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Memes: Cultural Impact & Spread

Memes are a form of cultural information that is spread from person to
person. It can be seen as an idea that is passed on from one
individual to another. The word ‘meme’ was first coined by Richard
Dawkins in 1976, who used it to describe the process of copying and
transmitting ideas or behaviors from one individual to another
(Dawkins, 2018). Memes have been defined as “a unit of cultural
information that can be transmitted from mind to mind without
requiring a direct human act” (Bennett & Holland, 2019). They are also
known as
Memes are the most important part of our society. They have been
around for a long time and they will be here for a long time. People
use memes to express themselves, to make others laugh, and to just
pass the time. Memes are not only used by teenagers but also by
adults. They can be seen on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr,
etc. The reason why I believe that memes have affected our society is
because it has brought people together from different races and
religions. The first meme that I want to talk about is Harambe meme
which was created in May