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Coronavirus Transmission, Vaccinated - Unvaccinated

Coronavirus Transmission, Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: "the Science" is
Sunday, 30 January 2022
All over the planet, the Hygiene Dictatorship has presented
unvaccinated people as a "danger to all society", and has
instituted Apartheid measures to "contain the danger". Due to
those illegal, unconstitutional, cruel and despicable "safety
measures", the Unvaccinated are barred from participating in
normal life: in most countries unvaccinated people are not
allowed to go to restaurants, to school, work, many stores,
malls, indoor activities, and in some countries the ban is
enforced for outdoor activities as well, such as parks, beaches,
etc. [1].
In all cases, the totalitarian measures are supposedly justified
on the basis of slogans promoted by the global propaganda
machine: "trust the science"; "I'm vaccinated to protect you";
"the Vaccinated protect those who are vulnerable", "the
Unvaccinated are selfish individuals who place their own
'rights' above the well-being of the many", etc. It all revolves
around the claim that supposedly vaccination prevents or
reduces transmission of the virus.
A tangible extension of the propaganda is the bestowing of
gifts and privileges to the vaccinated. In addition to gifts of
cash, bonuses, services, free vacations, etc. the vaccinated are
endowed with the most precious of all privileges: freedom of
movement; freedom to participate in social life and all daily
activities, free from bans and restrictions.
In some countries that are not just merely pawns under the
thumb of Western Imperialist corona-totalitarianism, but
countries whose rulers are EAGER and willing to go all the
way in actualizing the propaganda beyond all semblance of
logic, the Vaccinated are provided not only with the
privileges listed above, but even when they are singled out by
contact-tracing as verified close contacts of verified
coronavirus "positives" (coronavirus carriers), they are still
allowed to go out to society and circulate without any
restriction! Whereas the unvaccinated MUST remain isolated.
One such country is the Republic of Cyprus. These are not
accidental policies instituted by some half-asleep faceless
bureaucrat: they are ordered by repeated DECREES issued by
the Cabinet of Ministers (the highest body of the Executive
branch of Government, and headed by the country's
President), signed by the Minister of Health, and APPROVED
by the "top scientific committees" and scientific advisors of
the country.
Atrocities abound, all in the name of "trust the Science".
But what does "the Science" really say?
The Lancet is a weekly peer-reviewed journal of Medical
Science. It's one of the world's oldest and best-known science
journals. It enjoys a globally well-respected status and global
appreciation; it's one of the most influential scientific journals
in the world, with editorial offices in London, New York, and
Beijing. What does it say on the matter?
"...fully vaccinated individuals with breakthrough
infections have peak viral load similar to unvaccinated
cases and can efficiently transmit infection in household
settings, including to fully vaccinated contacts".
■ Community transmission and viral load kinetics of
the SARS-CoV-2 delta (B.1.617.2) variant in vaccinated
and unvaccinated individuals in the UK: a prospective,
longitudinal, cohort study
October 29, 2021
"...the impact of vaccination on community
transmission of circulating variants of SARS-CoV-2
appeared to be not significantly different from the impact
among unvaccinated people. The scientific rationale for
mandatory vaccination in the USA relies on the premise
that vaccination prevents transmission to others, resulting
in a “pandemic of the unvaccinated”. Yet, the
demonstration of COVID-19 breakthrough infections
among fully vaccinated health-care workers (HCW) in
Israel, who in turn may transmit this infection to their
patients, requires a reassessment of compulsory
vaccination policies leading to the job dismissal of
unvaccinated HCW in the USA. Indeed, there is growing
evidence that peak viral titres in the upper airways of the
lungs and culturable virus are similar in vaccinated and
unvaccinated individuals. A recent investigation by the US
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of an outbreak
of COVID-19 in a prison in Texas showed the equal
presence of infectious virus in the nasopharynx of
vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals. Similarly,
researchers in California observed no major differences
between vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals in terms
of SARS-CoV-2 viral loads in the nasopharynx, even in
those with proven asymptomatic infection. Thus, the
current evidence suggests that current mandatory
vaccination policies might need to be reconsidered..."
■ Transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2 among fully
vaccinated individuals
January, 2022
"In the USA and Germany, high-level officials have
used the term pandemic of the unvaccinated, suggesting
that people who have been vaccinated are not relevant in
the epidemiology of COVID-19. Officials’ use of this
phrase might have encouraged one scientist to claim that
“the unvaccinated threaten the vaccinated for COVID-19”.
But this view is far too simple.
There is increasing evidence that vaccinated individuals
continue to have a relevant role in transmission. In
Massachusetts, USA, a total of 469 new COVID-19 cases
were detected during various events in July, 2021, and 346
(74%) of these cases were in people who were fully or
partly vaccinated, 274 (79%) of whom were symptomatic.
Cycle threshold values were similarly low between people
who were fully vaccinated (median 22·8) and people who
were unvaccinated, not fully vaccinated, or whose
vaccination status was unknown (median 21·5), indicating
a high viral load even among people who were fully
■ COVID-19: stigmatising the unvaccinated is not
November 20, 2021
Science is clear: vaccinated people TRANSMIT the virus just
as much as the Unvaccinated, not only to vulnerable
individuals, but also to others who are fully vaccinated.
Vaccinated people are carriers of viral loads that are the same
as those of the Unvaccinated; the fluids of their nasopharynx
which are ejected when vaccinated people speak, sneeze,
cough or laugh, contain the same amounts of coronavirus as
that of the Unvaccinated.
The propaganda machine's entire narrative on this matter summed up with the slogan "trust the Science" - is totally
demolished by Science itself.
Of course Science - and Reality itself - are not enough reasons
for the propaganda machine to abandon its lies; the global
Apartheid regime separating the Unvaccinated into zones
where they can be denied their political, constitutional and
human rights has invested way too much to abandon its
propaganda campaign just because Science, itself, contradicts
the slogan "trust the Science".
In fact the propaganda machine has invented that artificially
quaint phrase ~* "the Science" *~ to make it sound vaguely
old-fashioned, cute, colorizing it with airs of "old Americana".
People familiar with the nuances of the english language
recognize the oddity of the phrase: it's the result of cold
manipulations calculated to induce the feeling of old-time,
folksy, picturesque imagery; sweet, idyllic, rustic, homely,
nostalgic connotations; providing to the phrase an atmosphere
of a bygone era in order to convince the "modern" citizens of
the contemporary digital world that the slogan supposedly
comes from an "era of certainty", unspoilt by modernity,
supposedly forged by charming, dedicated, weatherworn
scientists who forged the fundamental roots of Science... It's
all lies.
The narrative is fake; it's a disgusting effort to hide what
Science really says. But it works because we experience on
the one hand State-sponsored terror and relentless propaganda
by the regime's media, and simultaneous censorship of the
Truth; on the other hand a continuous enforcement of
Apartheid and dictatorship: the "quaint" color of the
propaganda makes it easier to feel a sense of comfort when
we swallow the pill of lies. "Trust the Science" sounds good,
even if it's the slogan with which the global regime
A simple chart illustrates reality: the status of daily
TRANSMISSION of coronavirus in a country where
vaccination policy is pursued most intensely (they are now on
the FOURTH injection campaign), and where the
unconstitutional "protective measures" have been the most
austere, violent and draconian continuously for two years
now. It's one of the most heavily vaccinated countries in the
world; Israel, seen through the numbers provided by its own
Ministry of Health:
{click for a larger view}
Source: https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/israel
Israel was able to enforce an Apartheid regime against the
Unvaccinated very easily: it already had in place a
tremendously violent and efficient security apparatus for
enforcing a genocidal Apartheid against the Palestinians; it
was easy to turn it against its own people. The regime first
practiced by employing a dictatorship of "protective
measures", and then as soon as vaccines became available it
became transformed into the most fierce vaccine-Apartheid
regime in the world.
Most "advanced" countries of the West are playing out the
same scenario. Wherever "protective measures" and
vaccination were enforced the most, with special gifts and
privileges awarded to the vaccinated, TRANSMISSION of
coronavirus has peaked.
Quod erat demonstrandum; 'nuff said.
Petros Evdokas, petros@cyprus-org.net
Even though the author is wrongly biased against
communism, the Soviet Union, China, etc (a common
syndrome), he paints a very accurate description of the current
state of affairs and of the dangers global society is facing:
■ Hygienic fascism: Turning the world into a 'safe space'
— but at what cost?
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