HSS 395-01-4232: Fitness Assessment and Prescription (3 credit hours) Spring 2023 Class Hours: Tues/Thurs 9:30-10:45am Class Location: ED 116 or HUSTLE lab (SAC East 106G) Instructor: Greta Cesarz, PhD (she/her/hers) Email Address: greta.cesarz@louisville.edu Office Phone: (502) 852-8581 Office Location: SAC 105E Office Hours: Tues/Thurs 2:30-3:30pm or by appointment (I am also available virtually using Microsoft Teams) I will typically respond to emails within 24 hours in most cases. If you do not hear from me within 48 hours, please reach out again as I may not have received your email. I will respond to emails sent after work hours, on weekends, or holidays as soon as possible on the next business day. COURSE DESCRIPTION Theoretical overview of competencies necessary for the Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) credential through the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) including functional anatomy and biomechanics, exercise leadership, exercise programming, health appraisal, and program administration. PREREQUISITES HSS 394 – Foundations of Exercise Physiology COURSE PURPOSE This course provides insight into the factors required for becoming a competent personal trainer or fitness professional. Successful fitness program design involves matching an individual's goals and abilities with the proper mix of exercises and then dynamically modifying exercise variables over time. Achieving optimal results for clients requires performing a detailed fitness assessment that includes a health screening, needs analysis, and various resting and active fitness tests. An understanding of fitness concepts, including basic nutrition, bioenergetics, biomechanics, and applied anatomy, is then necessary for synthesizing relevant information and creating individualized routines. Personal trainers must also comprehend a wide array of medical conditions and disease states in order to work with various special populations. Finally, trainers should understand the business of personal training, including facility and equipment maintenance, facility management, and legal issues. REQUIRED TEXT NSCA’s Essentials of Personal Training, 2nd or 3rd Edition Publisher: Human Kinetics Authors: Coburn & Malek (2nd edition), Schoenfeld & Snarr (3rd edition) ISBN: 9780736084154 (2nd edition), 9781492596721 (3rd edition) *Note: This textbook was updated in December 2021. I recommend that students intending to take the NSCACPT exam should purchase the 3rd edition for the most accurate information and study materials. Students choosing to use older versions of the text will be responsible for course materials not covered in the textbook they are using. ADDITIONAL READINGS Will be available via Blackboard COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1. Assess an individual's health, medical, and fitness status. 2. Perform active and resting fitness tests relevant to program design. 3. Demonstrate a working knowledge of fitness concepts, including basic nutrition, bioenergetics, biomechanics, and applied anatomy. 4. Design individualized physical activity programs to asymptomatic individuals or those who have been cleared by physicians. 5. Implement physical activity programs in a safe and effective manner and modify them as necessary to achieve clients' goals. 6. Aid in the design and layout of a fitness facility or home gym. 7. Have the requisite knowledge base to pass the NSCA Certified Personal Trainer exam. COURSE REQUIREMENTS Students are required to be punctual and attend all class and lab meetings. Students should come prepared to discuss the topics and readings assigned for that day. Lecture notes and other pertinent information such as supplemental readings and lab documents will be posted to Blackboard prior to the class meeting. You will be required to bring a writing utensil for any quizzes, exams, or in class assignments. Laptops and tablets are only to be used for note taking during class. Students using technology for other reasons during class will be asked to leave and will not receive any participation points available for that day. As this is a practical class, you will be required to work with someone in your course section that will serve as your ‘client’ for the term. These pairings will be randomly assigned by the instructor. Most of the lab activities in this course will involve collaborating with your partner - they will be asked to fill out preparticipation paperwork, consent to a needs analysis, a range of motion assessment, and some degree of personal training. You will also write multiple exercise programs for this person. It is your responsibility to maintain contact throughout the term with your partner and gather any information you may need from them. METHODS OF EVALUATION 1. In Class Assignments: There will be multiple opportunities to earn points via written in class assignments. These serve as a class participation assignment and will be graded accordingly. You must be in class when the assignment is administered in order to earn the points. 2. Blackboard Quizzes: Quizzes are due by 11:59pm on the dates posted in the course schedule. They can be found in Blackboard under the Quizzes tab. It is the student’s responsibility to take all quizzes by the due dates listed on the syllabus. I will not re-open quizzes after the due date. 3. HUSTLE Lab Attendance: Lab attendance is required for successful completion of this course. Attendance points are awarded at the beginning of each lab. Students who enter class after attendance has been taken will not earn points for the day. It is imperative that you arrive to class on time and stay for the entire class to earn points. Your attendance grade for the day will be adversely affected if you do not come to class prepared, dressed appropriately, and/or do not actively participate. 4. Lab Assignments: Lab assignment prompts can be found on Blackboard under the Lab Assignments tab. Labs are due on Blackboard by 11:59pm on the dates listed on the course schedule. These labs will be extremely relevant to the final Hallmark project. It is a good idea to utilize any feedback from your labs when writing your Hallmark. 5. Special Populations Presentation: Each student will present a 10 minute lecture on a special population. Topics will be randomly assigned by the instructor. Instructions and a rubric can be found in Blackboard under the Special Pops Presentation tab. 6. Written Exams: There will be 2 exams – a midterm and a final. The exam format might consist of multiple choice, true/false, matching, fill in the blank, short answer, and short essay. The final exam is not cumulative, although you may need to draw on information learned in the first half of the semester to successfully understand the material. All exams will be completed in person. 7. Practical Exam: The practical exam will involve the student conducting a brief personal training session with their client. The scoring will involve the evaluation of the trainer’s performance and professionalism. Grading will be based on knowledge of preparation, communication, and leadership variables displayed during the session. This exam will be assessed in person and is worth 50 points. 8. Hallmark Assessment Task: Instructions and the rubric for the Hallmark assignment can be found under the Hallmark tab in Blackboard. Students should submit Hallmark projects via Blackboard AND FolioTek. Documents should be saved with your LAST NAME in the title. The Hallmark assignment is due by 11:59pm on the date listed in the course schedule. Submission is required in order to pass the course. Late submissions will not be accepted. ASSIGNMENT POINTS In Class Assignments (5 assignments, 10 points each) 50 points Blackboard Quizzes (5 quizzes, 10 points each) 50 points HUSTLE Lab Attendance (7 labs, 20 points each) 140 points Lab Assignments (6 labs, 10 points each) 60 points Special Pops Presentation 50 points Written Exams (2 exams, 100 points each) 200 points Practical Exam 50 points Hallmark Assessment Task 100 points TOTAL POINTS 700 points Final grading will be based on a standard ten-point grading scale where the total points earned by a student is divided by the total points available. This table illustrates the number of points possible for each assignment and the total number of points available for the course. CRITERIA FOR DETERMINATION OF GRADE Final grading will be based on a standard ten-point grading scale, as shown below. I will not respond to individual request for calculations of grades. You can find up to date calculations of your grade by visiting the Blackboard gradebook for this course. F D- D D+ C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A A+ ≤59 6062 6366 6769 7072 7376 7779 8082 8386 8789 9092 9396 97≤ COURSE POLICIES You are expected to respect the classroom, the lab, your instructor, and your peers. This entails maintaining an environment that encourages learning. Side conversations and other distracting behavior will adversely affect your grade. HUSTLE LAB POLICIES As the course progresses, you will participate in hands-on activities that provide practical experience in exercise and fitness principles. To complete many of the activities, we will be using the HUSTLE Lab. HUSTLE Lab policies do not permit exercising in street clothes. Therefore, you must come to class in exercise clothes or plan to change into appropriate attire prior to the class start time. Students must be wearing closed toe athletic shoes to participate in lab activities. Lockers are available but students must provide their own locks. The instructor and/or HSS Department are not responsible for lost or stolen items. EXAM POLICY: WRITTEN Students will take both written exams in-person. Exams are closed notes/closed book. Students will be given 1 hour and 15 minutes to complete the midterm exam and 2 hours and 30 minutes to complete the final. Laptops, tablets, cellphones, Apple watches/smart watches, headphones/AirPods, and other electronic devices are not permitted during exams. Calculators will be permitted during exams if necessary. Cheating of any kind will result in a zero on the exam (see Academic Dishonesty section below). EXAM POLICY: PRACTICAL Students will complete one practical exam at the end of this course. Each student will be designated a time slot and you must arrive on time in order to be admitted into the HUSTLE lab. Time is limited and late students will not be permitted to take the practical. Laptops, tablets, cellphones, Apple watches/smart watches, headphones/AirPods, and other electronic devices are not permitted during the practical exam. HOMEWORK SUBMISSION POLICY All assignments must be submitted through Blackboard as a Microsoft Word or Excel document. Assignments submitted via any other means, including emailing the instructor, will not be accepted. If you accidentally submit the wrong document online, it is your responsibility to make sure the correct document gets uploaded. This may require contacting your instructor to remove your initial submission. Accidents happen but uploading a blank or incorrect document will result in a zero. MAKE-UP WORK POLICY Students must submit all assignments on time according to the syllabus in order receive credit. No credit will be given to assignments submitted after the due date - this includes Blackboard Quizzes, Labs, Homework Assignments, and the Hallmark. Attendance: In the event that a student needs to miss a lab or lecture class, they may still be able to receive attendance points and/or in-class question points for the day. Students will be allowed up to two “sick days” in which they can still earn points for a missed lab/lecture/non-exam session. This will be reserved for those students who become ill or are experiencing flu-like symptoms, have tested positive for COVID-19, need to quarantine due to COVID-19 exposure, have a family emergency, or other legitimate excuse. In order to receive the points, students must do the following: 1. Contact the professor (via email) prior to the missed class to explain the circumstances warranting the absence. 2. State the reason for their absence, at which time the professor will decide whether it is appropriate for the student to earn the points. This will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and the instructor has the right to deny attendance point requests if reasons are not deemed appropriate or substantial. It will be up to the discretion of the instructor to decide whether or not points will be awarded. Exams: Make-up Exams may be arranged ONLY under the following conditions with proper documentation: 1. The student missing the exam contacts the professor before the administration of the exam. 2. The student takes the make-up exam within 48 hours of the originally scheduled deadline, if possible. 3. The student has a legitimate and serious medical condition (authenticated by a physician) or an extreme unforeseeable reason for which the exam was missed. This will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and the instructor has the right to deny make-up requests if reasons are not deemed appropriate or substantial. 4. Make-up written exams may be different than those taken by other students in the class. Exams will be timed. Note: A physician’s note does not dictate if and when an exam may be taken after the initial exam administration – it only notifies the instructor of the reason for which the student has missed the exam. It is up to the instructor’s discretion as to whether or not the student will be allowed to make-up the exam. Students can refer to the Dean of Students’ Absence Policy for further information or clarification: http://louisville.edu/dos/facultystaff/absence-notification Note: If the exam is scheduled on a religious holiday a student normally enjoys, arrangements must be made at the beginning of the semester, prior to the exam day. In this instance, exams must be completed prior to the scheduled due date. If excusable events/conflicts (i.e. university and/or athletics related) are known in advance, the student must notify the instructor at the beginning of the semester, prior to the exam. In those cases, all exams must be completed prior to the scheduled due date. If scheduling conflicts do not permit the student to take the exam with another class section, practical exams may be administered orally in the instructor’s office. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY AND DISHONESTY Academic dishonesty is prohibited at the University of Louisville. It is a serious offense because it diminishes the quality of scholarship, makes accurate evaluation of student progress impossible, and defrauds those in society who must ultimately depend upon the knowledge and integrity of the institution and its students and faculty. All contributions and assessments in this course will demonstrate academic integrity which means that submitted work is of high quality, is original, and represents a single submission, unless otherwise noted through explicit and appropriate citations. See the Student Handbook for more information as these rules will be strictly enforced. In addition, the incident will be reported to the appropriate university officials and will go on file in the student's academic record. Failure to comply with these rules will result in a failing grade and other disciplinary actions in accordance with the University’s Academic Integrity policies. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, the following: Cheating (copying answers, submitting others’ assignments, receiving/giving unauthorized exam assistance, using technological assistance during exams, etc.) Plagiarism (Note: you can plagiarize yourself! Do not submit previous assignments or sections of previous assignments.) Fabrication or Falsification Complicity in Academic Dishonesty (UofL Code of Conduct, Section 5) Multiple Submissions (the same assignment cannot be submitted for >1 course or in the same course in subsequent semesters) For more information, visit the Code of Students Rights and Responsibilities (Sections 5 and 6) at http://louisville.edu/dos/students/codeofconduct PLAGIARISM STATEMENT Representing the words or ideas of someone else as one’s own in any academic exercise. An academic unit that determines that a student is guilty of academic dishonesty may impose any academic punishment on the student that it sees fit, including suspension or expulsion from the academic unit. TECHNOLOGY EXPECTATIONS You must be able to use Internet search tools, access Blackboard, use email, have access to Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word, and know how to download and upload documents. You may also need to be able to record and play videos, have working headphones or speakers, and access to a webcam for exams if necessary. If you do not have access at home, you may be able to use a public library or come to campus to use computers in the library or one of the IT student computer labs. Make sure that you will have access several hours per week. All hallmark assignments will be submitted using the Foliotek electronic assessment system, which replaced LiveText in Spring 2020. This web-based system contains portfolios of courses and assessments based on requirements outlined on programs’ curriculum sheets. Students should use the Foliotek Single Sign On (SSO) link, located under the Hallmark tab in Blackboard to log in to Foliotek. Students are associated with portfolios respective to the program(s) they pursue. Foliotek resources are located on the college’s website at www.louisville.edu/education/foliotek. These include step-by-step guides and videos. You can also access the “Resources” and “Help” areas in Foliotek to find information on getting support via telephone, live chat, and email. Several critical aspects of Foliotek that you need to know are listed below. You are not charged for the use of Foliotek. Foliotek SSO links, created by faculty in your BB course, are the portals through which you will access the Foliotek system. You should click on the Foliotek SSO link for each course in which you are currently registered at least once during the semester. This first click will integrate Blackboard and Foliotek, associating you with your courses and instructors in Foliotek. After you have clicked on each SSO course link once, you can open your Foliotek-hosted courses from any current course listed in Blackboard to access portfolios, courses, and assignments. You can submit coursework in numerous formats, including Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF files, video files, etc. If there is an issue with the system, you can click on “Resources” or the “Help” link to find appropriate resources. The “Help” menu offers directions for contacting Foliotek via email, live chat, or toll-free phone number. CEHD email and phone number for assistance with assignments are foliotek@louisville.edu or 502-852-1360. UNIVERSITY EMAIL Continued and regular use of your university email is expected, and students are encouraged to communicate with the instructor via email. You can work with the HelpDesk to have your University email forwarded to an account you already check daily. INTERNET OUTAGE OR INACCESSIBILITY A student will occasionally lose his or her Internet access due to an outage where both the cause and solution are outside of his or her control. Examples include an extended power or cable outage causing a loss in Internet access. It is the student’s responsibility to find a solution to this problem. It is important to remember that late work will not be accepted for any reason, including internet outages. Being proactive about submitting homework is the only surefire way to avoid this potential issue. TECHNICAL SUPPORT If you need technical support with your university account, unlocking your password, accessing Internet, Blackboard or other technical issues, contact the HelpDesk at (502) 852-7997. COVID-19 POLICIES As a Community of Care, all Cardinals are expected to abide by public health guidelines and regulations as published by the University: https://louisville.edu/coronavirus NOTIFICATION OF COURSE MODIFICATION The instructor reserves the right to modify the course requirements, course schedule, and other related policies based on circumstances beyond the control of the instructor and in circumstances in which the instructor becomes ill or otherwise unable to complete the course as originally designed and presented in the course syllabus. While I do not expect to invoke this clause, in the event I have an unanticipated emergency, or the university or the community at large experiences an emergency, such emergency may require changing the class schedule or requirements. If I do need to invoke this clause, you will be notified as soon as possible and any changes in course schedules or requirements will be clearly explained and posted on Blackboard. COURSE ACADEMIC CALENDAR Date Room Readings Topics Assignments Jan 10 ED116 Syllabus & Intro Jan 12 ED116 Chapter 8 Exercise Psychology Jan 17 ED116 Chapter 9 Client Consultation Jan 19 ED116 Chapter 10 Fitness Eval Jan 24 ED116 Chapter 11 Fitness Eval Protocols Jan 26 HUSTLE Lab: Client Eval Jan 31 HUSTLE Lab: Client Eval Feb 2 ED116 Feb 7 HUSTLE Feb 9 ED116 Chapters 5, 13, 15 Resistance Training Program Design Feb 14 ED116 Chapters 5, 13, 15 Resistance Training Program Design Feb 16 HUSTLE Lab: Resistance Training Feb 21 ED116 Midterm Exam Feb 23 ED116 Chapters 6, 16, 16 Aerobic Training Program Design Feb 28 ED116 Chapters 6, 16, 16 Aerobic Training Program Design Lab Report 5 Mar 2 HUSTLE Lab: Aerobic Training BB Quiz 2 Mar 7 ED116 Plyometrics Program Design Lab Report 6 Mar 9 HUSTLE Chapter 12 Chapter 17 Lab Report 1 BB Quiz 1 Flexibility, Warm-up, Bodyweight Lab Report 2 Lab: Designing Warm-ups Lab Report 3 Lab Report 4 Lab: Plyometrics Mar 14 Spring Break – No Class Mar 16 Mar 21 Flex Day/HAT Work Day Mar 23 ED116 Chapter 7 Nutrition Mar 28 ED116 Chapters 18-22 Special Pops Presentations Mar 30 ED116 Chapters 18-22 Special Pops Presentations Apr 4 ED116 Chapters 18-22 Special Pops Presentations Apr 6 ED116 Chapters 18-22 Special Pops Presentations Apr 11 ED116 Chapters 24-25 Business of Personal Training Apr 13 ED116 Chapters 24-25 Business of Personal Training BB Quiz 5 Apr 18 HUSTLE Practical Exam Review HAT due Apr 20 HUSTLE Practical Exam Apr 27 ED116 IMPORTANT DATES: Last day to drop/add: January 13 Last day to withdraw: March 8 Spring Break (no class): March 13-19 Last day of classes: April 24 Reading Day: April 25 Final Exam: 8:00-10:30am BB Quiz 3 BB Quiz 4 CEHD POLICIES CEHD DIVERSITY STATEMENT The College of Education and Human Development is committed to the promotion of antiracism. Diversity, equity and inclusion is a shared vision for our efforts in preparing teachers, administrators, school counselors and other professionals. The CEHD has zero tolerance for discrimination of any kind (racism, sexism, classism, homophobia, ageism, ableism, xenophobia, etc.). Students will be encouraged to investigate and gain a current perspective of diversity issues (race, ethnicity, language, religion, culture, SES, gender, sexual identity, disability, ability, age, national origin, geographic location, military status, etc.) related to their chosen fields. Students will examine critically how issues of equity, inclusion, and belonging apply to and affect theory, sociological issues, and current events (discrepant outcomes in education, hiring practices, and daily operations) in a variety of areas. Students will be encouraged to identify and challenge their belief systems that are often rooted in larger systems that perpetuate injustices and be encouraged to reexamine and develop more critical perspectives and practices regarding equity and inclusion. By grounding their practices in these critical perspectives, students will learn to be empowered and informed leaders in their fields whose actions reflect this commitment to equity and inclusion. Students experiencing harassment and discrimination in the college should report this behavior through the Climate Accountability Reporting System via the CEHD website or to the CEHD Assistant Dean of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion. CEHD CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Our College Conceptual Framework, Ideas to Actions, focuses on three guiding constructs – inquiry, action, and advocacy. These ideas shape our courses and programs to ensure that you are well prepared for your professional pursuits. RELATIONSHIP TO CEHD CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK This course addresses program concepts of the CEHD’s conceptual framework primarily through Inquiry and Action. Students will develop a greater understanding of the principles underlying effective exercise prescription and how to apply said principles. The construct of Service will be fulfilled through the nature of the act of exercise prescription. UNIVERSITY POLICIES POLICY ON INSTRUCTIONAL MODIFICATIONS The University of Louisville is committed to providing access to programs and services for qualified students with disabilities. If you are a student with a disability and require accommodation to participate and complete requirements for this class, notify me immediately and contact the Disability Resource Center (Stevenson Hall, 502-852-6938) for verification of eligibility and determination of specific accommodations. For more information, please visit http://louisville.edu/student/dev/drc/index.html Students with disabilities, who need reasonable modifications to complete assignments successfully and otherwise satisfy course criteria, are encouraged to meet with the instructor as early in the course as possible to identify and plan specific accommodations. Students will be asked to supply a letter from the Disability Resource Center to assist in planning modifications. TITLE IX/CLERY ACT NOTIFICATION Sexual misconduct (sexual harassment, sexual assault, and any other nonconsensual behavior of a sexual nature) and sex discrimination violate University policies. Students experiencing such behavior may obtain confidential support from the PEACC Program (852-2663), Counseling Center (852-6585) and Campus Health Services (852- 6479). To report sexual misconduct or sex discrimination, contact the Dean of Students (852-5787) or University of Louisville Police (852-6111). Disclosure to University faculty or instructors of sexual misconduct, domestic violence, dating violence, or sexdiscrimination occurring on campus, in a University-sponsored program, or involving a campus visitor or University student or employee (whether current or former) is not confidential under Title IX. Faculty and instructors must forward such reports, including names and circumstances, to the University’s Title IX officer.For more information, see the Sexual Misconduct Resource Guide: (http://louisville.edu/hr/employeerelations/sexual-misconduct-brochure). SEXUAL HARASSMENT The University of Louisville strives to maintain the campus free of all forms of illegal discrimination as a place of work and study for faculty, staff, and students. Sexual harassment is unacceptable and unlawful conduct and will not be tolerated in the workplace and the educational environment. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment, even when carried out through computers or other electronic communications systems. Students and instructors are protected from Sexual Harassment according to the Affirmative Actionpolicy, the Student Code of Conduct, and the UofL Computer Account Usage Agreement. Anyone experiencing Sexual Harassment should refer to the resources above and/or contact the PEACCProgram at 852-2663 and an advocate will explain your choices. This is a free and confidential service. RELIGIOUS HOLY DAYS AND OBSERVANCES Federal law and university policy prohibit discrimination on the basis of religious belief. It is the policy of the University of Louisville to accommodate students, faculty, and staff who observe religious work-restricted holy days. Students who observe work-restricted religious holy days must be allowed to do so without jeopardizing their academic standing in any course. Faculty are obliged to accommodate students’ request(s) for adjustments in course work on the grounds of religious observance, provided that the student(s) make such request(s) in writing during the first two (2) weeks of term. STATEMENT ON DIVERSITY The University of Louisville strives to foster and sustain an environment of inclusiveness that empowers us allto achieve our highest potential without fear of prejudice or bias. We commit ourselves to building an exemplary educational community that offers a nurturing and challenging intellectual climate, a respect for the spectrum of human diversity, and a genuine understanding of the many differences-including race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity/expression, sexual orientation, age, socioeconomic status, disability, religion, national origin or military status-that enrich a vibrant metropolitan research university. We expect every member of our academic family to embrace the underlying values of this vision and to demonstrate a strong commitment to attracting, retaining and supporting students, faculty and staff who reflect the diversity of our larger society. UNIVERSITY CLOSURE If the University of Louisville is closed due to a holiday, weather-related conditions or other unusual circumstances, planned real-time activities in online classes will not be held and no form of coursework will be due. Real-time activities include scheduled class chats, virtual classroom meetings, or any other activity that requires students to access the course management system (i.e., Blackboard) at a scheduled time. UNIVERSITY DELAY If the University of Louisville is on a delayed schedule, on-campus classes are canceled up until a certain time,and classes that begin at or after the delayed time meet at their regular time and include the full instruction period. However, a delayed schedule will not affect online classes in any way. Coursework is due as planned and any scheduled real-time activities will be held. Please keep in mind, you might need to find alternate internet sources if the computer at your home/work has an outage. University of Louisville and many public libraries offer access. The IT Help Desk is available 365days a year, 6 AM through 2 AM. Contact the IT Help Desk at 502-852-7997 or online at helpdesk@louisville.edu. If you need help quickly, utilize Live Online Support http://louisville.edu/it/support/helpdesk and receive help in just minutes. Prepared by Greta Cesarz, 1/4/23 Hallmark Assessment Task (HAT) PURPOSE: The purpose of this project is for the student to demonstrate knowledge, skills and abilities including, client screening, exercise testing, interpretation of test results, and exercise prescription/program design. PROCESS: Throughout the semester, the student will gather information about their lab partner/client by completing client intake forms, assessing their abilities via fitness testing, and interpreting the results of the fitness tests. With this knowledge, the student will design a 6-week fitness program that fits their client’s abilities and goals. PRODUCT: Section 1 (50pts): Present all relevant information collected about the client in the following numbered, paragraph format. 1. Briefly summarize the results of your client’s PAR-Q and CVD risk factor screening. 2. List any red flags, contraindications, injuries (current or previous), medications, and/or anything of interest from your client’s history and intake forms. If nothing notable appears, use that as your answer. 3. Briefly summarize your client’s Attitudinal Assessment. 4. List your client’s three desired health goals (exercise, nutrition, healthy lifestyle) in SMART format and identify each as process, performance, or outcome goals. 5. Based on the main SMART goals of your client, discuss three short-term or behavior goals you are setting for your client. 6. Using Table 7.3 from your textbook/lecture slides, calculate your client’s predicted resting energy expenditure (REE) and estimated daily calorie needs. 7. Briefly discuss general dietary recommendations for your client and why you are suggesting those. 8. Discuss your client’s primary exercise/performance goals (hypertrophy, aerobic endurance, strength, etc). 9. Next, specifically discuss how the exercise program you’ve designed fits the primary exercise/performance goals of the client. Provide a justification of your choices of frequency, intensity, volume, rest intervals, and exercise selection. 10. List and briefly discuss five things that you learned while training your client in the lab (these can be practical things, such as the importance of demonstrating exercises versus verbalizing them). This assignment must be typed with 1-inch margins, 12 font and double-spaced. Expected document length should be 3-5 pages double-spaced, broken down into 1 paragraph per numbered item. Section 2 (50 pts): Your client’s 6-week program. Provide a copy of the program you wrote for your client including warm-ups, plyometrics, aerobic training, resistance training, and flexibility training. Do not forget to include time, distance, sets, reps, and rest times where necessary. This should be presented in a clear format either in Word or Excel. Students can consult with any reference they choose but the paper must be your own original work. Any sources other than lecture, common knowledge, or your textbook must be referenced on a works cited page. Any signs of plagiarism will be dealt with according to University plagiarism policies. Due date: April 18 by 11:59pm, submitted on Blackboard and Foliotek. Hallmark Assessment Task Rubric Insufficient Developing Target Exemplary Part 1: Summary ACSM KSA's: 1.3.2,3; 1.7.32,33,43,47; 1.8.4; 2.2.1, 1.1.10,12,14,15,17, 23,31,36-38; 1.3.1-3; 1.7.1,1013,15,17,18,32,33; 1.7.42,43,47; 1.8.4; 1.9.9; 1.11.12; 2.2.1 Does not clearly understand assignment. Relies on insufficient, irrelevant, unreliable information. Misunderstands key concepts. Uses superficial, simplistic, or irrelevant reasons for unjustifiable conclusions. Demonstrates an understanding of the assignment's purpose. Identifies key concepts but not with depth of a '4.' Follows evidence and reason to obtain solutions, but not with depth of a '4.' Missing more than 4 test results/ranks. Does not present in proper format. Demonstrates a clear understanding of the assignment’s purpose. Displays sufficient, credible, relevant information. Identifies and accurately explains/uses the key concepts. Follows evidence and reason in order to obtain accurate conclusions or solutions. Accurately reports all test results and ranks. Part 2: Program ACSM KSA's: 1.1.17,23,31,36-38; 1.7.1,1013,15,17,18,42 Does not clearly understand assignment. Relies on insufficient, irrelevant, unreliable information. Misunderstands key concepts. Program is missing, unreadable, or contains 8 or more errors. Is not completely clear about purpose of assignment. Gathers some credible information, but not enough; some information may be irrelevant or inaccurate. Identifies some, but not all, key concepts; may be superficial or inaccurate. Does follow some evidence, but inferences may be unclear, illogical, or inconsistent. Missing half or more of test results/ranks. Is not completely clear about purpose of assignment. Gathers some credible information, but not enough; some information may be irrelevant or inaccurate. Identifies some, but not all, key concepts; may be superficial or inaccurate. Program is illogical or incomplete. 5-7 incorrect exercise selections. Demonstrates a clear understanding of the assignment’s purpose. Gathers sufficient, credible, relevant information. Identifies and accurately explains/uses the relevant key concepts. Program is logical and understandable. Organization/ Grammar Response lacks organization and concise thought. 10 or more grammatical errors. Parts 1 and 2 in incorrect format. Demonstrates an understanding of the assignment's purpose. Gathers some information from opposing views. Identifies key concepts but not with depth of a '4.' Follows evidence and reason to obtain solutions, but not with depth of a '4.' Program lacks some logic/incorrect exercise selections (2-4). Staysmostly focused. Mostlyconcise with minimal extra information. Reports some minimal unrelated information. Average organization. 35 grammatical errors. Part 1 OR 2 in incorrect format. Loses focus throughout document. Some concise response, but overall lacking in thiscategory. Below average organization. 6-9 grammatical errors. Parts 1 AND 2 in incorrect format. Stays focused throughout. Concise responses to questions. No more than 1-2 grammatical errors. Uses correct format in Parts 1 and 2.