Name: Directions: Type your name. Change the color of the... in each sentence. Color the

Directions: Type your name. Change the color of the following parts of speech
in each sentence. Color the nouns red, the adjectives blue, the verbs green,
and the adverbs purple. When you are finished save your page in your folder
on the shared drive and name it grammar.
The small cat drank its milk carefully.
1. The brown cow ate the green grass slowly.
2. Kim loves her new school.
3. The girls ran to their enormous house.
4. My mom swims slowly in a purple pool.
5. My sister reads good books everyday.
6. I wrote my homework with my silly dad.
7. The little girl slowly jumped on the brown horse.
8. The boy and girl walked to school swiftly.
9. I won a great prize in the race at the carnival.
The big dog quickly sprinted across the street.