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Natural Remedies for Muscle Pain & Menstrual Cramps

Pain killer drug commonly used in muscle pain
Lamiaceae family( mint plant) most commonly used (natural)
Mostly menstrual pain symptoms are: (1) lower abdominal pain
(2) continuous ache ,Dullness
(3) pain that radiates lower back pain & thighs
Most commonly drug used for muscular
pain rather than lamiaceae family.
(1) Ajwain : mostly has the antibacterial properties, anti inflammatory activity,(can be useful for
the peptic ulcers, can reduce blood pressure & cholesterol levels
(2) Cumin : commonly family jeera
Mostly 3 basic word used for the ayurvedic treatment as vatta ,pitta, kappha
Mostly certain tea can be used to treat or avoid certain abdominal pain as under:
Cumin tea or coriander fennal tea.
Mint tea
Fenugreek (methi in gujarati)
more about fenugreek leaves (methi in gujarati): Dietary suppliments for the diabetis
help in releving the menstrual cramps.
stimulating milk production in females.
Scientific names are :Trigonilla foenum-graecum
The seeds are more important in this case
MostAllergic reaction.
Gas (flatulence)
Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia)
Unusual body odor (pediatric)
Loss of consciousness (pediatric)
Mostly dosage includes are 1-3 gm daily no more than 6 gram
Contradictions are : hypersensitivity, and pediatric parents , avoid usage in pregnancy.
Cloves : mainly used for the muscle pain relieves . mostly can be used in oil forms
mixed in palm for better results.
Cloves are most important in relieving the menstruation cramps , helps in shortant the duration of
menstruation and other factors may included.
Turmeric : An initial drug can be used in the drug naproxen a drug
can be used in the primary dysmenorrhea.
A turmeric can be used in this.
Tulsi: It is important drug can be used to cure the irregular periods.
This can directly effect on the cortisol level drug can acquired in regular periods
Tulsi can naturally help in reducing the stress levels by controlling the cortisol levels
Tulsi act as a anti oxidant ,anti inflammatory , the Tulsi can also purify the blood .
Basis list of drug can be usefull for the muscle cramps.
(1) Bala-sida cordifoila
(2) Amalali-goose berry-emblica officinia
Kooshmanda – ash gourd- benincasa hispida
Shunti- dryginger-zingiber officinale
Rasna – pluchea lanceolate
Kashmiri- Gmelina arborea
Gokshira – Tribulus terrestries.
Basic list of drug used in the continuous aches .
Mainly it is noted that the continuous aches or any kind of mascular aches are caused by vatta
Vatta are an ayurvedic term that displays the significant dosha
(element) in our body
Mainly the drugs are used are as under
Dry ginger powder
Snehona ( oil therapy)
Nirgundi ( five leaved chaste tree)
Swedona ( Heat induction)
Amla ( Indian gooseberry)
Magnesium supplements.
Rasna (pluchea lanceolate) : useful in menorrhagia.( shorthand menstrual cycle and heavy
Mainly another drug as kalonji used as natural remedy in emmenagogue and natural remedy for
delayed mess.
Gokshura – Tribulus terrestries :Mainly used .
Amalaki – Gooseberry – emblica officinais : Affect in the normal menstrual cycle, and cause the
hormonal imbalance .
Promotes strength and immunity against diseases
One of the highest sources of Vitamin C and other important minerals (enhances glow and
Regulates Urinary Tract by being a natural diuretic
Boosts cellular re-generation
Aids in menstrual cramps
Alleviates feeling of sadness
Promotes regular bowel movement
Eases constipation
Tridoshic – balances body and mind
Encourages weight loss and reduces bloating (by optimal digestion and elimination)
Deeply detoxifies the tissues in the body
This is how the Amla used for relieving other symptoms related to the menstrual cycle as :
(1) Lower back pain
(2) Pain related to thighs and lower back
(3) Worst cases are vomiting, nausea, dizziness, weakness etc.
Mostly another side effect of the menstrual cramps are dizziness.
Dizziness mainly caused by the reduction of the blood sugar levels.
Mostly ayurvedic drug that best for this is brahmi: a basic drug helps in the mental strength and
stability. Help to achieved calmness and piece in nerves.
Things to be added or considered to be helpful are: Tulsi
How we going to conquer it ?
There are several aspects we are important in this?
(1) Find out how the mode of action of the external rollers or bam is going to work?
(2) How the selected ingredients that I have selected is going to work? And compare it
to the mode of action of original.
(3) Give the examples of mode of actions with this processes.