________________________________________________________________________________________________ Diploma Supplement Diploma Supplement Diploma Supplement Diploma Supplement GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE MODULAR PROGRAMME ARRANGEMENTS Diploma Supplement GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE MODULAR PROGRAMME ARRANGEMENTS Diploma Supplement DESCRIPTION OF THE MODULAR PROGRAMME ARRANGEMENTS AND OF REQUIREMENTS FORPROGRAMME TAUGHT AWARDS GENERALGENERAL DESCRIPTION THE MODULAR ARRANGEMENTS GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE MODULAR PROGRAMME ARRANGEMENTS ANDAND REQUIREMENTS FOR TAUGHT AWARDS Diploma Supplement REQUIREMENTS FOR PROGRAMME TAUGHT AWARDS GENERAL AND DESCRIPTION OF THE MODULAR ARRANGEMENTS REQUIREMENTS FOR TAUGHT AWARDS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR TAUGHT AWARDS GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE MODULAR PROGRAMME ARRANGEMENTS AND REQUIREMENTS The Diploma Supplement issued by the University of Leeds follows the FOR modelTAUGHT developedAWARDS by the European Commission, Council of Europe TheThe Diploma Supplement byof the of Leeds follows the model developed by European Commission, Council of Europe AND REQUIREMENTS FOR TAUGHT AWARDS TheDiploma Diploma Supplement issued by the University of follows the model developed bythe the European Commission, Council of Council Europe Supplement issued byUniversity the University of provide Leeds follows theindependent model developed by the European Commission, and UNESCO/CEPES. Theissued purpose the supplement is Leeds to sufficient data to improve ‘international transparency’ and The Diploma Supplement issued by the University of Leeds follows the model developed by the European Commission, Council of Europe and UNESCO/CEPES. The purpose of the supplement is to provide sufficient independent data to improve ‘international transparency’ and UNESCO/CEPES. The recognition purpose The of the supplement is(diplomas, to provide sufficient independent data It toisimprove ‘international transparency’ and of and Europe andprofessional UNESCO/CEPES. purpose of the supplement is to provide sufficient independent data to improve fair academic and of qualifications degrees, certificates etc). designed to provide a description of the The Diploma Supplement issued by the of University of Leedsis(diplomas, follows thesufficient model developed by etc). the European Commission, Council of Europe andacademic UNESCO/CEPES. The recognition purpose the supplement to provide independent data toItisimprove ‘international transparency’ and fair academic and professional of qualifications degrees, certificates It designed to provide a description of the the fair and professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates etc). is designed to provide a description of 'international transparency' and fair academic and professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates etc). nature, level, context, content and status of studies that were pursued and successfully completed by the individual named on the original The Diploma Supplement issued by the University of Leeds follows the model developed by the European Commission, Council of Europe and UNESCO/CEPES. The purpose of the supplement isthat to provide sufficient independent data to improve ‘international transparency’ and fair academic andcontent professional recognition ofstudies qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates etc). Itby isbythe designed to provide a description of the nature, level, context, and status of studies that were pursued and successfully completed individual named on the original nature, level, context, content and status of were pursued and successfully completed the individual named on original It is designed to provide a description of the nature, level, context, content and status of studies that were pursued and qualification tolevel, which this supplement It should free from anysuccessfully value judgements, statements suggestions and UNESCO/CEPES. The recognition purpose ofappended. the supplement is(diplomas, tobe provide sufficient independent data Ittoequivalence improve ‘international transparency’ and nature, context, content andis of studies that were pursued and completed by the individual named on the original fair academic professional ofappended. qualifications degrees, certificates etc). isequivalence designed to provide aor description of the qualification toand which this supplement isstatus appended. It should be free from anyany value equivalence or qualification to which this supplement is It should be free from value judgements, statements or suggestions successfully completed byin the individual named on the original qualification tojudgements, which this supplement isstatements appended. Itsuggestions should be fair academic and professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates etc).provided, Itby is the designed to provide ashould description of the about recognition. Information allstatus eight sections should be provided. Where information is not an explanation give the qualification to which this supplement is appended. It should be free from any value judgements, equivalence statements or suggestions nature, level, context, content and of studies that were pursued and successfully completed individual named on the original about recognition. Information in alland sections should provided. Where information is isnot the about recognition. Information ineight all eight sections should be or provided. Where information notprovided, provided, anexplanation explanation should the free from any value judgements, equivalence statements suggestions about recognition. Information in allnamed eightshould sections nature, level, context, content of studies thatbewere pursued completed by thean individual thegive original reason why. about recognition. Information in all eight sections be provided. Where information is not equivalence provided, an explanation should give the qualification to which this supplement isstatus appended. It should should be fromand anysuccessfully value judgements, oron suggestions reason why. reason why.be should provided. Where information is not provided, an free explanation should give the reason why. statements qualification to which this supplement is appended. It should be free from any value judgements, equivalence statements or suggestions reason why. about recognition. Information all eight sections should be provided. Where information is not provided, an explanation should give the It is issued as two elements as in follows: about recognition. Information all eight sections should be provided. Where information is not provided, an explanation should give the It is issued aselements two elements elements as follows: It is Itissued as two as follows: is issued as two asin follows: reason why. It is issued as two elements as follows: why. • areason ‘Diploma Supplement and Transcript’ sheet sheet settingsetting out theout individual and academic information on an individual holder ofholder one of of the a a'Diploma Supplement andTranscript’ Transcript' the individual and academic information on an individual ‘Diploma Supplement and sheet setting out individual and academic information onan anindividual individual holder of of one •It is issued a•‘Diploma Transcript’ sheet setting out5.2, the6the individual and academic information on holder one of of the the as‘Diploma twoSupplement elements asand follows: University’s awards as required under sections 1, 2, 4, and 7 of the model; • isone a Supplement and Transcript’ sheet setting out the individual and academic information on an individual holder of one of the of the University's awards as required under sections 1, 2, 4, 5.2, 6 and 7 of the model; It issued as two elements as follows: University’s awards as required under sections 1,4, 2,5.2, 4, 5.2, 6 and 7 the of the model; University’s awards as required under sections 1, 2, 6 and 7 of model; University’s awards as required under sections 1, out 2, 4,the 5.2, 6 and 7 of the model; this General Description of the modular programme arrangements and requirements for taught awards at holder the University a ‘Diploma Supplement and Transcript’ sheet setting individual and academic information on individual of oneout of the the • this Description of the programme arrangements andand requirements for taught at the the a ‘Diploma Supplement and Transcript’ sheet setting out the individual and academic information onan an individual holdersetting of one of • General this General Description ofmodular the modular programme arrangements requirements for taughtawards awards theUniversity University setting out the • this General Description of the modular programme arrangements and requirements for taught awards atat the University setting out the out the information as required under sections 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6.2 and 8 of the model. University’s awards as required under sections 1, 2, 4, 5.2, 6 and 7 of the model; • setting this General Description of the modular programme arrangements and requirements for taught awards at the University setting out the information as required under sections 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6.2 and 8 of the model. University’s as awards as required under sections 1, 2, 4, andand 7 of8the model; information required under sections 3,5.2, 4, 6.2 5,6 6.2 of model. information as required under sections 2.3,2.3, 2.4,2.4, 2.5,2.5, 3, 4, andand 8 of thethe model. information as required under sections 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 3, 5, 4, 5, 6.2 8 of the model. The two do notof constitute a Diploma Supplement unless they have beentogether issued together in of an official • two this General Description theofamodular programme arrangements and requirements for awards atof the setting out the the The do not constitute Diploma Supplement unless they have been issued in support an official certificate • elements thiselements General Description the programme arrangements and requirements fortaught taught awards atsupport the University setting out The two elements do not constitute amodular Diploma Supplement unless they have been issued together support anUniversity official certificate The two elements not constitute asections Diploma Supplement unless they have issued together ininsupport ofofan official certificate certificate confirming theunder award of aDiploma degree orqualification. other academic qualification. The two not Supplement unless have issued information asdorequired 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, and 8 been of thethe model. confirming theelements award of arequired degree or other academic information asdo under 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 3, 4, 6.2 5, they 6.2 and 8 been of model.together in support of an official certificate confirming the award of aconstitute degree orasections other academic qualification. confirming the award of a degree or other academic qualification. confirming the award of a degree or other academic qualification. IDENTIFYING THE HOLDER OF THE QUALIFICATION The1. two elements do notdoconstitute a Diploma Supplement unless they have been issued together The twoINFORMATION elements not constitute a Diploma Supplement unless they have been issued togetherininsupport supportofofan anofficial official certificate certificate confirming the award of a degree or other academic qualification. confirming the award of a degree or other academic qualification. 1.1 Family Name 1.2 Given Name 1.3 Date of Birth 1.4 Student identification number/code 1. IDENTIFYING THETHE HOLDER OF OF THE QUALIFICATION 1. INFORMATION INFORMATION IDENTIFYING HOLDER THE QUALIFICATION 1. IDENTIFYING THETHE HOLDER OF OF THE QUALIFICATION 1. INFORMATION INFORMATION IDENTIFYING HOLDER THE QUALIFICATION 1.1 Family Name 1.2 Given Name 1.3this Date of Birth Student identification number/code 1.1 are Family Name 1.2 transcript Given Name 1.3 Date of supplement. Birth 1.4 1.4 Student identification number/code shown on the element of 1.1 Family Name 1.2 Given Name 1.3THE Date of Birth 1.4 Student identification number/code 1.1 Name 1.2 Given Name 1.3THE Date of Birth 1.4OF Student identification number/code 1. INFORMATION INFORMATION IDENTIFYING HOLDER THE QUALIFICATION 1. Family IDENTIFYING HOLDER OF THE QUALIFICATION areIdentification shown the No transcript element of supplement. this supplement. are shown on theontranscript element of this The shown is the unique Identification Number for a student registered at the University of Leeds*. are shown the Given transcript element ofDate thisDate supplement. are on theon transcript element of1.3 this supplement. 1.1 Family Name 1.2 Given Name 1.3 of Birth 1.4 Student identification number/code 1.1 shown Family Name 1.2 Name of Birth 1.4Number Student identification number/code TheHESA Identification No shown isunique the unique Identification anumber student registered the University Leeds TheThe Identification shown theunique Identification Number for for a student registered atatthe University ofofaLeeds NoNo shown is isthe national identifying/reference for students registered at state*.*. university in the UK The Identification No shown is the unique Identification Number for a student registered the University Leeds The Identification No is the unique Number for a student registered atatthe University ofofLeeds *.*. are shown ontranscript theshown transcript element ofIdentification this supplement. are shown on the element of this supplement. from the Higher Education Statistics Agency, UK. The HESA No shown isunique the unique national identifying/reference number for students registeredatata astate stateuniversity universityin in the the UK UK from from the The HESA No shown is the national identifying/reference number for students registered the The Identification HESA No shown isunique the Agency, unique national identifying/reference number students registered ata astate stateuniversity university in the the UK UK from from the The No the unique Identification Number a student registered theUniversity University Leeds*.*. in The Identification HESA NoEducation shown is Statistics theshown national identifying/reference number forfor students registered at the Higher UK. The No shown is IDENTIFYING theisunique Identification Number for for a student registered atatthe ofofLeeds Higher Education Statistics Agency, UK. 2. Higher INFORMATION THE QUALIFICATION Education Statistics Agency, UK. HigherThe Education Statistics Agency, UK.national HESA No shown is the unique identifying/reference number for students registered at a state university in the UK from the The2.1 HESA No shown is the uniqueand national identifying/reference number students state university in the UK from the Name of the qualification the 2.2for Main field(s)registered of study at forathe qualification Higher Education Statistics Agency, UK.title conferred Higher2. Education Statistics Agency, UK. INFORMATION IDENTIFYING THE QUALIFICATION 2. are INFORMATION IDENTIFYING QUALIFICATION 2.shown INFORMATION IDENTIFYING THE QUALIFICATION on the transcript elementTHE of this supplement. 2. IDENTIFYING 2.1 INFORMATION Name of the qualification and theTHE title QUALIFICATION conferred 2.2 Main field(s) of study for the qualification 2.1 2.3 Name of the and the Main field(s) of study forfor thethe qualification 2.1 Name ofqualification the qualification andtitle the conferred title conferred 2.2 Main field(s) of study qualification 2.Name INFORMATION IDENTIFYING THE QUALIFICATION and status of the awarding institution (in 2.2 original language) 2.1 Name of the qualification and the title conferred 2.2 2. IDENTIFYING are INFORMATION shown on the transcript element THE of thisQUALIFICATION supplement. Main field(s) of study for the qualification are shown on the transcript element of this supplement. are shown onthe the transcript element oftitle thisconferred supplement. 2.1 Name of qualification and the Main of study for the qualification The ofstatus Leeds, a university established under2.2 alanguage) Royalfield(s) Charter granted in 1904, originated from the Leeds School of are onthe theand transcript thisinstitution supplement. 2.3University Name ofelement the (in original 2.1 shown Name of qualification andawarding theoftitle conferred 2.2 Main field(s) of study for the qualification founded in 1831 and the Yorkshire College of Science founded in 1874. It is recognised by the UK authorities as 2.3 Name and status of the awarding institution (in original language) 2.3 Medicine Name and status of the awarding institution (in original language) are shown on the transcript element of this supplement. 2.3 Name and status the awarding (in original The University ofofto Leeds, a university established under alanguage) Royal Charter granted in 1904, originated from the Leeds School of Medicine are shown on transcript element ofinstitution this supplement. having thethe power award its own degrees see http://www.bis.gov.uk/policies/higher-education/recognised-uk-degrees The The University of Leeds, aYorkshire university established under a Royal Charter granted 1904, originated fromthe theLeeds Leeds School ofpower Medicine The University ofand Leeds, a university established under a Royal Charter granted in in 1904, originated School of Medicine 2.3 Name status of the awarding institution (in original language) founded in 1831 and the College of Science founded in 1874. It is recognised by the UKfrom authorities as having the to award power to award degrees is protected by UK law. The University of Leeds, a university established under a Royal Charter granted in 1904, originated from the Leeds School of Medicine founded in 1831 and the Yorkshire College of(inScience founded in 1874. is recognised by theUK UK authorities as having the power to award 2.3 Name status of the awarding institution original language) founded inand 1831 and see the Yorkshire College of Science founded in 1874. Itpower isIt recognised by the authorities as having the award its own degrees http://www.dcfs.gov.uk/recognisedukdegrees/ The to award degrees is protected by UK law. The University of Leeds, a university established under a Royal Charter granted in 1904, originated from the Leeds School of Medicine founded in 1831 and the http://www.dcfs.gov.uk/recognisedukdegrees/ Yorkshire College of Science founded in 1874. Itpower is recognised by the UK authorities as having itsdegrees own degrees see The to award degrees is protected by UK law. the power to award http://www.bis.gov.uk/policies/higher-education/recognised-uk-degrees The power to by 2.4 Name and Status of institution (if different from 2.3) administering studies (in original language) its own see http://www.dcfs.gov.uk/recognisedukdegrees/ The power to award degrees is protected UK law. The University ofsee Leeds, a university established Royal Charter granted inaward 1904, originated from Leeds Schoolthe of power Medicine founded in 1831 the Yorkshire College ofunder Science founded in 1874. It istorecognised by theis UK authorities as to award 2.4 Name and Status of institution (if different from a2.3) administering studies (in original language) its own degrees http://www.dcfs.gov.uk/recognisedukdegrees/ The power degrees protected UKhaving law. http://www.bis.gov.uk/policies/higher-education/recognised-uk-degrees The power to the by award degrees is and protected by UK law. 2.4 and Status of institution (if different from 2.3) administering (in original language) founded inName 1831 the Yorkshire College of Science founded in 1874. Itstudies isorrecognised by the UKisof authorities asUK having to award its degrees see http://www.dcfs.gov.uk/recognisedukdegrees/ The power award degrees protected by law. 2.4 Name and Status ofstudents institution (if different from 2.3) administering studies (into original language) All orown some ofand the atlaw. the following institutions follow degree other programmes study validated by the thepower University as award degrees is protected by UK Alldegrees orand some of the students at the followingfrom institutions follow degree or otherto programmes of study validatedby byUK thelaw. University as leading to 2.4 Name Status of institution (ifawards. different 2.3) administering studies (in original language) its own see http://www.dcfs.gov.uk/recognisedukdegrees/ The power award degrees is protected leading to one of its academic These institutions are recognised by the UK authorities as being able to offer courses All or some of the students at the following institutions follow degree or other programmes of study validated by the University as leading 2.4 Name and Status of institution (if different from 2.3) administering studies (in original language) All or some of the students at the following institutions follow degree or other programmes of study validated by the University as leading to one of its academic awards. These institutions are recognised by the UK authorities as being able to offer courses leading to a degree of ato leading to aStatus degree of a recognised body such as the University -UK seeauthorities http://www.bis.gov.uk/policies/higherAll of students at the following institutions follow degree or other programmes of study by theleading University leading one of itsthe academic awards. These institutions are recognised by the as being abletovalidated tooffer offercourses courses leading to aaas degree of aato 2.4or Name and of institution (if different from 2.3) administering studies (in original language) recognised body such as the University see http://www.dcfs.gov.uk/recognisedukdegrees/. one ofsome its academic awards. These institutions are recognised by the UK authorities as being able to degree of some body of the students at University the following institutions follow other programmes study by the University leading recognised such as the - see http://www.dcfs.gov.uk/recognisedukdegrees/. one education/recognised-uk-degrees ofAll itsor academic awards. These institutions are recognised bydegree the UKorauthorities as beingofable to validated offer courses leading to a as degree of to a recognised body such as awards. the University - see http://www.dcfs.gov.uk/recognisedukdegrees/. one of its academic These institutions are recognised by the UK authorities as being able to offer courses leading to a degree of ato All or some of the students at the following institutions follow degree or other programmes of study validated by the University as leading Accredited Institutions Leeds Trinity & All Saints http://www.leedstrinity.ac.uk/ † recognised bodyInstitutions such as the University - see http://www.dcfs.gov.uk/recognisedukdegrees/. Accredited Leeds Trinity University College http://www.leedstrinity.ac.uk/ Accredited Institutions Leeds Trinity & All Saints http://www.leedstrinity.ac.uk/ = http://www.bis.gov.uk/policies/higher-education/recognised-uk-degrees body such as theYork University - see http://www.dcfs.gov.uk/recognisedukdegrees/. one ofrecognised its academic awards. These institutions are recognised by the UK authorities as being able to offer courses leading to a degree of a St John University http://www.yorksj.ac.uk Accredited Institutions Leeds Trinity & All Saints http://www.leedstrinity.ac.uk/ = ‡ http://www.yorksj.ac.uk York St John University York St John University http://www.yorksj.ac.uk Accredited Institutions Leeds Trinity & Allhttp://www.dcfs.gov.uk/recognisedukdegrees/. Saints http://www.leedstrinity.ac.uk/ = http://www.bis.gov.uk/policies/higher-education/recognised-uk-degrees recognised body such as the University see York St John University http://www.yorksj.ac.uk Accredited Institutions & All Saints http://www.leedstrinity.ac.uk/ Trinity University College = York Leeds St John University http://www.yorksj.ac.uk For students at these institutions who have been =awarded a degree or other academic award of the University of Leeds the York St John University http://www.yorksj.ac.uk Accredited Institutions & All Saints http://www.leedstrinity.ac.uk/ Leeds Trinity University College For students at these institutions who have been awarded a degree orinstitution other academic award of the University of Leeds the transcript element transcript element of this Diploma Supplement is provided by the concerned. = For students at these institutions who have been awarded a degree or other academic award of the University of Leeds the transcript element York is Stprovided John University http://www.yorksj.ac.uk of this Diploma Supplement by theawarded institution concerned. For students at these institutions who have been a degree or other academic award of the University of Leeds the transcript element of this Diploma Supplement is provided by the institution concerned. 2.5 Language of instruction/examination Forthis students at Supplement these institutions who who have been awarded a degree or other academic award element For students atofthese institutions been awarded a degree or other academic awardofofthe theUniversity UniversityofofLeeds Leeds the the transcript transcript element of Diploma is provided byhave the institution concerned. 2.5 Language instruction/examination of thisof Diploma Supplement is provided by the institution concerned. 2.5 Language ofSupplement instruction/examination this Diploma is provided by the institution concerned. programmes arehave taught and examined in or the English language, except where the of subject ofthe theis degree is For The students atofthese institutions beenand awarded a degree other academic award of thethe University of the Leeds transcript element 2.5 Language instruction/examination TheUniversity's University’s programmeswho are allalltaught examined in the English language, except where subject degree such that it is such that itofSupplement isinstruction/examination obvious allteaching or part of the teaching and assessment will have to be where in another language (for example, the BAit is The University’s are allby taught and examined the to English except the subject of the degree such that 2.5this Language 2.5 Language oforprogrammes instruction/examination of Diploma is the provided the institution concerned. obvious that all partthat of and assessment willinhave be in language, another language (for example, the BA degrees inismodern languages Thedegrees University’s programmes all taught and examined in English language, except where the subject degreeinismodern such that it is modern languages such as French, German, Italian, Chinese, Russian etc). obvious all orGerman, part of are the teaching and assessment willthe have to be in another language (for example, theof BAthe degrees languages such asinthat French, Italian, Chinese, etc). The University’s are all andRussian examined the English except where the ofofthe degree such that is The University’s aretaught all taught and examined in the English language, except where thesubject subject the degree is such that itit is 2.5 Language oforprogrammes instruction/examination obvious that partprogrammes of the teaching and assessment willinhave to be in language, another language (for example, the BA degrees inis modern languages such asallFrench, German, Italian, Chinese, Russian etc). obvious that all or part of the teaching and assessment will have to be in another language (for example, the BA degrees in modern languages obvious that all or part of the teaching and assessment will have to be in another language (for example, the BA degrees in modern languages such as French, programmes German, Italian, Chinese, Russian etc). in the English language, except where the subject of the degree is such that it is The are all taught andRussian examined such*University’s as French, German, Italian, Chinese, Russian etc).etc). such asone French, Italian, Chinese, or at of theGerman, University's Accredited Institutions (see 2.4) † obvious that all orLeeds part of the teaching and College: assessment will have to in its another language (forawarding example, the BA degrees in University modern languages formerly Trinity and All Saints this institution hasbehad own taught degree powers since gaining such as French, German, Italian, Chinese, Russian etc). College status in 2009 ‡ formerly York St John University College: this institution has had its own taught degree awarding powers since 2005 and was granted or at one of the University titleUniversity’s in 2006 Accredited Institutions (see 2.4) or at oneYork of the Accredited (see has 2.4)had its own taught degree awarding powers since 2005 and was granted University title in 2006. formerly St University’s John University College:Institutions this institution = formerly York St John University College: this institution has had its own taught degree awarding powers since 2005 and was granted University title in 2006. or at one of the University’s Accredited Institutions (see 2.4) or at of the University’s Accredited Institutions 2.4) or at*one of one the Accredited Institutions (see (see 2.4)had formerly York St University’s John University College: this institution has its own taught degree awarding powers since 2005 and was granted University title in in 2006. = formerly St University John University College: this institution its own taught degree awarding powers since2005 2005and andwas wasgranted granted University University title formerly York StYork John College: this institution has has had had its own taught degree awarding powers since title in 2006. 2006. or at one of the University’s Accredited Institutions (see 2.4) * =* * =* = * 3. INFORMATION ON THE LEVEL OF THE QUALIFICATION 3.1 Level of Qualification The University's undergraduate and taught postgraduate programmes lead to one of the following awards: Summary of the minimum attendance, study and credit requirements for awards M 180 90 7/M Second 180 150 M 135 90 7/M Second 8 months 120 90 M 75 60 7/M Second 4 months 60 60 M 45 30 7/M Second 4 years 480 400 M 80 240 7/M and 6/H First and Second (see Section 8) 180 EHAE Cycle 180 Qualification Level in the NQF and FHEQ for E, W & NI (see Section 8) ECTS Credit Equivalence 1 calendar year 1 calendar year (programme years) Minimum Credits to be Passed at Highest Level Postgraduate Certificate (PGCert) (see † below for the PGCE) Integrated degrees of Master and Bachelor (first degree) Master of Engineering and Bachelor of Engineering (MEng, BEng) Master of Engineering and Bachelor of Science (MEng, BSc) Master of Mathematics and Bachelor of Science (MMath, BSc) Master of Physics and Bachelor of Science (MPhys, BSc) Master of Chemistry and Bachelor of Science (MChem, BSc) Master of Geology and Bachelor of Science (MGeol, BSc) Master of Geophysics and Bachelor of Science (MGeophys, BSc) Master of Geography and Bachelor of Science (MGeog, BSc) Master of Natural Sciences and Bachelor of Science (MNatSc, BSc) Master of Environment and Bachelor of Arts (MEnv, BA) Master of Environment and Bachelor of Science (MEnv, BSc) Highest UL+Level of Modules which must be included Master (PGT) Master of Arts (MA) Master of Laws (LLM) Master of Education (MEd) Master of Science (MSc) Master of Dental Science (MDentSci) Master of Public Health (MPH) Master of Medical Science (MMedSc) Master of Music (MMus) Master of Business Administration (MBA) Master of Science (Engineering) (MSc (Eng)) Master of Psychotherapy (MPsychother) Master of Research (MRes) Master of Health Science (MHSc) Master of Psychoanalytic Observational Studies (MPsychObs) Master of Child Forensic Studies (MCFS) Master of Midwifery (MMid) Master of Business Studies (MBS) Master of Fine Art (MFA) Master in Teaching and Learning (MTL) Postgraduate Diploma (PGDip) Total Minimum Credit volume to be passed Master of Research (MRes) Minimum Full-time Duration Award Title Total Minimum Credit volume to be taken* The following summary is derived from the University's Curricular Ordinances and Regulations which should be consulted for full and precise details of the requirements for awards - see : http://www.leeds.ac.uk/secretariat/ Total Minimum Credit volume to be passed Highest UL+Level of Modules which must be included Minimum Credits to be Passed at Highest Level ECTS Credit Equivalence M 120 300 7/M and 6/H First and Second Bachelor (Hons) Bachelor of Arts (BA) Bachelor of Laws (LLB) Bachelor of Science (BSc) Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) Bachelor of Health Science (BHSc) Bachelor of Music (BMus) Bachelor of Performing Arts (BPA) Bachelor of Design (BDes) 3 years minimum 360 minimum 300** 3 100** 180240 6/H First Bachelor (Ordinary) Bachelor of Arts (BA) Bachelor of Laws (LLB) Bachelor of Science (BSc) Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) Bachelor of Health Science (BHSc) Bachelor of Music (BMus) Bachelor of Performing Arts (BPA) Bachelor of Design (BDes) 3 years minimum 300360*** 240 3 60 (160 at levels 2 and 3 150180 6/H [I] First EHAE Cycle (see Section 8) Total Minimum Credit volume to be taken* 600 Qualification Level in the NQF and FHEQ for E, W & NI (see Section 8) (programme years) 600 Master of Geosciences and Bachelor of Science (MGeosci, BSc) Master of Design and Bachelor of Design (MDes, BDes) Master of Biology and Bachelor of Science (MBiol, BSc) Master of Dental Surgery and Bachelor of Science (MChD, BSc) Bachelor Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB) Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BChD) Minimum Full-time Duration 5 years Award Title combined) 1 year 120 100 3 60 60 6/H First 1 semester 60 60 3 60 30 6/H First Advanced Diploma (AdvDip) 3 years 300 240 3 40 150 6/H Short Foundation Degree (FD) 2 years 240 200 2 100 120 5/I Short Diploma of Higher Education (DipHE) 2 years 240 200 2 100 120 5/I Short Diploma 1 year 120 80 2 60 60 5/I Short Certificate of Higher Education (CertHE) 1 year 120 100 1 100 60 4/C - 1 semester 40 40 1 40 20 4/C - Graduate Diploma (GradDip) Graduate Certificate (GradCert) including Professional Graduate Certificate † Certificate + * † ** *** UL = University of Leeds. in some awards some credit to be taken requirements may be fulfilled through the University's CATS/APCL/APEL arrangements. The PGCE (Postgraduate Certificate in Education or Professional Graduate Certificate in Education) is awarded by the University in conformity with the Statement for use by UUK, SCOP, QAA, UCET - PGCE qualification title - see http://www.qaa.ac.uk/AssuringStandardsAndQuality/Qualifications/Pages/Statement-on-the-PGCE-Qualification.aspx. The award is made as the result of the successful completion of a 38 week HE programme providing both professional training leading to the award of QTS (Qualified Teacher Status) and a course of academic study leading to an academic qualification. It includes at least 60 UL credits (30 ECTS) at the level required for award. exceptionally the award requirements for 3-year programmes leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science (BSc) with Honours in the Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences and in Joint Honours BSc degrees in Science may be met by the achievement of a total of 280 credits including at least 80 UL credits at UL level 3. Students on programmes of study leading to the award of an Ordinary degree must enrol for at least 100 credits, and not more than 120 credits, in each programme year in modules compatible with their programme's specification. Section 8 shows the place of the University's awards in the national education awards frameworks for England, Wales and Northern Ireland and in the European educational cycles. 3.2 Official Length of Programme The minimum full-time duration of studies is shown under 3.1 as the number of 'programme years' (i.e. years of full-time study which may be undertaken over a longer period by part-time students) required for the University's award. In some instances students may complete a full-time programme or some parts thereof on a part-time basis – where this occurs it is evident from the number of credits recorded in any individual academic session on the personalised Diploma Supplement and Transcript sheet which accompanies this General Statement. For second cycle Postgraduate Taught awards (Masters, PGDip and PGCert) the standard Masters programme year comprises a committed workload of at least 1800 hours (100 notional learning hours per 10 UL credits). For the Integrated degrees of Master and Bachelor and for other short and first cycle Undergraduate awards (Bachelors, GradDip, GradCert, PGC, AdvDip, FD, DipHE, CertHE, Diplomas and Certificates) the standard programme year comprises a committed workload of at least 1200 hours (100 notional learning hours per 10 UL credits). Where the required duration of full-time studies is less than a year it is shown as semesters or months. Programme durations may vary according to the discipline: the actual number of programme years studied is shown on the transcript element of this supplement. 3.3 Access requirements Postgraduate Taught Programmes The normal minimum entry requirement for admission to a taught postgraduate programme require candidates to be graduates of the University of Leeds or any other approved university or institution of Higher Education with normally at least the Honours degree of Bachelor in an appropriate discipline or its equivalent; or if not graduates, to possess other qualifications and/or experience which is recognised by the University as the equivalent of an Honours degree of Bachelor through its procedures for the recognition of prior certificated or experiential learning. Undergraduate Programmes The normal minimum entry requirement for admission to a first degree or undergraduate award programme comprises passes (in GCSE subjects at grade A*, A, B or C) in 5 subjects in GCSE/GCE 'A-Level' examinations including: at least a grade A*, A, B or C in English at GCSE or its equivalent, and at least two subjects at grade A-E in GCE 'A-Level' examinations or their equivalent. This normal minimum requirement may also be fulfilled by the equivalent in other examinations such as Intermediate GNVQ and Advanced GNVQ/Advanced VCE, International/European Baccalaureate Diploma, a recognised Access course or other qualifications recognised by the University or through the assessment of an applicant's prior certificated or experiential learning through the University's procedures for the recognition of such learning. All Programmes Applicants for admission to a programme of study leading to any degree of the University must, before they can be admitted to the University, provide evidence that they have attained normally at least a band score of 6.0 overall (with not less than 5.5 in any individual skill) in the British Council IELTS, or equivalent qualifications which have been approved by the University. Upon admission to the University all applicants whose first language is not English must undergo a test in English. Students who fail to reach a satisfactory standard in this test are required to complete satisfactorily appropriate courses, as may be required. These may require a year of study additional to the period required for a qualification of the University. 4. INFORMATION ON THE CONTENTS AND RESULTS GAINED 4.1 Mode of Study Studies are full-time unless part-time studies are indicated on the transcript element of this supplement. 4.2 Programme Requirements The University publishes the learning outcomes of its programme and its individual modules in the programme and module catalogues accessible through the University's website at: http://webprod1.leeds.ac.uk/catalogue/programmesearch.asp. Details of programme requirements at one of the University's Accredited Institutions are available from the relevant institution (see 2.4). 4.3 Programme Details (modules or units studied and individual grades/marks/credits obtained) are shown on the transcript element of this supplement. 4.4 Grading Scheme and, if available, grade distribution and guidance Full details of the University's grading and awarding arrangements are published in the University's Ordinances, Regulations and Rules for Award - available from: http://www.leeds.ac.uk/secretariat/. The University operates a unified corporate degree, diploma and certificate awarding/classification system for undergraduate and taught postgraduate programmes that are not otherwise constrained by accreditation requirements. The University's classification arrangements are designed to be consistent with the QAA Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (EWNI), including taking due account of the relationship between assessment arrangements and programme learning outcomes. The classification system is based on averaging the grades obtained across the modules comprising the final programme years of the programme for the award concerned with the grades being weighted in line with the credit value of the modules concerned. 0-100 Numeric Scale (see also the guidance on the Interpretation of Diploma Supplement and Transcript Information for Taught Modular Programmes on the reverse of the transcript element of this supplement) All numeric grades on the transcript element are shown in the University's 0-100 scale. All assessed work is marked according to the achievement represented. It should be noted that in disciplines within the University's Faculties of Arts and of Education, Social Sciences and Law examiners usually mark within a 20-90 scale: these marks have been translated to the 0-100 scale for the purpose of the Diploma Supplement and Transcript. Information on the University's Rules for Award is given at: http://www.leeds.ac.uk/secretariat/. Award and Classification Students’ eligibility for award is determined on the basis of their: meeting the requirements of the relevant Ordinance and Regulations i.e. obtaining sufficient credits at the appropriate level(s) in the prescribed manner, and meeting the requirements of the programme specification concerned to satisfy the programme outcomes through passing all compulsory and sufficient optional/elective modules, and through achieving a 'Classification Average' or 'Award Average' grade/mark, calculated as the average (weighted mean) of the marks achieved in all the modules taken in the relevant programme year(s), which is equal to or greater than the prescribed minimum Classification/Award Average pass grade/mark. The 'Classification Average/Award Average' mark obtained determines any classification of the award in accordance with the following diagram: Bachelors Degrees awarded with or without Unclassified Honours The registrable (see section 5.2) clinical degrees of MBChB and BChD are awarded in line with the requirements of national and professional practice. They are assessed and graded in accordance with the provisions detailed in their prescribed programme specifications. Their award with unclassified honours is reserved solely for candidates who have achieved distinction across the modules, programme components and examinations in all the programme years in accordance with the requirements stated in the relevant programme specification. 4.5 Overall Classification of the qualification (in original language) is shown on the transcript element of this supplement. 5. INFORMATION ON THE FUNCTION OF THE QUALIFICATION 5.1 Access to further study A second cycle Masters degree of the University gives access to postgraduate research (Doctoral) programmes. A first cycle Bachelors degree of the University normally with second class honours or above gives access to taught postgraduate study. Intermediate cycle awards of the University give access to first cycle Honours Bachelors degrees. 5.2 Professional Status (if applicable) The following professions for which the University provides programmes of education and training are subject to statutory regulation by the UK Government: doctors, dentists, nurses, midwives, radiographers and school teachers. Other professions are regulated by a specialist college, society or institute with its own individually prescribed examinations and requirements for membership. The accreditation/recognition of one of the University's programmes by one or more of these professional bodies may be on the basis that the programme meets in full its membership requirements or that success in the University's examinations, possibly at a prescribed level of attainment, gives exemption from all or some of the professional body's membership examinations. Holders of University awards accredited/recognised by such a professional body may apply for membership of that body on an individual basis and thereafter maintain or extend their membership by continuing to meet the professional body's requirements which usually include payment of annual membership fees. Any accreditation, professional or statutory recognition of the programme of study followed by a holder of an award of the University is shown on the transcript element of this supplement. Details of the current professional standing of a holder of one of the University's awards is certified by the relevant professional or statutory body independently of documentation produced by the University. 6. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 6.1 Additional Information Candidates for the University's awards who have previously successfully attended certain courses of study either at the University of Leeds or at an approved educational establishment are eligible for special consideration under the policies and procedures for credit accumulation and transfer (CATS)/accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) for the granting of exemption from any module/course and its examinations other than the modules/courses comprising the final examinations for an award of the University providing always that no such exemptions will apply to the statutory qualifying examinations for registrable awards or to the penultimate programme year for the Integrated degrees of Master and Bachelor. Where applicable such study exemptions are shown on the transcript element of this supplement. Programmes of study may include requirements for substantial Study or Work Experience (Industrial Placements) outside the University which may be reflected in the programme title as detailed in the award information and/or identified in the other information given in the transcript element of this supplement. Where modules contributing to an award of this University have been taken under the University's arrangements for collaborative programmes (i.e. programmes are offered jointly with other Universities and Institutions) these modules and the location of studies are identified in the transcript element of this supplement. Award holders of the University may, in addition to providing this Diploma Supplement and Transcript, also have a Progress File i.e. their individual records of learning and achievements, progress reviews and plans that are used to clarify personal goals and which can provide a resource from which material is selected to produce personal statements (e.g. curricula vitae etc) for employers, admission tutors and others. Progress files also contain information on the structured Personal Development Planning (PDP) processes supported by the University and designed to develop the capacity of its students to reflect upon their own learning and achievement, and to plan for their own personal educational and career development. Further information on HE Progress Files and PDP in the UK HE system is available from: http://www.qaa.ac.uk/Publications/InformationAndGuidance/Documents/progfile2001.pdf 6.2 Further Information Sources § The University's website is at http://www.leeds.ac.uk . Further information of arrangements for Higher Education in the UK is obtainable from: The UK National Academic Recognition Information Centre (NARIC/ENIC), ECCTIS 2000, Oriel House, Oriel Road, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL50 1XP, United Kingdom. 7. CERTIFICATION OF THE SUPPLEMENT 7.1 Date 7.2 Signature 7.3 Capacity are shown on the transcript element of this supplement June 2012 § See section 2.4 for the websites of the University's Accredited Institutions. 7.4 Official stamp or seal 8. INFORMATION ON THE NATIONAL HIGHER EDUCATION SYSTEM Description of Higher Education in England, Wales and Northern Ireland In England, Wales and Northern Ireland**,higher education institutions are independent, self-governing bodies active in teaching, research and scholarship. They are established by Royal Charter or legislation and most are part-funded by government. Higher education (HE) is provided by many different types of institution. In addition to universities and university colleges, whose charters and statutes are made through the Privy Council which advises the Queen on the granting of Royal Charters and incorporation of universities, there are a number of publicly-designated and autonomous institutions within the higher education sector. Publicly funded higher education provision is available in some colleges of further education by the authority of another duly empowered institution. Teaching to prepare students for the award of higher education qualifications can be conducted in any higher education institution and in some further education colleges. Degree awarding powers and the title ‘university’ All universities and many higher education colleges have the legal power to develop their own courses and award their own degrees, as well as determine the conditions on which they are awarded. Some HE colleges and specialist institutions without these powers offer programmes, with varying extents of devolved authority, leading to the degrees of an institution which does have them. All universities in existence before 2005 have the power to award degrees on the basis of completion of taught courses and the power to award research degrees. From 2005, institutions in England and Wales that award only taught degrees (‘first’ and ‘second cycle’) and which meet certain numerical criteria, may also be permitted to use the title ‘university’. Higher education institutions that award only taught degrees but which do not meet the numerical criteria may apply to use the title ‘university college’, although not all choose to do so. All of these institutions are subject to the same regulatory quality assurance and funding requirements as universities; and all institutions decide for themselves which students to admit and which staff to appoint. Degrees and other higher education qualifications are legally owned by the awarding institution, not by the state. The names of institutions with their own degree awarding powers (‘Recognised Bodies’) are available for download at: http://www.bis.gov.uk/policies/higher-education/recognised-uk-degrees/recognised-bodies. Higher education institutions, further education colleges and other organisations able to offer courses leading to a degree of a Recognised Body are listed by the English, Welsh and Northern Irish authorities, and are known as ‘Listed Bodies’. View the list at: http://www.bis.gov.uk/policies/higher-education/recognised-uk-degrees/listed-bodies. Qualifications The types of qualifications awarded by higher education institutions at sub-degree and undergraduate (first cycle) and postgraduate level (second and third cycles) are described in the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications in England, Wales and Northern Ireland (FHEQ). This also includes qualification descriptors that were developed with the HE sector by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA - established in 1997 as an independent UK-wide body to monitor the standard of higher education provision – www.qaa.ac.uk). The FHEQ was self-certified as compatible with the Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area, the qualifications framework adopted as part of the Bologna Process, in February 2009. Foundation degrees, designed to create intermediate awards strongly oriented towards specific employment opportunities, were introduced in 2001. In terms of the European Higher Education Area they are ‘short cycle’ qualifications within the first cycle. The FHEQ is one component of the Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales (CQFW). The Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA), the Department for Children, Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills, Wales (DCELLS) and the Council for Curriculum Examination and Assessment, Northern Ireland (CCEA) have established the Qualifications and Credit Framework (to replace, in time, the National Qualifications Framework (NQF)). These authorities regulate a number of professional, statutory and other awarding bodies which control VET and general qualifications at all levels. The QCF is also incorporated into the CQFW. There is a close association between the levels of the FHEQ and the NQF (as shown overleaf), and other frameworks of the UK and Ireland (see ‘Qualifications can cross Boundaries’ http://www.qaa.ac.uk/standardsandquality/otherrefpoints/Qualsboundaries09.pdf). Quality Assurance Academic standards are established and maintained by higher education institutions themselves using an extensive and sophisticated range of shared quality assurance approaches and structures. Standards and quality in institutions are underpinned by the universal use of external examiners, a standard set of indicators and other reports, by the activities of the QAA, and in professional areas by relevant professional, statutory and regulatory bodies. This ensures that institutions meet national expectations described in the FHEQ: subject benchmark statements, the Code of Practice and programme specifications. QAA conducts peer-review based audits and reviews of higher education institutions with the opportunity for subject-based review as the need arises. The accuracy and adequacy of qualityrelated information published by the higher education institutions is also reviewed. QAA also reviews publicly funded higher education provision in further education colleges. Credit Systems Most higher education institutions in England and Northern Ireland belong to one of several credit consortia and some operate local credit accumulation and transfer systems for students moving between programmes and/or institutions. A framework of national guidelines, the Higher Education Credit Framework for England, was launched in 2008. Credit is also an integral part of the CQFW and the QCF. It may be possible for credit awarded in one framework to be recognised by education providers whose qualifications sit within a different framework. HE credit systems in use in England, Wales and Northern Ireland are compatible with the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) for accumulation and transfers within the European Higher Education Area, and are used to recognise learning gained by students in institutions elsewhere in Europe. Admission The most common qualification for entry to higher education is the General Certificate of Education at ‘Advanced’ (A) level. Other appropriate NQF level 3 qualifications and the kite-marked Access to HE Diploma may also provide entry to HE. Level 3 qualifications in the CQFW, including the Welsh Baccalaureate, also provide entry, as do Scottish Highers, Advanced Highers or qualifications at the same levels of the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework. Part-time and mature students may enter HE with these qualifications or alternatives with evidenced equivalent prior formal and/or experiential learning. Institutions will admit students whom they believe to have the potential to complete their programmes successfully. ** The UK has a system of devolved government, including for higher education, to Scotland, to Wales and to Northern Ireland. This description is approved by the High Level Policy Forum which includes representatives of the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, the Scottish Government, the Welsh Assembly Government, the Higher Education Funding Councils for England, Scotland and Wales, the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), Universities UK (UUK), GuildHE and the National Recognition Information Centre for the UK (UK NARIC).