CONTRACTOR SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROCEDURE BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System REVIEW TEAM REV.1 IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 1 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System REVISION HISTORY Date 01 August 2012 Revision Change No. 0 Initial release Sections Page Summary Revision 1.0 dated 11 November 2013 Section Revision Planning CAM and Job Rep shall be assigned by Dept. Head Involvement Technical Expert/SME and TA during scope of work development CSMS Risk Categorization change to CSMS Risk Level Categorization for CSMS preliminary review Prequalification Add Prequalification validation Revise PQ Score minimum become 65 Selection Add Contractor Readiness Validation Prejob ATO approval form and process During Job Contractor Conformance and Performance Attachments Role and Responsibility every phases ATO: checklist, Flow Chart People mobilization, mandatory training, Vendor Specialist, LOA, Hazardous & Toxic Chemical, Flowchart Plant-Equipment& Tool and Material Flow chart and Equipment Mobilization to Site mobilization, bridging document, KPI, Non Conformance Report Conformance: Green Card, Yellow Card and Red Card. List of Technical Expert Summary Revision 1.1 dated 6 January 2014 Section Revision Cover Title Revision: “Contractor Safety Management System Guideline” becomes “Contractor Safety Management System Procedure” Content Introduction: This procedure of CSMS Revision 1.1 will supersede the Tangguh SSO 920-SSO-HS-10001 “Authorization to Operate” dated 16 September 2013 and the Tangguh SSO 920-SS0-HS-2045 “Contractor's Equipment Mobilization to Tangguh LNG site” dated 16 November 2012. Some wordings are rewrote to emphases the paragraph meaning IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 2 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System PREFACE Review and Update This document will be subject to 24 -monthly review and update, when document holders will have the opportunity to express opinions and suggest improvements. However, the document control system allows for continuous update of this document. As such, any user may at any time identify an error or suggest an improvement using Document Change Request Form which is provided by the Document Controller so that the updates are promptly incorporated and acknowledged. The original source of this document is in the English version. In case of any inconsistency or conflict between the English version and the Bahasa Indonesia version of this document, then English version shall prevail. IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 3 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System TABLE OF CONTENTS REVIEW TEAM ……………………………………………………………………………………...1 PREFACE ……………………………………………………………………………………………..2 TABLE OF CONTENTS ………..…………………………………………………………..............3 1.0 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... 6 2.0 PURPOSE ................................................................................................. 6 3.0 SCOPE ...................................................................................................... 6 4.0 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS .................................................... 6 5.0 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES FOR CONTRACTOR SAFETY MANAGEMENT ....................................................................................... 8 6.0 CONTEXT OF CSMS REVISION ............................................................ 13 A. CAM/Job Rep Appointment and Technical Expert Involvement ...... 13 B. Validation during Prequalification and Selection ............................... 13 C. Authorization to Operate (ATO) .......................................................... 13 D. Conformance and Performance ........................................................... 14 7.0 CSMS PROCESS .................................................................................... 14 A. PLANNING PHASE ................................................................................ 15 1. CAM and Job Rep Appointment ...................................................... 15 2. Risk Level Categorization ................................................................. 15 3. Technical Expert/SME support during SOW .................................. 16 B. QUALIFICATION PHASE ....................................................................... 16 1. Pre-Qualification ................................................................................ 16 2. Selection 20 C. IMPLEMENTATION PHASE................................................................... 23 1. PRE JOB 23 1.1. Kick-off Meeting ................................................................................ 23 1.2. HSE Plan Endorsement ..................................................................... 24 1.3. Authorization to Operate (ATO) ...................................................... 24 2. DURING JOB...................................................................................... 27 2.1. Conformance ..................................................................................... 27 A. Contractor Conformance .................................................................. 28 B. BP Conformance ................................................................................ 29 2.2. Performance ...................................................................................... 29 3. POST JOB EVALUATION .................................................................. 32 8.0 REGULATORY AND STANDARD REFERENCES .................................. 33 9.0 ATTACHMENTS ..................................................................................... 34 Attachment 1 - CSMS Roles & Responsibilities .......................................... 35 Attachment 2 - CSMS Risk Level Categorization ........................................ 41 Attachment 3 - CSMS Pre-Qualification Questionnaire ............................... 49 Attachment 4 - CSMS Pre - Qualification Scoring Guideline ....................... 58 Attachment 5 - HSE Plan Questionnaire ..................................................... 63 Attachment 6 - HSE Plan Questionnaire Scoring Guideline ......................... 69 Attachment 7 - HSE Plan Content for Non-PHCA........................................ 88 Attachment 7A - HSE Plan for Non-PHCA Evaluation Checklist .................. 93 Attachment 7B - HSE Plan for Non-PHCA Small Proforma Contract ......... 100 Attachment 8 - Authorization to Operate (ATO) Check List ....................... 101 IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 4 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Attachment 8A - Authorization to Operate (ATO) – People ....................... 103 Attachment 8B - List of Permit To Work Roles for Contractors and Relevant Training ......................................................................... 104 Attachment 8C - List of Vendor Specialist in Tangguh .............................. 105 Attachment 8D - List of Letter of Authorization ........................................ 106 Attachment 8E - Table of Contractors Qualifications Requirements ......... 108 Attachment 8F - List of Site Induction and HSE Mandatory Training for Contractor Personnel .................................................... 135 Attachment 8G - ATO- Hazardous and Toxic Chemical Form .................... 136 Attachment 8H - ATO – Plant/Equipment and Material. ............................ 137 Attachment 8I - ATO-Equipment Mobilization Form.................................. 138 Attachment 8J - ATO- BRIDGING DOCUMENT ....................................... 139 Attachment 8K - KPI .................................................................................. 140 Attachment 8L- ATO- Non-Conformance Report....................................... 141 Attachment 9 - Contractor Self-Verification/Oversight Form ..................... 142 Attachment 10A - GREEN CARD .............................................................. 149 Attachment 10B - YELLOW CARD............................................................ 150 Attachment 10C - RED CARD ................................................................... 151 Attachment 11 - CSMS Post Job Evaluation ............................................. 152 Attachment 12 - Technical Expert Table.................................................... 153 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 CSMS Improvement chart ............................................................... 13 Figure 2 CSMS Process ................................................................................. 14 Figure 3 Risk Categorization .......................................................................... 15 Figure 4 Pre-Qualification Process ................................................................. 19 Figure 5 Selection Process ............................................................................ 22 Figure 6 BP and Contractor Responsibility ..................................................... 27 Figure 7 Conformance and Performance Process.......................................... 31 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Risk Level and HSE Requirement...................................................... 15 Table 2 Contractor Readiness Closing Target ................................................ 21 IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 5 of 154 BP Indonesia 1.0 Contractor Safety Management System INTRODUCTION OMS Element 2.5: Working with Contractors: BP entities systematically assure that goods, equipment and services provided by suppliers, contractors and other parties meet contractual and BP requirements. Active and ongoing participation of both BP and contractors are essential to achieve these goals. While each distinct role contributes to ensuring the ongoing Contractor Safety Management of all involved, there is an opportunity to further enhance the BP and contractor relationship by clearly defining the roles and responsibilities, establishing expectations and maintaining communication throughout the relationship. Our HSE Goals are simply stated – no accidents, no harm to people, and no damage to the environment This procedure is part of the whole Operating Management System to guide the management and workforce towards the goals. This procedure should protect both BP and contractor personnel from workplace injuries and illnesses as well as from environmental damaged associated with incidents, while preserving the independent nature of the contractor relationship. This procedure of CSMS Revision 1.1 will supersede the Tangguh SSO 920-SSO-HS10001 “Authorization to Operate” dated 16 September 2013 and the Tangguh SSO 920-SS0-HS-2045 “Contractor's Equipment Mobilization to Tangguh LNG site” dated 16 November 2012. 2.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this document is to provide procedure for CAM/Job Rep, PSCM Specialist and other relevant parties to manage contractor safety through Planning, Pre-Qualification, Selection, “Pre Job” preparation including HSE Plan and ATO process, “During Job” performance and conformance as well as Post Job evaluation. 3.0 SCOPE This procedure applies to all “working with contractor” and third party contracting activities within BP Indonesia (GOO, GPO and GWO), excluding Geophysical Operations which refers to UDG 2.5-0001 Management of Geophysical Operations. This procedure is used as minimum requirement for Contractor Safety Management Systems. For any other higher requirements such as Category Management & PHCA contract, this guidance shall become complementary. 4.0 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS AOM Area Operations Manager GOO Global Operation Organization AP Activity Planning GPO Global Project Organization ATO Authorization to Operate GWO Global Wells Organization AVL Approved Vendor List H&S Health and Safety CAM Contract Accountable Manager HIPO High Incident Potential CRF Contract Requisition Form HSE CSMS Contractor Safety Management System HSE MS CSM Contractor Safety Management HSSE Health, Safety and Environment Health, Safety and Environment Management System Health, Safety, Security and Environment IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 6 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System DCM Discipline Capability Manager JOB REP Job Representative ( BP) DREC Detail Requirements and Evaluation Criteria KPI Key Performance Indicator EA Engineering Authority LNG Liquefied Natural Gas FAL Financial Authority Limit LOPC Loss of Primary Containment LOA Letter of Authorization PSCM Procurement and Supply Chain Management Subject Matter Expert, also called as Technical Expert Single Point Accountability (called as CAM) Single Point Responsibility (called as Job Rep) OA Operational Authority SME OHE Operational HSE Engineering SPA OMS Operating Management System SPR PHCA Potential High Consequences Activities SQM Supplier Quality Management PGM Project General Manager STOP Safety Training Observation Program PQ Pre-Qualification TA Technical Authority PRM Performance Review Meeting WOM Wells Operation Manager Contract A legally binding agreement between two or more parties Contract Owner/Contract Accountable Manager. The Contract Owner/Contract Accountable Manager is the BP employee implementing the contract on BP’s behalf and is Accountable for Contractor Performance and Delivery and Accountable for Acceptance of Goods and Services. BP Job Representative ( BP Job Rep) The BP Job Representative is the person assigned to interface with the Contractor’s Job Representative over fulfillment of responsibilities under the contract. In most cases, this will be a BP employee. However, in some cases a business may decide to hire a third-party (another contractor) to act as BP’s Job Representative. Contractor A Company, firm, and individuals who have a contract with BP Indonesia and performs services for BP Indonesia. Services should be performed under written contracts signed by the Contractor and BP Berau, Indonesia. HSE Plan A standard form document prepared by the contractor for presentation to BP Indonesia regarding the defined activities and risk mitigation required for achieving BP’s HSE contractual requirements and targets (“no accidents, no harm to people, and no damage to the environment”) during the life time of the contract. H&S Lead The coordinating H&S position in the discipline (i.e. GOO, GPO, GWO). Subcontractor An individual or company hired by the contractor to perform a specific task as part of the overall work scope. IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 7 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Technical Authority (TA) The Accountable person appointed as defined by S&OR organization for independent view and assurance of the content of the applicable standards (e.g. ETP, STP) and review recommendation for any deviations and approval by EA. Subject Matter Expert (SME) /Technical Expert Local expertise for a specific topic (e.g. ER/C&CM/OJOB REP/HR/ Crisis/ Communications/ Engineering/ Legal/ Ops), provides technical guidance to the CAM. 5.0 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES FOR CONTRACTOR SAFETY MANAGEMENT The key roles and responsibility for each step of the CSMS process are available in Attachment 1. H&S Director Asia Pacific Ensure that the Contractor HSE Management System comply with BP Standards and requirements and is consistently applied in BP Indonesia Ensure this procedure is reviewed and updated on a regular basis Ensure compliance towards this procedure is measured on annual basis Ensure manning profiles in BP organization are adequate for the Contractor Safety Management System Line H&S Team Leader/Manager Provide adequate resources to deliver the Contractor Safety Management System Endorse Contractor’s HSE Plan and/or interface document Set and communicate the HSE requirements to Contractors Verify HSE readiness for mobilization through Authorization to Operate Ensure HSE plan implementation is monitored and evaluated Chief Procurement Officer Ensure manning profiles in procurement organization are adequate to deliver the Contractor Safety Management System Accountable to ensure the contract process and procedures are followed PSCM Manager Provide adequate PSCM resources to deliver the Contractor Safety Management System Ensure all contracts follow the Contractor Safety Management System process, and is consistently applied throughout each phase of the contracting process Approve the process and contract documentations Contractor Safety Management Team Lead Review conformance and update Contractor Safety Management Procedure Provide coaching to users, contractors/suppliers and regulators as needed on the contractor safety management process and requirements Conduct compliance audit towards CSMS implementation on a regular basis Review and agree the CSMS Risk Level Categorization Check the CSMS evaluation history of contractors during pre-qualification evaluation IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 8 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Assist evaluation for the Contractor HSE pre-qualification documents and issue letter of validity for Contractors that have passed the evaluation based on CSMS Score Review and agree the HSE plan item checklist as part of the Technical evaluation, including the weighting system Review and agree HSE Key Performance Indicators for contractors Review contractors HSE plan and/or interface document and seek endorsement from H&S Manager Review contractors readiness for mobilization through Authorization to Operate Support Job Representative to monitor implementation of Contractor Conformance and Performance using Green, Yellow and Red Card. Conduct BP Assurance to ensure that Contactor’s Self Verification and BP Oversight are conducted as scheduled Maintain CSMS database (including CSMS Categorization, PQ evaluation, HSE Plan, Kick Off Meeting, Pre Job records, CSMS/During Job Audit, Post Job Evaluation) Evaluate the overall CSMS implementation on an annual basis Contract Accountable Manager (CAM) Appointed by Department Head Shall seek SME/Technical Expert endorsement for the contract implementation especially for SOW Development. Seek TA review for recommendation to any deviations Review contract risk level categorization using GDP 3.1-001 Lead and Approves pre-qualification and bid evaluations and recommendations for awards Lead the evaluation the Technical result of bidding including CSMS Score, and ensure H&S representatives is involved in the evaluation Approves Contractor’s Key Performance Indicators in Contract and HSE Plan and/or other Interface documents Lead and sets expectation for the contract during the Kick Off Meeting Sets schedule of Inspections, Introducing the BP Job Representative, who has been assigned accountability to interface with the Contractor over its fulfillment of its responsibilities under the contract Confirm that HSSE and Operations requirements have been satisfied and that appropriate management plans and interfacing arrangements are in place. Lead and approves contractors readiness for mobilization through Authorization to Operate Create schedule for contractor oversight against contractor’s selfverification. Monitor the contractor HSE performance through site inspections/audit and ensure complete follow up action Reviews and approves post job contractor HSE evaluations. CAM can formally appoint additional resources such BP Job Representative BP Job Representative Develop Scope Of Work and obtain endorsement from Technical Expert Complete CSMS Requirement on Contract Requisition Form including the Risk Level Categorization Lead the evaluation of CSMS pre-qualification documents submitted by bidders; ensure H&S representatives are involved in the evaluation. IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 9 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Arrange and conducts Pre-Qualification validation activities whereas necessary Identify HSE Plans applicable questionnaire items related to work type and define the weighting system. Seek endorsement from Contractor Safety Management Team Review HSE Plan submitted by bidders as part of the Technical Evaluation in the bidding process and ensure H&S representatives is involved in the evaluation Familiar with the contract and how it allocates responsibilities between BP and the Contractor Lead the Pre-Job activities, including o Sets schedule of Inspections part of oversight o Meetings with contractor. Ensure that contractor’s HSE key performance indicator in the contract has been endorsed by Contractor Safety Management Team Ensure HSE Plan and/or HSE Interface document has been completed prior to mobilization Ensure contractor’s readiness for mobilization through Authorization to Operate Conduct oversight (performance management) as per schedule to confirm Contractor performance and compliance with contract requirements during contract execution Review Contractor’s risk-based periodic self-verifications of their performance and compliance with contract requirements Conduct site visit or inspection in particular if not satisfied with the results of Contractor self-verification/self-assessment and self-audit Communicate the results of job site visits and inspections, and of any audits that are not conform to the contract content Immediate response to any Contractors performing an unsafe practice, exposed to a hazard or acting unlawfully using Green, Yellow and Red Card Take appropriate actions when agree HSSE actions are not delivered Conduct regular communication and information sharing relevant to HSSE hazards and risks. Conduct Contractor’s HSE-MS review quarterly Conducts final contractor HSE performance evaluations and provides feedback to contractors. Ensure Contractor Safety Management Team is involved in the final evaluation on Post Job Evaluation PSCM Category Lead/PSCM Specialist Ensures CSMS Requirement have been completed and endorsed by H&S prior processing the CRF (Contract Requisition Form) Ensure that the HSE requirements include in Pre-Qualification and Bid Document. Arrange and facilitate pre-qualification evaluation meeting and technical evaluation meeting Provides feedback to contractors that fail the prequalification, Provide De-Brief meeting for Suppliers/Contractors which are unsuccessful in the Pre-Qualification evaluation (If required) Seek approval from procurement committee to proceed to the next contracting process Ensure HSE Plan is part of the Technical evaluation as mandated by CSMS process Arrange and facilitate Kick Off Meeting with Contractor’s management, CAM/JOB REP, S&OR and other relevant parties after contract sign IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 10 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Advises CAM/JOB REP regarding the contents of the contract, including the HSE requirements: Contractor’s and Company’s obligations, Conditional acceptances, Contract Conformance, Rewards and penalties, etc. Set Performance Review Meetings (PRM) with CAM/Job Rep and Contractor’s Management, ensure contractor Safety performance on the agenda and relevant delegated H&S Representative are present Closes out contracts Engineering Authority and Operating Authority If a deviation from standard is required, approved if appropriate, as recommended by TA Escalate to segment/group if the proposed deviation is a segment/group mandatory standard/practice Technical Authority: Shall provide independent view and guidance to ensure equipment described in the contracts comply with relevant standards Provide independent view and guidance for activities related to Safety Critical Equipment Shall provide independent view and guidance to ensure the set of competency requirements is clearly stated in the contracts If a deviation from standard is required, assess the proposed alternate mitigating measure and provide recommendation to Engineering Authority” Conduct competency assessment for the critical positions Together with OHE DCM provide recommendation to EA on LOA approval Technical Expert/Subject Matter Expert: Provide set standards of Basic of Design, the ETP, STP and other relevant standards. Approve the methodology Support CAM/JOB REP in term of technical scope for each steps of contracting process Provide set of technical competency requirements Conduct assessment for the critical positions Ops HSE Eng. Discipline Capability Manager: Provide set of minimum qualification/ competency/ training requirement for each role Together with TA approve LOA for defined production and safety critical roles Ensure that contractors have a competency management system and their people meet the minimum competency requirement of the role. BP Line H&S (H&S Representative) Evaluate the CSMS pre-qualification documents and HSE plan in Technical Evaluation Provide input to PSCM specialist during clarification session for contractors that fail the CSMS prequalification Support CSMS Pre-Job Activities, including HSE plan review, and ensure contractor readiness prior mobilization IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 11 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Support Contractor oversight as well as onsite inspections along with Job Rep and other relevant parties Support Job Rep in monitoring Contractor conformance with requirements and performance during day to day activities using Green, Yellow and Red Cards Provides input to PRM for the final HSE evaluation of contract Contractor Provide the HSE framework and the program that meets the requirement of BP HSE Requirements Provide competent personnel that are capable of performing contract execution Provide the equipment that meets the technical specification as per contract requirements including competent personnel who operate them and relevant operating procedures Develop HSE Plan and/or interface documents with approval from CAM and Line H&S Manager and Affected H&S Manager Prepare HSE program (as part of HSE Plan implementation) Complete the Authorization To Operate ( ATO) process Performs the contracted work in accordance to the HSE Plans and performance contracts Conduct self-verification, self-assessment and self-audit Understand the mechanism of measuring Performance using Green, Yellow and Red Cards Immediate close out all Non-Conformance action as result of having Yellow Card during formal visit by H&S team or else, inspection or Audit Prepare documentation for Performance Review Meeting (PRM) Immediately conduct the implementation of remedial action where performance drops below the requirements as defined in the contract. Review the HSE Plan annually Receives feedback of evaluations IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 12 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System 6.0 CONTEXT OF CSMS REVISION The objective of this CSMS revision is to eliminate risk at site by implementing CSMS as risk barriers starting from planning all the way to project completion. Figure 1 CSMS Improvement chart A. CAM/Job Rep Appointment and Technical Expert Involvement At the planning phase CAM and Job Rep shall be formally assigned by Department Head to manage the contract. During this planning phase, CAM and Job Rep shall develop the scope of work to define the contract requirements. CAM/ Job Rep shall involve relevant Technical Expert/ SMEs to ensure that scope of work meets the applicable standards Technical Expert/SME shall be involved during SOW development in order to ensure robustness of the contract in terms of equipment specification, personnel qualification and other specifications based on STP and ETP. If there was a deviation from STP and ETP then the TA shall give a recommendation related to that deviation to the EA. Technical Expert/SME shall endorse the scope of work and methodology The assignment Form for CAM and Job Rep is available in PSCM-CRF B. Validation during Prequalification and Selection Two phases of validation during prequalification and during selection are conducted to ensure contractor has capabilities and competency to execute the job. (1) The Prequalification validation is conducted to ensure that Contractor’s HSE Management system meets to BP expectations. (2) Validation during selection is to ensure contractor can deliver the proposed objectives and execute the job safely and efficiently in term of equipment, personnel and procedure. C. Authorization to Operate (ATO) No mobilization of equipment or personnel can occur prior to ATO approval. ATO will be signed by AOM/PGM/WOM and the Affected Area Manager. ATO approval sheet will be used as final check to ensure that all necessary contract requirements are satisfied. Moreover ATO ensures equipment is fit for service at mobilization point and personnel has correct competency and permits to enter the Tangguh site. IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 13 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System ATO completion status is monitored at Activity Planning 6 week gate criteria to ensure CAM completes it within 6 week before job execution. A routine communication meeting with Contractor Safety Team, AP and PSCM is setup to ensure alignment of contract process from a Planning, ATO, date of job execution standpoint. D. Conformance and Performance Contractor conformance is the fulfillment of HSE Requirements that are articulated in approved HSE Plan and implemented in the HSE program. The effectiveness of this implementation is measured from the activities of HSE Plan Implementation and Report, Contractor Self-Verification, Contractor Self Audit, BP Oversight, and Assurance. The Contractor Conformance reflects their performance whether they are: CONFORM (GREEN CARD): conform to all HSE Requirements ALERT (YELLOW CARD): non-conformance to minor HSE Requirements STOP ( RED CARD): repetitive non-conformance toward several HSE requirements that potentially may lead to incidents or violate the regulatory requirements 7.0 CSMS PROCESS There are three phases in the CSMS: 1. Planning Phase CAM appointment, Risk Level Categorization, Technical Expert/SME support to SOW Development 2. Qualification phase Pre-Qualification and Selection Steps 3. Implementation phase Pre Job, During Job and Post Job Evaluation Steps CSMS process is a part of the integral process of Category Management that ensures that selected contractors are capable of delivering the contract content in full compliance with the HSSE requirements. CSM TL reviews of each CSMS process are mandated gates to ensure that the selected contractor is in full compliance with the HSE requirements and delivers the outcome as expected in the contract. Figure 2 CSMS Process CAM Appointment Risk Level Category Technical Expert Support SOW Development PreQualification Selection Selection Qualification Phase Planning Phase Unperformed Disqualify Post Job Post Job Evaluati Evaluation Pre Pre Job on Implementation Phase Job During During Job Job IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 14 of 154 BP Indonesia A. Contractor Safety Management System PLANNING PHASE 1. CAM and Job Rep Appointment At the planning phase CAM and Job Rep shall be formally assigned by Department Head to manage the contract. As CAM, he/she shall understand the content of CSMS and pass the CSMS test. CAM shall request inputs from related Technical Expert/ SMEs to ensure that scope of work meets applicable standards and competencies. Job Rep shall support CAM in this CSMS process. 2. Risk Level Categorization CAM shall conduct preliminary Contract Activity Risk Level using Contractor Risk Level Categorization in Attachment 2. If the risk level falls in the purple zone of the 8x8 matrix, the risk category falls into PHCA otherwise it is NonPHCA. This process is to determine the HSE Requirements (see Table 1.) Figure 3 Risk Categorization Table 1 Risk Level and HSE Requirement Risk Matrix HSE Requirement Purple Area Section IV or Section VI Non-PHCA Blue, Toques, Section IV NonWhite PHCA or Exhibit H Risk Level PHCA White: Risk Level <=3 Section IV NonPHCA (LOW) or Exhibit H (LOW) HSE Plan Appendix 2 Section IV or VI Attachment 7HSE Plan Content for Non-PHCA Attachment 7BHSE Plan for Small Proforma Contract CAM/Job Rep shall complete the contractor safety management review as required in CRF: Preliminary Risk Level White Blue Turquoise Purple Risk Category PHCA Non PHCA IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 15 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System HSE PreQual. Process Yes Contractor Activities BP sites Contractor Site BP site Managed by Contractor HSSE Requirement Section IV Exhibit H Exhibit H (LOW) Section VI Section IV Non PHCA Section IV Non PHCA (LOW) Contractor Safety Mgmt CSMS Procedure MOGO CM R1.1 HSE Plan for PHCA Small Proforma for Non PHCA ATO Yes No Designated HSSE GOO GWO GPO Others No 3. Technical Expert/SME support during SOW During this planning phase, CAM shall develop the scope of work to define the contract requirements. Scope of work development plays an important role on CSMS process as risks are identified and addressed. SOW shall describe the contract deliverables including the minimum requirement for the personnel qualification (see Attachment 8E as reference) and the equipment specifications. Clear SOW is very important to avoid dispute or contract changes afterwards that may delay the ATO process. Technical Expert/SME shall support the CAM to define and to develop the scope of work including the equipment specifications based on type, function, consistency with the relevant practices, standards and specifications, e.g. Engineering Technical Practices (ETP), Site Technical Practices (STP), specific HSSE Requirements, etc. Technical Expert Table is available in Attachment 12. If there was a deviation from STP and ETP then TA shall give a recommendation related to that deviation. TA shall provide assurance that the contract meet the standard HSE requirements. After the SOW has been developed, CAM shall conduct detail risk assessment or review the existing Company Risk Register to verify the contractor’s risk assessment submitted in bid document. B. QUALIFICATION PHASE 1. Pre-Qualification Pre-Qualification is a very important step in the CSMS to screen potential contractors and to ensure that they are able to undertake the activities in compliance with BP HSE requirements. This may include but not be limited to interviews, inspections and/or audits. Contractor shall complete the CSMS Prequalification questionnaires (Attachment 3) with evidence as appropriate. Tools to score the contractor prequalification document are in Attachment 4 (CSMS Pre - Qualification Scoring Guideline). There are conditions that do not require contractors to be pre-qualified on HSE: a) Small Proforma Contract activities which have Risk Level equal or below 3 such as consultancy, printing and office activities. IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 16 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System b) Contractors that have passed previous pre-qualifications and are still in the validity period (max 2 years) c) Contractor with active contracts with satisfactory interim evaluation for the similar scope of work d) Contractors who received satisfactory post job evaluation (max 2 years) Contractors who had previously received warning / penalty from BP, and are involved in another contracting process with BP Indonesia, shall provide evidences of improvement and/or modification and shall be evaluated through the prequalification process. Contractor that had a poor HSE performance in the past three years ON or and OFF BP, experienced a Fatality incident or for which overall Contractor RIF is greater than 1.5, shall be directly disqualified. Contractor that does not have a competency management system program and personal development program shall be directly disqualified. For Consortium Contractor, the CSMS evaluation will be based on their agreed consortium HSE-MS, or the consortium leader’s HSE-MS. When consortium use leader’s HSE-MS, consortium member shall provide an HSE bridging document or compliance statement. The consortium leader shall have the big portion of the job and shall not be appointed only on financial considerations. If the consortium will use each member’s HSE-MS for CSMS evaluation then all member HSE-MS shall be evaluated. In case the evaluation of one consortium member failed, then the final CSMS evaluation for the consortium is “Fail”. For Direct Appointment contracting, H&S aspects shall be assessed and taken into account. The prequalification process will serve as a gap assessment instead of a pass/fail evaluation. This gap assessment will serve as input to the CAM: the mitigations shall be address in the contract, work prerequisite and/or during work execution. Follow-up of the gap assessment closures shall be closely monitored before mobilization and the outstanding gap closure actions shall be included in HSE Program. The validity of pre-qualification results is 2 year maximum for the same scope of work. Validity can be revoked at any time if the contactors fail to perform their work or for other justifiable reasons. Only contractors that pass the CSMS pre-qualification will be included into the bidder list for further bidding process. In general, the pre-qualification process is to provide basic information about the contractors, such as: Section 1: Section 2: Section 3: Section 4: Section 5: Section 6: Section 7: Section 8: Section 9: Leadership and Commitment Policy and strategic objectives; Organization, Responsibility, Resources, Standards and Documentation Risk management; Planning and procedures; Implementation and performance monitoring; HSE Inspection, Auditing and Management Review of HSE MS; HSE MS additional Features Additional Features IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 17 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System The CAM shall form a team involving function and H&S teams. Each contractor CSMS PQ document shall be reviewed by a minimum of two persons. The evaluation of the CSMS PQ documents shall be based on the evidence provided by the Contractor. The CSMS PQ documents will be table top evaluated, however where further Contractor PQ Validation is required, further site visit and inspection may be conducted. Contractor may also submit additional document where deemed necessary during the pre-qualification evaluation through the PSCM specialist. The minimum acceptable score for a contractor to pass a CSMS pre-qualification is 65 % or higher if any additional requirement The CSMS PQ evaluation is a PASS / FAIL result. Contractor that DO NOT PASS the evaluation will not proceed to the next contracting step. If a CAM wish to continue the pre-qualification process for contractors that DID NOT PASS the CSMS evaluation, the respective CAM shall develop a justification for Dispensation and seek approval from their Region Division Vice President, agreed by Region S&OR Vice President. Dispensation shall describe requirements, time periods and control measures on the contractors to mitigate the risks. All identified contractor gaps shall be closed before moving to selection phase. Contractor that do not pass the pre-qualification process will be given feedback informing them of the reasons why they are not qualified and will be advised as to what corrective actions are required to close the identified deficiencies. The only mechanism for providing feedback to contractors shall be through the Procurement Supply Chain Management (PSCM) Department. While PSCM specialists prepare bid packages, the CAM must develop an HSE plan based on HSE Plan questionnaire (Attachment 5) specific to the work being bid and shall seek endorsement from Contractor Safety Management Team. The HSE Plan requirements will be included into the bid packages for the contractors to prepare their HSE Plan and programs specific to the work. These documents will be evaluated during the bid evaluation process. For further guidelines, refer to the SELECTION phase regarding bid document preparation and contractor evaluations. Pre-Qualification Validation The Prequalification Validation is conducted during the prequalification phase of the selected contractors. Its intent is to validate contractor competencies for the current and the future tender process and to verify that they had complied with the BP HSE Requirements. The Validation is focused on assurance of the implementation of the contractor HSE-MS by checking the evidences. The trigger for this validation can be either from CAM request or as part of AVL audit for the PHCA Contracts. When conducting the Audit, Contractor safety Management will focus on evaluating the implementation of HSE-MS using recommended HSSE-MS audit checklist form the BP Center. The Quality and Technical audit will be managed by relevant technical experts. IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 18 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Figure 4 Pre-Qualification Process STEP 2 STEP 1 STEP PROCESS WHO CAM PSCM CAM Prequalification Criteria Prequalification Required? No CONTRACTOR Bidders to submit PreQualification Documents with evidences CONT. SAFETY CSMS Prequalification Review include: - HSE Record - Training Program - Personnel Development Program STEP 4 STEP 3 Yes No Pass ? STEP 5 Yes CONT. SAFETY CAM No Prequalification Validation Required? STEP 8 STEP 7 STEP 6 Yes CONT. SAFETY PSCM CAM Contractor Prequalification Validation No CONT. SAFETY Pass? CONT. SAFETY PSCM CAM Bidder list for Selection Phase Disqualify & provide feedback IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 19 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System 2. Selection The objective of the selection phase is to assess the proposed contractor HSE Plan based on the specific activity of this contract. If required, pre-bid and/or clarification meetings can be conducted to explain the HSE Plan. Audit might be conducted to the selected contractor to ensure that the contractor’s equipment and personnel are ready for contract execution once it is awarded. The followings are to be addressed in DREC (Detail Requirements and Evaluation Criteria) in the bid document: HSE Requirements Contractor shall comply with the BP HSE requirements as shown in conformance or bridging document. The HSE requirement stated in the contract may refer to the nature of the activity such as Section IV (for GPO and GOO), or Section VI (GWO) for PHCA, or Section IV Non PHCA or Exhibit H or Section IV( LOW) or Exhibit H (Low). CAMs are responsible for assuring that all HSE requirements are addressed in the bid documents and information concerning all identified hazards is passed onto the contractors. BP shall never assume that the contractors know the hazards in the BP premises or workplaces. HSE Plan Evaluation Contractor shall describe the scope of work of the activities in details, including the detail of the work, contract period, boundaries/ restriction of work, working hours, equipment and worker provision scenario, location of activities, interfacing with third party, subcontractors and BP. Having understood the scope of work, contractor shall conduct a risk assessment for that specific contract. Conformance toward HSE requirement shall be documented in an HSE plan. The program for the implementation of this HSE Plan shall be specified in the HSE Program. The HSE Plan should be develop based on HSE Plan Questionnaire which is available in Attachment 5. The contractor HSE plan evaluation will be part of the overall technical evaluation in the bidding process. The HSE plan evaluation will be scored with a range from 0 to 5 based on how detailed and clear the HSE implementation plan is. Scoring guidelines are available in Attachment 6. The personnel who evaluated the HSE Plan shall be trained and familiar with HSE Requirement and CSMS PSCM shall seek approval from Contractor Safety Management Team for the criteria to be used in the Bid instructions for HSE evaluation (including weighting system). Minimum passing score is 70% and the weighing factor for evaluation 20% from overall technical score. HSE Plan that is evaluated in this bidding process shall be used as a basis to finalize the HSE plan once contract is awarded. The identified gaps as the result of Contractor Readiness Validation and Pre-bid Evaluation required for the job execution shall be included in the HSE Plan program and confirm in ATO HSE Program IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 20 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Bid Evaluation During bid evaluations, the CAM, HSE and PSCM Department should meet to review the HSE plan prepared by the contractors and assess how effective the contractors have been in providing assurance that all hazards have been identified and commitment towards fulfilling the BP HSE requirements. What has been evaluated during the pre-qualification process may be re-evaluated and compared to the contract requirements. The evaluation result shall be signed by CAM and HSE Representative. Clarification meetings between BP and contractors may also be conducted to clarify and further assess the suitability of contractors’ HSE plans, risk assessments of detailed work if the evaluations score in between 66 - 69%. Once the HSE plan have been evaluated and weighted against the established weighting factors, they will be incorporated into the overall technical evaluations. These appraisals must be documented, as they are part of the conditions for awarding contracts. Contractor Readiness Validation Contractor Readiness Validation is conducted to validate bidder proposal against actual readiness to ensure that contractor’s capability to deliver services as stated in the Contract Scope of Work. This validation will be part of technical evaluation and only the bidders who pass the HSE Plan minimum score. This validation will focus on the availability of competent personnel and correct specifications of tools, equipment and/or vehicles required for contract execution. Team to conduct this validation shall consist of HSSE and Technical led by CAM The validation result will be owned by Company, and the recommendations will be part of Contractor’s HSE Plan evaluation. The audit finding definition is classified as follow: Major nonconformity where there is an absence of objective evidence to satisfy one or more contract requirements that raise significant safety doubt. Minor nonconformity where there is a partial incompliance toward contract requirements but still acceptable. If the validation result shows that contractor’s proposal do not prove readiness to execute the job once awarded then the HSE Plan evaluation is “Fail”. Table 2. Contractor Readiness Closing Target Finding Closing Major Before contract award. Minor Before starting the job IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 21 of 154 BP Indonesia STEP 2 STEP 1 STEP Contractor Safety Management System WHO CONTRACTOR Figure 5 Selection Process PROCESS Contractor's HSE Plan and HSE Plan Questionnaries from Bid document Evaluation against HSE Plan requirements in DREC CONT. SAFETY Score>70 *) No No Yes Yes STEP 3 Score > 65 Contractor Clarification CONTRACTOR PSCM CAM CONT. SAFETY Score >70 No STEP 4 Yes Conduct Contractor Readiness Validation CONT. SAFETY STEP 5 PSCM CAM CONT. SAFETY STEP 6 Contractor ready? PSCM CAM No Yes Fail & Prov ide Feedback Further evaluation of Technical and commercial *) higher score may be required for high risk activities it shall be agreed by PSCM IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 22 of 154 BP Indonesia C. Contractor Safety Management System IMPLEMENTATION PHASE 1. PRE JOB The objectives of this step is to ensure all relevant aspects of the contract including HSE requirements are communicated and understood by all parties prior to implementation of the contract. CAMs are Accountable for the work and for ensuring contractor readiness prior mobilization. Pre Job activities include Kick-off meetings, HSE Plan Endorsement and Authorization to Operate. CAM shall identify a BP JOB Rep to manage the day to day activities. The progress of this activity will be tracked by the Activity Planning Team to ensure that ATO completion meet to AP’s 6 week gate criteria. 1.1. Kick-off Meeting Kick-off meetings are led by the CAM who will be responsible for the work. These meetings should be held immediately after the contracts have been awarded and before the execution of any work. Kick-off meetings are conducted to provide opportunities for contractors to become familiar with associated hazards, BP work locations, facilities, personnel, and other work information. Kick-off meeting attendants: BP CAM and JOB REP Contractors’ Top Management Contractors’ Supervisor level, including Finance, HR, HSE, Project Leader, etc. BP H&S Lead Other BP relevant parties (i.e. Human Resources, Work Force Management, Compliance and Ethics) If contractors mobilize locally at the work sites, the kick-off meetings may be held locally, either at BP offices or at the contractors’ local offices. The CAM will determine the locations for these kick-off meetings. The HSE Expectation during kick off meetings for Contractor includes: 1. HSE Plan Requirements 2. Authorization to Operate (ATO) completion mainly consists of: a. People fit for service b. Fit for service tools, equipment and material c. Procedures to perform the job d. Process- HSE requirement e. Contract 3. Conformance and Performance, including KPI Note: HSE Plan shall be completed within 2 weeks after award and ATO completion shall be 4 weeks after award or 6 six weeks before Job Execution. These meetings should also be used as an opportunity to clarify or raise new HSE issues that may have been unforeseen in the contract documents. At this Kick-off Meeting contractor shall also presents their preliminary work plan (including HSE Plan) and their understanding of BP’s expectation for the work. Kick off meeting shall be followed by regular meetings to complete the HSE Plan and ATO. PSCM specialist shall document the kick off meeting, including any IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 23 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System follow up actions for both parties. CAM/JOB REP shall track the closure of the follow-up actions. 1.2. HSE Plan Endorsement The contractor HSE plan shall be submitted to BP for review and endorsement as soon as the Contract has been awarded or at a time specified by BP prior to commencement of service. HSE Plan shall be reviewed by the Line H&S Team and approved by CAM and Line H&S Manager. If the activities will affect other business lines then a Bridging Document for these activities shall be endorsed by Affected H&S Managers. The HSE Plan content is illustrated in Attachment 7 and tools for reviewing the HSE plan are illustrated in the HSE plan for Non PHCA Evaluation Checklist (Attachment 7A). For Non-PHCA Contract with Risk level below or equal to 3, HSE Plan shall use the HSE Plan for Small Proforma Contract (Attachment 7B) The HSE Plan becomes part of ATO and copy of approved HSE plan shall be available to CAM/Job Representative, Contractor Safety Management Team and line HSE Manager. 1.3. Authorization to Operate (ATO) The objective of Authorization to Operate process is to ensure the contractor’s readiness before mobilization to worksite of personnel and equipment. ATO also applies to existing equipment and personnel already at site under previous contract. ATO compliance is aligned with the HOW WE OPERATE (HWO) policy. Contractor Safety Team controls the approval of ATO elements using the ATO Checklist (Attachment 8) ATO Elements There are five elements of ATO: 1. People Fit for Service BP verifies that contractor personnel to be mobilized to site have the right competencies to conduct the job. Evidence required are proof of completion of training required and evidence that contractors meet the minimum qualification set in contract. Flow chart for People mobilization is in Attachment 8A and DCM is appointed as the gate keeper for this process. Sub-element of People Fit for Service: 1. HSE Mandatory Trainings of Contractor’s employees have been conducted as per mandatory training requirements. The training list requirement related to ISSOW is in Attachment 8B 2. Crew competencies been verified and approved by the responsible person, including valid certification as required by Government Regulations and/or COMPANY requirements There are three groups of contractor’s personnel: a) Specialist. CAM shall review the CVs to ensure right personnel will be mobilized to worksite. List of Specialist is in Attachment 8C. b) LOA. This group requires assessment/authorization from Technical Authority and DCM. List of LOA is available in Attachment 8D IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 24 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System c) CAM shall review CV and interview relevant personnel. The competency requirement is available in Attachment 8E All personnel shall comply with the requirement of the mandatory HSE training available in Attachment 8F. No Personnel mobilization is allowed before the ATO certificate is signed-off. CAM shall be informed of any personnel replacement during job execution and reassessment process shall be conducted on new personnel. 2. Procedures to perform the job Prove that all required procedures to perform the job as per scope of work have been identified and all associated risks have been mitigated. The validation process will be the responsibility of CAM. The sub-element of Procedure: 1. Standard Operating Procedures for the job to be performed are in place 2. Control of Work Procedure prepared by Contractor and agreed by Company, if Contractor uses non-BP Control of Work Procedure. Bridging Document is required if the work interface with other lines 3. Risk Assessment / Risk register completed 4. SUBCONTRACTOR Compliance with contract requirement has been communicated, socialized and accepted through formal written commitment. 5. Non Asbestos Declaration from manufacturer that all materials are classified as non-asbestos containing material, including component of the tools, equipment and vehicle 6. All chemicals available and verified by Company, including name, quantity and valid MSDS. (Attachment 8G) 3. Plant include all Tools, Equipment and Materials Prior to mobilization, all tools, equipment and materials must have been validated fit for service. This will be achieved by reviewing the equipment specification and physical condition at an arranged area, safety protection systems, certification (if applicable), unique operating manuals approved by Contractor, maintenance records, and the competency of personnel to operate and/or maintaining the equipment. Sub-element of Plant – Equipment & Tools and Material: 1. List of facilities, equipment, tools and material for the scope of work have been identified and agreed by the Company. Contractor submits List of equipment, tools and Material and shall be reviewed by Quality Manager to determine the lists that require inspections. 2. Third party inspection report for all equipment. Contractor shall assign inspector to conduct inspection of the agreed list of equipment and the inspection results shall be attached to Equipment Mobilization Form for QM approval 3. Valid certificated facilities, equipment, tools, and material shall be verified and accepted by qualified person as per site requirements. IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 25 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Approval using Equipment Mobilization Approval Form. The CAM shall seek approval of any deviation determined by QM from TAs. The Flow process of Plant/Equipment and Material mobilization to site is in Attachment 8H and the Equipment Mobilization Form is available in Attachment 8I. In the case of contractor bringing additional equipment during the work execution, contractor shall inform CAM and complete the ATO Form but only for equipment element in ATO. If the additional equipment is due to scope change, CAM shall complete relevant ATO elements. 4. Process- HSE requirements To ensure requirement related to HSE has been reviewed and are in place. If the activity crosses to other functions, it also requires endorsement from their H&S departments. 1. HSE Plan prepared by Contractor and approved by Company ( CAM and Line H&S Manager) 2. HSE-MS Bridging Document prepared by Contractor and agreed by Company (Attachment 8J) 3. Emergency Response bridging document develop by Contractor and agreed by Company. For the contract outside Tangguh site, the Emergency Response shall be endorse by C&CM 4. Documented HSE Program developed by Contractor. Contractor shall develop HSE Program based on the contract scope of work and commitment from HSE Plan 5. Regulatory Compliance in place, including regulatory approvals/ permits, national, international and applicable standards 6. KPI during contract execution has been agreed ( Attachment 8K) 7. HSE passport for all contractor personnel available 8. Fit For Task/MCU for all personnel have been reviewed by Contractor and confirmed Fit for Work by Company Doctor 9. Endorsement from operation that BP work site is ready including POB. Endorsement from other affected departments 5. Contract To ensure that agreement with contractor includes all activities, KPI, penalties shall be agreed in compliance with local regulation. The validation process will be delegated to PSCM Non Conformance For any non-conformance causing contractor’s personnel or equipment rejection, CAM shall document and report to AOM (Attachment 8L). The report should be issued directly following findings and shall be signed by the CAM/Job Rep and Contractor Representative with agreed actions within the agreed timeframe. Where the Contractor does not rectify the issue within the agreed timeframe, a second Non-Conformance report may be issued and after the second attempt, PSCM may consider suspension or termination of the contract if the issue is of sufficient significance. IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 26 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Exemption of ATO Any exemptions from ATO process require VP S&OR approval. ATO Final Signed-off H&S Contractor Safety TL will review the final ATO documents and sign off. CAM will request final ATO approval to Area Operations Manager/ Project General Manager/ Well Operations Manager and the Affected Area Manager. ATO Documentation The original ATO document shall be kept by Contractor for mobilization and the copy or softcopy kept by CAM. PSCM will store the softcopy of ATO document which can be accessed by related users. The ATO approval sheet shall be distributed to other relevant parties (AP, Contractor Safety, Tangguh H&S, PSCM, and others). The contractor shall keep the ATO document at site. If the scope of work is changed, contractor shall inform CAM and the ATO document shall be reviewed. 2. DURING JOB The objective of this step is to ensure that the work execution is according to the agreed HSE plans and any additional HSE Requirements that have been identified as gaps from Audit in Selection phase. Contractor will be evaluated based on their Conformance and Performance during job execution. Conformance will be related to the implementation of the HSE Plan and the HSE Requirements during work execution. The outcome of the contractor conformance will be used to measure the contractor performance. Contractor’s conformance toward HSE Requirement will minimize the risk during job execution. Contractor will conduct self-verification and self-audit to ensure that all risks from the job activity are identified and their controls measured are in place. BP will conduct oversight to ensure that contractor self-verification is conducted effectively. BP provides assurance to contractor self-verification, contractor self-audit, and ensures BP oversight is conducted effectively. Figure 6 BP and Contractor Responsibility 2.1. Conformance Contractor conformance is the fulfillment of HSE Requirements as articulated in approved HSE Plan and implemented in the HSE program. The effectiveness of this implementation is measured from the activities of HSE Plan Implementation IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 27 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System and Report, Contractor Self-Verification, Contractor Self Audit, BP Oversight and BP Assurance. A. Contractor Conformance Contractor Self-Verification Contractor shall conduct Self-Verification to ensure the equipment, people, and procedures comply with HSE Requirement. This program shall be clearly described on Contractor’s HSE Program. The activities of this Self Verification are: a. Daily inspection to ensure the equipment, tools and material ready for use b. Monthly review of closure of nonconformance. c. Quarterly review of HSE Plan implementation use Contractor SelfVerification/Oversight Form (Attachment 9). d. Contractor Self Audit from corporate/ management HSE Key Performance Indicator HSE KPI is a part of overall contractor performance measurement and it is used to measure the contractor HSE achievement during work execution. It consists of Lagging and Leading Indicators and shall be agreed by the Contractor and CAM. KPI measurement shall be conducted every month to identify contractor HSE achievement and also as a tool to identify any potential improvements. KPI may be changed during work execution to reflect the nature of work. There are standard and optional items and CAM may also add other KPIs as he/she sees fit HSE Plan Implementation and Report JOB REP and the contractors are jointly responsible for the implementation and improvement of the HSE Plan. CONTRACTOR shall prepare the monthly conformance report with evidence, the conformance report consist of : HSE KPI Report CONTRACTOR shall regularly measure Performance by the use of HSE Leading and Lagging Indicators to monitor progress in reference to agreed objectives and targets and shall be reported on the 3rd DAY of each and every month to CAM with supporting document as evidence. The report report shall include but not be limited to the following: Leading Indicator: a. Total working hours for all Personnel b. HSE Training Man-hours c. Mandatory HSE Training Compliance d. STOP Card data/personnel e. MCU Compliance f. Action Closure g. Percentage of Personnel Turnover h. HSE Audit and inspection programs Lagging indicator a. Number of LOPC / Uncontained Spills b. Number of Near Miss and Incident IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 28 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System HSE Program Report HSE program consists of each element of HSSE requirement as part of ATO element. The HSE Program achievement is to be tracked and reported in monthly basis by contractor to CAM/JOB REP . Contractor has responsibility to provide the evidences of each element of the program Other Reporting Contractor shall report any serious incident (G+) using their own report pro-forma. Any HSE Report non-conformance is a gap. Contractor shall fill out the Non-Conformance Report as approved by CAM with clear action plan, accountabilities and target dates. For further action see Performance clause. B. BP Conformance BP Oversight BP Oversight activities are performed by JOB Rep to ensure that contractor conducts self-verification. Schedule of BP Oversight shall be developed by the CAM monthly basis. Area of contractor oversight includes: Review the effectiveness of Contractor Self-Verification Contractor HSE Plan & Program implementation with its compliance to the HSE Requirements Worksite inspection HSE Key Performance Indicators achievement Follow up from previous oversight findings Follow up from incident recommendation or other findings Job Rep requires to review the Contractor’s HSE-MS implementation at minimum in quarterly basis using Contractor Self-Verification/Oversight Form (Attachment 9). BP Assurance Contractor Safety Team or and Site H&S shall ensure that Contractor Self-Verification and BP Oversight are conducted effectively based on committed schedule 2.2. Performance Contractor performance shall be reviewed on a regular basis through oversight, formal activities such as Area Inspection, Leadership Audit, PTW audit, evaluation monthly report, non-conformance review and Performance Review Meeting against the conformance requirements. Contractor who comply to all stated HSE Requirement will have CONFORM (GREEN CARD) If Contractor fails to conform the HSE Requirements, then Contractor shall stop work. CAM/JOB REP shall conduct meeting with contractor to address the nonconformance. Contractor is considered ALERT (YELLOW CARD) for minor nonconformance and shall be followed up with Corrective Actions. If the Corrective Actions are not effective then Contractor is considered as STOP (RED CARD) and the work must be stopped. The cards templates are available in Attachment 10 A/B/C. IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 29 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Contractor is also considered as STOP (RED CARD) if contractor experiences a serious incident or other significant cases with proven nonconformance toward several HSE requirements that potentially may lead to incidents or violate the regulatory requirements In case of STOP (RED CARD), the work must be stopped and contractor’s performance shall be reviewed by the CAM/JOB Rep and respective H&S with formal written minutes; the case shall be escalated to the Site Manager. Site Manager will decide whether the work will continue under appropriate conditions or completely stop. The warning letter shall be issued through PSCM. If the contract cannot continue, then Post Job Evaluation shall be conducted. Contractor who previously had received warning / penalty from BP shall provide evidences of improvement and shall be evaluated through the pre-qualification process, if they submit application for a new contract. IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 30 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Figure 7. Conformance and Performance Process STEP 1 STEP WHO CONTRACTOR JOB REP. CAM CONT. SAFETY PROCESS Contractor Conformance: Self Verification KPI, HSE Program, Report Self Assesment to HSE Plan Self Audit Any Major Incidents or Significant issues ? BP Conformance Oversight Assurance Yes No STEP 2 CONTRACTOR Conform To HSE Req.t? JOB REP. No Yes ALERT ( YELLOW CARD) Contractor conduct corrective actions No CONFORM (GREEN CARD) Effective? No Repetitive? Yes STOP (RED CARD) STP 3 STP 4 PSCM CAM CONT. SAFETY STP 5 JOB REP. CAM STP 6 Yes JOB REP. CAM H&S SITE MANAGER SITE MANAGER CAM STOP Work Escalate the case to Site Manager Corrective Actions and Warning Letter By PSCM No STOP CONTRACT ? Yes No Work Service Completed? Post Job Evaluation PSCM IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 31 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System 3. POST JOB EVALUATION This step is to conclude the overall contractor’s HSE performance during the contract execution. The results will be used as considerations to employ the contractor for future work. Post Job Evaluation and Report All contracts must be closed out with reports after the Post Job evaluations (Attachment 11), which should be done once the work completion has been approved by BP. Post Job evaluations shall be based on HSE contractual obligations, BP Oversight and BP Assurance, corrective actions during job, performance review meeting, and final KPI figures. In addition to the items inspected in the BP Oversight and BP Assurance, the post job evaluation shall also address the following: The quality of the original HSE Plan and their relevance to the overall contractor performance. They should stipulate what was learned and how future contracts should be constructed. The highlighting of the positive aspects of learning and how they can be applied in the future. These lessons should be shared with the contractors. The incorporation of any new hazards identified into the hazard identification and evaluation process for future contracts. The analyses of both the company and contractor’s HSE performance for mutual improvement. Information on the contractors to be added as references for future contracts. The recording of any personnel who have been blacklisted due to HSE disciplinary actions or those who performed satisfactorily and may be recommended for future work. Results from this summary will be used as a consideration for future contracts. IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 32 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System 8.0 REGULATORY AND STANDARD REFERENCES Internal BP Standards Operating Management System (OMS) Management Endorsement CSMS Guideline Rev. 3/2005. GRP 2.5-0001 Working With Contractors GDP 3.1-0001 Assessment, Prioritization and Management of Risk UDP 2.5 - 0001 Management of Geophysical Operations PSCM Common Process for Category Management Strategic Sourcing (R1.1), 2012 -Category Management Planning (R1.1) PSCM Common Process for Category Management Strategic Sourcing (R1.1), 2012 - Strategic Sourcing (R1.1) PSCM Common Process for Category Management Strategic Sourcing (R1.1), 2012 - Supplier Management (R1.1) Other Industry Standards OGP 423 HSE Management - Guidelines for Working Together in a contractor environment Government of RI Regulations Law No 1 of 1970 regarding Occupational Health and Safety Government Regulation No 50 of 2012 regarding the Health and Safety Management System Pedoman Tata Kerja BP Migas No 007 Revisi-II/PTK/I/2011 tentang Pedoman Pengelolaan Rantai Suplai Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama Pedoman Tata Kerja BP Migas Kpts-13/BP00000/2006-S8 tentang Pengelolaan Keselamatan, Kesehatan Kerja dan Lindungan Lingkungan Kontraktor IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 33 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System 9.0 ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1 CSMS Roles & Responsibilities Attachment 2 CSMS Risk Level Categorization Attachment 3 CSMS Pre-Qualification Questionnaire Attachment 4 CSMS Pre - Qualification Scoring Guideline Attachment 5 HSE Plan Questionnaire Attachment 6 HSE Plan Questionnaire Scoring Guideline Attachment 7 HSE Plan Content for Non-PHCA Attachment 7A HSE Plan for Non-PHCA Evaluation Checklist Attachment 7B HSE Plan for Non-PHCA Small Proforma Contract Attachment 8 Authorization to Operate (ATO) Check List Attachment 8A Authorization to Operate (ATO) – People Attachment 8B List of Permit To Work Roles for Contractors and Relevant Training Attachment 8C List of Vendor Specialist in Tangguh Attachment 8D List of Letter of Authorization Attachment 8E Table of Contractors Qualifications Requirements Attachment 8F List of Site Induction and HSE Mandatory Training for Contractor Personnel Attachment 8G ATO- Hazardous and Toxic Chemical Form Attachment 8H ATO – Plant/Equipment and Material Attachment 8I ATO-Equipment Mobilization Form Attachment 8J ATO- BRIDGING DOCUMENT Attachment 8K KPI Attachment 8L ATO- Non-Conformance Report Attachment 9 Contractor Self-Verification/Oversight Form Attachment 10A GREEN CARD Attachment 10B YELLOW CARD Attachment 10C RED CARD Attachment 11 CSMS Post Job Evaluation Attachment 12 Technical Expert Table IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 34 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Attachment 1 - CSMS Roles & Responsibilities Planning BP Job Representative Line H&S SPR formally assigned by CAM and Department Head In CRF Support CAM/JOB REP during SOW for the HSE matter develop the scope of work define the contract requirements. Support Risk Level Categorization Process request support from related Technical Expert/ SMEs Contract Accountable Manager (CAM) Formally assigned by Department Head in CRF Assign the relevant Technical Experts to support the SOW development Ask recommendation to TA for clarity Standard document and for any deviation during SOW development Technical Authority Provide Recommendation to CAM for any standard deviation approve the scope of work and methodology SME/Technical Expert Support CAM developing SOW development in order to reduce the defects of the contract IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 35 of 154 Ops HSE Eng Discipline Capability Support CAM in competency requirement during SOW development in the area of competency sets Contractor None PSCM Support the CRF Prosess BP Indonesia BP Job Representative Lead the evaluation of CSMS pre- qualification documents submitted by bidders, ensure H&S representatives is involved in the evaluation. Pre- Qualification Arrange and conducts PQ Validation activities whereas necessary Contractor Safety Management System Line H&S As resource to evaluate the CSMS pre-qualification documents Provide input to PSCM specialist during clarification session to contractors that fail the CSMS prequalification Contract Accountable Manager (CAM) Decide to conducts PQ Validation activities whereas necessary Technical Authority SME/Technical Expert Ops HSE Eng Discipline Capability Contractor PSCM If required to involve in PQ contractor technical clarification If required to involve in PQ personnel competency clarification Responds to CSMS questionnaires and provide supporting evidences. Prepares contract HSE requirements for inclusion into the pre-qualification and bid documentation Provides clarifications, if requested. Arrange and facilitate prequalification evaluation and technical evaluation, including HSE evaluation Support PSCM/SQM to conduct AVL Audit. Approve the CSMS Pre-Qualification evaluation results Obliged to undergo HSE PQ validation and verification, whereas necessary. Check the CSMS evaluation history of contractors during pre- qualification evaluation Seek approval from procurement committee to proceed to the next contracting process With SPR conduct Prequalification Validation if required and support AVL Audit With SQM to conduct AVL Audit IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Provides feedback to contractors that fail the prequalification Page 36 of 154 BP Indonesia Selection BP Job Representative Develop HSE Plans questionnaire items applicable for the contract according to work type and define the criteria score, weighting system and seek endorsement from Contractor Safety Team Together with Line H&S, evaluate HSE Plan submitted by bidders, and ensure H&S representatives is involved in the evaluation Contractor Safety Management System Line H&S Review and agree the HSE plan item checklist as part of the Technical evaluation, including the weighting system Conduct Contractor Readiness Validation to selected contractors if required Contract Accountable Manager (CAM) Agree HSE Plans questionnaire, the criteria score, weighting system Support the process Contractor Readiness Validation Technical Authority Become part of the Validation team to ensure contractor capability, personnel competency and readiness to execute the job SME/Technical Expert Support CAM if required for any technical issues. Approved bid document and propose recommendation for contract award Conduct Contractor Readiness Validation to selected contractors if required IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 37 of 154 Ops HSE Eng Discipline Capability Support CAM if required for any personnel competencies issues. Contractor Prepares bid documents including HSE plan. Prepare for Contractor Readiness Validation including tools& equipment, personnel and material readiness as required in contract PSCM Ensure integrity process of HSE technical evaluation. BP Indonesia Pre Job Activities BP Job Representative SPR become Job Rep Job Rep: Lead the Pre-Job activities, including Sets schedule of oversight, Site orientations HSE briefings, Pre- mob evaluations Other meetings. Ensure that contractor’s HSE key performance indicator in the contract has been endorsed by Contractor Safety Management Team Ensure HSE Plan and/or HSE Interface document has been completed prior mobilization Ensure contractors readiness for mobilization through Authorization to Operate Contractor Safety Management System Line H&S As resource to CSMS Pre-Job Activities and/or equipment inspection prior mobilization Review and agree HSE Key Performance Indicators for contractors Review contractors HSE plan seek endorsement from H&S Manager Review contractors readiness for mobilization through Authorization to Operate documentations Contract Accountable Manager (CAM) Lead and sets expectation for the contract during the Kick Off Meeting Technical Authority LOA approval for critical position SME/Technical Expert Ensure that the list of required tool and equipment fit for service and sign off the ATO form Signs and approves Contractor’s Key Performance Indicators in Contract and HSE Plan and/or Interface document Contractor PSCM Evaluate and release the LOA for defined safety and critical position. Works closely along with BP CAM/JOB REP to conduct all series of CSMS PreJob Activities. Arrange and facilitate Kick Off Meeting with Contractor’s management, JOB REP and or CAM and other relevant parties Ensure that personnel fit for work and sign-off the ATO mobilization check list form Completes any gaps identified during the pre-mobilization activities. Finalize HSE Plan and/or interface documents with approval from CAM and Line H&S Mgr. and Affected H&S Mgr. Assures HSE plans and/or interface documents are communicated to all involved personnel both BP and contractors. Approves contractors readiness for mobilization through Authorization to Operate Mobilizes equipment and personnel after authorization to operate is signed off. IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Ops HSE Eng Discipline Capability Page 38 of 154 Advises contract CAM/CAM regarding the contents of the contract, including the HSE requirements: Contractor’s and Company’s obligations, Conditional acceptances, Rewards and penalties, etc BP Indonesia BP Job Representative Conduct Oversight to ensure contractor conduct self-verification for their daily activities, self- assessment to their HSE Plan During Job Review the contractor conformance toward HSE Plan implementation and evaluate contractor performance for PRM Contractor Safety Management System Line H&S Contract Accountable Manager (CAM) Conduct BP Assurance to ensure contractor self-verification and BP Oversight are conducted. Monitor the contractor HSE performance through site inspections/audit and ensure complete follow up action Attend and provide advise during PRM Support Job Rep to conduct Inspection and other formal activities and measure the contractor conformance using Conformance card ( Green, Yellow Red) Ensure the contractor corrective actions are completed. Technical Authority Provide BP Assurance of the safety critical standard implementation on the project execution SME/Technical Expert Support CAM/JOB REP if required for any technical issues. Provide recommendation for nonconformance issues Review and score contractor based on Green Yellow Card as input in PRM Ops HSE Eng Discipline Capability Support CAM/JOB REP to review any contractor personnel replacement If required review the personnel requirement for the scope of work change Contractor PSCM Ensure HSE Plan and/or interface documents is available and communicated to all personnel on site Set Performance Review Meetings (PRM) with CAM/JOB REP and Contractor’s Management Performs the contracted work in accordance to the HSE Plans and performance contracts. Conduct selfverification, selfassessment and selfaudit Understand the Implementation of Green, Yellow and Red cards. Together with Site Manager and H&S Manager to decide the job continuation if contractor get a red card Prepare documentation for Performance Review Meeting (PRM) Implement follow-up actions following an inspection /findings in a timely manner. IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 39 of 154 BP Indonesia Post Job Evaluation BP Job Representative Conducts final contractor HSE performance evaluations and provides feedback to contractors. Ensure Contractor Safety Management Team is involved in the final evaluation. Contractor Safety Management System Line H&S Provides input and feedback to the final HSE evaluation of contract Maintain H&S lesson learn from the contract execution Contract Accountable Manager (CAM) Manage contractor close out meeting Technical Authority Providing feedback for lesson learnt SME/Technical Expert Providing feedback for lesson learnt Contractor Sharing their lesson learnt Receives feedback of evaluations form BP Reviews and approves post job contractor HSE evaluations. IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Ops HSE Eng Discipline Capability Providing feedback for lesson learnt Page 40 of 154 PSCM Record contactor lesson learnt for further evaluation. Closes out contracts BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Attachment 2 - CSMS Risk Level Categorization CSMS RISK LEVEL CATEGORIZATION Date : Project Period : Contract No : (Obtained from PSCM) Job Title : Work Location : Scope of Work : (Describe the work activity for this contract) CSMS Risk Level Category Preliminary Risk Level White Turquoise PHCA Non-PHCA Blue Purple CSMS Risk Category Preliminary Risk Level ( use chart correlation Level Risk and CSMS Categorization Table 1 ) Assessment Team : 1. 2. (Name) 3. (Name) 4. (Name) (Name) Approvals : SPR SPA H&S Representative (Name) (Name) (Name) IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 41 of BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System RISK LEVEL EVALUATION FORM Task Description : Assessment Date : Team : Potential Risk 1 2 3 4 Hazard Description Hazard Effect Initial Risk Severit Likeli Risk y Level -hood Level Nature of the work (Risk in the work activities i.e. air transportation, vessel operations, lifting operation, working over water, working under water, working on electrical equipment, working at heights, etc) Simultaneous work by different contractors (Risk where different contractors work simultaneously i.e. Maintenance/Constru ction activities simultaneously with plant operation, boat operation with Condensate/LNG tanker berthing/ unberthing, etc) Work Location (Risk where work location may become a risk i.e. working at platform, LNG plant, offshore marine environment, jungle, office environment, etc ) Work Duration (Risk in the work activities where the work duration may be factor i.e. rotation work, long period of work without day off, overtime works, shift work, etc) IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 42 of Risk Color BP Indonesia 5 Contractor Experience (Risk of contractor experience may become a major factor (i.e. inexperience contractor in conducting: rope access, lifting operation, scaffolding installation, chemical handling, marine operations, hottapping, etc) 6 Material / Equipments used (Risk of the equipment used i.e. drilling rigs, aircrafts, boats, vessels, crane, heavy equipments, radioactive source, hand tools, machinery, chemical, etc) Potential Incident consequences (Risk from incident of the work activities that may lead to other consequences (i.e. fire incident in the plant may cause gas explosion / BLEVE, loss of primary containment, oil spill, major property damage, multiple fatalities, etc) Potential for exposure to work site hazards (Risk from the work site (i.e. expose to : heat stress, potential fire/explosive hazard in the plant, asphyxiates, carcinogens, rotating machinery, noise, vibrations, slippery slope, difficult access, etc) 7 8 Contractor Safety Management System IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 43 of BP Indonesia 9 Exposure to negative publicity Risk of publicity issue when conducting the work, including regulatory in compliance issue (i.e. communicating with government, community work, media works, fail to meet regulatory requirements, etc) 10 Potential exposure to hazards for other personnel (Risk towards other personnel in the work activity conducted (i.e. air transportation, marine operation, land transportation, catering supply, radiography activity, generated noise from the work, room painting may interfere with people activity, etc) Contractor Safety Management System Overall Assessment *) the highest risk IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 44 of BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Risk Matrix GDP 3.1-0001 IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 45 of BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Health and Safety, Environment Impact Level A B C Levels A-C maintain the visibility of risks with the potential for catastrophic impact even if their probability of occurrence is extremely low. The upper level of this framework is defined by the most severe level of impact ever seen in industry. SEVERITY HEALTH AND SAFETY Comparable to the most catastrophic health/ safety incidents ever seen in industry. The potential for 100 or more fatalities (or onset of life threatening health effects) shall always be classified at this level. Catastrophic health/ safety incident causing very widespread fatalities within or outside a facility. The potential for 50 or more fatalities (or onset of life threatening health effects) shall always be classified at this level. ENVIRONMENTAL Future impact, e.g., unintended release, with widespread damage to any environment and which remains in an “unsatisfactory” state for a period > 5 years. Future impact with extensive damage to a sensitive environment and which remains in an “unsatisfactory” state for a period > 5 years. Future impact with widespread damage to a sensitive environment and which can only be restored to a “satisfactory”/agreed state in a period of more than 1 and up to 5 years. Future impact with extensive damage to a non-sensitive environment and which remains in an “unsatisfactory” state for a period > 5 years. Future impact with extensive damage to a sensitive environment and which can only be restored to a “satisfactory”/agreed state in a period of more than 1 and up to 5 years. Future impact with widespread damage to a non-sensitive environment and which can only be restored to a “satisfactory”/agreed state in a period of more than 1 and up to 5 years. Future impact with widespread damage to a sensitive environment and which can be restored to an equivalent capability in a period of around 1 year. Catastrophic health/ safety incident causing widespread fatalities within or outside a facility. Future impact with extensive damage to a non-sensitive environment and which can only be restored to a “satisfactory”/agreed state in a period of more than 1 and up to 5 years. The potential for 10 or more fatalities (or onset of life threatening health effects) shall always be classified at this level. Future impact with widespread damage to a non-sensitive environment and which can be restored to an equivalent capability in a period of around 1 year. Future impact with extensive damage to a sensitive environment and which can be restored to an equivalent capability in a period of around 1 year. Future impact with widespread damage to a sensitive environment and which can be restored to an equivalent capability in a period of months. BP’s commitment to health, safety and the environment is paramount; this is reflected in BP’s HSE goal of “No Accidents, No Harm to People, and No Damage to the Environment”. No accident, injury, or loss of containment causing damage to the environment is ever “acceptable” to BP. BP is using this framework (equivalents of which are used throughout industry) to support the consistent prioritization of actions to eliminate or mitigate HSE risk and as part of BP’s Performance Improvement Cycle to deliver continuous risk reduction. Very major health/ safety incident D The potential for 3 or more fatalities (or onset of life threatening health effects) shall always be classified at this level. 30 or more injuries or health effects, either permanent or requiring hospital treatment for more than 24 hours. Future impact with extensive damage to a non-sensitive environment and which can be restored to an equivalent capability in a period of around 1 year. Future impact with localized damage to a sensitive environment and which can be restored to an equivalent capability in a period of around 1 year. Future impact with widespread damage to a non-sensitive environment and which can be restored to an equivalent capability in a period of months. Future impact with extensive damage to a sensitive environment and which can be restored to an equivalent capability in a period of months. IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 46 of BP Indonesia SEVERITY HEALTH AND SAFETY Major health/ safety incident 1 or 2 fatalities, acute or chronic, actual or alleged. E Contractor Safety Management System 10 or more injuries or health effects, either permanent or requiring hospital treatment for more than 24 hours. ENVIRONMENTAL Future impact with localized damage to a non-sensitive environment and which can be restored to an equivalent capability in a period of around 1 year. Future impact with extensive damage to a non-sensitive environment and which can be restored to an equivalent capability in a period of months. Future impact with localized damage to a sensitive environment and which can be restored to an equivalent capability in a period of months. Future impact with extensive damage to a sensitive environment and which can be restored to an equivalent capability in a period of days or weeks. High impact health/ safety incident Permanent partial disability(ies) F Several non-permanent injuries or health impacts. Days Away From Work Case (DAFWC) Future impact with localized damage to a non-sensitive environment and which can be restored to an equivalent capability in a period of months. Future impact with immediate area damage to a sensitive environment and which can be restored to an equivalent capability in a period of months. Future impact with extensive damage to a non-sensitive environment and which can be restored to an equivalent capability in a period of days or weeks. Future impact with localized damage to a sensitive environment and which can be restored to an equivalent capability in a period of days or weeks. Medium impact health/ safety incident G Single or multiple recordable injury or health effects from common source/event. Future impact with immediate area damage to a non-sensitive environment and which can be restored to an equivalent capability in a period of months. Future impact with localized damage to a non-sensitive environment and which can be restored to an equivalent capability in a period of days or weeks. Future impact with immediate area damage to a sensitive environment and which can be restored to an equivalent capability in a period of days or weeks. Low impact health/ safety incident First aid H Future impact with immediate area damage to a non-sensitive environment and which can be restored to an equivalent capability in a period of days or weeks. Single or multiple overexposures causing noticeable irritation but no actual health effects IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 47 of BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Business Impact Level SEVERITY* A Financial Impact (EQUIPMENT DAMAGE, BUSINESS VALUE LOST) Non-Financial Impact Public or investor outrage on a global scale. >$20 billion Threat of global loss of license to operate. Loss of license to operate a major asset in a major market – US, EU, Russia. B Intervention from major Government – US, UK, EU, Russia. $5 billion - $20 billion Public or investor outrage in major western markets – US, EU. Damage to relationships with key stakeholders of benefit to the Group. Loss of license to operate other material asset, or severe enforcement action against a major asset in a major market. C $1 billion - $5 billion Intervention from other major Government. Public or investor outrage in other material market where we have presence or aspiration. Severe enforcement action against a material asset in a non-major market, or against other assets in a major market. Interventions from non-major Governments. D Public or investor outrage in a non-major market, or localised or limited “interest-group” outrage in a major market. $100 m to $1 billion Prolonged adverse national or international media attention. Widespread adverse social impact. Damage to relationships with key stakeholders of benefit to the Segment. Other adverse enforcement action by regulators. E Limited “interest-group” outrage in non major market. $5m -$100 m Short term adverse national or international media coverage. Damage to relationships with key stakeholders of benefit to the SPU. Regulatory compliance issue which does not lead to regulatory or other higher severity level consequence F Prolonged local media coverage. $500k-$5m Local adverse social impact. Damage to relationships with key stakeholders of benefit to the Performance Unit (PU). Short term local media coverage. G H $50k -$500k Some disruption to local operations (e.g., loss of single road access less than 24 hours). Isolated and short term complaints from neighbours (e.g., complaints about specific noise episode). <$50k IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 48 of BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Attachment 3 - CSMS Pre-Qualification Questionnaire Company Name : Date : Bid No : Work Subject : NOTE: Evidence attachment shall be the latest documents within 5 years. Documentation above 5 years will not be taking into account for this evaluation. Section SECTION 1 - LEADERSHIP AND COMMITMENT a) Does your company have a senior executive formally Accountable for Health and Safety and Security and Environmental Impact within your operations? b) Does your company have a process to hold line managers and supervisors personally Accountable for leadership of HSE performance? c) Is the HSE performance of your organization regularly reviewed by senior executive management? d) Is HSE leadership training given to senior managers? e) Is the senior management in your organization involved in HSE meetings on a regular basis? f) Is senior management in your organization involved in management visits to work site? SECTION 2 - POLICY AND STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES a) Do your company have a formal published HSE Policy, in languages understood by the workers? b) Do you communicate the HSE policy to your workers, including any changes? c) Do you set an annual HSE goals and targets in your organization? d) Does your company communicate your HSE annual plan and annual HSE targets to the workforce? e) Do you identify and provide the resource to conduct the plan? Yes / No / Not Applicable Evidence Attachment Reference: e.g. HSE Role & Responsibility document, organization chart e.g. HSE Role & Responsibility document, personal performance contract e.g. HSE audit reports; HSE implementation monitoring/review, etc e.g. HSE leadership training e.g. HSE meeting attendance list; HSE meeting minutes of meeting, etc e.g. Management visit reports, Management visit schedule, etc e.g. HSE policy signed by Top Management e.g. HSE policy distribution e.g. Company HSE objectives and Targets e.g. Socialization evidence e.g. Role and responsibility of HSE Plan SECTION 3 - ORGANIZATION, RESPONSIBILITY, RESOURCES, IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 49 of BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System STANDARDS AND DOCUMENTATION Organization a) Do your HSE personnel report to the executive manager or corporate HSE manager in your organization? b) Have the managers and supervisors at all levels who will plan, monitor and oversee the work received formal HSE Trainings? c) Do you have an HSE specialist resource in your organization? (if yes, please provide CV) d) Do you have an HSE organization and their role & responsibilities? Communication a) Do you conduct regular HSE meetings / communications? b) Does your organization have a system in place to ensure adequate HSE communication between the workforce, supervision, management and other stakeholders with the opportunity for input and feedback? c) Does your company have a system in place to communicate HSE issues between head office and site /project team? d) Do your employees have the authority to stop work for safety reasons? HSE Training a) Do your company identify, plan and implement the need for HSE trainings to your workers? b) Do your company identify, plan and implement the need for specialized HSE trainings to your workers (i.e radiation, asbestos, chemicals, H2S) c) Do you conduct internal HSE trainings? (if yes, please provide copy of training material) d) Do you ensure new employees have knowledge of basic industrial HSE and keep this knowledge up to date? e) Do you have a documented HSE orientation program for new employees? f) Do you introduce new employees with the standard safe practices in your company? g) Do you have a documented SSE (short serviced employees) - less than 6 months in your company or in their work assignment? e.g. Organization Chart e.g. HSE training plan/ matrix; HSE training certificates e.g. CV of HSE personnel e.g. HSE organization and R&R document e.g. HSE meeting procedures; HSE meeting attendance list; HSE meeting MOM e.g. HSE communication procedure e.g. HSE coordination meeting head office and site team e.g. Stop for Safety policy e.g. HSE Training procedure; HSE training plan, HSE training matrix, HSE training certificates e.g. HSE training list which includes specific HSE training, specialized HSE certificates (ie AK3 Migas, PPR, RAT) e.g. HSE training attendance list, HSE training material (internal) e.g. HSE orientation / induction program; HSE induction program records e.g. HSE orientation / induction program; HSE induction program records e.g. HSE orientation / induction program; HSE induction program records e.g. HSE orientation program includes IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 50 of BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System SSE Competence Assurance a) Do your company have a competence assurance system in place? b) Do you ensure existing staff HSE knowledge is up to date? c) Are employees job skill certified where required by regulatory or industry standards? Subcontractor Management a) Do you employ sub contractor(s) for the intended service? (if yes, please provide details) b) Does your company have a sub contractor management process or system? c) Do you assess your contractors, HSE competence or HSE performance? d) Do you define the company standards you require your contractors to meet? HSE Standards & Regulatory Compliance a) Do you have a formal process to identify industry or regulatory HSE standards that may be applicable to your activities? b) Are your company standards aligned with local/ international/industry HSE guidelines or recommended practices? (If yes state which ones and attached evidence) c) Does your senior management regularly review the status of your legal compliance process? d) Has your company received any official notices of violations of legal requirements or improvement notices against your company (worldwide) in the last 5 years. Section 4 - Risk Management Risk Management a) Do you have formal documented processes in place to identify and e.g. Competency requirement of Job; competency set skill of job; Competency certificate, Letter of Authorization e.g. refresher training program; certification e.g. Certification from Depnaker, Certification from Migas e.g. supplier assessment procedure; subcontractor assessment records; subcontractor monitoring process e.g. subcontractor assessment records includes HSE e.g. subcontractor contract includes HSE requirements and expectation; HSE meeting agenda to subcontractors; HSE audit to subcontractors e.g. regulatory and standard compliance procedure; compliance gap assessment; regulation update e.g. list of local regulations / international standards that your company e.g. management review (including legal compliance) e.g. notice records e.g. Risk register, risk IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 51 of BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System manage risk and hazard for the work requirements in your organization including task, work location, natural conditions, and materials? b) Are the workforce engaged in the identification, assessment and mitigation of safety related hazards through a documented process? c) Do you have a risk register defining all the hazards that may be encountered in the delivery of the scope of work provided by your organization and identifying actions to eliminate control or mitigate the hazards? d) Do you have personnel/ resource that is qualified or trained for risk management? Health a) Do you have system in place to assess your employee fitness for duty (physical / medical suitability for the job)? b) Do you have specific policies and program on specific health hazards e.g. substance abuse, blood borne pathogens, malaria pandemic diseases etc. c) Do you assess the types of health hazards (chemical, vibration, noise, radiation, etc) associated with the scope of your services? d) Do you regularly monitor health hazard exposure to workers? And do you follow up with control? e) Do you communicate your workforce on potential hazards? E.g chemicals, noise, radiation, etc, encountered in the course of their work? f) Do you have drugs and alcohol policy in your organization? g) Do you ensure your drugs and alcohol policy is being communicated and implemented in your company? h) Do you ensure that first aid/medical care is provided at the worksite appropriate to the work scope and environmental hazards? Safety Hazard a) Do you identify and control the type of safety hazards (mechanical guarding, work at height, lifting and hoisting, confined CAMce entry, explosive atmospheres etc.) that are associated with the scope of your services? b) Do you monitor the effectiveness of the systems in place to control and hazard identification procedure; job safety analysis; risk assessment records e.g. Risk register, risk and hazard identification procedure; job safety analysis; risk assessment records e.g. Risk register e.g. Training/qualification certification e.g. Fitness for duty records/monitoring e.g. health policy, program e.g. industrial hygiene program; indoor air quality monitoring gas monitoring; noise monitoring e.g. industrial hygiene monitoring reports and follow up actions identified and conducted e.g. Tool box talk, JSA material at the beginning of the work, control use for mitigation; e.g. drugs and alcohol policy, program e.g. drugs and alcohol policy distribution; socialization; drugs and alcohol testing e.g. Safety work procedures relevant to the activities in your company e.g. review and IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 52 of BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System these hazards? Personal Protective Equipment a) Do you have a PPE procedure that is communicated to all employees and includes PPE selection and use and PPE care and maintenance? b) Does your organization maintain a job specific PPE matrix for both general and specialized work activities? c) Does your company have a system for provision and upkeep of protective equipment and clothing, both for standards and specialized activities? d) Do you provide appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) for your employees? (if yes, please provide a listing of the PPE for the scope of this work) e) Are employees trained on the proper use, care and limitations of PPE? Logistics Hazards a) Does your company have any logistics hazards (land transport, air transport, marine transport, materials handling etc.) is associated with the scope of your services? b) Do you have systems in place to control these hazards and monitor the effectiveness of these controls? c) Do you have any arrangements for preventing vehicle incidents? d) Do you have system in place for handling, storing and transporting hazardous material? e) Do you have personnel competent/certified in handling hazardous material (e.g. certified AK3 Kimia)? update on safety work procedures; HSE audit program; e.g. PPE procedure, PPE program records, PPE compliance records e.g. PPE matrix e.g. PPE procedure, PPE inventory list e.g. PPE distribution evidence; PPE list used for the works e.g. PPE training program and PPE training material, PPE maintenance socialization and evidence; PPE audit program e.g. Driving safety policy/procedure; driving safety program evidence; Flight and marine safety e.g. Transport safety audit program e.g. training records, pre use inspection vehicle checklist, minimum safety device on vehicle e.g. Hazardous substance management procedure; Chemical register e.g. training certificates Environmental Hazards a) Does your organization have a system to formally identify environmental hazards, assess risks and implement environmental performance risk reduction measures? b) Does your organization develop environmental impact and effects registers at all its work sites? c) Do you identified the types of environmental hazards (chemical spill, e.g. environmental management procedure, waste disposal procedure, waste handling e.g. environmental impact aspect register e.g. risk register IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 53 of BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System atmospheric emissions, waste disposal etc.) is associated with the scope of your services? d) Do you have systems in place to control these hazards and monitor the effectiveness of these controls? Section 5 - Planning & Procedures HSE Operation Manual a) Do you have a formal documented HSE-MS? (If yes, provide list of procedure) b) Do you have approved HSE working practices relating to your work activities? c) Do you manage your operating procedures through a formal document management process? Equipment, Tools and Material a) Do you ensure that infrastructure, plant and equipment used within your operations (own premises, client site, or at other locations) are correctly certified with regulatory requirement, inspected, controlled and maintained in a safe working condition? b) Do you have a maintenance management system for equipment tools and materials? c) Do you have maintenance procedure for all equipment that you own/operate, which are aligned with the manufacturer’s recommendation? d) Do you conduct, document and follow up inspections on operating equipment (e.g. forklifts, cranes, vehicles, welding machine, hand tools)? e) Do you have competent/authorize personnel to operate and/or maintained the equipment? includes environmental hazards, hazardous waste manifest e.g. environmental management procedures, environmental audit reports, implementation of environmental management e.g HSE manual (or operations manual with integrated HSE requirements) e.g. Scaffolding procedure, working at heights, Permit to work system, Welding procedure e.g. Procedure register and update schedule e.g. evidence of equipment inspection; maintenance program and implementation evidence; Third party certification. e.g. equipment register; maintenance program/ procedure; Maintenance schedule; Preventive maintenance procedure e.g. light vehicle maintenance procedure, crane maintenance procedure e.g. Pre-use inspection report; electrical inspection tag e.g. training certificates; letter of authorization MSDS IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 54 of BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System a) Are MSDS available for all hazardous materials including paints and chemicals used in your operations in the performance of the work? b) Do you have a Hazard communication program (e.g., HAZCOM or equivalent) in place? Control of Work a) Do you have system in place to control the work activities in your premises? b) Does each work permit require a risk assessment (e.g. TRA or JSA)? c) Do you train your personnel for control of work system? Management of Change a) Do you manage changes and assess associated risks e.g. personnel, equipment, processes, documentation? b) Do you have a formal documented process for the Management of Change? Lifting Operation a) Do you have any procedures to control the work involved in lifting operations? b) Do you have any inspection, testing, maintenance and certification programs and schedule for lifting equipments e.g. crane, forklift and rigging equipment? c) Do you have any system to ensure that the lifting team e.g lifting equipment operators, banks man (signalman) and rigging personnel are competent/certified? d) Do you have system in place for storing and quarantine of lifting gears? Emergency Response & Planning a) Does your company have an emergency planning and response procedure? b) Do you validate your plans by conducting regular and documented scenario based emergency response drills at work sites? c) Do you train your personnel for emergency roles? Section 6 - Implementation and Performance Monitoring Action Tracking a) Does your organization monitor the implementation of your HSE-MS? e.g. MSDS register; example of MSDS e.g. Hazard communication poster; chemical labelling; Socialization of chemical hazards e.g. Permit to work procedure; energy isolation procedure; LOTO procedure; e.g. example of JSA, TRA; example of all permit to work types (completed permits) e.g. training attendance list; e.g. Management of change procedures; records of MOC forms e.g. Management of change procedures; e.g. lifting procedures and evidence of implementation, lifting colour coding (photographs) e.g. lifting inspection program and evidence of implementation e.g. lifting competency certification and refresher period, training records e.g. Pictures e.g. emergency response plan / procedure e.g. emergency drill records e.g. fire fighting certificate; first aider e.g. HSE MS audit IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 55 of BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System b) Does your company assure the implementation of work procedures within your work-site operations e.g. compliance with procedures, toolbox talks, safety meetings, supervision, job observations? c) Do you have a system in place for action tracking all HSE issues? d) Does your action tracking status reviewed by senior management? e) Has your company received any award for HSE performance achievement? Safety Performance Indicators a) Do your company monitors HSE performance indicators (leading & lagging)? (If yes, please provide the following statistics for each year for the last five years and provide your company definition) b) Do you monitor health, environmental, security, road (transportation) performance? c) Does your company report near miss incidents? HSE Incident Investigation and Follow Up a) Do you have a procedure for the investigation, reporting and follow up of accidents, dangerous occurrences or occupational illnesses? b) Do you report any incidents and conduct investigation? c) Do findings from incident investigation followed up to ensure effective prevention of recurrence? d) Do you communicate learning from incident to all relevant personnel? e) Does your company reported incident or non compliance to government in the last five years (safety, occupational health and program, HSE MS audit report e.g. Procedure compliance audit e.g. Action tracking register e.g. Action tracking status e.g safety award certificate e.g. Total Man Hours; Number of fatalities; Lost Time Injuries; Lost Workday Cases; Restricted Work Day Cases; Medical Treatment Cases; first aid cases; near miss incidents; Vehicle Incidents; Fatal Accident Rate (per 100 million hours worked) Lost Time Injury Frequency (per million hours worked);Total Recordable Incident Rate (per million hours worked) e.g. HSE performance records; road incident, security incident, spill reports e.g. near miss reports e.g. incident reporting and investigation procedure; e.g. incident reports; investigation reports e.g. incident investigation action tracking records e.g. incident lesson learned distribution/ socialization e.g. Incident report form to government IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 56 of BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System environmental)? Section 7 - HSE Inspection, Auditing and Management Review of HSE MS Audits a) Do you have a written procedure for HSE auditing? b) Does your company specify the competency skill need for auditor? c) Does your company schedule HSE audit and what scope of auditing is covered? d) Does management follow up on audit findings and ensure effective close out of action items? e) Does your senior management involved in any HSE audits or inspection? f) Do you conduct annual HSE MS management review? Section 8 - HSE Management - Additional Features Certification of your HSE MS a) Do you have any HSE certification which you have received from certification bodies or is in process of applying for certification? e.g. HSE audit procedure e.g. Auditor training certification, Letter of Authorization e.g. Annual HSE audit, HSE audit terms of reference e.g. Enforcement communication from management e.g. ToR includes Senior management; Audit / inspection reports e.g. HSE management review report e.g. ISO 14001; OHSAS 18001; ISM Code; SMK3 Section 9 - Additional Features Has a senior manager or officer of your company reviewed the answers to these questions? (If yes, please provide name & title) Are there any aspects of your HSE performance that you believe differentiates yourselves from your competitors that is not included in this questionnaire? Have your company ever provided service for BP Indonesia? (if yes, please state the duration and performance while delivering works for BP) Have your company received a warning letter and / or penalty during previous or current contract with BP Indonesia? (if yes, please provide evidence of improvement implementation) CSMS Contact for Clarification & Verification Purposes Name Job Title Email Phone Number IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 57 of BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Attachment 4 - CSMS Pre - Qualification Scoring Guideline Scoring 0 Mid Score Full Score Do not exist Available however not comprehensive Available and comprehensive Section SECTION 1 - LEADERSHIP AND COMMITMENT a) Does your company have a senior executive formally Accountable for Health and Safety and Security and Environmental Impact within your operations? b) Does your company have a process to hold line managers and supervisors personally Accountable for leadership of HSE performance? c) Is the HSE performance of your organization regularly reviewed by senior executive management? d) Is HSE leadership training given to senior managers? e) Is the senior management in your organization involved in HSE meetings on a regular basis? f) Is senior management in your organization involved in management visits to work site? SECTION 2 - POLICY AND STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES a) Do your company have a formal published HSE Policy, in languages understood by the workers? b) Do you communicate the HSE policy to your workers, including any changes? c) Do you set an annual HSE goals and targets in your organization? d) Does your company communicate your HSE annual plan and annual HSE targets to the workforce? e) Do you identify and provide the resource to conduct the plan? Alert Question 5 Alert 10 Alert 10 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 SECTION 3 - ORGANIZATION, RESPONSIBILITY, RESOURCES, STANDARDS AND DOCUMENTATION Organization a) Do your HSE personnel report to the executive manager or corporate HSE manager in your organization? b) Have the managers and supervisors at all levels who will plan, monitor and oversee the work received formal HSE Trainings? c) Do you have an HSE specialist resource in your organization? (if yes, please provide CV) d) Do you have an HSE organization and their role & responsibilities? Communication a) Do you conduct regular HSE meetings / communications? b) Does your organization have a system in place to ensure adequate HSE communication between the workforce, supervision, management and other stakeholders with the opportunity for input and feedback? c) Does your company have a system in place to communicate HSE issues between head office and site /project team? d) Do your employees have the authority to stop work for safety reasons? 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 HSE Training a) Do your company identify, plan and implement the need for HSE trainings to 5 IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Full Score Page 58 of BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System your workers? b) Do your company identify, plan and implement the need for specialized HSE trainings to your workers (i.e radiation, asbestos, chemicals, H2S) c) Do you conduct internal HSE trainings? (if yes, please provide copy of training material) d) Do you ensure new employees have knowledge of basic industrial HSE and keep this knowledge up to date? e) Do you have a documented HSE orientation program for new employees? f) Do you introduce new employees with the standard safe practices in your company? g) Do you have a documented SSE (short serviced employees) - less than 6 months in your company or in their work assignment? Competence Assurance a) Do your company have a competence assurance system in place? b) Do you ensure existing staff HSE knowledge is up to date? c) Are employees job skill certified where required by regulatory or industry standards? Subcontractor Management a) Do you employ sub contractor(s) for the intended service? (if yes, please provide details) b) Does your company have a sub contractor management process or system? c) Do you assess your contractors, HSE competence or HSE performance? d) Do you define the company standards you require your contractors to meet? HSE Standards & Regulatory Compliance a) Do you have a formal process to identify industry or regulatory HSE standards that may be applicable to your activities? b) Are your company standards aligned with local/ international/industry HSE guidelines or recommended practices? (If yes state which ones and attached evidence) c) Does your senior management regularly review the status of your legal compliance process? d) Has your company received any official notices of violations of legal requirements or improvement notices against your company (worldwide) in the last 5 years. Section 4 - Risk Management Risk Management a) Do you have formal documented processes in place to identify and manage risk and hazard for the work requirements in your organization including task, work location, natural conditions, and materials? b) Are the workforce engaged in the identification, assessment and mitigation of safety related hazards through a documented process? c) Do you have a risk register defining all the hazards that may be encountered in the delivery of the scope of work provided by your organization and identifying actions to eliminate control or mitigate the hazards? d) Do you have personnel/ resource that is qualified or trained for risk management? Health a) Do you have system in place to assess your employee fitness for duty (physical / medical suitability for the job)? b) Do you have specific policies and program on specific health hazards e.g. substance abuse, blood borne pathogens, malaria pandemic diseases etc. c) Do you assess the types of health hazards (chemical, vibration, noise, radiation, etc) associated with the scope of your services? d) Do you regularly monitor health hazard exposure to workers? And do you follow up with control? 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 5 Not for scoring 5 5 2 5 5 5 5 Alert 10 Alert 10 5 2 5 2 5 2 IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 59 of BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System e) Do you communicate your workforce on potential hazards? E.g chemicals, noise, radiation, etc, encountered in the course of their work? f) Do you have drugs and alcohol policy in your organization? g) Do you ensure your drugs and alcohol policy is being communicated and implemented in your company? h) Do you ensure that first aid/medical care is provided at the worksite appropriate to the work scope and environmental hazards? Safety Hazard a) Do you identify and control the type of safety hazards (mechanical guarding, work at height, lifting and hoisting, confined CAMce entry, explosive atmospheres etc.) that are associated with the scope of your services? b) Do you monitor the effectiveness of the systems in place to control these hazards? 5 2 2 2 10 5 Personal Protective Equipment a) Do you have a PPE procedure that is communicated to all employees and includes PPE selection and use and PPE care and maintenance? 5 b) Does your organization maintain a job specific PPE matrix for both general and specialized work activities? 5 c) Does your company have a system for provision and upkeep of protective equipment and clothing, both for standards and specialized activities? d) Do you provide appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) for your employees? (if yes, please provide a listing of the PPE for the scope of this work) e) Are employees trained on the proper use, care and limitations of PPE? 2 5 2 Logistics Hazards a) Does your company have any logistics hazards (land transport, air transport, marine transport, materials handling etc.) is associated with the scope of your services? b) Do you have systems in place to control these hazards and monitor the effectiveness of these controls? c) Do you have any arrangements for preventing vehicle incidents? d) Do you have system in place for handling, storing and transporting hazardous material? 10 10 5 5 e) Do you have personnel competent/certified in handling hazardous material (e.g. certified AK3 Kimia)? Environmental Hazards a) Does your organization have a system to formally identify environmental hazards, assess risks and implement environmental performance risk reduction measures? b) Does your organization develop environmental impact and effects registers at all its work sites? c) Do you identified the types of environmental hazards (chemical spill, atmospheric emissions, waste disposal etc.) is associated with the scope of your services? d) Do you have systems in place to control these hazards and monitor the effectiveness of these controls? Section 5 - Planning & Procedures HSE Operation Manual a) Do you have a formal documented HSE-MS? (If yes, provide list of procedure) 5 5 5 5 5 Alert IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 60 of 10 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System b) Do you have approved HSE working practices relating to your work activities? 10 c) Do you manage your operating procedures through a formal document management process? Equipment, Tools and Material a) Do you ensure that infrastructure, plant and equipment used within your operations (own premises, client site, or at other locations) are correctly certified with regulatory requirement, inspected, controlled and maintained in a safe working condition? b) Do you have a maintenance management system for equipment tools and materials? c) Do you have maintenance procedure for all equipment that you own/operate, which are aligned with the manufacturer’s recommendation? d) Do you conduct, document and follow up inspections on operating equipment (e.g. forklifts, cranes, vehicles, welding machine, hand tools)? e) Do you have competent/authorize personnel to operate and/or maintained the equipment? MSDS a) Are MSDS available for all hazardous materials including paints and chemicals used in your operations in the performance of the work? b) Do you have a Hazard communication program (e.g., HAZCOM or equivalent) in place? Control of Work a) Do you have system in place to control the work activities in your premises? b) Does each work permit require a risk assessment (e.g. TRA or JSA)? c) Do you train your personnel for control of work system? Management of Change a) Do you manage changes and assess associated risks e.g. personnel, equipment, processes, documentation? b) Do you have a formal documented process for the Management of Change? 5 Lifting Operation a) Do you have any procedures to control the work involved in lifting operations? b) Do you have any inspection, testing, maintenance and certification programs and schedule for lifting equipments e.g. crane, forklift and rigging equipment? c) Do you have any system to ensure that the lifting team e.g lifting equipment operators, banks man (signalman) and rigging personnel are competent/certified? 10 5 5 5 5 5 2 Alert 10 5 5 2 2 Alert 5 10 Alert 10 d) Do you have system in place for storing and quarantine of lifting gears? 5 Emergency Response & Planning a) Does your company have an emergency planning and response procedure? b) Do you validate your plans by conducting regular and documented scenario based emergency response drills at work sites? 10 5 c) Do you train your personnel for emergency roles? 5 Section 6 - Implementation and Performance Monitoring Action Tracking a) Does your organization monitor the implementation of your HSE-MS? b) Does your company assure the implementation of work procedures within your work-site operations e.g. compliance with procedures, toolbox talks, safety meetings, supervision, job observations? c) Do you have a system in place for action tracking all HSE issues? 5 5 5 IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 61 of BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System d) Does your action tracking status reviewed by senior management? e) Has your company received any award for HSE performance achievement? Safety Performance Indicators a) Do your company monitors HSE performance indicators (leading & lagging)? (If yes, please provide the following statistics for each year for the last five years and provide your company definition) b) Do you monitor health, environmental, security, road (transportation) performance? c) Does your company report near miss incidents? HSE Incident Investigation and Follow Up a) Do you have a procedure for the investigation, reporting and follow up of accidents, dangerous occurrences or occupational illnesses? b) Do you report any incidents and conduct investigation? c) Do findings from incident investigation followed up to ensure effective prevention of recurrence? d) Do you communicate learning from incident to all relevant personnel? e) Does your company reported incident or non-compliance to government in the last five years (safety, occupational health and environmental)? Section 7 - HSE Inspection, Auditing and Management Review of HSE MS Audits a) Do you have a written procedure for HSE auditing? b) Does your company specify the competency skill need for auditor? c) Does your company schedule HSE audit and what scope of auditing is covered? d) Does management follow up on audit findings and ensure effective close out of action items? e) Does your senior management involved in any HSE audits or inspection? 2 2 10 2 2 Alert 10 Alert 10 5 5 2 10 5 5 5 5 f) Do you conduct annual HSE MS management review? Section 8 - HSE Management - Additional Features Certification of your HSE MS a) Do you have any HSE certification which you have received from certification bodies or is in process of applying for certification? Section 9 - Additional Features Has a senior manager or officer of your company reviewed the answers to these questions? (If yes, please provide name & title) Are there any aspects of your HSE performance that you believe differentiates yourselves from your competitors that is not included in this questionnaire? Have your company ever provided service for BP Indonesia? (if yes, please state the duration and performance while delivering works for BP) 5 2 Not for scoring (max 2) (max 10) IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 62 of BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Attachment 5 - HSE Plan Questionnaire The HSE plan questionnaire shall be answered based on the type of work conducted and potential exposure during the works. The Details of the HSE plan shall refer to BP HSE Requirements as enclosed in the bidding document. Required (Y/N) No 1 HSE Plan Sections *) Filled in for Bid Out Document Bidder’s Response Work Scope : Please explain the detail work scope and activities that you will be performing for this contract. 2 Leadership & Commitment Please explain how your Management will display their commitment to HSSE leadership in this contract. Provide an example of an ongoing safety engagement program for Contractor leadership including a schedule of site visits. and a description of how the program is used by Management to demonstrate their commitment to the primacy of safety to the workforce Please explain how you will deliver your supervisor, line management and leadership HSSE training in this contract. Provide the syllabus from your training program and provide training records for managers and supervisors who have attended the leadership training program and will be deployed on this contract scope. 3 4 Policy & Strategic Objectives Please define your strategic HSSE goals for the delivery of exemplary HSSE performance in this contract scope. Please explain the process and methods by which you will bring your HSSE policy and the contract goals to the attention of your workforce. What are your arrangements for advising employees of changes in the policy and goals? Organization, responsibilities, resource, standards and documentation Please describe your organizational structure for HSSE management. How will your organization be structured for this contract to manage and communicate HSSE effectively IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 63 of Remark BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Please describe your procedure for identifying required supervisory positions according to the job risk; for site HSSE surveillance and how your supervisors responsibility will be defined and supported for this activity Please provide a list of all personnel who you propose will fill defined HSSE roles in the oversight and management of the contract work scope. Identify any roles you intend to fill with third party staff. Provide evidence of the experience, training and competence of the individuals you propose Please provide a schedule of management, leadership and supervisor HSSE meeting activities that you would propose to implement for this contract scope. How do you consult with your staff on HSSE matters? Provide a schedule of HSSE committee meetings that you will propose to implement for this contract scope. Please provide propose of client and contractor have a schedule of regular meetings to discuss HSE interface matters Please define the criteria through which your sub-contractors are selected and explain how the HSSE performance of sub-contractors is taken into account in the selection process. 5 Please describe how you ensure subcontractors meet the required HSSE standard for their HSSE management system and the work they will perform. Legal Compliance Please describe how you will identify applicable laws and comply with the legal obligations and duties required by the country of operation and provide the necessary evidence to the regulators that you and your subcontractors are in compliance for this contract. Please explain your process for managing legal consents, permits and licenses. Explain the procedure and the standard references that your company will follows for this contract. 6 Evaluation & Risk Management Please identify the HSE risks that you perceive will arise in the performance of the IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 64 of BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System contract scope of work and explain the process you will follow for proposed mitigation. Please determine Risk Level of this Job based on your Risk Assessment Procedure. How does your company identify hazards, assess risks and control and manage the mitigation of the consequences of those risks. Please provide a copy of the risk management process 7 Training & Competence Please provide a list of your organization training requirements relevant to this contract scope showing how the training is achieved and records maintained. 8 What arrangements do you have to manage staff competence and ensure new employees have knowledge of basic industry HSSE and knowledge of your organizations’ HSSE policies, practices and requirements? Describe your process to monitor and review ongoing compliance with skill and safety training requirements. Explain your process for the verification of competency Planning & procedures How do you ensure that your HSSE management system properly describes your company approved HSSE working practices, and that these practices are followed in your work activities? Please explain how will you implement CoW system for the work scope activities in this contract? How do you ensure your personnel understand and implement this system? Please describe your process to identify requirements for developing and documenting operating procedures and the process followed to produce update disseminate and confirm the validity of these procedures. Explain how you ensure you identify and incorporate in your procedures new industry or regulatory standards that may be applicable to your activities. Please list and provide your operating procedures that may be used for this contract scope, with an explanation of the review and update process that has been followed for IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 65 of BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System each procedure Please explain how your behavioral safety improvement program has enhanced safety performance in your organization. Please describe the Health Management process in your organization including, but not limited to, how you manage workplace health-related risks, conduct fitness for task health assessments, complete health surveillance and undertake exposure monitoring if required. Please describe the three most significant examples of how your Health Management process has positively impacted workplace health and the promotion of wellness for your organization. Please provide list of the required PPE for this contract scope Please explain how you will implement a PPE program for this contract scope (including spot checks, inventory, etc) Please explain how you will ensure driving /transportation safety program for this contract scope Please provide a proposed outline environmental effects register based on materials and activity for this contract scope. Please explain the environmental hazards associated with your operations. What systems are in place to control these hazards? Please describe your process to manage the introduction of new or changes to existing HSSE procedures and the planned and unplanned turnover of employee and subcontractor personnel to manage and maintain the ongoing skills experience and competency of the team. Please provide a copy of your emergency response plan development procedure. How does your company identify the emergency situations to be covered by the plans? Provide an outline proposal for a schedule of emergency response drills and training exercises that you would implement for this contract scope IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 66 of BP Indonesia 9 10 Contractor Safety Management System Equipment, Tools and Materials How do you ensure that all equipment, tools and materials for the contract scope activity are correctly certified, registered, controlled and maintained in a safe working condition? Please provide an example of a register of all equipment, tools and materials for the contract scope relevant to this contract scope. Explain the inspection and maintenance process you will follow Please describe your process for ensuring plant and/or equipment is operated within design or other safe operating limits, consistent with safe working practices. Implementation & Performance Monitoring Please describe your process to ensure that all HSSE actions arising from studies, audits and self-regulation are identified, recorded and managed from inception to timely completion. Please provide the provide examples of performance monitoring from other ongoing/previous projects. Please provide recordable injuries (Fatalities, DAFWC, LTI, Medical treatment) and man hours data from previous work on and off BP for the last five years. What is your accident/incident investigation and reporting process? How are accident reports and injury statistics reviewed? How do you ensure incidents are reported and there is no retaliation against personnel who reported an incident? 11 Auditing & Review Please explain your internal audit and assurance process through which you will ensure that you are effectively managing all the HSSE requirements of the contract and the proposed scope of work (i.e management visit, HSE plan review, risk register review, etc) 12 Please explain how you identifying responsibilities, frequency, method and follow up for audits (i.e ensure corrective actions are delivered) Please explain any HSE certification / HSE recognition that your company have (i.e. ISO 14001 certification, OHSAS 18001, etc) Continuous Improvement IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 67 of BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Please explain how improvements identified are documented and incorporated into an improvement plan. 13 Authorization Has a senior manager or officer of your company reviewed the answers to these questions and confirmed that they are factually correct before submission? Please indicate the name and title of the person in your organization who has authorized your response. IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 68 of BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Attachment 6 - HSE Plan Questionnaire Scoring Guideline The HSE plan requirement checklist shall be based on the type of work conducted and potential exposure during the works. Practioner will choose an appropriate score between 0 and 5 based on the answers provided and their relevance to the model answers given below Questions 1 2.1 Question Context Model Answer Score 0 Model Answer Score 1-2 Model Answer Score 3-4 Work scope Does the contractor understands the work / activities involved in the contract scope No work scope provided Some work scope provided however not detail Work scope provided however not complete Please explain how your Management will display their commitment to HSSE leadership in this contract. Provide an example of an ongoing safety engagement program for Contractor leadership including a schedule of site visits. and a description of how the program is used by Management to demonstrate their commitment to the primacy of safety to the workforce The engagement program, should show a regular program of commitments; led by senior contractor leadership and supported at all leadership levels in contractors organization; to site visits and active engagement at all sites where the contractor workforce is performing work on Company behalf. No evidence of HSSE commitment or direct visibility at the work site from senior management. Some evidence of HSSE involvement by management, e.g. Ad-hoc program of visits. Evidence of active management involvement in HSSE. E.g. Semi formal program of regular visits and engagement. IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 Page 69 of 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Model Answer Score 5 Work scope provided, with detail and complete overview of all activities involved Evidence of formal and regular process of engagement, led by senior contractor leadership and supported at all leadership levels, with defined targets in all managers job descriptions or in performance contracts or with evidence from discussions with senior management. BP Indonesia 2.2 Contractor Safety Management System Questions Question Context Please explain how you will deliver your supervisor, line management and leadership HSSE training in this contract. Provide the syllabus from your training program and provide training records for managers and supervisors who have attended the leadership training program and will be deployed on this contract scope. Managers and supervisors at all levels in the organization, who will plan, monitor, oversee and carry out the required work should receive formal HSSE training in their responsibilities with respect to conducting work to HSSE requirements. The syllabus should be a formal document with clear structure and defined learning's modules Model Answer Score 0 No specialized HSSE training for managers or supervisors or senior site leaders. Model Answer Score 1-2 Some specialized HSSE training for managers or supervisors or senior site leaders, but typically irregular training with no defined learning objectives. IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 Page 70 of 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Model Answer Score 3-4 Model Answer Score 5 Some specialized HSSE training provided to management or supervisors. May be a regular training process, could include attendance at seminars and workshops but typically not structured and not comprehensive in content or defined learning objectives.. Comprehensive HSSE training on their responsibilities is given formally to all managers and supervisors at all levels in the organization, who will plan, monitor, oversee and carry out the required work with respect to conducting work to HSSE requirements. Training targets for initial and refresher HSSE training may be defined in managers performance contracts or job descriptions, and managers and supervisors should be held Accountable for attending the training program. training records should verify this attendance. BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Questions Question Context 3.1 Please define your strategic HSSE goals for the delivery of exemplary HSSE performance in this contract scope. 3.2 Please explain the process and methods by which you will bring your HSSE policy and the contract goals to the attention of your workforce. What are your arrangements for advising employees of changes in the policy and goals. The goals should be hard and specific, and focused on the proposed contract scope, not general policy commitments or weak statements of intent. A commitment to zero fatalities, zero loss of primary containment or environmental impact and zero DAFWC should be stated. The strategic goals should be capable of direct measurement and include a majority of leading indicators derived from the measurement of internal processes that demonstrate conformance with procedures. Policy and goals should be displayed in the work site and directly communicated to all employees. They should be referred to in meetings and documentation and should be familiar to all employees. Model Answer Score 0 Model Answer Score 1-2 Model Answer Score 5 There is probably a general HSSE policy, but no additional proactive HSSE goals are defined for the contract and endorsed by senior management A statement of HSSE goals exists on paper, but is limited in scope and scale. Some strategic HSSE goals for the proposed contract scope may be defined but these are not hard measurable commitments. The HSSE goals are defined with at least a stated commitment to zero fatalities and DAFWC/TRIF. Evidence of established commitment to HSSE. Some additional strategic proactive HSSE goals, focused on the performance of the contract scope of work are defined. The HSSE goals are well defined A commitment to zero fatalities, spills and environmental damage, process safety incidents and DAFWC/TRIF should be stated. Strategic objectives should be defined that should be capable of direct measurement and include a majority of leading indicators of HSSE behaviors and performance. No formal process for communication HSSE Policy and HSSE Goals are posted and distributed but there is no evidence of follow up and assurance on delivery, No evidence of how they the Goals will be personally cascaded and communicated by management, There is evidence of an established management commitment to the HSSE policy and strategic goals with some evidence that they are regularly communicated and reinforced to all employees. HSSE goals and strategic objectives may be displayed at the work site, or distributed electronically, and directly communicated by managers and supervisors to all employees. They should be referred to in meetings and documentation and should be familiar to all employees. They have become an integrated part of the work and managements commitment to HSSE delivery is clear IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 Page 71 of 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Model Answer Score 3-4 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Questions Question Context Model Answer Score 0 4.1 Please describe your organizational structure for HSSE management. How will your organization be structured for this contract to manage and communicate HSSE effectively Check that ultimate HSSE responsibility is held at CEO or Director level. Review the proposed contract HSSE structure and job descriptions. Key HSSE personnel should be dedicated to the management of HSSE issues and not be "double hatted" with line or functional roles. Check that management and supervisor led HSSE communication meetings are held that are designed to promote HSSE awareness. Check that process safety management is communicated alongside personal safety awareness. No evidence of specialist HSSE resources or effective HSSE communication. Process Safety responsibilities not clearly defined. 4.2 Please describe your procedure for identifying required supervisory positions according to the job risk; for site HSSE surveillance and how your supervisors responsibility will be defined and supported for this activity Check for a formal process of identification of high risk work and the definition of supervisory positions in accordance with regulatory or contractor requirements. Contractor should define how these individuals are selected, trained and supported. No clear process or formal structure. Model Answer Score 1-2 Model Answer Score 3-4 Model Answer Score 5 Limited specialist HSSE resources. Periodic HSSE meetings for special operations only. Process safety responsibility not identified Adequate level of specialist HSSE resources available, possible in smaller operations that the site supervisor has the technical experience and knowledge to take responsibility for HSSE delivery. Both personal and process safety responsibility is defined. HSSE meetings performed regularly involving all personnel. There is an informal process of identifying and allocating supervisory requirements on site, probably based on the experience of individual supervisors. A procedure or semiformal process exists through which supervisors are identified and roles and responsibilities are allocated according to the required work scope. Good level of specialist HSSE resources and evidence of personal and process safety integrated into daily operations. HSSE communication integrated fully into all operations. In smaller operations it is possible that there is not a standalone HSSE manager or organization, but in this case evidence that a supervisor on site has the required HSSE competency with evidence that HSSE is properly considered during the execution of the work is required A formal process is in place for the identification of medium and high risk work and required supervisory positions are defined in accordance with regulatory or contractor requirements. Contractor should define how these individuals are selected, trained and supported. Roles and responsibilities are formally identified and defined. IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 Page 72 of 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Questions Question Context 4.3 Please provide a list of all personnel who you propose will fill defined HSSE roles in the oversight and management of the contract work scope. Identify any roles you intend to fill with third party staff. Provide evidence of the experience, training and competence of the individuals you propose Check the experience and qualification of the personnel proposed in each defined role. Contractor should take a holistic approach to HSSE stretching from the worksite throughout the Contractors organization 4.4 Please provide a schedule of management, leadership and supervisor HSSE meeting activities , that you would propose to implement for this contract scope. 4.5 How do you consult with your staff on HSSE matters? Provide a schedule of HSSE committee meetings that you will propose to implement for this contract scope. Model Answer Score 0 Model Answer Score 1-2 Model Answer Score 3-4 Model Answer Score 5 Not provided The list is limited to site safety officers or HSSE personnel with site roles. Experience, training and competency is typically described in terms of years of experience. Some external certification may be defined. Line and operational managers are defined with direct HSSE responsibilities in addition to the HSSE organization. HSSE responsibility is recognized across the organization. Competency is directly assessed by observation for both work force and site supervisors. Review the schedule, is it comprehensive does it include all levels in the organization Not provided Meetings are only scheduled at site level. May involve only site supervisors and site managers engagement with the workforce. An HSSE organizational role is defined, probably as an HSSE Manager with defined oversight responsibilities of the contract work scope together with site personnel. Training records may be provided to support work experience as a definition of competency Meetings are scheduled at site level. May include meetings at local or regional offices. Will involve senior leadership in addition to site management in engagement with the workforce. Provides cascaded information. Committee members should be identified, the meeting frequency and location identified, and evidence available that concerns and issues raised by staff are tracked to closure. Not provided HSSE Committee meetings are only scheduled at site level. Generally a low key activity.. IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 Page 73 of 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM HSSE Committee meetings are supported by site and senior managers. Meetings are regularly scheduled involving all levels of the organization. Meetings are planned, organized and documented such that information can be cascaded down the organization and feedback reported upwards for review and action. HSSE meetings are regularly scheduled and documented. Information is reported to senior management for feedback and review and issues are raised as actions and formally tracked to closure. BP Indonesia Questions Contractor Safety Management System Question Context Model Answer Score 1-2 Model Answer Score 3-4 Model Answer Score 5 Not provided Meetings are only scheduled at site level. Generally a low key activity. Meetings are supported by site and senior managers. Tender evaluation criteria should be established prior to tendering and a cross-functional team and a scoring checklist to evaluate the sub-contractor proposals. Sub- contractors should be selected based on consideration of job competence, commercial, technical and HSSE criteria. No written process for selecting sub-contractors Basic system in place for the selection of subcontractors, but the selection process is probably limited in HSSE criteria. Company requirements may be issued to sub-contractors Should be a formal process that requires active oversight from senior management No written process for managing sub-contractors Basic system in place for the management of subcontractors, but limited oversight from contractor management. Company requirements may be issued to sub-contractors Sub-contractors are selected with appropriate consideration of their HSSE abilities. Company required standards of HSSE performance are communicated to their sub-contractors. Contractor may audit sub-contractor processes. Sub-contractors are managed with appropriate consideration of their HSSE abilities and the risk of the work. Company required standards of HSSE performance are communicated to their sub-contractors. Contractor may audit sub-contractor Meetings are regularly scheduled and documented. Information is reported to senior management for feedback and review and issues are raised as actions and formally tracked to closure. Contractor drives an active process of information exchange, gap analysis, review, verification and assurance of sub-contractor activities to select sub-contractors that meet company requirements.. 4.6 4.7 4.8 Please provide propose of client and contractor have a schedule of regular meetings to discuss HSE interface matters Please define the criteria through which your subcontractors are selected and explain how the HSSE performance of subcontractors is taken into account in the selection process. Please describe how you ensure sub-contractors meet the required HSSE standard for their HSSE management system and the work they will perform. Model Answer Score 0 IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 Page 74 of 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Contractor and their subcontractors work together as a single team in performing the work for achievement of their shared HSSE objectives BP Indonesia Questions Contractor Safety Management System Question Context Model Answer Score 0 Model Answer Score 1-2 Model Answer Score 3-4 Model Answer Score 5 processes. 5.1 Please explain your process for managing legal consents, permits and licenses. Explain the procedure you follow if you receive a citation. Check for applicability and control process. Consents should be registered at the relevant contractors' office where they are actively monitored and managed, but typically held at the site where the consent applies. No specific formal process 5.2 Please describe how you will identify applicable laws and comply with the legal obligations and duties required by the country of operation and provide the necessary evidence to the regulators that you and your subcontractors are in compliance for this contract. Will involve an assessment of relevance of the duties to aspects of the business and the development of specific tasks, recorded in a data base, with defined responsibilities and accountability to complete the task and check that the required documentary evidence is properly defined, being produced and reported to the No program No identified process for managing consents and permits within the organization to ensure effective oversight of site operations. There is probably no separate internal management reporting of compliance status or formal checks that regulatory reporting is being correctly delivered. Citations are monitored in a reactive process Ad-hoc process with limited legal support. Recognition that compliance tasks exist and are performed but no substantive process IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 Page 75 of 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Consents permits and licenses are managed at site and status reported internally. Responsibility for application and management of consents defined. Citations and licenses are proactively monitored Formal process for managing consents and licenses at sites and their status is formally reported. Compliance report prepared and submitted to senior management at least annually. Citations treated as major accidents with senior management focus Semi formal process. Legal advice available on demand. Requirement of internal management progress. Tasks are probably included within site operating procedures but not separately identified. Formal process involving site management and an internal or external legal team with at least annual review and update. Tasks are developed and recorded in a data base with clear accountability against a defined timetable BP Indonesia Questions Contractor Safety Management System Question Context Model Answer Score 0 Model Answer Score 1-2 Model Answer Score 3-4 Model Answer Score 5 Risks not identified The indentified risks are low level technical risks for site operations. Identified risks may be trivial and any mitigation process is at low level. The identified risks are credible and cover a range of technical and managerial risks for the work-scope. The risk mitigation plan is identified and relevant and is capable of delivery in a realistic time frame.. No formal hazard identification and risk assessment process A procedure to conduct risk assessments is in place, but Contractor has insufficient formal techniques or assessment processes to identify hazards and assess risks and deliver the risk assessment and mitigation activity in a consistent way The risk assessment procedure includes formal techniques for the identification of hazards and the assessment of task based and specific HSSE subject risk assessments, including those related to process safety. Risks are well identified and are at both sitetactical and managerialstrategic levels. They demonstrate thoughtful review of work scope issues. The mitigation plan is credible, well defined and capable of delivery. Required resources and timelines are defined. The risk assessment procedure includes a comprehensive set of techniques for risk assessment of all HSSE hazards, that includes the development of a formal risk register and mitigation plan, with evidence of follow up and checks on the effectiveness of the implemented control measures. regulatory authority. 6.1 Please identify the HSE risks that you perceive will arise in the performance of the contract scope of work and explain the process you will follow for proposed mitigation. 6.2 How does your company identify hazards, assess risks and control and manage the mitigation of the consequences of those risks. Please provide a copy of the risk management process Risks are strategic, well thought out and have relevant and appropriate mitigation plans in place. IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 Page 76 of 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM BP Indonesia Questions Contractor Safety Management System Question Context Model Answer Score 0 Model Answer Score 1-2 Model Answer Score 3-4 Model Answer Score 5 All relevant safety critical roles are defined and the certification process established. The training plan for certified individuals who fulfill that role are listed on a data base and re-certification is checked and confirmed. Formal HSSE competence system is in place and is ensuring that HSSE competence assessment of staff is up to date. Job profiles are created and for each profile a training requirement is defined. Individuals are matched to job profiles and individual development plans are put in place. Competence is formally assessed and recorded. additional HSSE training is provided Contractor has a process of formal follow up to check the effectiveness of the work procedures and the effectiveness of their implementation with records to show feedback and revision for continuous improvement. 7.1 Please provide a list of your organization training requirements relevant to this contract scope showing how the training is achieved and records maintained. Is the list realistic and credible. Are the training records clear and relevant to the scope. No formal process Some training and competency certification plans are in place or generic organization training information required Formal training program relevant to contract scope of work is in place. Training is reviewed and certification and recertification tracked. 7.2 What arrangements do you have to manage staff competence and ensure new employees have knowledge of basic industry HSSE and knowledge of your organizations HSSE policies, practices and requirements. Describe your process to monitor and review ongoing compliance with skill and safety training requirements. Explain your process for the verification of competency A training register is required covering all staff, with particular emphasis on staff who perform safety critical work. Records of training and competency verification are maintained. and the required training courses are defined. The register should be reviewed and updated regularly and at least annually. No evidence of competence systems in place and no formal HSSE training programs in place. Some general competence profiles available. New hire training may typically be verbal instructions on company procedures only. Documents provided for new employees but no specific "on the job" orientation or regular planned follow-up by supervisor. Individual HSSE competence profiles in place but no systematic follow up. General HSSE training provided for required tasks. Company documents provided. Supervisor outlines, explains and demonstrates employees job and emergency procedures. Regular planned followup by supervisor. 8.1 How do you ensure that your HSSE management system properly describes your company approved HSSE working practices, and that these practices are followed in your work activities. The process should be a well structured part of normal operations with clear responsibilities. It should reflect a reasonable level of direct management oversight. No HSSE procedures or operations manual with integrated HSSE requirements available. No formal follow through to check work practices Basic HSSE procedures exist but the totality of the scope of activities is not adequately covered by the documentation available. Inadequate follow through to check work practices. Contractor has written HSSE procedures to cover all hazardous operations and there is routine check up to ensure that these procedures are effective and being followed. IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 Page 77 of 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Questions Question Context Model Answer Score 0 8.2 Please explain how will you implement CoW system for the work scope activities in this contract?How do you ensure your personnel understand and implement this system? Does the contractor understands the COW system required for the work / activities involved in the contract scope. No CoW explained. 8.2 Please describe your process to identify requirements for developing and documenting operating procedures and the process followed to produce update disseminate and confirm the validity of these procedures. Explain how you ensure you identify and incorporate in your procedures new industry or regulatory standards that may be applicable to your activities. A structured formal process is required with a risk identification process to assess and rank risks and develop appropriate procedures dependent on the level of risk. There should be a formal procedure for developing the operating procedures in a defined 8.3 Please list and provide your operating procedures that may be used for this contract scope, with an explanation of the review and update process that has been followed for each procedure Model Answer Score 1-2 Model Answer Score 3-4 Model Answer Score 5 Some CoW system explained, however still do not provided level of detail and control for the work scope. CoW system was explained and the minimum expectations has been met for the level of risk involved in the work activities. The CoW system proposed has met the minimum expectations and satifified the level of risk involved in the activity and with rigor control. No process, No HSSE performance standards available. Basic processes to manage procedures and standards are in place and basic HSSE performance standards are available and in use. Contractor has a formal process for managing procedures and standards and has written HSSE performance standards in place to cover all hazardous operations and basic HSSE requirements. Consistent dissemination and validation is evident. Not provided Some operational procedures provide however not covering all activities All operational procedures provided however not comprehensive Contractor's formal process for managing procedures and standards is well embedded and there is a regular review process to maintain and update procedures and standards in place. HSSE standards for hazardous operations are well defined. Regular review and audit of procedures by line and operating personnel is in place. All operational procedures provided and comprehensive IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 Page 78 of 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM BP Indonesia Questions Contractor Safety Management System Question Context Model Answer Score 0 Model Answer Score 1-2 Model Answer Score 3-4 Model Answer Score 5 Behavioral safety surveys, across a spectrum of procedural compliance, take place with the active support and engagement of the workforce. Results are shared across the work teams and are used to enhance team work and develop peer pressure through which behavioral safety awareness, improves safety performance. Engaged and proactive performance A clear, well structured process is in place to effectively manage the workplace health hazards, human and psychosocial factors throughout the organization. The process contains the necessary, detailed information and elements to manage the scope of work in the contract. 8.4 Please explain how your behavioral safety improvement program has enhanced safety performance in your organization.. Needs to show a link between improved measured safety behaviors and improving safety statistics at the operation Minimal behavioral safety programs in place and no direct evidence that programs are enhancing safety performance Some behavioral safety surveys are completed but focus typically on PPE and initiatives such as eye protection and preventing hand injuries. Typically do not engage the workforce in checking the quality of work practices and ensuring procedures are in place and followed. Behavioral safety surveys of working practices are completed and data is used by management to focus safety awareness and safety performance improvement initiatives. Typically a process developed as an initiative by the HSSE team and not embedded in the operational function of the organization 8.5 Please describe the Health Management process in your organization including, but not limited to, how you manage workplace health-related risks, conduct fitness for task health assessments, complete health surveillance and undertake exposure monitoring if required. There should be a written workplace health risk management process or system that contains the necessary elements, sub elements, and capabilities to manage the workplace health-related risks for the contract scope and duration. It shall include, but not limited to, the requirements specified in Exhibit H (HSE Requirements). No formal and systematic process in place. The process does contain the minimum elements as describe in Exhibit H (HSE Requirements), but in insufficient detail to manage the scope of work in the contract. The process does contain the minimum elements as describe in Exhibit H (HSE Requirements), but does not contain sufficient information or additional elements necessary to manage the scope of work in the contract. IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 Page 79 of 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Questions 8.6 Please describe the three most significant examples of how your Health Management process that has positively impacted workplace health and the promotion of wellness for your organization. 8.7 Question Context Model Answer Score 0 Model Answer Score 5 A clear, well structured process is in place to effectively manage the workplace health hazards, human and psychosocial factors throughout the organization. The process contains the necessary, detailed information and elements to manage the scope of work in the contract. A comprehensive list of PPE to be provided, including all specific PPE's including the PPE matrix (activitity vs required PPE) Not provided The process does contain the minimum elements as describe in Exhibit H (HSE Requirements), but in insufficient detail to manage the scope of work in the contract. The process does contain the minimum elements as describe in Exhibit H (HSE Requirements), but does not contain sufficient information or additional elements necessary to manage the scope of work in the contract. NA Not provided A comprehensive list of PPE to be provided NA Not provided NA Not provided The process does contain the minimum elements as describe in Exhibit H (HSE Requirements), but in insufficient detail to manage the scope of work in the contract. The process does contain the minimum elements as describe in Exhibit H (HSE Requirements), but in insufficient detail to manage the scope of work in the contract. A limited process of ensuring driving / transportation safety for the works Please explain how you will implement a PPE program for this contract scope (including spot checks, inventory, etc) 8.9 Model Answer Score 3-4 NA Please provide list of the required PPE for this contract scope 8.8 Model Answer Score 1-2 Please explain how you will ensure driving /transportation safety program for this contract scope IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 Page 80 of 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM A comprehensive PPE program, including planning for stocks and inventory A comprehensive PPE program, including planning for stocks and inventory as well as spot check usage A comprehensive driving/transportation safety program A comprehensive driving/transportation safety program, including specific planning on the implementation BP Indonesia Questions 8.10 Please provide a proposed outline environmental effects register based on materials you envisage you may deploy, for this contract scope 8.11 Please explain the environmental hazards associated with your operations. What systems are in place to control these hazards 8.12 Please describe your process to manage the introduction of new or changes to existing HSSE procedures and the planned and un-planned turnover of employee and subcontractor personnel to manage and maintain the ongoing skills experience and competency of the team. Contractor Safety Management System Question Context Is the environmental effects register credible for the proposed scope of work All change needs to be managed, but the change of personnel is a special case. Many roles require defined competency, experience or specific skills of individuals or in the team. Particular reference should be made to the change of supervisory personnel. test for knowledge of the effect of procedural changes. Model Answer Score 0 Model Answer Score 1-2 Model Answer Score 3-4 Model Answer Score 5 Not provided A limited list of site use materials is identified in the environmental effects register. Environmental effects are identified as part of a hazard management plan where risks are identified and mitigation plans identified. Probably as part of the work site emergency response processes. No specific environmental hazard management programs in place Environmental programs are in place for significant environmental risks. e.g. spills, air emissions, pollution prevention and waste management. No management focus or particular attention paid to managing change overall or staff change in particular.. Contractors management of change process is focused only on client related activities. Internal processes, including staff changes are inconsistently documented A comprehensive list of materials is provided in the environmental effects register that is appropriate to the work scope and the work requirements. Evidence that thought given has been given to air and water emissions and waste management. An environmental risk identification process has been followed, and comprehensive environmental programs cover all the environmental risks associated with the Contractors activities. Contractor has implemented a general management of change process covering all of its activities including staff change. IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 Page 81 of 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM The environmental program is embedded in Contractors operations together with regular monitoring of all foreseeable hazards and regular review and feedback on the program effectiveness. Contractor has a comprehensive management of change process and has sets of plans and procedures for managing change covering all activities, including staff change and including follow up to check the effectiveness of the outcome. BP Indonesia 8.13 9.1 9.2 Contractor Safety Management System Questions Question Context Model Answer Score 0 Please provide a copy of your emergency response plan development procedure. How does your company identify the emergency situations to be covered by the plans. Provide an outline proposal for a schedule of emergency response drills and training exercises that you would implement for this contract scope How do you ensure that all equipment, tools and materials for the contract scope activity are correctly certified, registered, controlled and maintained in a safe working condition? Confirm that the response plans are credible and cover all foreseeable emergencies. Look for evidence of regular update of the plans. Are regular drills and exercises taking place No special attention paid to planning for emergency response. A process is required to identify and create a register of equipment, tools and materials with unique identification, and a plan for inspecting and maintaining these items against a defined schedule. Please provide an example of a register of all equipment, tools and materials for the contract scope relevant to this contract scope. Explain the inspection and maintenance process you will follow Check the register is it a formal document. Does it appear adequate for the contract scope. Is there a formal process to track inspection calibration and maintenance to ensure that certification is maintained. Do the inspection and maintenance records appear to be adequate and match the equipment list. Model Answer Score 1-2 Model Answer Score 3-4 Model Answer Score 5 Emergency response plans only cover limited emergency scenarios. Contractor has a comprehensive emergency planning process, covering all reasonably foreseeable emergency situations. Tests a and drills are regularly conducted Contractors process is scenario based and includes regular review and update of the emergency response plans, covering all emergency situations and including follow up and plan revision to improve effectiveness No defined program to identify or evaluate infrastructure, plant and equipment condition Contractors focus is mainly on infrastructure plant and equipment supplied to client as required, not a comprehensive management process. Not provided A limited list of site based fixed and mobile equipment is provided. Some evidence of calibration, inspection and maintenance. A written program, stating requirements responsibilities frequency and follow up is in effect and will include separate registers of safety critical items and equipment. Each item on the equipment list is formally identified by serial number and matched with a comprehensive maintenance record. The program includes periodic inspections and formal re-certification and calibration at defined intervals, demonstrated by comprehensive records, and conducted by internal or external specialists It is apparent from the contractors explanation, equipment list and numbering that the Contractor has a standardized process for managing safety critical equipment across their organization from which the equipment to be used on this work scope will be drawn IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 Page 82 of 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM BP Indonesia 9.3 Contractor Safety Management System Questions Question Context Model Answer Score 0 Model Answer Score 1-2 Model Answer Score 3-4 Model Answer Score 5 Please describe your process for ensuring plant and equipment is operated within design or other safe operating limits, consistent with safe working practices. A process is required to identify design criteria and safe operating limits for plant and equipment with a means for ensuring that excursions beyond the s limits are prevented or highlighted if they occur. No operating limits defined for the operations. Alarm setting control not defined. None, or very limited operational procedures. Operational procedures are in place, but no clear instruction or procedure defined for managing excursions. Alarm settings and alarm control processes are defined. Operational procedures with defined operational limits are in place. Operational excursions are clearly identified and registered. Alarm settings and alarm control processes are in place and recorded. Operational procedures with process safety considerations are in place. All employees in the field must have been briefed on the hazards inherent in the facility and HSSE and technical competency for work to be performed is defined. Early action on alarms is defined and alarms are clearly identified and tracked. Reports on excursions are reported and a register of any operational excursions is maintained and analyzed at defined intervals with senior management oversight. IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 Page 83 of 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Questions Question Context 10.1 Please describe your process to ensure that all HSSE actions arising from studies, audits and self regulation are identified, recorded and managed from inception to timely completion. Process should include the identification of actions and their recording into a formal action tracking system 10.2 Please provide the provide examples of performance monitoring from other ongoing/previous projects. 10.3 Please provide recordable injuries (Fatalities, DAFWC, LTI, Medical treatment) and man hours data from previous work on and off BP for the last five years. Model Answer Score 0 Model Answer Score 1-2 Model Answer Score 3-4 Model Answer Score 5 No system for formally identifying HSSE actions or tracking to closure. A limited HSSE action identification and tracking system is in place that deals selectively and inconsistently with HSSE issues raised in the organization. Actions may be generated but status is generally unknown NA No system for performance monitoring A limited performance monitoring system/areas A formal action identification and tracking system has been implemented and most actions that arise are placed on a register. A closure plan is developed with a closure date. Responsibility for closure is assigned. Actions are identified and tracked to closure. At least an annual review of process and performance metrics conducted. . A comprehensive performance monitoring in key areas NA No sufficient data provided Steady; no improvement shown A comprehensive action tracking system is in place. All investigations audits inspections etc are used to identify actions which are entered on a data base that ensures management review and oversight of actions generated and effective closure against a predetermined time scale. Responsibility for closure is assigned and performance metrics are generated and reviewed by senior management. A comprehensive performance monitoring in key areas, with management review and follow up actions completed Major improvement shown IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 Page 84 of 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Shown minor improvement BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Questions Question Context Model Answer Score 0 Model Answer Score 1-2 10.4 What is your accident/incident investigation and reporting process Procedure should define a formal process to identify and report all incidents including near miss and HiPo events, ranked by potential severity with an independent investigation led by an appropriate level of management. Proactive process, including reporting of process safety and integrity management events No system for formally investigating HSSE accidents and incidents Some accidents, typically where injuries occur, are reported and investigated. Limited management participation. Reactive process 10.5 How are accident reports and injury statistics reviewed Statistics reviewed by operating management at a formal safety performance monthly meeting. Reports analyzed for basic causes and actions identified that are completed and tracked to closure. Regular management oversight of the investigation and reporting process and injury statistics.. No system for formally monitoring HSSE performance. Performance monitoring limited to incident statistics. Statistics are owned by HSSE department who prepare data summaries. An annual report may be prepared. Reactive process. IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 Page 85 of 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Model Answer Score 3-4 Model Answer Score 5 Formal process to report accidents with an independent investigation. Investigation methods and teams are based on the severity or potential severity of incidents. Process safety root cause related actions are investigated and actions are implemented to correct barriers or equipment defects. Some near miss investigation. Proactive Process A system for monitoring HSSE performance in all areas exists. Some pro-active HSSE performance monitoring. HSSE statistics form part of a monthly management meeting. Proactive process Formal process to identify all incidents with an independent investigation led by an appropriate level of management. Formal follow up of remedial actions and communication of incident learning for effective prevention. Near miss incidents, and process safety events investigated in the same manner as other incidents/accidents. Statistics reviewed by operating management at a formal safety performance monthly meeting. Reports analyzed for basic causes. A formal review of company statistics and common factors by senior management/ directors at least annually. Formal review follow up and communication for continuous improvement. BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Questions Question Context Model Answer Score 0 Model Answer Score 1-2 Model Answer Score 3-4 Model Answer Score 5 Incidents reporting evidents avaialble and some form of no retaliation commitment for employee to report incidents An assessment and audit process is in place which contractor uses to gain oversight of the work activity and HSSE delivery. Some management oversight by Contractor with routine statistics produced for review, probably focused on number of audits and checks completed rather than analysis of audit findings. Incidents reporting evidents avaialble and written policy on no retaliation for employee to report incidents 10.6 How do you ensure incidents are reported and there is no retaliation against personnel who reported an incident? NA No systems formallty in place Incidents reporting evidents avaialble 11.1 Please explain your internal audit and assurance process through which you will ensure that you are effectively managing all the HSSE requirements of the contract and the proposed scope of work The quality of the Contractors internal audit and assurance process is critical to the success of the contracting strategy. It is impossible for BP to police all aspects of the Contractors work and it is essential that the Contractor has effective oversight of their operations and proactively manages the risks of their activity. Verify that an assessment program is in place, an audit plan exists, and that actions are prioritized and tracked to closure. No formal audit and assurance process in place. A limited HSSE audit and assessment process is in place that deals selectively and inconsistently with HSSE issues. Some general process may be in place, focused only on client requirements. There is probably no separate internal management reporting of assurance status or formal checks that contract requirements are correctly delivered 11.2 Please explain how you identifying responsibilities, frequency, method and follow up for audits (i.e ensure corrective actions are delivered) NA Not provided Some audit process in place which includes corrective actions IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 Page 86 of 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Audit process in place, with some role and responsibilities for follow up The assessment and audit process is fully integrated into Contractors organization and is a key process through which Contractor manages their activity and HSSE performance. Audit schedules and results are probably entered on a data base that ensures effective management overview. Responsibility for the assessment process is formally assigned and performance metrics are generated and regularly reviewed by senior management. Audit process in place, with clear role and responsibilities for follow up. Management involved in the review and ensuring follow up actions closed BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Questions 11.3 12.1 13.1 Please explain any HSE certification / HSE recognition that your company have (i.e. ISO 14001 certification, OHSAS 18001, etc) Please explain how improvements identified are documented and incorporated into an improvement plan . Has a senior manager or officer of your company reviewed the answers to these questions and confirmed that they are factually correct before submission? Please indicate the name and title of the person in your organization who has authorized your response. Question Context Model Answer Score 0 Model Answer Score 1-2 Model Answer Score 3-4 Model Answer Score 5 NA Not available Efforts for certification At least one valid certifications Several certifications available and valid NA Not provided Some process for continuous improvement planning NA Info only, no scoring Info only, no scoring Some process for continuous improvement which includes detail plan Info only, no scoring Comprehensive continuous improvement program and plan for implementation Info only, no scoring IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 Page 87 of 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Attachment 7 - HSE Plan Content for Non-PHCA. No HSE Plan Sections Approval Sheet Cover 1 To include at minimum Contractor Management, BP Contract Accountable Manager, Site H&S Manager 2 Work Scope Overview of the work to be performed in the contract 3 Leadership & Commitment A list of contractors leaders (managers, supervisors and team leaders) that will be assigned to the contract Senior managers foster commitment to HSE issues through their personal style of leadership and management A feedback system is established to encourage and facilitate employee and contractor feedback on HSE matters A positive culture is promoted at all levels; Safety culture assessment and action plan 4 Policy & Strategic Objectives 5 Written HSE Policy and company’s minimum HSE requirements Available in languages understood by workers Dated and signed by chief executive State specific aspects of the contract (location, sites, plant) Cover specialized aspects (e.g. substance abuse) Consistent with client guideline Clear, concise and motivating Organization, responsibilities, resource, standards and documentation Organization Chart for the works HSSE organizational chart, roles and responsibilities and interface between contractor, subcontractor and client. Resource plan to implement the work (personnel and equipment) Commitment that the level of personnel resources does not compromise HSE performance. Clearly defined roles and responsibilities Specialised HSE advice is available to line management if required e.g. employment of HSE specialist Staff personnel are competent, and with sufficient appreciation of HSE as necessary, and with specific training where required HSE specialists are verified to be competent in their allocated roles and their skills, as set in clients minimum requirements Effective means to communicate HSE issues to client, contractor and subcontractors personnel are defined and in place HSE performance notice boards are maintained in free access locations Etc Client and contractor have a schedule of regular meetings to discuss HSE interface matters A regular schedule is set up for worksite HSE meetings All HSE meetings are recorded IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 88 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System HSE meeting agenda should include health, safety, environment, security and social responsibility aspect of the contract HSE meeting agendas are consistent with the objectives of the HSE plan Action items are assigned to identified personnel and a system in place to close out items in timely fashion Subcontractor Management 6 7 The HSE plan identifies and shows that subcontractors are well integrated into the contract. Subcontractors HSE-MS are assessed and recorded in regards to its selection process Subcontractors HSE plans, if required, are suitable, and interface correctly with contractor’s and client’s requirements Contractor communicates to subcontractors that the same rigorous HSE standards apply to them All subcontractors are clearly identified and their respective roles and responsibilities are documented Legal Compliance Identification of all applicable legal and regulatory requirements in respect of HSE; this shall include HSSE permitting requirements and legal obligations Evaluation & Risk Management Risk Register 8 9 Identification of HSSE hazards and potential environmental and social impacts related to the work. A description of operational controls (processes and procedures), safeguards, and risk reduction measures, that will be implemented to manage the HSE risks and legal requirement Safety hazards, Risk Assessment and Risk reduction / mitigation plans Process safety hazards, risk assessment and risk reduction / mitigation plans Environmental hazards, risk assessment and risk reduction / mitigation plans There is a methodology prescribed describing how hazard and risk assessments are undertaken and who has the necessary expertise to carry these out Guidelines/methodologies are available for undertaking job hazard analyses and identifying the controls necessary to manage the risks Training & Competence Training Program (including sub-contractors): Training requirement identification HSSE training requirements associated with the works activity (PPE, CoW, lifting, etc) HSE critical teams (fire, first aid, Medevac) are given specific training for the likely situations they may encounter during the Contract Site induction and mandatory training for all personnel New employees are adequately trained and confident of their own abilities before they start work Screening and assessment procedure to ensure medically fit personnel Training Plan for Senior Level Managers (audit training,etc) Competency statement to meet contract requirements Competency register of employees etc Planning & procedures Written procedures are; available to all employees including subcontractors; available in employee’s own language; and include job specific descriptions Work operational procedures (relevant to the works) Control of work procedure (if using contractors own CoW system) Description of Control of Work system Permitted and non permitted jobs IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 89 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Types of permits Energy isolation certificates, etc Safety procedures (relevant to the works) Working at Height Excavations Permit to work procedures for Hot work, Cold work, excavation, energy isolation) Lifting operations Confined CAMce entry Energy isolations Management of change Driving procedures Emergency response procedures Etc Personal Safety Behavioral Program Housekeeping Reward and recognition Safety campaigns/events Safety Signage Disciplinary actions etc Deviation procedures Procedures for obtaining deviations from the standards are in place A responsible person for authorizing deviations is clearly identified A system of recording approved deviations exists Etc Conformance plan towards BP standards (if applicable) GDP 3.1 Assessment, prioritization and management of risk GDP 3.6 Environmental and social requirements for new access projects, major projects and international protected areas GDP 3.7 Aviation Integrity Management Standard Inspection and Testing of Equipment in service Etc Contractors Health Program A welfare program, if in place, meets the needs of isolated work sites An occupational health program, identifies: health hazards; assesses the health risks; provides for the control of health hazards (MSDS, etc) Health facilities defined and assessed as part of contract Personnel are checked for medical fitness to work by a recognized and approved medical facility. An ongoing system of health surveillance based on job specific health risks is in place. etc PPE Program Identification of PPE requirements associated with assessed risks. Assessment of the need for PPE and its suitability. Procedures to record the issue of PPE and a follow up system of inspection and replacement/recertification. Procedures to check that PPE storage is adequate and secure and that stock is maintained as necessary. Procedures to check that PPE is issued and used correctly. Schedule with defined criteria for PPE renewal/replacement. Procedure for re-certification of PPE as appropriate and necessary. All protective and rescue equipment that is provided is fit for purpose Etc Driving Program : Drivers’ documentation is checked and a record maintained IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 90 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Drivers to be tested in the type of vehicle they will be in control of, and over the type of terrain encountered in the contract Drivers’ records of employment and performance to be maintained Vehicles should be operated within manufacturers specifications Vehicle use should be clearly identified against job requirements Vehicles required to carry passengers must be equipped to contract specifications Cargo carrying vehicles should be equipped to segregate loads as specified in the contract A vehicle maintenance program is in place and adhered to. A journey management system is in place, which includes the authorization of different types of journeys, the roles and responsibilities of individuals, and covers the recovery in the event of a problem All journeys are recorded including relevant details Contracted-in transportation is capability assessed, and complies with contract specifications which are subject to reviews. Such contracted-in situations are authorized by a recognized contractor manager Etc Environmental Management Program Procedures are in place to protect the environment from contract operations, including imported materials and substances Contractor has an identified focal point for environmental matters, who has the necessary expertise A procedure is in place to recover from environmental incidents A competent contractor person is responsible for conducting environmental audits as and when necessary Etc 10 11 Management of Change : A documented Management of Change (MoC) process is in place to ensure that any significant changes to any aspect of the operation are controlled and do not introduce unmanaged hazards A procedure is in place to record document updates and control. Emergency Response Planning: Emergency response plan/procedures are in place for all identified emergency situations and the responsibilities of contractor’s management are clearly identified Clear identification of client role in emergencies All personnel are made aware of emergency procedures and their individual roles and responsibilities Lines of communication are clearly identified and tested Procedures are in place that identify the roles and responsibilities of client and contractor personnel to notify government and other authorities of emergency situations and outcomes Equipment, Tools and Materials All equipment assigned to the Contract is identified in a register Each individual piece of equipment is uniquely identified, and referenced to the appropriate standard Equipment certification plan cycle (electrical, lifting equipments) Where required the classification, HSE critical equipment is subject to regular inspection and maintenance, and a responsible person is identified to carry out a review that these program are carried out licensing authority, test certificates are clearly identified Implementation & Performance Monitoring Performance monitoring program : A self verification and compliance system to verify adherence to the HSE plan, and verify that any deficiencies identified in the HSE plan are expeditiously resolved A system of analysis and feedback to personnel is in place to review HSE performance measurements Monitoring and reporting schedule HSE Plan Tracker Etc IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 91 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Performance indicators to measure HSE performance during the contract shall include Total working hours for all personnel HSE training man hours Mandatory HSE training compliance HSE incident prevention program (safety campaigns, safety observations, etc) MCU compliance Action Closure Status Percentage of personnel turnover HSE Audit and inspection programs Severe Vehicle Accident rate Number of LOPC / Uncontained spills Number of incidents etc 12 13 14 HSE incident investigation and follow up: Contractor’s management provides necessary support for incident investigations, and recovery Procedures are in place for reporting of incidents and investigation of incidents Procedure identifies reporting hierarchy, aligned with client requirements Lesson learn from incidents are shared with all personnel working for BP Auditing & Review Management visits program Risk register revision update HSE plan review and update Internal HSE auditing plan External certification plan Procedures are in place identifying responsibilities, frequency, method and follow up for audits. Corrective actions are addressed and recorded. Findings are followed up and feed back into HSE meetings. Any corrective action rejections are appropriately authorized and documented Continuous Improvement Management undertakes a documented review of the HSE performance at prescribed frequency and take into account; incidents, audit findings, and changes in the operation. The improvements identified are documented and incorporated into an improvement plan HSE programs for each of the above elements IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 92 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Attachment 7A - HSE Plan for Non-PHCA Evaluation Checklist The HSE plan requirement checklist shall be based on the type of work conducted and potential exposure during the works and the HSE requirements Contractor Name Contract Date Reviewed Reviewed By : : : : No HSE Plan Sections Applicability Remarks Action for finalization by Contractor Sign Sheet Cover 1 To include at minimum Contractor Management, BP Contract Accountable Manager, Site H&S Manager 2 Work Scope Overview of the work to be performed in the contract 3 Leadership & Commitment A list of contractors leaders (managers, supervisors and team leaders) that will be assigned to the contract Senior managers foster commitment to HSE issues through their personal style of leadership and management A feedback system is established to encourage and facilitate employee and contractor feedback on HSE matters A positive culture is promoted at all levels; Safety culture assessment and action plan 4 5 Policy & Strategic Objectives Written HSE Policy and company’s minimum HSE requirements Available in languages understood by workers Dated and signed by chief executive State specific aspects of the contract (location, sites, plant) Cover specialized aspects (e.g. substance abuse) Consistent with client guideline Clear, concise and motivating Organization, responsibilities, resource, standards and documentation Organization Chart for the works HSSE organizational chart, roles and responsibilities and interface between contractor, subcontractor and client. Resource plan to implement the work (personnel and equipment) Commitment that the level of personnel IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 93 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System resources does not compromise HSE performance. Clearly defined roles and responsibilities Specialised HSE advice is available to line management if required e.g. employment of HSE specialist Staff personnel are competent, and with sufficient appreciation of HSE as necessary, and with specific training where required HSE specialists are verified to be competent in their allocated roles and their skills, as set in clients minimum requirements Effective means to communicate HSE issues to client, contractor and subcontractors personnel are defined and in place HSE performance notice boards are maintained in free access locations Etc Client and contractor have a schedule of regular meetings to discuss HSE interface matters A regular schedule is set up for worksite HSE meetings All HSE meetings are recorded HSE meeting agenda should include health, safety, environment, security and social responsibility aspect of the contract HSE meeting agendas are consistent with the objectives of the HSE plan Action items are assigned to identified personnel and a system in place to close out items in timely fashion Subcontractor Management 6 The HSE plan identifies and shows that subcontractors are well integrated into the contract. Subcontractors HSE-MS are assessed and recorded in regards to its selection process Subcontractors HSE plans, if required, are suitable, and interface correctly with contractor’s and client’s requirements Contractor communicates to subcontractors that the same rigorous HSE standards apply to them All subcontractors are clearly identified and their respective roles and responsibilities are documented Legal Compliance Identification of all applicable legal and regulatory IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 94 of 154 BP Indonesia 7 Contractor Safety Management System requirements in respect of HSE; this shall include HSSE permitting requirements and legal obligations Evaluation & Risk Management Risk Register 8 Identification of HSSE hazards and potential environmental and social impacts related to the work. A description of operational controls (processes and procedures), safeguards, and risk reduction measures, that will be implemented to manage the HSE risks and legal requirement Safety hazards, Risk Assessment and Risk reduction / mitigation plans Process safety hazards, risk assessment and risk reduction / mitigation plans Environmental hazards, risk assessment and risk reduction / mitigation plans There is a methodology prescribed describing how hazard and risk assessments are undertaken and who has the necessary expertise to carry these out Guidelines/methodologies are available for undertaking job hazard analyses and identifying the controls necessary to manage the risks Training & Competence 9 Training Program (including sub-contractors): Training requirement identification HSSE training requirements associated with the works activity (PPE, CoW, lifting, etc) HSE critical teams (fire, first aid, Medevac) are given specific training for the likely situations they may encounter during the Contract Site induction and mandatory training for all personnel New employees are adequately trained and confident of their own abilities before they start work Screening and assessment procedure to ensure medically fit personnel Training Plan for Senior Level Managers (audit training,etc) Competency statement to meet contract requirements Competency register of employees etc Planning & procedures Written procedures are; available to all employees including subcontractors; available in employee’s own language; and include job specific descriptions Work operational procedures (relevant to the works) Control of work procedure (if using contractors own CoW system) Description of Control of Work system IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 95 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Permitted and non permitted jobs Types of permits Energy isolation certificates, etc Safety procedures (relevant to the works) Working at Height Excavations Permit to work procedures for Hot work, Cold work, excavation, energy isolation) Lifting operations Confined CAMce entry Energy isolations Management of change Driving procedures Emergency response procedures Etc Personal Safety Behavioral Program Housekeeping Reward and recognition Safety campaigns/events Safety Signage Disciplinary actions etc Deviation procedures Procedures for obtaining deviations from the standards are in place A responsible person for authorizing deviations is clearly identified A system of recording approved deviations exists Etc Conformance plan towards BP standards (if applicable) GDP 3.1 Assessment, prioritization and management of risk GDP 3.6 Environmental and social requirements for new access projects, major projects and international protected areas GDP 3.7 Aviation Integrity Management Standard Inspection and Testing of Equipment in service Etc Contractors Health Program A welfare program, if in place, meets the needs of isolated work sites An occupational health program, identifies: health hazards; assesses the health risks; provides for the control of health hazards (MSDS, etc) Health facilities defined and assessed as part of contract Personnel are checked for medical fitness to work by a recognized and approved medical facility. An ongoing system of health surveillance based on job specific health risks is in place. etc IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 96 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System PPE Program Identification of PPE requirements associated with assessed risks. Assessment of the need for PPE and its suitability. Procedures to record the issue of PPE and a follow up system of inspection and replacement/recertification. Procedures to check that PPE storage is adequate and secure and that stock is maintained as necessary. Procedures to check that PPE is issued and used correctly. Schedule with defined criteria for PPE renewal/replacement. Procedure for re-certification of PPE as appropriate and necessary. All protective and rescue equipment that is provided is fit for purpose Etc Driving Program : Drivers’ documentation is checked and a record maintained Drivers to be tested in the type of vehicle they will be in control of, and over the type of terrain encountered in the contract Drivers’ records of employment and performance to be maintained Vehicles should be operated within manufacturers specifications Vehicle use should be clearly identified against job requirements Vehicles required to carry passengers must be equipped to contract specifications Cargo carrying vehicles should be equipped to segregate loads as specified in the contract A vehicle maintenance program is in place and adhered to. A journey management system is in place, which includes the authorization of different types of journeys, the roles and responsibilities of individuals, and covers the recovery in the event of a problem All journeys are recorded including relevant details Contracted-in transportation is capability assessed, and complies with contract specifications which are subject to reviews. Such contracted-in situations are authorized by a recognized contractor manager Etc Environmental Management Program Procedures are in place to protect the environment from contract operations, including imported materials and substances IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 97 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Contractor has an identified focal point for environmental matters, who has the necessary expertise A procedure is in place to recover from environmental incidents A competent contractor person is responsible for conducting environmental audits as and when necessary Etc 10 Management of Change : A documented Management of Change (MoC) process is in place to ensure that any significant changes to any aspect of the operation are controlled and do not introduce unmanaged hazards A procedure is in place to record document updates and control. Emergency Response Planning: Emergency response plan/procedures are in place for all identified emergency situations and the responsibilities of contractor’s management are clearly identified Clear identification of client role in emergencies All personnel are made aware of emergency procedures and their individual roles and responsibilities Lines of communication are clearly identified and tested Procedures are in place that identify the roles and responsibilities of client and contractor personnel to notify government and other authorities of emergency situations and outcomes Equipment, Tools and Materials 11 All equipment assigned to the Contract is identified in a register Each individual piece of equipment is uniquely identified, and referenced to the appropriate standard Equipment certification plan cycle (electrical, lifting equipments) Where required the classification, HSE critical equipment is subject to regular inspection and maintenance, and a responsible person is identified to carry out a review that these program are carried out licensing authority, test certificates are clearly identified Implementation & Performance Monitoring Performance monitoring program : A self verification and compliance system to verify adherence to the HSE plan, and verify that any deficiencies identified in the HSE plan are expeditiously resolved A system of analysis and feedback to personnel is in place to review HSE performance measurements Monitoring and reporting schedule IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 98 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System HSE Plan Tracker Etc Performance indicators to measure HSE performance during the contract shall include Total working hours for all personnel HSE training man hours Mandatory HSE training compliance HSE incident prevention program (safety campaigns, safety observations, etc) MCU compliance Action Closure Status Percentage of personnel turnover HSE Audit and inspection programs Severe Vehicle Accident rate Number of LOPC / Uncontained spills Number of incidents etc 12 HSE incident investigation and follow up: Contractor’s management provides necessary support for incident investigations, and recovery Procedures are in place for reporting of incidents and investigation of incidents Procedure identifies reporting hierarchy, aligned with client requirements Lesson learn from incidents are shared with all personnel working for BP Auditing & Review Management visits program Risk register revision update HSE plan review and update Internal HSE auditing plan External certification plan 13 Procedures are in place identifying responsibilities, frequency, method and follow up for audits. Corrective actions are addressed and recorded. Findings are followed up and feed back into HSE meetings. Any corrective action rejections are appropriately authorized and documented Continuous Improvement 14 Management undertakes a documented review of the HSE performance at prescribed frequency and take into account; incidents, audit findings, and changes in the operation. The improvements identified are documented and incorporated into an improvement plan HSE programs for each of the above elements IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 99 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Attachment 7B - HSE Plan for Non-PHCA Small Proforma Contract Item Work Description Description Company Project Contract Title/Number Contractor details Site location Company Contract Company Representative(s) Organization, Role & Responsibilities Legal Compliance Evaluation & Risk Management Contract Manager/contractor Representative(s) Organization Chart for the works Personnel requirements, Role & Responsibility List of all relevant legal requirements/regulation to abide to during the works Expected hazards identified (including adjacent operations, etc.) Risk control / mitigation plan for the identified hazard Training & Competence Planning & Procedure Mandatory training and competence standard for conducting the works Procedures to be followed for hazard control Emergency service provisions (including first-aid, nearest medical treatment, emergency phone numbers, etc.) Equipment, Tools & Materials Equipment, tools and materials readiness for service Access/escape provisions (alarms, muster stations, etc.) Implementation & Performance Monitoring HSE Reporting arrangements Audit & Review Audit & Review planning for the works HSE KPI IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 100 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Attachment 8 - Authorization to Operate (ATO) Check List Contractor Name: Date : Contract No. : PSCM Specialist : Description of job / work scope Section Responsible Party Elements Status (Y/N/ NA) Remarks Validated By BP Rep. (Name & Sign) Validation Date 1. People fit for Service HSE Mandatory Trainings of CONTRACTOR’s employee have been conducted as per competency matrix requirements Crew competencies been verified and approved by COMPANY, including valid certification as required by Government Regulations and/or COMPANY requirements 1.1 1.2 DCM DCM 2. Procedure - Working Procedure 2.1 Standard Operating Procedures for the job to be performed in place. 2.2 Control of Work Procedure prepared by CONTRACTOR and agreed by COMPANY, if CONTRACTOR use non-BP Control of Work Procedure. 2.3 Risk Assessment / Risk register completed CAM/Job Rep CAM/Job Rep CAM/Job Rep CAM/Job Rep SUBCONTRACTOR Compliance to contract requirement has communicate, socialized and received formal written commitment. Non Asbestos Declaration from manufacturer that all materials are classified as non asbestos containing material, including component of the tools, equipment and vehicle? Material Usage of all chemicals available and verified by COMPANY, including name, quantity and valid MSDS. 2.4 2.5 2.6 CAM/Job Rep CAM/Job Rep 3. Plant - Equipment & Tools and Material 3.1 List of facilities, equipment, tools and Material for the scope of work been identified and agreed by Company CAM/Job Rep 3.2 Third party inspection report for all equipment QM 3.3 Valid certificated facilities, equipment, tools and Material verified and accepted by qualified person as per site requirements. Approval using Equipment Mobilization Approval Form . Any deviation, CAM seeks TA approval QM TL / Relevant TA Marine Authority 3.4 4. Process - HSE 4.1 HSE Plan prepared by CONTRACTOR and approved by COMPANY (CAM, Line H&S Mgr and Affected H&S Mgr ) Line H&S 4.2 HSE-MS Bridging Document prepared by CONTRACTOR and agreed by COMPANY Line H&S 4.3 Emergency Response bridging document develop by CONTRACTOR and agreed by COMPANY ER Coord 4.4 Documented HSE Program developed by CONTRACTOR Line H&S 4.5 Regulatory Compliance in place, including regulatory approvals/ permits, national, international and applicable standards. 4.6 KPI during contract execution has been agreed. CAM/Job Rep CAM/Job Rep 4.7 HSE passport for all contractor personnel available. Line H&S 4.8 Fit For Task/MCU for all personnel have been reviewed by COMPANY and confirmed Fit for Work. OH Team 4.9 Is the BP work site ready for personnel and equipment to be mobilized? CAM/Job Rep Contract Document for this project are completed and satisfied and includes all milestone activities, KPI, penalties and comply with local regulation PSCM Cat Lead 5. Contract 5.1 GENERAL REMARKS/COMMENTS : Prepared by Validated by, Contractor Contract Accountable Manager OHE Discipline Capability Manager Quality Mgr TL/ Relevant TA Line H&S Contractor Safety Management TL The approval to mobilize is given for the above listed job/work scope and location only. Any additional work scope awarded to the contractor will require additional approvals prior to mobilization. Equipment and personnel added to the work scope will need to be inspected and verified by authorized individuals Approved by : AOM/PGM/WOM IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Acknowledged by: Affected Area Ops Manager Page 101 of 154 BP Indonesia IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Contractor Safety Management System Page 102 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Attachment 8A - Authorization to Operate (ATO) – People SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS WHO WHAT 8Q/12 Week Asset Plan DECIDE ESCALATE Contractor Govt. Board START Activity SPA Scope of Work and Execution Strategy identified NCR approved by AOM Technical Experts List of TEs to approve scope refers to Attachment 12 Review and agree Scope Contractor CoW TA List of ISSOW: WAH CSE Gas Test lv 1 or 2 PA AA PTW Attachment 8B CAM (with support from DCM) Propose team to execute program DCM to make Nonconformance Report (NCR) Attachment 8L Define relevant ISSOW training depending on activity Relevant TAs CV Screening List of Specialist Attachment 8C Is this a Vendor Specialist? Yes No CAM Interview by TA and issue LoA for specific roles against competency requirements List of Letter of Authorization 8D Yes LOA Requirement? Contractor No Competency requirements Attachment 8E H&S Manager Interview by CAM against competency requirements Pass? No Security List of mandatory HSE training Attachment 8F Complete basic BP HSE mandatory training MOBILIZATION TO SITE Site orientation induction Issue ID badge Begin work cycle FINISH IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 103 of 154 Permit to Work Training & Competency Matrix Permit to Work Training & Competency Matrix Course Type Length of Class (Day) Validity Duration Validity NPF Area Authority (AA-NPF) Duration Course Type Length of Class (Day) ISSOW Roles 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y Y NPF AEP Area Authority (AA-NPF) AGT 1 PTW Level Coordinator NPF AGT Level 2 CSE Authorized Entrant without BA PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM NPF Isolating Authority/IA (Process) ISSOW Roles NPF Performing Authority Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y NPF AIP Isolating Authority/IA (Process) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y NPF Performing Authority Isolating Authority/IA (Electrical) Y Y Y Y Y AEP AGT Level 1 Y Y AIP AGT Level 2 Y Isolating Authority/IA PTW Coordinator Plant(Electrical) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Risk Assessment Task Task Risk Assessment Identification Hazard Identification Hazard (HITRA)/L2RA (HITRA)/L2RA & controls assessment & controls Hot Work assessment Hot Work NPFModule PA NPF ModuleToPA Work Permit To Work Permit PlantModule PA Plant ModuleToPA Work Permit To Work Permit ModuleToAA/SC Module AA/SC NPF Work NPF Permit To Work Permit ModuleToAA/SC Work Module AA/SC Permit To Work Permit 3Y Y 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y study + case study + casePractical SIRP (Process) Practical SIRP (Process) 3Y 3Y fitting awareness fitting awareness Small bore/compression Small bore/compression (non-Electrical principles principles (non-Electrical Isolations Eletrical Isolations Eletrical AA/SC) AA/SC) Gas Testing (Level Gas1)Testing (Level 1) Gas Testing (Level Gas2)Testing (Level 2) Attendant CSE Attendant (CSA) Entry - CSE Entry - (CSA) Space Confined Space Confined Entrant - Authorized Entrant Entry - Authorized Space Entry Confined Space Confined (AE) (AE) Y & assurance Testing rules & assurance Leak Testing rules Leak principles Management principles Operating Risk Management Operating Risk (OiRA / ORA/ AOFRA) (OiRA / ORA/ AOFRA) (SIRP) Plant (SIRP) Reinstatement Safe Isolation Reinstatement Safe Isolation Plant Theory Theory & / Gasket & Joint Integrity (Process)/ Gasket SIRP (Process) Joint SIRP Integrity Valve knowledge Valve knowledge and requirements requirements and & GoC Workpack & GoC Workpack application application 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 3Y Y PTW Coordinator Leader Plant Y Y Y Risk Assessment Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Total Gap Course PTW Coordinator NPF Y Y NOTE Total Gap - DaysEntrant without BA CSECAMs Authorized 1) to review and identify ISSOW roles in each of contracts 2) individual Leader filling ISSOW roles must be trained, later Y on authorized RiskEach Assessment Y testedYand Y Y Yas Y per BP’s procedure Total Gap - Course Total Gap - Days IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 Page 104 of 154 3Y Y Y + Practical Theory Isolation Theory + Practical NPF Energy Isolation NPF Energy (mechanical utilities) (mechanical utilities) S&OR including S&OR including principles BP Deviation principles BP Deviation rights intervention rights support and intervention support and Y Y Y Y Y Y 3Y 3Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 3Y Y Y 3Y 3Y 3Y Y A Training Module/Package Building Knowledge 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y PEI awareness PEI awareness 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y & Fall Arrest / WAH / WAH & Fall Arrest Awareness Scaffolding Awareness Scaffolding Equipment Equipment Theory/Ground Disturbance Excavation Theory/Ground ExcavationDisturbance Awareness Awareness of 19knowledge of 19 knowledge Standards Operating Standards Operating procedures procedures availability and availability andfunctionality functionality Equipment SCE Equipment SCE P4 assessment) process P4 assessment) (SCE Deferral process (SCE Deferral & SIMOPS (2WLAH (2WLAH & SIMOPS process Field Planning process Field Planning Management) Management) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y MAXIMO Principles MAXIMO Principles 3Y OMS principles OMS principles 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y Y Y Y Y 3Y 3Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Course +Officer Course + Officer Protection Radiation Protection Radiation Certificate Certificate + (Theory Training (Theory + Training Apparatus Breathing Apparatus Breathing Practical) Practical) Y training Operational training High Voltage Operational High Voltage 3Y profile (iCAN) profile (iCAN)Discipline Competence Discipline Competence 3Y Reduction Risk Register Risk Reduction Awareness & Awareness Risk Register & Risk 3Y P&IDs of P&IDs Introduction & understanding Introduction &ofunderstanding Y 3Y 3Y Risk Awareness Hygiene Risk Awareness Industrial Hygiene Industrial etc). H2S, Radiation, H2S, etc). (Chemical, Radiation, (Chemical, Y 3Y BP Level 2/3 competency BP Level 2/3 competency Y + Practical) (Theory (Theory + Practical) Fire Fighting Basic Fire Fighting Basic Rule& SOC and Rule SOC and STOP & Safety: STOP Behavioural Safety: Behavioural Operate on How We Operate Based on How We Based System/ISO Management System/ISO Environmental Management Environmental 14001 14001 Waste Waste Chemical Management/Hazardous Chemical Management/Hazardous Management Management Attachment 8B - List of Permit To Work Roles for Contractors and Relevant Training Awareness Plans) (Rules & Plans) Awareness (Rules & Lifting Rigging & LiftingRigging BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System ASIA PACIFIC PERMIT TO WORK COMPETENCY MATRIX & MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS (KNOWLEDGE & SKILL BASED) Supporting Documents – Tangguh Authorization to Operate (ATO) Procedure People Building Knowledge ASIA PACIFIC PERMIT TO WORK COMPETENCY MATRIX & MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS (KNOWLEDGE & SKILL BASED) Training Module/Package A 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 3Y 3Y 3Y Y 3Y 3Y 3Y BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Attachment 8C - List of Vendor Specialist in Tangguh No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Company GE N/P Imeco Siemens Mitsui BJ Haliburton Dialog Waskita OSRI (Oil Spill Response Indonesia) Favelle Falco Ital Crane Bina Pertiwi Ziegler NOTE Vendor company need to state that they are sending competent personnel to perform the role The list can be extended, under approval from AOM IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 Page 105 of 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Attachment 8D - List of Letter of Authorization Contract LoA Number Role Name Discipline Civil Blanket Contract PCA 005 Electrical Technician - NPF Project Civil Blanket Contract PCA 006 Welder SMAW Project Civil Blanket Contract PCA 007 Pipe Fitter Project Civil Blanket Contract LTA 001 Dump Truck Driver Transportation - COW Quality Management Contract QMA 010 Lifting Inspector Quality Management Maintenance Auto 001 Auto Mobile AC Technician Maintenance Auto 002 Body Repair and Tire Shop Technician Maintenance Auto 003 Mobile Equipment Electrical Technician Maintenance DRI 001 Light and Heavy Equipment Drivers Assessor Maintenance DRI 002 Heavy Truck Operator Maintenance DRI 003 Heavy / Light Equipment Operator Maintenance MechH 001 Maintenance MechH 002 Maintenance MechH 003 Auto Mobile Assistant Technician Maintenance MechH 004 Workshop Technician Assistant Maintenance MechL 002 Heavy Equipment Mechanic Maintenance MechM 001 Chief Mobile Equipment Maintenance MechM 002 Light Duty Vehicle Mechanic Maintenance MechR 001 Chief Rotating Equipment Field Static Equipment Assistant Technician Field Rotating Equipment Assistant Technician Ops Maintenance Mobile Equipment Ops Maintenance Mobile Equipment Ops Maintenance Mobile Equipment Ops Maintenance Ops Maintenance Mobile Equipment Ops Maintenance Mobile Equipment Ops Maintenance Mechanical Ops Maintenance Rotating Ops Maintenance Mobile Equipment Ops Maintenance Workshop Ops Maintenance Mobile Equipment Ops Maintenance Mobile Equipment Ops Maintenance Mobile Equipment Ops Maintenance Rotating IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 Page 106 of 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Contract LoA Number Maintenance MechR 002 Maintenance MechR 003 Maintenance MechR 004 Turbomachinery Mechanic Maintenance MechR 005 Reciprocating & Utility Mechanic Maintenance MechR 006 Fin-Fan Blower Mechanic Maintenance MechS 001 Chief Static Equipment Maintenance MechS 002 Mechanic Static Equipment Maintenance MechS 003 Loading Arm Mechanic Maintenance MechS004 Pipe Fitter Maintenance MechW 001 Chief Workshop Maintenance MechW 002 Maintenance MechW 004 Maintenance MechW 005 Workshop Tool and Material Keeper Maintenance MechW 006 Welder Maintenance MechW 007 Machinist Role Name Discipline Rotating Equipment Repair and Balancing Mechanic Field Pumps & Turbo-Expander Mechanic Ops Maintenance Workshop Ops Maintenance Rotating Ops Maintenance Rotating Ops Maintenance Rotating Ops Maintenance Rotating Ops Maintenance Mechanical Ops Maintenance Mechanical Ops Maintenance Mechanical Ops Maintenance Workshop Ops Maintenance Workshop Ops Maintenance Workshop Ops Maintenance Workshop Ops Maintenance Workshop Ops Maintenance Workshop Ops Maintenance Workshop Static Equipment Repair & Fabrication Mechanic Workshop Internal Maintenance Technician This list can be extended under AOM approval IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 Page 107 of 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Attachment 8E – Table of Contractors Qualifications Requirements Contract LoA Number Role Name Discipline Civil Blanket Contract Project Manager Project Civil Blanket Contract Construction Manager Project Civil Blanket Contract Procurement /Logistic Manager PSCM Civil Blanket Contract HSE Manager H&S Civil Blanket Contract Civil Site Engineer Civil Eng Civil Blanket Contract QA/QC Civil/Structur e Inspector Quality Eng Civil Blanket Contract Field HSE Officer H&S Civil Blanket Contract Civil Construction Supervisor Project IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Requirements 1. min education: S1 Eng 2. completed trainings:PMP, CMPM or IAMPI Madya 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience as 12 yr in Construction; 3 yr as PM in EPC Project 5. codes/standards:n/a 6. age min:n/a 1. min education: S1 Civil / D3 Civil Eng 2. completed trainings:Project Planning, Project Risk, Project Quality 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience as 12 yr in Construction; 3 yr as CM in EPC Project 5. codes/standards:n/a 6. age min:n/a 1. min education: S1/D3 2. completed trainings:Project Supply Chain, PTK007 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience as 12 yr in Construction; 3 yr as Proc/Log Mgr in EPC Project 5. codes/standards:n/a 6. age min:n/a 1. min education: S1/D3 Eng 2. completed trainings:Project Risk, Human Risk 3. govt certifications/licenses:AK3 Migas SMK3 4. relevant experience as 12 yr in Construction; 3 yr as HSE Mgr in Oil & Gas Project 5. codes/standards:n/a 6. age min:n/a 1. min education: S1 Civil Eng 2. completed trainings:AUTOCAD training Microsoft Project Training 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience as 10 yr in Construction; 5 yr as Site Engineering Civil/Building in EPC Project 5. codes/standards:n/a 6. age min:n/a 1. min education: S1 Civil Eng 2. completed trainings:ISO 9001 Awarness Training 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience as 10 yr in Construction; 5 yr as QC Inpsector in EPC Project for Civil/Building works 5. codes/standards:Familiar in ACI, ASTM and BS Standard/Code 6. age min:n/a 1. min education: S1 /D3 Eng 2. completed trainings:Project Risk, Human Risk 3. govt certifications/licenses:AK3 Migas SMK3 4. relevant experience as 5 yr in Construction; 3 yr as HSE Officer in Oil & Gas Project Project 5. codes/standards:n/a 6. age min:n/a 1. min education: D3 Civil Eng 2. completed trainings:Awareness ISO 9001 (Certificate) 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience as 10 yr in Construction; 3 yr as Civil/Building Supervisor in Oil & Gas Project Project 5. codes/standards:n/a 6. age min:n/a Page 108 of 154 BP Indonesia Contract Contractor Safety Management System LoA Number Role Name Discipline Requirements Civil Blanket Contract Electrical Construction Supervisor Project Civil Blanket Contract Carpenter Project Civil Blanket Contract Mason Project 1. min education: SMP/SMA/STM 2. completed trainings:Dasar-dasar Pekerja Project 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience as 5 yr in Construction; 3 yr as Mason in EPC Project 5. codes/standards:n/a 6. age min:21 yrs Civil Blanket Contract Plumber Project 1. min education: SMP/SMA/STM 2. completed trainings:Dasar-dasar Pekerja Project 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience as 5 yr in Construction; 3 yr as Plumber in EPC Project 5. codes/standards:n/a 6. age min:21 yrs Civil Blanket Contract Steel Erector Project 1. min education: SMP/SMA/STM 2. completed trainings:Dasar-dasar Pekerja Project 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience as 5 yr in Construction; 3 yr as Steel Erector in EPC Project 5. codes/standards:n/a 6. age min:21 yrs Electrical Technician NPF Project Geodetic Surveyor Project 1. min education: STM/D3 2. completed trainings:Dasar-dasar penggunaan AVO meter tools and Megger Test Certificate for Splicing for 6.9kV & 380kV Basic Training for Electrical Symbol and Electrical Hazard 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience as 5 yr in Construction; 3 yr as Electrical Technician in Oil & Gas Project 5. codes/standards:n/a 6. age min:23 yrs 1. min education: S1/D3 Geodesi/Civil 2. completed trainings:AUTOCAD Certificate Training to use Total Station 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience as 5 yr in Construction; 3 yr as Geodetic Surveyor EPC Project 5. codes/standards:n/a 6. age min:n/a Welder SMAW Project Civil Blanket Contract PCA 005 Civil Blanket Contract Civil Blanket Contract PCA 006 IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM 1. min education: D3 Electrical Eng 2. completed trainings:Awareness ISO 9001 (Certificate) 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience as 10 yr in Construction; 3 yr as Electrical Supervisor in Oil & Gas Project Project 5. codes/standards:n/a 6. age min:n/a 1. min education: SMP/SMA/STM 2. completed trainings:Dasar-dasar Pekerja Project 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience as 5 yr in Construction; 3 yr as Carpenter in EPC Project 5. codes/standards:n/a 6. age min:21 yrs 1. min education: SMA/STM 2. completed trainings:n/a 3. govt certifications/licenses:- MIGAS Certificate Class-1 - DEPNAKER Certificate Class-1 4. relevant experience as 7 yr as Welder SMAW in Oil & Gas Project 5. codes/standards:n/a 6. age min:26 yrs Page 109 of 154 BP Indonesia Contract Civil Blanket Contract Contractor Safety Management System LoA Number PCA 007 Role Name Discipline Requirements Pipe Fitter Project 1. min education: SMA/STM 2. completed trainings:n/a 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience as 7 yr as Pipe Fitter in Oil & Gas Project 5. codes/standards:n/a 6. age min:26 yrs Dump Truck Driver Transportation - COW Quality Management Contract Pressure Vessel and Heat Exchanger Inspector Quality Management 1. min education: SMP/SMA 2. completed trainings:Training Certificate from Truck Manufacturer 3. govt certifications/licenses:SIM B/B1 4. relevant experience as 5 yr in Construction 3 yr as dump truck driver in Project 5. codes/standards:n/a 6. age min:26 yrs 1. min education: S1/D3 in Mechanical or Chemical Engineering 2. completed trainings::Welding Inspector Certificate level II and NDT level II UT, RT, MT/PT from reputable Institution such as CSWIP, PCN, CWI or National Certification Institution equivalent to that with valid certificate 3. govt certifications/licenses:MIGAS Certificate for Pressure Vessel and Heat Exchanger Inspection Certificate 4. relevant experience as - 12 years working experience in Oil & Gas industry - 10 years hands on roles on Equipment & Tools as Senior Inspector QA Engineer/ Quality Supervisor - Knowledgeable in corrosion and welding e.g corrosion related damage mechanisms, base metals, filler metals, heat treatment, welding metallurgy and welding repairs - Familiar with risk-based inspection (RBI) assessment to determine risk, incl. systematic evaluation of probability and consequence of failure. - Hands on experience with MAXIMO 5. codes/standards:Good understanding in ASME, API, BS, ANSI and TEMA 6. age minn/a Quality Management Contract Structural Skid and Civil Inspector Quality Management Civil Blanket Contract LTA 001 IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM 1. min education: S1/D3 in Civil/Structural Engineering 2. completed trainings::Welding Inspector Certificate level II and NDT level II UT, RT, MT/PT from reputable Institution such as CSWIP, PCN, CWI or National Certification Institution equivalent to that with valid certificate, 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience as - 12 years working experience in Oil & Gas industry - 10 years hands on roles on Equipment & Tools as Senior Inspector/ QA Engineer/ Quality Supervisor - knowledgable of corrosion studies on the structural steel members and connections and corrosion related damage mechanisms - Familiar with risk-based inspection (RBI) assessment to determine risk, including a systematic evaluation of probability and consequence of failure - Able to do structural inspection activities in buildings, tunnels, bridges, sub stations to identify evidences of structural deterioration, movement or deformation, verify quality construction on all structural concrete, evaluating their impact on integrity of the structure, - Conducts condition survey for any renovation and upgrade, investigated loading requirements and strength of concrete, mapped exiting cracked concrete, testing existing steel rivets and high strength bolts - hands on experience with MAXIMO 5. codes/standards:Good understanding in ASCE, ASTM, AASHTO, ACI, NFPA, AWS, API and BS 6. age minn/a Page 110 of 154 BP Indonesia Contract Contractor Safety Management System LoA Number Role Name Discipline Requirements Quality Management Contract Piping and Valve Inspector Quality Management 1. min education: S1/D3 in Mechanical Eng2. completed trainings::Welding Inspector Certificate level II and NDT level II UT, RT, MT/PT from reputable Institution such as CSWIP, PCN, CWI or equal with valid certificate 3. govt certifications/licenses: MIGAS Piping Inspection Certificate or reputable Institution 4. relevant experience as - 12 years working experience in Oil & Gas industry - 10 years hands on roles on Equipment & Tools as Senior Inspector/ QA Engineer/ Quality Supervisor- Knowledgeable in corrosion and welding such as corrosion related damage mechanisms, base metals, filler metals, heat treatment, welding metallurgy and welding repairs - Familiar with risk-based inspection (RBI) assessment to determine risk, including a systematic evaluation of probability and consequence of failure, - Able to read and interpret Isometric drawings, P&ID and perform line checking - Familiar with various types of materials used and have good knowledge of Hydro and Pneumatic testing - Hands on experience with MAXIMO 5. codes/standards: Good understanding in ASME, API, ISO, EEMUA and BS 6. age minn/a Quality Management Contract ISO Tank and Container Inspector Quality Management 1. min education: S1/D3 in Mechanical/Civil Engineering 2. completed trainings::Welding Inspector Certificate level II and NDT level II UT, RT, MT/PT from reputable Institution such as CSWIP, PCN, CWI or equal with valid certificate 3. govt certifications/licenses:MIGAS Tank Inspection Certificate or reputable Institution 4. relevant experience as - 12 years working experience in Oil & Gas industry - 10 years hands on roles on Equipment & Tools as Senior Inspector/ QA Engineer/ Quality Supervisor- Knowledgeable in corrosion and welding such as corrosion related damage mechanisms, base metals, filler metals, heat treatment, welding metallurgy and welding repairs -Be familiar with risk-based inspection (RBI) assessment to determine risk, including a systematic evaluation of probability and consequence of failure - Hands on experience with MAXIMO 5. codes/standards:Good understanding in ASME, API, ISO, IMO 6. age minn/a IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 111 of 154 BP Indonesia Contract Contractor Safety Management System LoA Number Role Name Discipline Requirements Quality Management Contract Electrical and Instrument Inspector Quality Management 1. min education: S1/D3 Electrical Engineering 2. completed trainings::§Training in Hazardous Areas Equipment and Zone classification. 3. govt certifications/licenses:MIGAS and DISNAKER 4. relevant experience as - 12 years working experience in Oil & Gas industry - 10 years hands on roles on Equipment & Tools as Senior Inspector/ QA Engineer/ Quality Supervisor particularly in LNG plant related instruments - Able to inspect/ test complete loops, wiring continuity and colour coding, start up, troubleshooting, evaluate FAT and demonstrate a thorough working knowledge of international codes and standards related to packaged units instrumentation e.g Distributed Control System (DCS), Safety Instumented System (SIS), Fire & Gas System (FGS), Burner Management System (BMS), and Programmable Logic Controller in life cycle technical integrity management. - Experienced in instrument root cause failure analysis (RCFA), instument failure rate analysis and testing interval calculation -able to inspect Cathodic Protection Systems and its components, such as anode installation, cable installation, and positive and negative cable hook-up - able to interpret and assess cathodic protection design packages to ensure compliance with the requirements - Hands on experience in MAXIMO5. codes/standards:Good understanding in ANSI, API, ISO, NFPA, BS, IEEE, ISA, IEC, ATEX and EEMUA 6. age minn/a Quality Management Contract Rotating (Turbines, Pumps and Compressors ) Inspector Quality Management Quality Management Contract Painting and Coating Inspector Quality Management 1. min education: S1 /D3 in Mechanical Engineering 2. completed trainings::Welding Inspector Certificates level II and NDT level II UT, RT, MT/PT from reputable Institution such as CSWIP, PCN, CWI or equal with valid certificate 3. govt certifications/licenses:MIGAS Rotating Inspection Certificate 4. relevant experience as - -12 years working experience in Oil & Gas industry - 10 years hands on roles on Equipment & Tools as Senior Inspector/QA Engineer/ Quality Supervisor - Knowledgeable in performance assessment such as vibration analysis, Noise measurements and Heat controller, - Able to recognize key factors which affect the reliability and availability of Rotating Equipment and recognize symptoms of Rotating Equipment distress and identify corrective actions - Hands on experience in MAXIMO 5. codes/standards:Good undestanding in ANSI, ASME, API, BS, IEC, EEMUA 6. age minn/a 1. min education: S1 /D3 in Chemical/ Mechanical Engineer 2. completed trainings::certificate level II of NACE or CSWIP/BGAS Painting and coating qualification 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience as - 12 years working experience in Oil & Gas industry - 10 years hands on roles on Equipment & Tools as Senior Inspector/ QA Engineer/ Quality Supervisor - Knowledge and familiar with various type of material specification such as metals, non metals and alloys 5. codes/standards:Good understanding in ASTM, SSPC, BS, NACE, API and ISO 6. age minn/a IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 112 of 154 BP Indonesia Contract Contractor Safety Management System LoA Number Role Name Quality Management Contract Tangguh Site Representati ve Inspector/ Resident Inspector Quality Management Contract Lamongan Site Resident Inspector Discipline Requirements 1. min education: S1 /D3 in Mechanical / Chemical Engineering 2. completed trainings::- Holding certificate of International recognized certificates and equivalent to LEEA and ECITB. - Holding valid certificate of WI L2 by CSWIP or PCN or CWI, -Holding valid certificate of NDT Level 2 UT, RT, MT/PT 3. govt certifications/licenses:Migas Certificate for Lifting inspection, Pressure Vessel Inspection 4. relevant experience as - 12 years working experience in Oil & Gas industry - 10 years hands on roles on Equipment & Tools as Senior Inspector/ QA Engineer/ Quality Supervisor - Has qualification and experience in offshore and onshore lifting Inspection - Has qualification and experience as NDE inspectors - Has qualification and experience in static and rotating inspector 5. codes/standards: Good understanding in ASME, API, ISO, DNV, ASTM, ANSI EEMUA, IEC and BS 6. age minn/a Quality Management IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM 1. min education: S1 /D3 in Mechanical / Chemical Engineering 2. completed trainings::- Holding valid certificate of WI L2 by CSWIP or PCN or CWI, -Holding valid certificate of NDT Level 2 UT, RT, MT/PT, - Have qualification as Crane & Lifting Equipment Inspector as well as possess additional 2 (two) other inspector qualifications (i.e. Pressure Vessel, Structure & Civil, Piping, E/I, Coating & Painting, Rotating inspector) 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience as - 12 years working experience in Oil & Gas industry - 10 years hands on roles on Equipment & Tools as Senior Inspector/ QA Engineer/ Quality Supervisor 5. codes/standards:Good Understanding in ASME, API, ISO, DNV, ASTM, ANSI EEMUA, IEC and BS 6. age minn/a Page 113 of 154 BP Indonesia Contract Quality Management Contract Contractor Safety Management System LoA Number QMA 010 Role Name Lifting Inspector Discipline Quality Management Engineering Services Blanket Project Manager (PM) Project Engineering Services Blanket Project Engineer (PE) Project Engineering Services Blanket Project Scheduler and Cost Control (PSC) Project IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Requirements 1. min education: S1 /D3 in Mechanical/ Electrical Engineer 2. completed trainings::- Holding certificates of loose lifting inspection from reputable Institution such as: LEEA, OPITO, NSL, SPARROW, NATA -Holding valid certificate of NDT Level 2 UT, RT, MT/PT 3. govt certifications/licenses:MIGAS lifting inspection certificate 4. relevant experience as - 12 years working experience in Oil & Gas industry - 10 years hands on roles on Equipment & Tools as Senior Inspector QA Engineer/ Quality Supervisor - Min 5 years experience in operational and maintenance of mobile cranes, pedestal cranes, overhead cranes, man lift and forklifts or minimum 8 years experience with inspection of mobile cranes, tower cranes, pedestal cranes, overhead cranes, man lift and forklifts. -Experience in developing inspection and maintenance strategy of mobile cranes, tower cranes, pedestal cranes, overhead cranes, man lift and forklifts. - Conversant and proven experience with complex and difficult rigging and lifting activities to comply with international industrial standards - Proven minimum 8 years experience with inspection or 5 years in operation of portable lifting equipment such as: CCU, chain blocks, wire pulling, jacking, shackles, manual lever hoist, beam clamp etc. - Proven experience with inspection and certification of CCU for dangerous goods such as: Iso Tank, Avtur Tank, Nitrogen Tank etc 5. codes/standards:good understanding in related liftingcodes/standard MIGAS, ASME, API, ANSI, ISO, BS, DNV, LEEA Code Practice, LOLER 1998 6. age minn/a 1. min education: S1 Eng (Chem Eng, Mech Eng, Electrical/Instrument Eng) 2. completed trainings::PMP, CMPM or IAMPI Madya 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience as 15 yrs in Engineering for Projects at Design Phase (FEED, Detailed Design) and Commisioning. 7 yrs as Project Manager also in Design Phase 5. codes/standards:n/a 6. age minn/a 1. min education: S1 Eng (Chem Eng, Mech Eng, Electrical/Instrument Eng, Civil Eng) 2. completed trainings::Project Planning, Project Risk, Project Quality 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience as 10 yrs in Engineering for Projects at Design Phase (FEED, Detailed Design) and Commisioning 5 yrs as Project Engineer also in Design Phase 5. codes/standards:n/a 6. age minn/a 1. min education: S1/D3 Eng (Civil, Mech Eng) 2. completed trainings::Project Supply Chain, PTK007 MSProject/Primavera Schedule Assessment Tools 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience as 10 yrs in Engineering for Projects at Design Phase (FEED, Detailed Design) & EPCI 5 yrs as Project Scheduler and Cost Control 5. codes/standards:n/a 6. age minn/a Page 114 of 154 BP Indonesia Contract Contractor Safety Management System LoA Number Role Name Discipline Requirements Engineering Services Blanket Project Cost Estimator (PCE) Project 1. min education: S1/D3 2. completed trainings::Cost Risk Assessment Tools 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience as 10 years as PCE on engineering projects or FEED or EPCI 5. codes/standards:n/a 6. age minn/a Engineering Services Blanket Project Document Control (PDC) Project 1. min education: S1/D3 2. completed trainings::Document Management 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience as 5 years as PDC on engineering projects or FEED or EPCI 5. codes/standards:n/a 6. age minn/a Engineering Services Blanket Sr. Process Engineer (SPE) Process Eng Engineering Services Blanket Process Engineer (PSE) Process Eng 1. min education: BS -Chemical Eng. 2. completed trainings::Process Safety Engineering HAZOP Facilitator Commissioning and Start Up Risk Assesment3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience as 15 years in FEED and Detailed Design of process & process safety engineering including 10 years as SPE Skillful in HYSYS, PIPESIM, PHAST, FLARESIM, PROMAX, FLARENET, OLGA (preferably) 5. codes/standards:Skillful in : API,ANSI,ISA, ASME,NACE,NFPA,HAZOP/HAZID/LOPA Review6. age minn/a 1. min education: BS -Chemical Eng. 2. completed trainings::n/a 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience as 8 years in in FEED and Detailed Design of process & process safety engineering design Skillful in HYSYS, PIPESIM, PHAST, FLARESIM, PROMAX, FLARENET, OLGA (preferably) 5. codes/standards:Good Knowledge in : API,ANSI,ISA, ASME,NACE,NFPA,HAZOP/HAZID/LOPA Review 6. age minn/a Engineering Services Blanket Sr. Mechanical/ Piping Engineer (SME) Civil Eng Engineering Services Blanket Mechanical/ Piping Engineer (ME) Mechanical Eng IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM 1. min education: BS -Mechanical Eng. 2. completed trainings::n/a 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience as 10 years in mechanical/pipine engineering design, including 7 years as SME Skillful in CAESAR, AUTOPIPE, PV ELITE, COMPRESS, HTRI, HTFS and ANSYS 5. codes/standards:Skillful in : ASME (B31.1, B31.3), NBIC, API 510, TEMA, ASTM, NACE, NFPA. 6. age minn/a 1. min education: BS -Mechanical Eng. 2. completed trainings::n/a 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience as 5 years in mechanical/piping engineering design Skillful in CAESAR, AUTOPIPE, PV ELITE, COMPRESS, HTRI, HTFS and ANSYS 5. codes/standards:Good Knowledge in : ASME (B31.1, B31.3), NBIC, API 510, TEMA, ASTM, NACE, NFPA. 6. age minn/a Page 115 of 154 BP Indonesia Contract Contractor Safety Management System LoA Number Role Name Discipline Engineering Services Blanket Sr. Pipeline Engineer (SPL) Mechanical Eng Engineering Services Blanket Pipeline Engineer (PL) Mechanical Eng Engineering Services Blanket Sr. Electrical Engineer (SEE) Electrical Eng Engineering Services Blanket Electrical Engineer (EE) Electrical Eng Engineering Services Blanket Sr. Instrument & Control Engineer (SIE) I&PS and C&A Eng IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Requirements 1. min education: BS -Mechanical Eng. 2. completed trainings::n/a 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience as 10 years in mechanical/pipine engineering design, including 7 years as SPL Skillful in CAESAR, AUTOPIPE, PV ELITE, COMPRESS, and ANSYS 5. codes/standards:Skillful in : ASME (B31.8), NBIC, API, TEMA, ASTM, NACE, NFPA. 6. age minn/a 1. min education: BS -Mechanical Eng. 2. completed trainings::n/a 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience as 5 years in mechanical/piping engineering design Skillful in CAESAR, AUTOPIPE, PV ELITE, COMPRESS, and ANSYS 5. codes/standards:Good Knowledge in : ASME, NBIC, API, TEMA, ASTM, NACE, NFPA. 6. age minn/a 1. min education: BS -Electrical Eng. 2. completed trainings::n/a 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience as 10 years in electrical engineering design, including 7 years as SEE Skillful in ETAPs, SKM PTW or equal. 5. codes/standards:Skillful in : ANSI,API,NEMA,NFPA,NEC, NFPA70,IEEE,ICEA,IEC,BS,ISO 6. age minn/a 1. min education: BS -Electrical Eng. 2. completed trainings::n/a 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience as 5 years in electrical engineering design Skillful in ETAPs, SKM PTW or equal. 5. codes/standards:Good Knowledge in : ANSI,API,NEMA,NFPA,NEC, NFPA70,IEEE,ICEA,IEC,BS,ISO 6. age minn/a 1. min education: BS -Physics/Electrical Eng. 2. completed trainings::- Process Control System Engineering - Safety Instrumented System design and implementation to IEC 61511 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience as 10 years in instrument & control engineering design (small and medium projects and integration to existing facilities), including 7 years as SIE working on: - Instrumentation and Process Control system engineering of Oil & Gas facilties - offshore and onshore - Distributed Control System design and implementation - Safety Instrumented System design and implementation to IEC 61511 (participated in LOPA, SIL verification, SRS preparation) - Fire & Gas Detection mapping and design - Public address and general alarm - Field communication buses - Wellhead control panel and hydraulic power unit Skillful in industry recognized instrument calculation softwares such as Instrucalc and SIL calculation tool. 5. codes/standards:Skillful in : API,ANSI,ISA,ASME,NACE SCADA,PLC,DCS Design, System Integration Design (OPC, TCP/IP Networking system) 6. age minn/a Page 116 of 154 BP Indonesia Contract Contractor Safety Management System LoA Number Role Name Discipline Engineering Services Blanket Instrument & Control Engineer (IE) I&PS and C&A Eng Engineering Services Blanket Sr. Civil/Structur al Engineer (SCE) Civil Eng Engineering Services Blanket Civil/Structur al Engineer (CE) Civil Eng Engineering Services Blanket Sr. Architect Engineer (SAE) Architecture Eng Engineering Services Blanket Sr. Corrosion & Material Engineering (SCME) Materials & Corrosion Eng IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Requirements 1. min education: BS -Physics/Electrical Eng. 2. completed trainings::- Process Control System Engineering - Safety Instrumented System design and implementation 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience as 5 years in instrument & control engineering design working on: - Instrumentation and Process Control system engineering of Oil & Gas facilties - offshore and onshore - Distributed Control System design and implementation - Safety Instrumented System design and implementation to IEC 61511 (participated in LOPA, SIL verification, SRS preparation) - Wellhead control panel and hydraulic power unit Skillful in industry recognized instrument calculation softwares such as Instrucalc and SIL calculation tool. 5. codes/standards:Good Knowledge in : API,ANSI,ISA,ASME,NACE SCADA,PLC,DCS Design, System Integration Design (OPC, TCP/IP Networking system) 6. age minn/a 1. min education: BS - Civil 2. completed trainings::n/a 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience as 10 years in civil/structural engineering design, including 7 years as SCE Skillful in structural analysis program : SAP 2000/ STAAD PRO/ SACS 5.2 5. codes/standards:Skillful in : API RP 2A WSD, ASCE 7 - 5 and 10, AISC 360 - 10, ACI, UBC, AWS D1.1, AASHTO, ASTM, DNV, BS, ISO, ICAO, CAA, ONG, NFPA, OCIMF, SIGTTO, ISGOTT, IALA and etc. 6. age minn/a 1. min education: BS - Civil 2. completed trainings::Proficient with structural analysis program : SAP 2000/ STAAD PRO/ SACS 5.2 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience as 5 years in civil/structural engineering design 5. codes/standards:Good Knowledge in : API RP 2A WSD, ASCE 7 - 5 and 10, AISC 360 - 10, ACI, UBC, AWS D1.1, AASHTO, ASTM, DNV, BS, ISO, ICAO, CAA, ONG, NFPA, OCIMF, SIGTTO, ISGOTT, IALA and etc. 6. age minn/a 1. min education: BS - Arch. 2. completed trainings::AutoCAD 2D and 3D 3. govt certifications/licenses:SKA from IAI (Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia) 4. relevant experience as 10 years in architectural engineering design, including 7 years as SAE 5. codes/standards:Skillful in : OSHA,UBC,BS,ASTM,ISO,REBA,ACI,NFPA 6. age minn/a 1. min education: BS -Metallurgy/Chemical/Corrosion 2. completed trainings::NACE level 2 or Equivalent 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience as 10 years in corrosion & material engineering design, including 7 years as SCME 5. codes/standards:ASTM, API, ANSI, AISC, BS, AWS 6. age minn/a Page 117 of 154 BP Indonesia Contract Contractor Safety Management System LoA Number Role Name Discipline Requirements Engineering Services Blanket Sr. Welding Engineer (SWE) Materials & Corrosion Eng 1. min education: BS -Metallurgy/Mechanical 2. completed trainings::AWS welding Engineer, CSWIP 3.2 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience as 10 years in welding engineering design, including 7 years as SWE 5. codes/standards:Skillful in : ASME,API NDE Methodology (UT/RT/MPI/DPI) WPS, AWS D1.1 6. age minn/a Engineering Services Blanket Sr. Lifting Engineer (SLE) Lifting 1. min education: BS - Mechanical/Structural Eng. 2. completed trainings::BP NSL Level-3 Certification Lifting Assessor/Trainer Certification Crane/Hoist Inspector Certification Padeye design, Center of Gravity (COG) calculation, Finite Element, Load Analysis, Structure Design. 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience as 10 years in lifting/rigging engineering design, including 10 years as SLE or lifting technical authority 5. codes/standards:Skillful in : LEEA,LOLER,PUWER,BS,API,DNV, API RP-2220 RP-750 RP-750-R-OCS 6. age minn/a Engineering Services Blanket Sr. Scaffolding Engineer (SFE) Access 1. min education: BS - Mechanical/Structural Eng. 2. completed trainings::CITB Scaffold Part II CITB Scaffold Site Safety Inspection Assessor NVQ D32 D33 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience as 10 years in scaffolding engineering design, including 10 years as SFE 5. codes/standards:Skillful in : Rope Access Technique (RAT) Methodology Man-Transfer Methodology, BS 1139, JIS, OSHA 6. age minn/a Engineering Services Blanket Sr. HVAC Engineer (SHE) Mechanical Eng Engineering Services Blanket HVAC Engineer (HE) Mechanical Eng 1. min education: BS -Mechanical/Elec Eng. 2. completed trainings::HVAC Systems, HVAC Control Systems, Energy Efficient Design and Indoor Air Quality. 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience as 10 years in HVAC engineering design, including 7 years as SHE 5. codes/standards:Skillful in : ASHRAE,IEC,NFPA,SMACNA,ARI, ASTM,BS,KepMen Kesehatan No.261/MENKES/SK/II/1998 6. age minn/a 1. min education: BS -Mechanical/Elec Eng. 2. completed trainings::HVAC Systems, HVAC Control Systems, Energy Efficient Design and Indoor Air Quality. Heat Load Calculation 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience as 5 years in HVAC engineering design 5. codes/standards:Good Knowledge in : ASHRAE,IEC,NFPA,SMACNA,ARI, ASTM,BS,KepMen Kesehatan No.261/MENKES/SK/II/1998 6. age minn/a IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 118 of 154 BP Indonesia Contract Contractor Safety Management System LoA Number Role Name Discipline Engineering Services Blanket Designer (DS) Eng Engineering Services Blanket Drafter (DR) Eng Aviation Contract Fixed Wing Jet/Turbo Prop Captain Pilot Logistics Aviation Requirements 1. min education: D3 2. completed trainings::CAD Training Certification AutoCAD, PDMS 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience as 10 years in applicable drafting design, including 5 years as drafting checker and 3 years as DS 5. codes/standards:Good Knowledge in Applicable Codes for each discipline. 6. age minn/a 1. min education: D3/Senior High School 2. completed trainings::CAD Training Certification AutoCAD 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience as 5 years in applicable drafting design 5. codes/standards:N/A 6. age minn/a 1. min education: SMA, Pilot Education 2. completed trainings: Annualy: COM, SMS, SOP, Aviation Security, Dangerous Goods, Fire-Fighting, Fuel Handling Procedure, SAR ERP Drill,Ramp Safety Bi Yearly: First Aid, Jungle Survival, Sea Survival, Fuel Control & Handling 3. govt certifications/licenses:Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL). Initial Type Rating: Company Induction Training, Initial Human Factor Recurrent Training/ Check: 6 monthly Pilot Proficiency Check 12 monthly Flight Simulator Check 12 monthly IFR Check 3 monthly Night Recurrent Training 12 monthly Windshear Training 12 monthly CRM Training 12 monthly Line Check 12 monthly Dangerous Goods 3 Take-off Ldgs/ 90 days 4. relevant experience as Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL). Current type rating on contract aircraft. Current Instrument Rating on contract aircraft. Experience Not Less Than: Total hours 4000, Total Hours in command 2500,Total hours in command multi engine 2000, Total hours in similar aircraft complexity 500, Total hours command on contract type 100. 10 years aviation flying experience 5. codes/standards:GDP 3.7-0001 OGP AMG 390 IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 119 of 154 BP Indonesia Contract Contractor Safety Management System LoA Number Aviation Contract Role Name Fixed Wing Jet/Turbo Prop - Co Pilot Discipline Logistics Aviation Requirements 1. min education: SMA, Pilot Education 2. completed trainings: Annualy: COM, SMS, SOP, Aviation Security, Dangerous Goods, Fire-Fighting, Fuel Handling Procedure, SAR ERP Drill,Ramp Safety Bi Yearly: First Aid, Jungle Survival, Sea Survival, Fuel Control & Handling 3. govt certifications/licenses:Commercial Pilot License (CPL). Initial Type Rating, Company Induction Training, Initial Human Factor Recurrent Training/ Check: 6 monthly Pilot Proficiency Check 12 monthly Flight Simulator Check 12 monthly IFR Check 3 monthly Night Recurrent Training 12 monthly Windshear Training 12 monthly CRM Training 12 monthly Line Check 12 monthly Dangerous Goods 3 Take-off Ldgs/ 90 days4. relevant experience as Commercial Pilot License (CPL). Current type rating on contract aircraft. Current Instrument Rating on contract aircraft. Experience Not Less Than: Total hours 1000, Total Hours on multi engine aircraft 500, Total hours in command of multi engine aircarft 100.,Total hours command on contract type 50. 5 years aviation flying experience 5. codes/standards:GDP 3.7-0001OGP AMG 390 Aviation Contract Helicopter multi engine over 5700 kgs Captain Pilot Logistics Aviation 1. min education: SMA, Pilot Education 2. completed trainings: Annualy: COM, SMS, SOP, Aviation Security, Dangerous Goods, Fire-Fighting, Fuel Handling Procedure, SAR ERP Drill,Ramp Safety Bi Yearly: First Aid, Jungle Survival, Sea Survival, Fuel Control & Handling 3. govt certifications/licenses:Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL). Initial Type Rating Company Induction Training Initial Human Factor Recurrent Training/ Check: 6 monthly Pilot Proficiency Check 12 monthly Flight Simulator Check 12 monthly IFR Check 3 monthly Night Recurrent Training 12 monthly Windshear Training 12 monthly CRM Training 12 monthly Line Check 12 monthly Dangerous Goods 3 Take-off Ldgs/ 90 days4. relevant experience as Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL). Current type rating on contract aircraft. Current Instrument Rating on contract aircraft. Experience Not Less Than: Total hours 3000. Total Hours in command 1500.Total hours in command multi engine 1200. Total hours in similar aircraft complexity 500. Total hours command on contract type 100. 5. codes/standards:GDP 3.7-0001 OGP AMG 390 IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 120 of 154 BP Indonesia Contract Contractor Safety Management System LoA Number Aviation Contract Role Name Helicopter Multi engine under 5700 kgs Captain Pilot Discipline Logistics Aviation Requirements 1. min education: SMA, Pilot Education 2. completed trainings: Annualy: COM, SMS, SOP, Aviation Security, Dangerous Goods, Fire-Fighting, Fuel Handling Procedure, SAR ERP Drill,Ramp Safety Bi Yearly: HUET, First Aid, Jungle Survival, Sea Survival, Fuel Control & Handling 3. govt certifications/licenses:Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL). Initial Type Rating Company Induction Training Initial Human Factor Recurrent Training/ Check: 6 monthly Pilot Proficiency Check 12 monthly Flight Simulator Check 12 monthly IFR Check 3 monthly Night Recurrent Training 12 monthly Windshear Training 12 monthly CRM Training 12 monthly Line Check 12 monthly Dangerous Goods 3 Take-off Ldgs/ 90 days4. relevant experience as Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL). Current type rating on contract aircraft. Current Instrument Rating on contract aircraft. Experience Not Less Than: Total hours 2000. Total Hours in command 1000. Total hours in command multi engine 500.Total hours in similar aircraft complexity 500. Total hours command on contract type 100. 10 years aviation flying experience 5. codes/standards:GDP 3.7-0001 OGP AMG 390 IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 121 of 154 BP Indonesia Contract Contractor Safety Management System LoA Number Aviation Contract Role Name Helicopter Co Pilot Discipline Logistics Aviation Requirements 1. min education: SMA, Pilot Education 2. completed trainings: Annualy: COM, SMS, SOP, Aviation Security, Dangerous Goods, Fire-Fighting, Fuel Handling Procedure, SAR ERP Drill,Ramp Safety Bi Yearly: HUET, First Aid, Jungle Survival, Sea Survival, Fuel Control & Handling 3. govt certifications/licenses:Commercial Pilot License (CPL). Initial Type Rating Company Induction Training Initial Human Factor Recurrent Training/ Check: 6 monthly Pilot Proficiency Check 12 monthly Flight Simulator Check 12 monthly IFR Check 3 monthly Night Recurrent Training 12 monthly Windshear Training 12 monthly CRM Training 12 monthly Line Check 12 monthly Dangerous Goods 3 Take-off Ldgs/ 90 days4. relevant experience as Commercial Pilot License (CPL). Current type rating on contract aircraft. Current Instrument Rating on contract aircraft. Experience Not Less Than: Total hours 500. Total Hours on multi engine aircraft 250.Total hours in command of multi engine aircarft 100. Total hours command on contract type 50.5 years aviation flying experience 5. codes/standards:GDP 3.7-0001 OGP AMG 390 Aviation Contract Fixed Wing Engineer A&P Logistics Aviation Aviation Contract Helicopter Engineer A&P Logistics Aviation IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM 1. min education: SMA, Aircraft Mtc Training 2. completed trainings: Annualy: CMM, SMS, SOP, Aviation Security, Dangerous Goods, Fire-Fighting, Fuel Handling Procedure, SAR ERP Drill,Ramp Safety, Fuel Handling Procedure Bi Yearly: A/F Recurrent, P/P Recurrent, Human Factor, First Aid,Jungle Survival, Sea Survival, Fuel Control & Handling 3. govt certifications/licenses:Aircraft Maintenance Eng License (AMEL)Initial Type Rating Company Induction Initial Human Factor4. relevant experience as 5 Yrs aircraft technical experience 5. codes/standards:GDP 3.7-0001 OGP AMG 390 1. min education: SMA, Aircraft Mtc Training 2. completed trainings:Annualy: CMM, SMS, SOP, Aviation Security, Dangerous Goods, Fire-Fighting, Fuel Handling Procedure, SAR ERP Drill,Ramp Safety Bi Yearly: A/F Recurrent, P/P Recurrent, Human Factor, First Aid,Jungle Survival, Sea Survival, Fuel Control & Handling, HUET 3. govt certifications/licenses:Aircraft Maintenance Eng License (AMEL) 'Initial Type Rating Company Induction Initial Human Factor 4. relevant experience as 5 Yrs aircraft technical experience 5. codes/standards:GDP 3.7-0001 OGP AMG 390 Page 122 of 154 BP Indonesia Contract Contractor Safety Management System LoA Number Role Name Discipline Requirements Aviation Contract Avionic Engineer Logistics Aviation 1. min education: SMA, Aircraft Mtc Training 2. completed trainings: Annualy: CMM, SMS, SOP, Aviation Security, Dangerous Goods, Fire-Fighting, Fuel Handling Procedure, SAR ERP Drill,Ramp Safety Bi Yearly: E&A Recurrent, Human Factor, First Aid, Jungle Survival, Sea Survival, Fuel Control & Handling 3. govt certifications/licenses:Aircraft Maintenance Eng License (AMEL) 'Initial Type Rating Company Induction Initial Human Factor 4. relevant experience as 5 Yrs aircraft technical experience 5. codes/standards:GDP 3.7-0001OGP AMG 390 Aviation Contract Flight/Cabin Attendant Logistics Aviation 1. min education: SMA , Flight Attendance Training 2. completed trainings:Annualy: COM, SMS, SOP, Aviation Security, SAR ERP Drill, Ramp Safety Bi Yearly: First Aid,Jungle Survival, Sea Survival 3. govt certifications/licenses:Flight Attendance License 'Initial Type Rating Company Induction CRM4. relevant experience as Flight attendance 5. codes/standards:GDP 3.7-0001OGP AMG 390 Aviation Contract Fliight Operation Officer (FOO) Logistics Aviation Aviation Contract QA/QC Inspector Logistics Aviation Aviation Contract Safety Officer Logistics Aviation 1. min education: SMA , FOO Training 2. completed trainings: Annually: COM, SMS, SOP, Aviation Security, SAR ERP Drill, Ramp Safety, Fuel Handling Procedure Bi Yearly: First Aid , Jungle Survival, Sea Survival, FOO Type Rating, RTT & Meteorology, Fuel Control & Handling 3. govt certifications/licenses:FOO License 'Initial Type Rating Company Induction CRM 4. relevant experience as 10 years aviation operation handling FW/RW 5. codes/standards:GDP 3.7-0001 OGP AMG 390 1. min education: SMA, Civil Aviation Safety Officer, Aircraft Mtc Training 2. completed trainings: CASO Annually: SOP, CMM, SMS, SAR ERP, Ramp Safety, Fuel Handling Procedure Bi-Yearly: Dangerous Goods, First Aid, Jungle Survival, Sea Survival, Human Factor, Fuel Control & Handling 3. govt certifications/licenses:AMEL Company Induction Human Factor 4. relevant experience as 10 years aviation industry 1. min education: D-3 2. completed trainings: CASO Annually: SOP, COM, SMS,SAR ERP, Ramp Safety, Fuel Handling Procedure Bi Yearly: Dangerous Goods, First Aid, Jungle Survival, Sea Survival, Human Factor, Fuel Control & Handling 3. govt certifications/licenses: K3 Certification Company Induction Human Factor 4. relevant experience as 5 years on aviation industry IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 123 of 154 BP Indonesia Contract Contractor Safety Management System LoA Number Role Name Discipline Aviation Contract Hoist Master Hoist Rider Load Master Logistics Aviation Aviation Contract Fuel Foreman Fuelman Logistics Aviation Aviation Contract Fireman Logistics Aviation Aviation Contract Air Traffic Control Radio Operator Logistics Aviation Marine General Service Site HSE Officer O&M Marine General Service Marine Dispatcher O&M IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Requirements 1. min education: SMA 2. completed trainings: 90 days Land/Over-Water Recurrent Flight Training Annually: COM, SMS, SOP, Aviation Security, SMS, SAR ERP Drill, Fire Fighting, Fuel Handling Procedures BiYearly:HUET, First Aid, Jungle Survival, Sea Survival, HLO Recurrent, Fuel Control & Handling 3. govt certifications/licenses:HLO License 'Company Induction Initial Type Rating CRM 4. relevant experience as 3 years experience as HM/HR 5. codes/standards:GDP 3.7-0001OGP AMG 390 1. min education: SMA 2. completed trainings: Annually: SOP, SMS, Ramp Safety, Fuel handling Procedure Bi Yearly: Aviation Security, Dangerous Goods, First Aid, Fuel Control & Handling 3. govt certifications/licenses: Company Induction, Human Factor 4. relevant experience as 5 years in handling aviation fuel 1. min education: SMA, D1 PKPTK 2. completed trainings: Annually: SOP, SMS, Ramp Safety, Initial ARFF Bi-Yearly: Aviation Security, Dangerous Goods, First Aid, Fuel Control & Handling, ARFF Recurrent 3. govt certifications/licenses:Airport Fireman License Company Induction Human Factor 4. relevant experience as 3 years experience in Airport Rescue and Fire Fighting Services (ARFFS) 1. min education: SMA , Radio Operator Training 2. completed trainings: Annually: SOP, SMS, Ramp Safety Bi Yearly: Aviation Security, Dangerous Goods, First Aid, Radio Telephony 3. govt certifications/licenses: RO License Company Induction Human Factor 4. relevant experience as 3 years as an Air Traffic Controller 1. Minimum Education: Minimum bachelor degree 2. completed trainings: Sea Survival 3. govt certifications/licenses:HSE Certification from Ministry of Manpower (AK3 Umum) or Ministry of Energy and Mining ( AK3 Migas) or NEBOSH 4. relevant experience: minimum 3 years working experience as site HSE officer for oil and gas/ mining/ manufacturing industry. 5. codes/standards:N/A 6. Age Max 56 1. Minimum Education: Senior High school 2. completed trainings: Minimum ANT IV and Sea Survival 3. govt certifications/licenses: STCW - 95 (BST, SCRB, MFA) 4. relevant experience:marine background minimum 3 years working experience as Marine Dispatcher for oil and gas or mining industry. 5. codes/standards:N/A 6. Age Max 56 Page 124 of 154 BP Indonesia Contract Contractor Safety Management System LoA Number Role Name Discipline Requirements Marine General Service Senior Radio Operator O&M 1. Minimum Education: Minimum Senior High or Technical Senior High School (SMK) 2. completed trainings: 1. Minimum Directorate Air Communication (ORU 2. Ground to Air radio communication certification 3. govt certifications/licenses: General Radio Certificate (GRC), AGGGR certificate; GMDSS certificate 4. relevant experience: 1. minimum 5 years working experience as Radio Operator for oil and gas or mining or construction industry. 2. Ground to Air radio communication certification and experiences. 5. codes/standards:N/A 6. Age Max 58 Marine General Service Junior Radio/VTS Operator O&M Marine General Service Mooring Personnel O&M 1. Minimum Education: Minimum Senior High or Technical Senior High School (SMK) 2. completed trainings: Possess the appropriate Radio’s Operators License which is in compliance with the Rules and Regulations of the Government. 3. govt certifications/licenses: General Radio Certificate (GRC); GMDSS certificate 4. relevant experience: Minimum 3 years working experience as Radio Operator for oil and gas or mining or construction industry. 5. codes/standards:N/A 6. Age Max 58 1. Minimum Education: Regular school 2. completed trainings: Sea Survival 3. govt certifications/licenses: BST 4. relevant experience: Minimum experience 3 years working experience as mooring gang. 5. codes/standards:N/A 6. Age Max 56 Marine General Service Harbour Facilities Technician O&M Maintenance Auto 001 Auto Mobile AC Technician Ops Maintenance Mobile Equipment Maintenance Auto 002 Body Repair and Tire Shop Technician Ops Maintenance Mobile Equipment IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM 1. Minimum Education: Senior High School graduate or Technical Senior High School (SMK) 2. completed trainings: Sea Survival 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience: Minimum experience 3 years working experience in Electrical or Mechanical type of Work. 5. codes/standards:N/A 6. Age Max 56 1. Minimum Education: senior high/ technical high school 2. completed trainings: n/a 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience: a) 10 years or more experience in oil & gas plant operation, and maintenance , including 7 years working an Auto electrician in heavy equipment such as: Forklift, Isuzu truck, Over head crane, Mobile crane, and light vehicle. B) Have experience in high voltage/AC, low voltage/DC and instrumentation system 5. codes/standards:N/A 1. Minimum Education: senior technical high school or equivalents 2. completed trainings: n/a 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience: a) Have experience in as body repair and welder for min. 7 years b) Have experience in removes and replaces tires of all types of wheels at least 3 year 5. codes/standards:N/A Page 125 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Maintenance LoA Number Auto 003 Maintenance DRI 001 Light and Heavy Equipment Drivers Assessor Ops Maintenance Maintenance DRI 002 Heavy Truck Operator Ops Maintenance Mobile Equipment Maintenance DRI 003 Heavy / Light Equipment Operator Ops Maintenance Mobile Equipment Maintenance MechH 001 Field Static Equipment Assistant Technician Ops Maintenance Mechanical Maintenance MechH 002 Field Rotating Equipment Assistant Technician Ops Maintenance Rotating Maintenance MechH 003 Auto Mobile Assistant Technician Ops Maintenance Mobile Equipment Contract Role Name Discipline Requirements Mobile Equipment Electrical Technician Ops Maintenance Mobile Equipment 1. Minimum Education: senior high/ technical high school 2. completed trainings: n/a 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience: a) 10 years or more experience in oil & gas plant operation, and maintenance , including 7 years working an Auto electrician in heavy equipment such as: Forklift, Isuzu truck, Over head crane, Mobile crane, and light vehicle b) Have experience in high voltage/AC, low voltage/DC and instrumentation system 5. codes/standards:N/A 1. Minimum Education: D-3 in Engineering or High School Equivalent 2. completed trainings: 3. govt certifications/licenses:Defensive Driving Technique 4. relevant experience: - Have experiences at least 3 years executing the Licensing System in mining/oil and gas companies - 6 years Experience Qualifications for High School Equivalent 5. codes/standards:N/A 1. Minimum Education: Junior High School or equivalent 2. completed trainings: 3. govt certifications/licenses:valid driving license from Government 4. relevant experience:5 years Experience with heavy equipment operator such as: Head Tractor or Prime Mover connected with Trailer, Dump Truck 5. codes/standards:N/A 1. Minimum Education: Senior High School or equivalent 2. completed trainings: 3. govt certifications/licenses:Valid driving license from Government 4. relevant experience:Experience with heavy equipment operator such as: Back Hoe Loader, Skid Steer Loader, Road Roller, at least 5 years. 5. codes/standards:N/A 1. Minimum Education: high school degree or equivalent 2. completed trainings: 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience; 3 years experience of field static equipment maintenance such as piping, pressure vessels and heat exchangers 5. codes/standards:N/A 1. Minimum Education: high school degree or equivalent 2. completed trainings: 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience:3 years experience of field rotating equipment maintenance services such as pumps, compressor, fin- fan blower 5. codes/standards:N/A IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM 1. Minimum Education: high school degree or equivalent 2. completed trainings: 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience:3 years experience of automobile and mobile equipment maintenance 5. codes/standards:N/A Page 126 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Maintenance LoA Number MechH 004 Maintenance MechL 002 Heavy Equipment Mechanic Ops Maintenance Mobile Equipment Maintenance MechM 001 Chief Mobile Equipment Ops Maintenance Mobile Equipment Maintenance MechM 002 Light Duty Vehicle Mechanic Ops Maintenance Mobile Equipment Maintenance MechR 001 Chief Rotating Equipment Ops Maintenance Rotating 1. Minimum Education: S-1 degree in mechanical engineering with 10 years experience, or a Diploma degree in mechanical or equivalent 2. completed trainings: n/a 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience: a) 10 years of experience in handling Maintenance Activity of Various type of Rotating Equipments and Turbo-machinery (for S-1) b) 15 years of experience in handling Maintenance Activity of Various type of Rotating Equipments and Turbo-machinery (for D-3) c) experienced in performing, predictive and preventive maintenance, troubleshooting minor and major repairs on various type of Rotating Equipments and Turbomachinery including the accessories system 5. codes/standards:N/A Maintenance MechR 002 Rotating Equipment Repair and Balancing Mechanic Ops Maintenance Workshop 1. Minimum Education: Senior High School 2. completed trainings: 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience: a). 10 years experienced in handling repair and maintenance of the pumps, turbo machinery equipments, diesel engine, and other rotating equipment. b). experienced in performing, and preventive maintenance, troubleshooting minor and major repairs, spare part handling of the pumps and turbo machinery equipments 5. codes/standards:N/A Contract Role Name Discipline Requirements Workshop Technician Assistant Ops Maintenance Workshop 1. Minimum Education: high school degree or equivalent 2. completed trainings: 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience:3 years experience of worshop activities 5. codes/standards:N/A 1. Minimum Education: Senior High School or equivalent 2. completed trainings: 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience:10 years to maintained heavy equipment and lifting equipment 5. codes/standards:N/A 1. Minimum Education: D-3 from Mechanical Engineering or S-1 in Engineering 2. completed trainings: n/a 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience: a) 15 years experience or S-1 in Engineering (for D-3) b) 10 years experience, including 5 years in supervisory position (for S-1) 5. codes/standards:N/A 1. Minimum Education: Senior High School or equivalent 2. completed trainings: 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience:10 years to maintained light duty vehicle and utility 5. codes/standards:N/A IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 127 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Maintenance LoA Number MechR 003 Maintenance MechR 004 Turbomachin ery Mechanic Ops Maintenance Rotating Maintenance MechR 005 Reciprocatin g & Utility Mechanic Ops Maintenance Rotating Maintenance MechR 006 Fin-Fan Blower Mechanic Ops Maintenance Rotating 1. Minimum Education: Senior High School 2. completed trainings: n/a 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience: a). 5 years experienced in handling maintenance activity of the blower of fin-fan cooler, agitator. b). Experienced in performing preventive maintenance, troubleshooting, minor and major repairs, spare part handling the blower of fin-fan cooler. 5. codes/standards:N/A Maintenance MechS 001 Chief Static Equipment Ops Maintenance Mechanical 1. Minimum Education: S-1 degree in mechanical engineering with 10 years experience, or a Diploma degree in mechanical or equivalent 2. completed trainings: n/a 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience: a) 10 years of maintenance experience in oil and gas for static equipment including boiler, loading arms, and platform (for S-1) b) 15 years of maintenance experience in oil and gas for static equipment including boiler, loading arms, and platform (for D-3) 5. codes/standards:N/A Maintenance MechS 002 Mechanic Static Equipment Ops Maintenance Mechanical 1. Minimum Education: High school degree or equivalent 2. completed trainings: 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience:7 years of maintenance experience in oil and gas industry and strong knowledge of static equipment maintenance such as piping, pressure vessels, loading arms and heat exchangers 5. codes/standards:N/A Contract Role Name Discipline Requirements Field Pumps & TurboExpander Mechanic Ops Maintenance Rotating 1. Minimum Education: Senior High School 2. completed trainings: n/a 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience: a). 10 years experienced in handling maintenance activity of the pumps and turbo machinery equipments at site b). experienced in performing, and preventive maintenance, troubleshooting minor and major repairs, spare part handling of the pumps and turbo machinery equipments 5. codes/standards:N/A 1. Minimum Education: Senior High School 2. completed trainings: 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience: a). 10 years experienced in handling maintenance activity of the turbo machinery equipments at site b). Shall be fully qualified and experienced in performing, and preventive maintenance, troubleshooting minor and major repairs, spare part handling of the turbo machinery equipments 5. codes/standards:N/A 1. Minimum Education: Senior High School 2. completed trainings: 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience: a). 10 years experienced in handling maintenance activity of the pumps and turbo machinery equipments at site b). Shall be fully qualified and experienced in performing, and preventive maintenance, troubleshooting minor and major repairs, spare part handling of the diesel and reciprocating compressor. 5. codes/standards:N/A IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 128 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Maintenance LoA Number MechS 003 Maintenance MechS004 Pipe Fitter Ops Maintenance Workshop Maintenance MechW 001 Chief Workshop Ops Maintenance Workshop Maintenance MechW 002 Static Equipment Repair & Fabrication Mechanic Ops Maintenance Workshop Maintenance MechW 004 Workshop Internal Maintenance Technician Ops Maintenance Workshop Maintenance MechW 005 Workshop Tool and Material Keeper Ops Maintenance Workshop Contract Role Name Discipline Requirements Loading Arm Mechanic Ops Maintenance Mechanical 1. Minimum Education: high school degree or equivalent 2. completed trainings: 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience:7 years of maintenance experience in oil and gas industry and strong knowledge of static equipment maintenance specifically loading arms 5. codes/standards:N/A 1. Minimum Education: n/a 2. completed trainings: n/a 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience:5 years in a pipe workshop and fields environment 5. codes/standards:N/A IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM 1. Minimum Education: S-1 in mechanical engineering with 10 years , or D-3 in engineering 2. completed trainings: n/a 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience: a). 10 years experience in managing repair workshop for static equipment, rotating equipment, mobile equipment (for S-1) b). 15 years experience in managing repair workshop for static equipment, rotating equipment, mobile equipment (for D-3) c). Have a good experience and knowledge in repair of oil & gas or petrochemical equipment and machine such as diesel engine, crane system, pumps, compressor, piping fabrication, valve, and hydraulic/pneumatic system 5. codes/standards:N/A 1. Minimum Education: Senior High School 2. completed trainings: 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience:7 years of maintenance experience in oil and gas industry and strong knowledge of static equipment repair, fabrication, and maintenance such as piping, pressure vessels, loading arms and heat exchangers 5. codes/standards:N/A 1. Minimum Education: Senior high/Vocational high school or equivalent 2. completed trainings: n/a 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience: a). 10 years experience to maintain workshop machines tools and equipment b). Good knowledge and experience in maintenance with some equipment or facility such as overhead 5. codes/standards:N/A 1. Minimum Education: Senior High School /equivalent graduate with min.10 years experience, or D-3 2. completed trainings: n/a 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience: a). 10 years experience in management material at oil gas, or mining, or petrochemical (for highschool) b). 5 years experience in management material at oil gas, or mining, or petrochemical (for D-3) 5. codes/standards:N/A Page 129 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Maintenance LoA Number MechW 006 Maintenance MechW 007 Contract Role Name Discipline Requirements Welder Ops Maintenance Workshop 1. Minimum Education: high school degree or equivalent 2. completed trainings: n/a 3. govt certifications/licenses: a) welder class 1 valid certificate from DEPNAKER. b) welder class 1 valid certificate from MIGAS c) welder class 1 valid certificate from MIGAS based on WPS 4. relevant experience: a). 7 years of welding experience b). Welder who works at Boiler shall have 5 years experience in welding of Boiler’s parts, namely: tubes, drums etc c). Welder who works at piping, Pressure Vessel, Heat Exchanger etc have 5 years experience in welding d). Welder who works at LNG train shall have 5 years experience in welding 5. codes/standards:N/A Machinist Ops Maintenance Workshop Maintenance Project Coordinator Ops Maintenance 1. Minimum Education: Senior high/Vocational high school or equivalent 2. completed trainings: n/a 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience: a). experience in various machining operation such as lathe, milling , shaping , drilling , boring , grinding , reaming and cutting process b). experience in designing and making of fixture, clamp or jig 5. codes/standards:N/A 1. Minimum Education: S1 degree in engineering 2. completed trainings: N/A 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience: a). Min. 10 years in oil & gas or LNG Plant operation & maintenance, and management experience. b). At least 6 years of offshore/onshore oil & gas facilities, or LNG plant, or petrochemical operation and maintenance experience. c). At least 4 years of project management experience with at least 1 similar project. 5. codes/standards:N/A Maintenance HSE Officer Ops Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Planner Ops Maintenance IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM 1. Minimum Education: Diploma of Science degree in an engineering background 2. completed trainings: Construction safety management and monitoring and accident prevention 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience: At least 7 years offshore/onshore oil & gas, or LNG Plant, or Petrochemical operation experience in HSE Safety Officer role on similar offshore/onshore activities or as Operations Safety Officer on offshore/onshore installation 5. codes/standards:N/A 1. Minimum Education: D-3 or Bachelor of Science degree in engineering related to field or construction management 2. completed trainings: n/a 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience:10 years applicable experiences in Planning and Scheduling of maintenance activity for offshore/onshore oil and gas production facilities, or petrochemical, or refinery, or LNG plant, or power plant. 5. codes/standards:N/A Page 130 of 154 BP Indonesia Contract Contractor Safety Management System LoA Number Role Name Discipline Maintenance GOC Certified Ops Maintenance Maintenance Car Washman Ops Maintenance Mobile Equipment Maintenance Workshop House Keeper Ops Maintenance Workshop Maintenance Document Control Ops Maintenance E&I Mtc Instrument Technician (F&G)-1 O&M IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Requirements 1. Minimum Education: Bachelor degree in an engineering or construction management degree, Quality Management Training 2. completed trainings: n/a 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience:At least 7 years experience in quality assurance and quality control area in oil & gas/LNG plant project or operation and maintenance and have experience from at least 1 (one) similar duties required by this scope 5. codes/standards:N/A 1. Minimum Education: Junior High School or equivalents 2. completed trainings: 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience:Have experience to wash vehicle, heavy equipment at least 3 years 5. codes/standards:N/A 1. Minimum Education: Senior high school or equivalent 2. completed trainings: n/a 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience:3 years as cleaning service for building 5. codes/standards:N/A 1. Minimum Education: D-3 education in Library Science (with 5 years exp) or High School or equivalent with 7 years experience 2. completed trainings: n/a 3. govt certifications/licenses:n/a 4. relevant experience: 5 years experience as Document Control in Oil and Gas Industry 5. codes/standards:N/A 1. min education: SMK - Instrumentation/ Electronics or High School Equivalent 2. completed trainings:- Swagelok Tubing and Fitting installation - Instrument Calibration either from Curriculum or Special training. 3. govt certifications/licenses:4. relevant experience as -6 yr experience in Maintenance and trouble shooting in F&G detectors i.e CCTV/ optical flame detector, open path & point gas detectors for O&G operations and/or Petrochemical plant - Skillful in using F&G detector calibration tools - Skillful in finding troubleshooting and finding the root cause - Skillful in using logic diagram, Loop Drawing, Cause and Effect, Electrical wiring diagram in troubleshooting. - Skillful in testing and calibrating F&G detectors, preparing calibration report and check list - Knowledge of maintenance management systems (Maximo), Knowledgeable of MS suite - Ability to work unsupervised - Ability to work alone under pressure. 5. codes/standards:6. age min:21 yrs Page 131 of 154 BP Indonesia Contract Contractor Safety Management System LoA Number Role Name Discipline E&I Mtc Instrument Technician (Analyzer) -1 O&M E&I Mtc Instrument Technician (Automation) -1 O&M E&I Mtc Instrument Technician (PRV)-1 O&M IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Requirements 1. min education: SMK - Instrumentation/ Electronics or High School Equivalent 2. completed trainings:- Swagelok Tubing and Fitting installation - Instrument Calibration either from Curriculum or Special training. 3. govt certifications/licenses:4. relevant experience as -6 yr experience in Maintenance and trouble shooting in multi component analyzer and single component analyzer i.e. GC, CEMS, pH, Conductivity analyzer for O&G operations and/or Petrochemical plant - Skillful in using and handling carrier gas and calibration gas for SC. - Skillful in finding troubleshooting and finding the root cause - Skillful in using logic diagram, Loop Drawing, Cause and Effect, Electrical wiring diagram in troubleshooting. - Skillful in testing and calibrating analyzer preparing calibration report and check list - Knowledge of maintenance management systems (maximo), Knowledgeable of MS suite - Ability to work unsupervised - Ability to work alone under pressure. 5. codes/standards:6. age min:21 yrs 1. min education: SMK - Instrumentation/ Electronics or High School Equivalent 2. completed trainings:Yokogawa DCS and SIS PLC programming 3. govt certifications/licenses:4. relevant experience as -6 yr experience in Maintenance and trouble shooting in various system such as DCS/SIS/PLC - Yokogawa Centum CS3000, ProsafeRS, PLC AB, BMS Logic Control HIMA, Siemens PLC, Bently Nevada Vibration Monitoring Systems for O&G operations and/or Petrochemical plant - Skillful in various logic solvers programming, tuning the single and complex loop controller, backup and restore DCS - Skillful in finding control system hardware and software troubleshooting and finding the root cause - Skillful in using logic diagram, Loop Drawing, Cause and Effect, Electrical wiring diagram in troubleshooting. - Knowledge of maintenance management systems (maximo), Knowledgeable of MS suite - Ability to work unsupervised - Ability to work alone under pressure. 5. codes/standards:6. age min:21 yrs 1. min education: SMK - Instrumentation/ Electronics or High School Equivalent 2. completed trainings:- PRV mechanism either from curriculum or special training - instrument Calibration either from curriculum or special training 3. govt certifications/licenses:MIGAS and DISNAKER certification4. relevant experience as -6 yr experience in Maintenance and trouble shooting of various PRVs for O&G operations and/or Petrochemical plant - Skillful and handson experience in inspection, testing, troubleshooting, repairing PRVs according to MIGAS, DISNAKER regulation and API 527 and 576, using PRV test bench and finding root cause - Skillful in using PRV calibration and setting tools - Knowledge of maintenance management systems (maximo), Knowledgeable of MS suite - Ability to work unsupervised - Ability to work alone under pressure. 5. codes/standards:6. age min:21 yrs Page 132 of 154 BP Indonesia Contract Contractor Safety Management System LoA Number Role Name Discipline E&I Mtc Instrument Technician (Actuated Valve)-1 O&M E&I Mtc Instrument Technician (Manual Valve)-1 O&M E&I Mtc Instrument Technician (EX) - 1 O&M E&I Mtc Instrument Technicians2 O&M IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Requirements 1. min education: SMK - Instrumentation/ Electronics or High School Equivalent 2. completed trainings:- Actuated Valve mechanism either from curriculum or special training - Instrument Calibration either from Curriculum or Special training 3. govt certifications/licenses:4. relevant experience as -6 yr experience in Maintenance and trouble shooting of Actuated Valves and its accessories (actuator, positioner, position transmitter, limit switch, solenade valve) for O&G operations and/or Petrochemical plant - Skillful and handson experience in inspection, greasing and testing, troubleshooting, repairing Actuated Valves using Bench and finding root cause - Skillful in using Actuated Valve calibration tools - Knowledge of maintenance management systems (maximo), Knowledgeable of MS suite - Ability to work unsupervised - Ability to work alone under pressure. 5. codes/standards:6. age min:23 yrs 1. min education: SMK - Mechanical or High School Equivalent 2. completed trainings:- Valve mechanism either from curriculum or special training 3. govt certifications/licenses:4. relevant experience as -6 yr experience in Maintenance and trouble shooting of Manual Valve for O&G operations and/or Petrochemical plant - Skillful and handson experience in inspection, greasing and testing, troubleshooting, repairing Manual Valves using Test Bench and finding root cause - Knowledge of maintenance management systems (maximo), Knowledgeable of MS suite - Ability to work unsupervised - Ability to work alone under pressure. 5. codes/standards:6. age min:n/a 1. min education: SMK - Instrumentation/ Electronics or High School Equivalent 2. completed trainings:- Hazardous Area Classification and ingress protection instrument rating - Grounding and shielding 3. govt certifications/licenses:4. relevant experience as -6 yr experience in Maintenance and trouble shooting in instrument junction boxes and enclosures with hazardous area classification and IP rating for O&G operations and/or Petrochemical plant - Skillful in troubleshooting and finding the root cause particularly water/moist ingress - Skillful in using logic diagram, Loop Drawing, Cause and Effect, Electrical wiring diagram in troubleshooting. - Knowledge of maintenance management systems (maximo), Knowledgeable of MS suite - Ability to work unsupervised - Ability to work alone under pressure. 5. codes/standards:6. age min:26 yrs 1. min education: SMK - Instrumentation/ Electronics 2. completed trainings:3. govt certifications/licenses:4. relevant experience as - 4 yr experience in Maintenance and trouble shooting in field instrumentation for O&G operations and/or Petrochemical plant - Skillful in using instrument calibration tools - Experienced in finding troubleshooting and finding the root cause - Hands-on experience using logic diagram, Loop Drawing, Cause and Effect, Electrical wiring diagram in troubleshooting. - Skillful calibrating field instrumentation, preparing calibration report and check list - Knowledge of maintenance management systems, Knowledgeable of MS suite 5. codes/standards:6. age min:26 yrs Page 133 of 154 BP Indonesia Contract Contractor Safety Management System LoA Number E&I Mtc Role Name Tools and Material Keeper Discipline O&M IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Requirements 1. min education: 2. completed trainings: 3. govt certifications/licenses:4. relevant experience as 5. codes/standards:6. age min:26 yrs Page 134 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Attachment 8F – List of Site Induction and HSE Mandatory Training for Contractor Personnel As per procedure 920-PRC-HE-1001, Contractor personnel must complete the following Site Induction and HSE Mandatory training: 1. All of Contractor personnel work at Tangguh Site 1.1. Site Induction – White ID (non process facility) which covers Site Induction, xxx, xxxxx 1.2 STOP 1.3 Water Survival A 2. Contractor personnel to work at Process Facility and/or Platform 3. Contractor personnel assigned as First Aider 4. Contractor personnel filling following roles CSE Attendant, Fire Watcher, Marine Captain, Tug Boat, OSV Crew, Safety Officer, Kitchen Staff, Fuel Man, Security Officer, Aviation Ground Crew, Plot, Flight Attendant 2.1. Black ID 3.1. First Aid level 2 4.1. Basic Fire Fighting 5. Regulatory & Compliance Environment Simplified tabel is as attached Tangguh H&S and Environment Training Matrix Building Knowledge (Internal/External, CBT, Weblearn) Training Module/Package Basic Mandatory HSE Specificialities 1x 3Y 2Y 3Y Contractors CSE Attendant Fire Watcher Marine Captain Tug Boat and OSV Crew Safety Officer Kitchen Staff Fuel Man Security Officer Aviation Ground Crew, Pilot and Flight Attendent First Aider Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Page 135 of 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM 1x 0.5D 0.5D 0.5D 0.5D 1D 0.5D 0.5D 0.5D 0.5D 0.5D 0.5D 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 Regulatpry Compliance Management System 1x Waste Water Management 3Y Environmental Management System Internal Audit Validity Environmental Management System Champions and Document Control training 1D Non Hazardous Waste Management 4D Hazardous Waste Management Basic Fire Fighting **** 1D Introduction to Industrial and Occupational Hygiene First Aid - Level 2 *** 0.5D Incident Reporting Water Survival B * 0.5D Incident Investigation & Learning White ID 1D Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) ***** STOP Length of Class (Day) Safety Observation and Conversation (SOC) Water Survival A/B Tangguh H&S and Environment Training Matrix LNG Plant HSE Induction ** Others Y Y Y Y Y Y ** Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Attachment 8G - ATO- Hazardous and Toxic Chemical Form LIST OF HAZARDOUS AND TOXIC MATERIALS Contract Title: _______________________________________________ Date: _____________________ The listed hazardous and toxic materials will be used for: Permanent Facilities Non-Permanent Facilities (tick that apply) No# Hazardous and Forms Package Package Toxic Chemical e.g. gas, Type Size liquid, (Small solid Bag, Jumbo Bag, Pile, Drum, Chemical Trade Tank, Name Name Cylinder Contractors Name: ________________________________ Quantity Usage Category based on PP 74/2001 Non Restricted Hazard Specific Classification Storage e.g. Requirem explosive, ent as per flammable, SDS (Y/N) carcinogen (refer to Restricted Prohibited MSDS) Product Expiry Date Note : MSDS shall be atatched Submitted by: _______________________ (Signature & Name) IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 Page 136 of 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Unit/Area Unit/Area Where Where Used Stored BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Attachment 8H - ATO – Plant/Equipment and Material. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS WHO WHAT DECIDE ESCALATE Contractor Govt. Board 8Q/12 Week Asset Plan START List Technical Experts ATTACHMENT 12 Activity SPA, Contractors Scope of Work agreed Technical Expert Equipment selection agreed, reviewed by Technical Expert for fit for services Contractor Equipment inspected by Contractors QA/QC BP QM, Relevant TAs Inspection report revalidation BP QM Equipment inspected at Supplier premises by exception NCR review by AOM Nonconformance Report (NCR) Inspect equipment? QA/QC completed Fail Issue NCR & Inform AOM of defects Pass OA/EA/SETA Mobilization Form ATTACHEMENT 8H Yes BP QM Approve Equipment Mobilisation Form (EMF) Contractor Move to forward mobilization base BP QM/SLC (LSB) Post arrival checks at mobilization base Deviation Approved ? No Approved ? No Yes Logistic Manager (LSB) Mobilisation to Site Activity SPA, Site Inspection, SM (through HSE as required) Post arrival checks at Site Approved ? No Yes SLC, Activity SPA, BP QM Registered into site records and record periodic inspection requirement FINISH IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 137 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Attachment 8I - ATO-Equipment Mobilization Form IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 138 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Attachment 8J - ATO- BRIDGING DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS COMPANY Procedure / Reference Document Applicable CONTRACTOR Procedure / Reference Document Primacy (COMPANY / CONTRACTOR / Both) 1. LEADERSHIP 2. HSE POLICY & COMMITMENT 3. CONTRATOR’S HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 4. CONTRACTORS HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PLAN 5. HSE ORGANIZATION ROLES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND COMPETENCE 6. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT & COMPLIANCE 7. RISK ASSESSMENT PROCESS 8. FACILITIES, EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS 9. OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH / INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE 10. CONTROL OF WORK 11. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 12. PERSONAL SAFETY BEHAVIOUR PROGRAM 13. HSE MEETINGS 14. HOUSEKEEPING 15. SAFETY OBSERVATION PROGRAM FOR WORKERS 16. HSE TRAINING AND COMPETENCY 17. FIREARMS, ILLEGAL DRUGS, ALCOHOL 18. NO SMOKING POLICY 19. MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE 20. EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLANNING 21. HSE PERFORMANCE REPORTING 22. INCIDENT MANAGEMENT AND DATA REPORTING 23. COMMUNICATIONS LESSONS LEARNED 24. HSE AUDIT 25. MEDICAL REQUIREMENTS 26. SPECIFIC HSE REQUIREMENTS IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 139 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Attachment 8K - KPI INDICATOR LAGGING DESCRIPTION UNIT TARGET WEIGHT Fatality cases (max) 0 Killing Point If fatality occurs, the overall score will be zero Recordable Injury Frequency (RIF) cases (max) 0.11 40% if >= the BP targeted RIF then the score will be zero if < BP targeted RIF then full score Major Incident Announcements (MIA) / High Potential Incident (HiPo) cases (max) 0 For calculation of RIF multiple MIA/HiPo will result in Killing point, overall score = zero Days Away From Work cases (max) 0 For calculation of RIF multiple DAFWC will result in Killing point, overall score = zero Medical Treatment Cases cases (max) 0 For calculation of RIF multiple Medical Treatment Case will result in Killing point, overall score = zero Property Damage (from level H +) cases (max) 0 10% if occurs then the score will be zero LOPC ( from Level H +) cases (max) 0 10% if occurs then the score will be zero First Aid cases (max) N/A Reporting Purposes only cards/POB/Month 11 5% number of audit (min)/month 4 5% times/Month (min) 8 5% % (min) 100 15% - Management visit % (min) 100 - PPE Compliance % (min) 100 - FFT compliance % (min) 100 - HSE Training Compliance & Competency % (min) 100 - Emergency Drills % (min) 100 HSE STOP SSOW Audit by Site Project Leader & HSE reps Contractor HSE Inspection and reporting HSE Plan conformance (including the following:) LEADING - Other HSE Programs as specified Reporting Note Man hours recording % (min) 100 manhours N/A Total Scoring Methodology Less than the target, score will be zero Less than the target, score will be zero Less than the target, score will be zero Less than the target, score will be zero (please note that 100% compliance is expected) For calculation of HSE Plan conformance For calculation of HSE Plan conformance For calculation of HSE Plan conformance For calculation of HSE Plan conformance For calculation of HSE Plan conformance For calculation of HSE Plan conformance Reporting Purposes only 100% Any non conformance coming from Inspection, audit ,incident investigation or Safety observation resulting score to ZERO IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 140 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Attachment 8L- ATO- Non-Conformance Report Non Conformance Report Type of NC*): No NC: Contractor: Contract No: Telephone: Fax: Contractor’s Rep: Signature: Contract Name: SPA/SPR: Date: Signature: Date: *) People/Equipment/Procedure/Material Description of NC Target Closure Actions Verified by Comments Date Note IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 141 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Attachment 9 Contractor Self-Verification/Oversight Form Poor 1 Not conducted Scoring Excellence 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Conducted with no / minor evident Conducted with some evident Conducted irregularly without effort for quality Conducted irregularly with minor effort for quality Conducted consistently with efforts to improve Conducted consistently with improvements shown Conducted consistently with good quality Conducted consistently with high quality outcome Conducted consistently with high quality outcome and continuous improvement Inspection Date : Contractor’s Company : Contract : Location(s) : Accepted : Contractor HSE Reps: Contractor Site Leader: No BP H&S Representative Items Yes/ No / Not Applicable BP User / Function Leader: Score Remarks Contractor HSE Plan 1 Leadership & Commitment Management visit has been conducted as per the HSE Plan. Management visit report available and quality conversation has been conducted. Positive safety culture has been promoted (refer to HSE Plan) and evident Is HSE meeting recorded and documented? 2 Are actions / issues raised in HSE meetings being recorded and followed up? Are HSE meeting topics related with the job being performed? Is HSE meetings commitment align with the endorsed HSE plan? What is the average percentage of contractor’s attendance in HSE meetings? Is the contractor’s employee able to communicate all HSE issues to their management? Policy & Strategic Objectives HSE Policy available and has been communicated Available in languages understood by workers IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 142 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System 3 Dated and signed by chief executive State specific aspects of the contract (location, sites, plant) Cover specialized aspects (e.g. substance abuse) Consistent with client guideline Clear, concise and motivating Organization, responsibilities, resource, standards and documentation Organization chart with names available, role & responsibilities clearly defined and understood HSE personnel available on site with the required competency level Effective means to communicate HSE issues are in place Regular meeting with clients are documented and action raised are followed up HSE meeting are scheduled and executed, well documented and HSE meeting agendas are consistent with the objectives of the HSE plan Management of subcontractor integrated with main contractors and documented 4 Legal Compliance List of all applicable HSE legal and regulatory requirements are available and updated Is HSE legal compliance updated and being assessed? 5 Evaluation & Risk Management Contractor risk register is available and updated. All hazards within the work is identified, including environmental and social impacts if any. Operational controls are in place as per the risk assessment results Methodology of risk assessment available and understood In day to day activity all relevant permits have been established correctly 6 Training & Competence Have ALL personnel received HSE mandatory training? Have the training plan (as set in the HSE plan) being implemented as scheduled? New employee induction process in place and align with company on site procedures Competency register / assurance system for contractors is in place and updated. Has the person conducting the specific work has been authorized and competent? IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 143 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System (if necessary, certification/ competency refer to government regulations) 7 All competency / certification valid? Planning & Procedures 8 Procedures relating all the activity conducted by the contractor are available and updated Procedures are available to employees and has been communicated to employees HSE Promotion Is contractor’s management commitment demonstrated through their employees HSE attitude and performance? Does the contractor’s management actively demonstrate support for improved HSE program? 9 Are the notice boards in place with relevant updated HSE information? Emergency Drill and Exercise 10 Do the contractor’s employees conduct or participate in emergency drills and exercises? Are the contractor’s employees familiar with their role in an emergency? Do the contractor’s employees know where to report in an emergency? HSE program Environmental program evident and implemented Health hazard in relevant to the works identified and implemented List of hazardous chemical / material used available List of MSDS file maintained Is ALL personnel MCU still valid? 11 Equipment, Tools and Materials Register of all equipment, tools and material used by contractor is available and updated All equipment, tools and materials are inspected and are ready to use (broken equipment are tagged). List of equipment, tools and material maintenance plan are available Operation and maintenance procedure for all equipment available? PM program aligned with Manufacturer’s recommendation? Pre-use/Daily/Weekly inspection records available? 12 Implementation & Performance Monitoring 13 Is ALL HSE action being tracked and closed out timely? (including from SOC, area inspection, audit, etc) Is HSE reports being submitted to BP in a correct and timely manner? Internal HSE audits are being conducted as per HSE plan? Incident Report & Investigation IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 144 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Are ALL incidents reported and investigated to determine their cause and is corrective action taken? 14 Does contractor have written incident reporting and investigation procedure (which is bridged with BP incident & investigation procedure)? Is lesson learned being communication in HSE meetings? Auditing & Review (additional to be checked as part of HSE plan) 15 Management visits program Risk register revision update HSE plan review and update Internal HSE auditing plan External certification plan Corrective actions are addressed and recorded. Findings are followed up and feed back into HSE meetings. Any corrective action rejections are appropriately authorized and documented Continuous Improvement Any continuous improvement efforts and implementation? Worksite Inspection 1 Housekeeping Job site look neat Equipments and tools stored correctly Chemical and hazardous waste clearly labeled and identified, with MSDS on site Chemical stored appropriately PPE for chemical handling readily available and in good condition Emergency / safety equipments available (e.g. safety showers, spill equipment, etc) Waste bins labeled and adequate Waste correctly segregated Trash emptied regularly not overflowing Escape routes clean and clear Lighting adequate Slips, trips, falls hazards minimized Adequate Safety Signage available in the workplace 2 Personal Protective Equipments List of PPE available and updated Minimum stock of PPE (i.e 10%) available Safety helmet, safety shoes, hearing protection, eye/face, gloves, protective clothing worn and as per standards Proper respirators where needed Respirators fit test conducted for relevant personnel Fall protection, regularly inspected and valid PPE inspection list available and updated regularly IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 145 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System internally by contractor and recorded 3 Fire prevention and Fire protection Proper fire extinguishers available for use Fire extinguishers inspected and tagged 4 Other means of fire protection conducted (wooden/flammable material stored properly, fire blankets available, etc) Signs, Signals and Barricade Hazards barricaded properly Unsafe tools tagged Safety signage and warning available in the work place 5 Electrical Safety All electrical equipment (including hand and power tools) used has been inspected and tagged Damaged equipment removed from service and clearly marked Machinery guards are in place Lockout / tag out procedures are in place Junction box correctly secured 6 Mechanical Activities Hoses checked for leaks, damage Welding PPE are appropriate Fire watch and extinguishers in attendance during hot work permit activities Welding area free from fire hazards Cylinders are secured properly Contents marked on all cylinders Valve caps on when transported / not in use Flash back arrestors on torches and compressors Ladders appropriate for use and inspected for condition Scaffolding properly tagged Guard rails and toe boards of scaffold structure are in place Barricade installed around scaffold areas Light vehicle used is still in valid inspection period Lifting equipments correctly color coded and inspection record clear Ropes, slings, chains, hooks inspected daily Safe working load determined clearly marks on lifting beam / pad eyes IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 146 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System HSE Indicators Actual Case No. Multiplier Score *) Target Met (YTD) Additional Score Lagging Indicators Fatality DAFWC HIPO RWC Medical Treatment First Aid LOPC (H+) *) If achieve over target Near Miss case reported and followed up STOP SSOW Audit by Site Project Leader & HSE reps PPE Compliance Contractor HSE Inspection Management Visit HWO Immersion CSMS Action Closure (Overdue) Medical Check Up Compliance *) Example of indicators and multiplier score HSE Indicators Multiplier - Year to Date Performance Lagging Indicators Leading Indicators Property Damage (H+) 0 Case 1 Case Fatality x 100% X0 DAFWC x 100% X 50% X0 HIPO x 100% X 50% X0 RWC x 100% X 80% X 50% X0 Medical Treatment x 100% X 80% X 50% X0 First Aid (H) x 100% X 90% X 80% Prorate LOPC (H+) x 100% X 90% X 80% Prorate Property Damage (H+) x 100% X 90% X 80% Prorate IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM 2 Cases 3 Cases and more Page 147 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System SUMMARY OF CONTRACTOR SELF-VERIFICATION/OVERSIGHT FORM Contractor HSE Plan 1 Leadership & Commitment 2 Policy & Strategic Objective 3 Worksite Inspection 1 Housekeeping 2 Personal Protective Equipment 4 Organization, responsibilities, resource, standards & documentation Legal compliance 5 Evaluation & Risk Management 3 6 Training & Competence Fire prevention and Fire protection 7 Planning & Procedure 4 Signs, Signals and Barricade 8 HSE Promotion 9 Emergency Drill and Exercise 5 Electrical Safety 10 HSE program 11 Equipment, Tools and Materials 6 Mechanical Activities 12 13 Implementation & Performance Monitoring Incident Report & Investigation 14 Auditing & Review 1 Lagging indicators (multiplier) 15 Continuous Improvement 2 Leading Indicators HSE Performance Total Percentage General Comments IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 148 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Attachment 10A - GREEN CARD GREEN CARD Contract: Card No: Contract No: Formal Inspection/Oversight/Others Contractor: CAM/JOB Rep/Inspector Name: Contractor’s Rep: Signature: Date: Signature: Date: Description of Conformance Note IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 149 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Attachment 10B - YELLOW CARD YELLOW CARD Contract: Card No: Contract No: Formal Inspection/Oversight/Others Contractor: CAM/JOB Rep/Inspector Name: Contractor’s Rep: Signature: Date: Signature: Date: Description of NC Target Closure Actions Verified by Comments Date Note IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 150 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Attachment 10C - RED CARD RED CARD Contract: Card No: Contract No: Formal Inspection/Oversight/Others Contractor: CAM/JOB Rep/Inspector Name: Contractor’s Rep: Signature: Date: Signature: Date: Description of Repetitive Non Conformances/ Significant NCs that may lead to incident Agreed by Name Signed Date CAM Site H&S Manager Site Manager Note IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 151 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Attachment 11 - CSMS Post Job Evaluation Contractor HSE Plan 1 Leadership & Commitment 2 Policy & Strategic Objective 3 Worksite Inspection 1 Housekeeping 2 Equipment Demobilization Readiness 4 Organization, responsibilities, resource, standards & documentation Legal compliance 5 Evaluation & Risk Management 3 6 Training & Competence Demobilization and Hand over planning 7 Planning & Procedure 8 HSE Promotion 9 Emergency Drill and Exercise 10 HSE program 11 Equipment, Tools and Materials 12 13 Implementation & Performance Monitoring Incident Report & Investigation 14 Auditing & Review 1 15 Continuous Improvement 2 HSE Performance Lagging indicators (multiplier) Leading Indicators Total Percentage IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM Page 152 of 154 BP Indonesia Contractor Safety Management System Attachment 12 - Technical Expert Table No Area Expertise-GOO Technical Expert Contact 1 Repair & Maintenance Setiawan 2 Inspection and Integrity/Quality Assurance Simon Moyes 3 Medical Preparedness dr. Bambang Setiawan/Riko Butar-butar 4 Logistic/Infrastructure /Land transportation Purwoko/ Philip Muwardi/James Hoosier 5 Marine Operation Steve Corputty/Jim Fortnum 6 Operation Specialist Simon Merrett/Mark Cowie 7 Engineering Wisnu Mustafa/Discipline TA 8 Competency Salmona Jahja / Ken Moore 9 Regulation, Env. And Compliance Lidia Ahmad 10 Process Safety Ari Baud/ Helfia NC 11 Personal Safety Suroso 12 Lifting Rony Simeon IDN-000-PRC-HS-20001 Rev 1 Page 153 of 154 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS IN THE DOCUMENTUM