language
2. Be Prepared
o Have your materials ready
o Computer is charged
3. Be on time
4. Be productive
o Participate
o Ask questions
o Be focused and attentive
Grading Rubric
To track your own growth and progress, feedback to students will be based on the following 5-point rubric.
I can demonstrate a thorough understanding of the learning target, and I can apply
this learning target in other contexts. I can accurately teach it to others.
I can demonstrate an understanding of the learning target, but I may make a few
minor errors and I am not confident to teach others.
I can demonstrate some understanding of the learning target, but because of the
gaps in my understanding, I still need more practice and descriptive actionable
feedback to show growth and progress.
I can demonstrate very minimal or misunderstanding of the learning target, and I
need additional instructional support or significant reteaching.
0-Not Yet
I did not submit any work to be accurately assessed.
The final grade is determined from the body of your work. Specifically emphasizing the consistency of the
mastery level of the LTs throughout the semester and on your most recent performance. To illustrate, here
are some examples:
● If you score 1, 2, 2, 3, 2 in a particular LT, your overall mastery will be determined as 2 (your most
consistent and recent score)
● If you score 1, 2, 2, 3, 4 in a particular LT, your overall mastery will be a 4 because this shows
growth in knowledge, which is excellent!
Grading Policy
Final grade is determined using the proficiency levels you have shown in each learning target.
Letter Grade
I demonstrated exceeding (4) in, at least, 75% of the learning targets and proficiency (3)
or approaching (2) in the remaining 25%. Mostly 4s; Maximum of one 2.
I was proficient (3) in at least 75% of learning targets and demonstrated developing (2)
level skills in the remaining 25%. Mostly 3s. Nothing below a 2.
I demonstrated developing level skills (2) in at least 75% of the learning targets.
I demonstrated at least emerging (1) in all learning targets.
I have not yet demonstrated understanding (0). May have limited or no attempts.
Behavioral Marks
Attendance, work habits, and cooperation will not be counted towards final grade, but will be assessed
separately every 5-week grading period.
Work Habits
Excellent (E)
Completes assignments consistently,
actively participates appropriately and
works toward proficiency of learning
Follows all class expectations and
demonstrates respect, responsibility, and
safety for oneself and others.
Completes assignments, actively
participates appropriately most times,
and works toward proficiency of
learning targets.
Follows most classroom expectations most
of the time and generally demonstrates
respect, responsibility, and safety for
oneself and others.
Completes assignments inconsistently,
does not participate appropriately, and
does not work towards proficiency of
learning targets.
Does not follow classroom expectations
and/ or does not demonstrate respect,
responsibility, or safety for oneself or others
in the classroom.
Students that are receiving a “D” will have a comment: “In danger of failing” on their progress report. It is
the student’s responsibility to make up any work or tests to improve their grade. If students do not pass
with a “D” or higher, they will need to retake the class.
Learning Targets
LT1. Asking Questions and Defining Problems.
I will be able to ask testable questions and lead to explanations of how the natural world works.
LT2. Developing and Using Models
I can create and revise models in the form of diagrams, analogies, mathematical formulas and computer simulations to explain
phenomena or what is going on in a system.
LT3. Planning and Carrying Out Investigations
I will determine the goal of an investigation, predict results, and plan steps that will provide the best evidence or information
for the goal.
LT4. Analyzing and Interpreting Data
I will be able to collect and organize data from investigations in graphs or tables and will be able to use their data to determine
patterns or relationships and communicate their findings and claims to others.
LT5. Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking
I will be able to use math to gather data, draw conclusions, make connections, and support claims or answers to see if models or
proposed solutions make sense.
LT6. Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions
I will be able to use new information and evidence to construct explanations for scientific phenomena.
In engineering, students will be able to design realistic solutions to a problem, improve the solution, and decide on the best
options given certain limitations.
LT7. Engaging in Argument from Evidence
I will be able to engage in respectful argumentation using evidence gathered from research or investigations in order to find the
best explanation or solution, explain their claim or evaluate others’ claims with the ultimate goal of reaching an agreement.
LT8. Obtaining, Evaluating and Communicating Scientific Information
I will be able to research, understand and critique scientific information. Students will determine evidence from opinion, find
errors, distinguish between science and pseudoscience and gather information from credible sources. Students will then
communicate their research through tables, diagrams/drawings, graphs, models, and equations.
Late Assignments:
You may submit assignments up to 5 school days after the assignment is due. Any late work after the last
day of a project will not be accepted. You are responsible for completing assignments if you are absent.
Incidences of cheating will result in a ZERO on the assignment, project, or test and include (but
are not limited to):
1. Copying classwork/homework assignments from a classmate. Sharing answers via technology
(airdrop, texting).
2. Having a cell phone out during a test for ANY reason.
3. Talking during a test or quiz or sharing answers.
4. Copying classwork/homework assignments from the internet.
5. Plagiarism: copying written work from sources without proper citation.
The Biology curriculum, (ISBN ‎978-1328896094) can be accessed through Schoology ( In
the Courses section, choose Genetics. Once there choose HMH from the list on the left of the screen. Click
on the first Icon "California Dimensions" to access the book
If you are tardy to class, go to your seat and ask your neighbor what you have missed. You can also
contact your classmates after class to obtain any missing notes or information. Do not disrupt the
class if you come in late.
You must check Schoology to get the assignments you missed while you were absent. You can also ask
your peers. You must make up the assignment(s) you missed, and you are responsible for turning them in
the day after you return.
Take an active part in your learning and talk to Ms. Ly about your needs and responsibilities.
Restroom/Drinking Fountain Protocol & Policies:
● The only appropriate time to use the restroom during class is after the warm up, content and
instructions have been covered.
● Do not request to use a pass while Ms. Ly is instructing the whole class or when an
instructional video is playing.
● You will check out a restroom pass by signing for it and logging your time out and in.
● In the event of an emergency the log provides a way of identifying if any student is in the restroom.
● You are expected to return within 5 minutes.
● The ONLY EXCEPTIONS are for emergency situations or if you have a verifiable medical
● BE SMART: Use the restroom before coming to class!
Discipline Policy
You will be held accountable with the following consequences if rules are broken:
Should you fall short of the student expectations, the following actions will be taken:
1. Warning (verbal or visual)
2. Parent phone call home/Sent to counselor
3. Parent/teacher/student conference
Cellphone, Gadgets & Other Electronics Policy:
Based on school wide policy, cell phones and headphones are NOT
allowed during class time. There will be ZERO TOLERANCE for cell
phone and headphone usage during class time unless specifically told
otherwise by Ms. Ly. Please let me know if you have an emergency and
need to use your cell phone.
1st Violation: Verbal warning
2nd Violation: Call home to parent
Schoology will be our ‘classroom’ as well as room 232. Be sure to check messages and updates regularly
(at least once a day). All students must have access to Schoology using their school email. Grades,
assignments, and class notes will be posted throughout the year on Schoology. You will also be turning in
your assignments on Schoology. If students do not have access to a computer and internet at home, they
must contact me to get resources.
If you need help with any class materials you can email me at or message me on
To receive updates and reminders for this class text the following to number
81010. You can set it up on your computer or on your cell phone. It is
designed for both parents and students.
Make sure you know which period you are in before you text the number.
Genetics Per. 13:text @ly13to the number 81010
Genetics Per. 14:text @ly14 to the number 81010
Genetics/Biology 2022-2023
Student Syllabus Contract
I, _____________________________, have read, understood, and agreed to follow the classroom
procedures and safety rules. I agree to abide by any additional instructions provided by my teacher. I
further understand that abuse of the above rules will result in appropriate disciplinary actions, as
determined by the teacher.
Student Signature____________________________________ Date: ____________________
Parent/Guardian Syllabus Contract
I, _____________________________, parent/guardian of ________________________, have read
the anatomy syllabus. I understand the importance of these rules and procedures, and I will encourage
my student to abide by them. I understand that these rules and procedures provide my child with a good
learning environment that is rigorous and collaborative. If I have any questions or concerns, I understand
that I can contact Ms. Ly via email or set an appointment through the main office.
Parent/Guardian Signature______________________________ Date: __________________
Yo, _____________________, como madre y/o padre o guardián de
__________________________, he leído el programa de estudios de anatomía. Entiendo la importancia
de estas reglas y procedimientos, y animaré a mi estudiante a cumplirlos. Entiendo que estas reglas y
procedimientos le dan a mi hijo/a un buen ambiente de aprendizaje que es riguroso y colaborativo. Si
tengo alguna pregunta o inquietud, entiendo que puedo ponerme en contacto con el Sra. Ly por correo
electrónico o hacer una cita a través de la oficina principal.
La firma de madre/padre o guardián __________________________________
La fecha: ____________________