Welcome to Kenzie Fitness In-Gym training program. We look forward to helping you on your fitness journey and having you join the Krush Athletics Team! Provided will be images of all the exercises, descriptions, plus a log sheet for you to fill out when you complete your workouts! Enjoy your training! Kenzie & Jolene XOXO 8-Week In-Gym Training Program Ready, Set, GO! We’re here to help you achieve all your health and fitness goals. Within this program you will find all your exercises laid out with the images and descriptions, as well as a printable progress card that you can bring fill out and keep track of your weights! If you have ANY questions at all about the exercises please write us an email, send us a DM or message us on facebook. We are here to help you and ensure your safety! Now to get started, follow these tips in order to help you succeed with the program: • Warm up before starting your workout, an adequate warm up before resistance training should take you about 5-7minutes. Hop on the treadmill and walk, or get on the bike or elliptical to get your heart rate up and muscles ready for work. • On top of your 3 resistance training workouts a week you should also try and incorporate some cardiovascular at least 2-3 more times. This take you anywhere from 15-20minutes which should be increased as you develop more endurance. Use the treadmill, bike, elliptical, step mill or get outside and go for a walk/jog! Just keep moving. • When your working out also understand that your nutritional requirements change. Be sure to have a refuel snack within an hour of finishing your workout - for tips and tricks to see what are good pre and post workout snacks stay tuned to our Facebook and Instagram where we will be posting tips and recipes. DAY 1 LOWER BODY LEG PRESS 3X12 ABDUCTION 4X15 Place Feet in foot position, abs tight. Slowly lower the weight until knees pass parallel (Knee pain, keep range comfortable) Press back to starting position and repeat. Sit tall, abs tight, shoulder blades drawn together. Slowly press out against the pads, pause and return to centre. Sit tall, abs tight, shoulder blades drawn together. Squeeze weight into centre, pause and slowly return back to stretch position. With one leg on raised platform, stand tall, abs tight, chest up (careful not to arch your back) Slowly lower to ground and use glute to return to upright. Switch Legs. DAY 1 LOWER BODY BOX SQUATS 3X10 STEP UPS 4X10 With or Without Weight (front or back), Abs tight, chest tall. Slowly squat to box or bench, lightly tap without sitting. Power through glutes to stand back upright. One leg at a time, slowly step up pressing through your gluten and hamstrings, pause and return back down. 10 reps then switch legs. CALF RAISES 3X15 With or Without weight, stand on a bench or box with balls of the foot. Press heels high to engage the calves, return back down allowing the ankles to go lower. DAY 2 Upper Body BENT OVER ROW 4X12 Use a bench or box. Keep shoulders and hips level, start from arm straight, slowly pull weight back squeezing the shoulder blade into the middle of the back and bending the elbow, return and repeat. CHEST PRESS 4X12 Bench or Box. Lay flat on your back, bring weights to chest height, arms straight. Slowly lower weights until elbows make a 90* angle. Press back up to starting position. SHOULDER PRESS 3X12 Sitting on a bench or box, start with arms/elbow bent at 90*. Press overhead until weights touch each other ** careful to not shrug your shoulders ** return to 90* and repeat. DAY 2 Upper Body BICEP CURLS 3X10 TRICEP KICK-BACKS 3X10 Stand Tall, keep chest high, abs tight. Curl weight slowly towards shoulders, slowly return back to start. Repeat. Bend forward, knees lightly bent, keep elbows into side. Start with a 90* bend and extend arms back, slowly return to start. Repeat FRONT RAISES 4X10 LATERAL RAISES 4X10 Stand tall, abs tight, slowly lift weights up to shoulder height with straight arms, slow return to start. Repeat. Stand tall, abs tight, slowly lift arms out to your sides to shoulder height, slow return to start. Repeat. CIRCUIT #1 4 TIMES THROUGH Day 3: Whole Body Circuit Plank Hold 25sec Burpees x 10 CIRCUIT #2 4 TIMES THROUGH Jump Squats x 15 Bicep Curl to Shoulder Press x 12 Jump Lunges x 10 each leg Russian Twists x 12 Complete each circuit 4 times with a 30sec break between sets. Keeping heart rate up and muscles warm, sweat it out! 4X15 4X15 3X12 3X10 4X10 3X15 ABDUCTION ADDUCTION SPLIT SQUATS BOX SQUATS STEP UPS CALF RAISES 3X12 3X10 3X10 4X10 4X10 SHOULDER PRESS BICEP CURLS TRICEP KICK-BACKS LATERAL RAISE FRONT RAISE RUSSIAN TWISTS 12 10 EACH LEG 12 BICEP CURL TO SHOULDER PRESS JUMP LUNGES 10 25 SEC BURPEES PLANK HOLD JUMP SQUATS COMPLETE CIRCUIT 4 TIMES AROUND 15 4X12 CHEST PRESS DAY 3: WHOLE BODY CIRCUIT 4X12 BENT OVER ROW DAY 2: ARMS 3X12 REPS LEG PRESS DAY 1: LEGS DAYS WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 WEEK 7 WEEK 8