Uploaded by Jesús Matias Sepulveda Olate

English 5001 Course Overview - Semester 2, 2022

Welcome to
English 5001
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Let’s introduce ourselves!
• Constanza Peña - constanza.pena@uc.cl
• Let’s get to know each other! Introduce yourself and say something about you.
• Go to menti.com in your phone and answer the questions.
Today, we’ll look at:
• Class rules
• Course program and Pacing Guide
• Attendance
• Evaluation dates and protocols
Class rules:
• Arrive on time
• Try to always speak in English
• If you have questions, raise your hand and ask them (no shame!)
• When e-mailing me, include your name and section (please!)
• Practice English as much as you can.
Course program
• Level B2• Objective: By the end of the course, you are expected to communicate naturally in
different situations, fluently and spontaneously. Also, you will be able to write more
complex texts and understand a variety of oral and written texts.
• Methodology: Individual and group work, class discussions and analysis, debates,
class book work.
Pacing Guide
• 75% required to sit for the FOE (Final oral exam).
• 100% attendance if you arrive on time
• 75% attendance if you are more than 15 minutes late
• 50% attendance if you only partially attend the class
• If you are in class but never participate, you will be considered as being absent.
*For more info, refer to ”Marco de funcionamiento para la asistencia” in Canvas.
• You are not required to justify absences in a normal class.
• You MUST justify absences to evaluations up to 24 hrs after the evaluation
through a medical certificate or a document from your academic unit.
• Justifications must be sent to academicprogramseuc@uc.cl with a copy to your
teacher by your academic unit.
• Late justifications will not be accepted.
Evaluation dates
• 5001- 3
Current event debate
29 & 31 August
26 & 28 September
9 November
23 & 28 November
5 September & 17 October
To be done at home
Current event debate
• Interactions of 5 people about a national news story.
• Students read a news story given by the teacher
• Debate about one viewpoint (also given by the teacher).
Oral Exams
• In groups of 3
• Individual questions
• Two discussion questions for group interaction
• Objective: Show a good use of new language to talk about topics seen in class.
Written exam
• Measures grammar and vocabualry
• To be done in class
• Covers the main contents we have seen in class
Writing Tasks
• Teacher gives instructions about a written task on the same day of class
• Students write accordingly.
• Aspects to evaluate: organization of ideas, mechanics, grammar & vocabulary.
Remote component: Receptive skills
• Listening and Reading activities to be done in Canvas.
Remote component: The city of the future
• Students create a virtual poster or infographic related to a topic given by the
• Topic: What would be a revolutionary invention that could improve the
quality of city life for people in the future?
• Groups of 3-4 students
• Upload the poster/infographic to Canvas and present it in class.