Uploaded by Ganya Demy

Bad Leadership in Kenya: Causes & Spiritual Solutions

Factors that contribute to bad leadership in my society;
what spiritual solutions can solve them?
Factors that contribute to bad leadership in my society; what spiritual solutions can solve them?
In my country Kenya there are a lot of things that influence bad leadership; but the question is how
do we define what is bad leadership? The Urban Dictionary defines bad leadership as, “bad
leadership could also be define as a state of ruling a given people without possessing the leadership
qualities such as humility. Bad leader: A Bad Leader Is One Being A Ruler Of An Area Who Leads
Or Rule People In A Wrong Manner, just Being Selfish.” Bad leadership in my opinion takes so
many forms. Probably the foundation of bad leadership to me is being self-centered. Your
leadership model is all about the imposition of your values or goals on others by whatever means
necessary. To me leadership is really a 'gift' that others bestow on you by being willing to follow
your leadership and share your goals and vision. Bad leadership is transactional; it uses power
rather than trust and compliance rather than commitment. It focuses on 'me' rather than us and
defines success as win- lob se rather than win-win, it excludes rather than includes. I differentiate
'bad' leadership from ineffective leadership. You can be well intentioned, but ineffective. Bad
leaders are deliberate and exploitative by design.