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Paper Tower Challenge: Engineering Design & Build

Paper Tower Challenge
In this engineering challenge, you will use limited materials to build a paper tower as tall as
possible, but there's a twist! Your tower must also support a heavy weight at the top without
Throughout the world, engineers have designed a wide variety of observation towers in different
shapes and sizes. Unlike regular buildings and skyscrapers, which typically have rooms (offices,
apartments, etc.) on every floor, observation towers may have a mostly "hollow" structure with
an observation deck on top. Other similar structures that have a hollow frame with a heavy load
at the top can include water towers and radio towers
Materials and Equipment
Students who entered the challenge were only allowed to use the materials listed below.
Construction materials:
Paper A4 size (maximum 30 sheets)
Tape (maximum one roll)
Tools: Scissors (Ruler, Pencil)
Testing : Unopened can of food (425 g), Metric tape measure will be provided, 2N loads
Experimental Procedure
The objective of this challenge is to build a paper tower that is as tall as possible and can support
a can of food at the top. Figure 1 shows several examples.
Figure 1 : Examples of paper towers that comply with the contest rules
● The tower can only be built from paper and tape. Tools cannot be used as structural
elements of the tower.
● You cannot use more than 30 pieces of paper and more than one roll of tape.
● The bottom of the tower can only be taped to the floor, table, etc. It cannot be taped to
anything else (like the vertical leg of a table or a wall) or supported by a person.
● You are allowed to fold, bend, roll, and cut the pieces of paper.
● The tower must support one can of food (425 g) for at least 1 minute without collapsing.
You cannot touch, modify, or repair the tower during this minute.
● The can must rest freely on the tower and be removable. It cannot be taped to the tower.
Before you start building anything, it is a good idea to brainstorm some different designs. Try
sketching your designs out on paper. Your score depends on both the height of your tower and
maximum weight it can hold. Can you design a tower that is tall, lightweight, and sturdy?
Once you have decided on a design, it is time to start building.
Official Test
At the beginning 2N loads will be added on the tower to test wheather the structure is stable (15
seconds for each).
Then, Loads will be removed and can will be placed on top of the tower.
Wait for 30 seconds to make sure the tower does not collapse.
The highest structure which carries the food can will be the winner.
Judges decision is the final decision!!!