ENGLISH FOR PROFESSIONAL PURPOSES (ENG3) Prof. Jeffrey Engracia UST-SHS - Accountancy, Business, and Management (Business Track) - Student No. 2021149426 - Synchronous: Wednesday 9:30 am 11:30 am| Asynchronous: Thursday, 9:30 am - 11:30 am - Course Material: Grading Scheme Percentage Written Outputs/Class Standing - WW1AS, WW2OSE, & RPs 25% Performance Task - IAs or MAJOR GAs 45% Quarterly Exam 30% 2. Bottom-up - reliant on the details of the texts 3. Interactive - uses both top down and bottom up Difference of Academic Text from Non-Academic Text Academic Non-Academi c Author - from the same field of the study/industry - expert on certain fields - a person who writes as a profession/la y person - regular writer Purpose - goes beyond informing V-AN (Validating, affirming, negating) for public information Audience - specific audience - experts on the same field like the author - general audience - for the public mass Vocabulary & Grammar - uses technical language - common words for experts on certain field jargons - uses plain language - do not use jargons Organizatio n & Flow structured format unpredictable pattern/forma t COLOR CODING Title, Section, Sub-section, Terminologies, Definition, Important statements, further details Lesson 1: Reading Academic Text Process of Reading ● The reading process starts with recognition of printed language symbols ● after written symbols are recognized, the reader assigns meanings to the symbols based on the readers schemata (background knowledge) ● the reader makes a connection with their schemata with the author’s ideas ● finally, the reader adjusts, modifies, applies, and constructs new knowledge about the text based on the merging of the schemata and the authors knowledge Reading Strategies 1. Top-down - reliant on the schemata ENGLISH FOR PROFESSIONAL PURPOSES (ENG3) Prof. Jeffrey Engracia UST-SHS - Accountancy, Business, and Management (Business Track) - Student No. 2021149426 Content specialized knowledge general information Academic Texts - Is writing produced with a definite purpose and structured in a specific way in order to communicate a message on an intended audience Reasons on why we need to read Academic Texts - very good source of reliable data - increase one’s credibility - could help with other academic ventures like seminars, presentations, workshops - broadens one’s knowledge and perspective - helps in figuring out what to choose the best topic for thesis - could contribute more on academic conversations/discussions - preparing ourselves for academic writing Academic writing - is a process - is thinking - has clear purpose - demands special knowledge - requires a complex and objective language - it follows a formal style Characteristics of Academic Texts 1. Academic Texts begins with clear assumptions - assumptions may come in from of thesis statements - main idea of the author 2. Academic Texts rely on several sources - an academic text may talk about a lot of phenomena; but for it to be credible, assertion or assumptions made should be well reasoned. 3. Academic Texts use formal words - formality of a paper in academic writing contributes to the academic paper’s ability ● E.g. use damaged instead of messed up, use cannot instead of can’t -use do not instead of don’t, use as soon as possible instead of ASAP (avoid abbreviations) - avoid expressions like, kind of like, as a matter of fact 3.1 use formal grammar styles - use more formal negative forms - limit the use of all-purpose expressions like, etc. - avoid making use of second person pronouns - place adverbs with verbs - avoid making use of split infinitives - be more efficient in making use of words 4. Academic Texts end with valid conclusions - in spite of the ideas presented all throughout an academic text, ending it with a conclusion; reminds the readers of the ideas presented supporting the ideas. ENGLISH FOR PROFESSIONAL PURPOSES (ENG3) Prof. Jeffrey Engracia UST-SHS - Accountancy, Business, and Management (Business Track) - Student No. 2021149426 5. Academic Texts follow a structure for their words and paragraphs - an academic text makes use of varied strategies for using words and different patterns of development - 5.1 Nominalization - act of transforming words from verbs to nouns - - do not sound conclusive accept room for errors (have margin of errors, no matter how certain you are) do not appear to be too confident, must test your hypothesis use references to other’s work to build your own paper Phases and Strategies of Reading Academic Texts 5.2 Passivation - uses passive voice that makes academic texts more formal an academic 5.3 Patterns of Paragraph Development 6. Academic Texts require Objectivity - the tone of academic texts should be impersonal and should maintain a certain level of social distance - avoid personal pronouns - avoid rhetorical questions (use declarative forms) - avoid emotive language 7. Academic Texts use explicit Language - academic texts should be clear in directing readers’ attention to the points he/she wants to make - use effective transitional devices (use conjunctions to increase explicitness) 8. Academic Texts use Caution - an academic text avoids making hasty generalizations 1. Pre Reading ● Purpose - get an overview of the test and activate the schemata ● Strategies 1. Scanning and Skimming. 2. Checking the features of the academic text 2. While reading ● Purpose - monitor comprehension and organize ● Strategies 1. Note-taking, Highlighting, and creating marginal notes 2. Creating graphic Organizer 3. Post Reading ● Purpose - evaluating and using information ● Strategies ENGLISH FOR PROFESSIONAL PURPOSES (ENG3) Prof. Jeffrey Engracia UST-SHS - Accountancy, Business, and Management (Business Track) - Student No. 2021149426 1. Critical thinking and Critical Reading ● Critical reading comes first than critical thinking Critical Reading 1. Critical Reading is an active process of discovery - it involves interaction with the writer: when you question his/her claims and comment on his/her ideas 2. It involves scrutiny of any information heard or read - it means not easily believing information that you received Requirements and Validations in Critical Reading - - - The ability to pose problematic questions The ability to analyze a problem in all its dimensions The ability to find, gather, and interpret data, facts, and other information relevant to the problem The ability to imagine alternative solutions to the problem, see different perspectives and way of answering the problem The ability to analyze competing approaches and answers, state arguments for and against alternatives, and choose the best solution based on identified values and criteria - The ability to write an effective argument justifying your choice while acknowledging counter arguments. How to become a Critical Reader 1. Annotate what you read ● What: the action of writing comments on the text to further the reader’s unique understanding, draw conclusions, and identify one’s area of confusion ● Why: annotating forces your brain to slow down and to think about what you are reading 2. Outline the text ● How: identify and list down the main points of the writer. Identify the ideas that the writer has raised to support his/her stand. Not an outline ● But it should have: Roman Numerals, Capitalized Letters, Arabic Numerals, Lowercase letters 3. Summarize the text ● What: Writing the gist of the text in your own words in usually one paragraph. Do not include your analysis of the text. Cite the general observation of what it contains. It requires the clearest overview of something to avoid misrepresentations. ● Qualities/characteristics of a good summary: - comprehensive: The summary should not leave out any indispensable idea ENGLISH FOR PROFESSIONAL PURPOSES (ENG3) Prof. Jeffrey Engracia UST-SHS - Accountancy, Business, and Management (Business Track) - Student No. 2021149426 - - - 4. 5. 6. 7. concise: The summary should not focus on the minor points anymore coherent: The summary should not look like a set of random disconnected ideas independent: The summary should not sound like an ugly imitation of the original ● For summary conventions: watch 1:37:04 – 1:45:34 of recording Evaluate the text ● What: You question the author’s purpose, intentions, and assumptions in the claims. Check if the arguments are supported by valid and credible evidence Spot flaws in reasoning ● What: Identify logical fallacies committed in the text ● Could also be a fallacy ● As well as punctuations and using multiple meaning words Synthesizing ● What: It is a level higher than summarizing. Discussing commonalities that exist between and among various texts Paraphrasing ● The 4Rs of paraphrasing 1. Reword 2. Rearrange 3. Realize 4. Recheck *NOTE THAT NOS 6 AND 7 IS NOT AVAILABLE IN THE RECORDING SESSION ONLY IN THE VOPPT LESSON 1.2: Reading Academic Text (SUPPLEMENTAL) Patterns of Development 1. Description ● Characteristics: Giving of features and example ● Cues: For example, characteristics 2. Sequence ● Characteristics: Giving of items or events in numerical or chronological order ● Cues: First, second, third, in the beginning, in the end, shortly after 3. Comparison ● Characteristics: Giving of similarities between and among different variables ● Cues: On one hand, on the other hand, similarly 4. Cause-and-effect ● Characteristics: Giving of a phenomenon and the reason for its existence ● Cues: As a result, therefore, consequently 5. Problem-solution ● Characteristics: Giving of a phenomenon or problem and ways on how to address it ENGLISH FOR PROFESSIONAL PURPOSES (ENG3) Prof. Jeffrey Engracia UST-SHS - Accountancy, Business, and Management (Business Track) - Student No. 2021149426 ● Cues: As a result, because Academic Texts Require Objectivity - - The tone of academic texts should be impersonal and should maintain a certain level of social distance How do you maintain objectivity? 1. Avoiding the use of personal pronouns such as you, i, and we 2. Avoiding rhetorical questions as it marks closeness with the reader and constantly seeks his/her attention 3. Avoiding the emotive language that shows biases and lessens objectivity Academic texts use Explicit Language - - Academic text should be clear in directing readers’ attention to the points he/she wants to make What are examples of explicit markers? ● By making use of transitional devices (the use of conjunctive adverbs) Academic texts use Caution - An academic text avoids making hasty generalizations When and how do you observe caution? When ● When a hypothesis needs to be tested? ● ● Drawing conclusions or predictions from your findings that may not be conclusive Referencing others work to build on your own paper How ● ● ● Cautioning verbs like tends, suggests, appear to be, think, believe, doubt, indicate Modal verbs like will, must, may, should, could, and might Adverbs of frequency like often, sometimes, usually LESSON 3 Preparing a Working Bibliography ● Bibliography - Shows a list of reference materials used in a scholarly written output; It is made up of bibliographical entries ● Bibliographical Entry - Shows pertinent pieces of information about a reference material 3 Main Parts of Bibliographical Entry 1. Author - Last name or Initial of Given Name ● For APA, the middle initials is not important ● If the author has more than ENGLISH FOR PROFESSIONAL PURPOSES (ENG3) Prof. Jeffrey Engracia UST-SHS - Accountancy, Business, and Management (Business Track) - Student No. 2021149426 2. Title - Main Title, Subtitle ● Can be differentiated by the layout ● Main Title is usually emphasized 3. Publication Information ● Year ● Place ● Publisher’s Name Reference for more than Seven Author Madrunio, M., Villamarzo, P., Vizconde, C., Engracia, J., Faigal, C., Legazpi, S.,...Cervania, C.V. (2009). Managing College Freshman Language Skills. Espana, Manila: UST Publishing House. Biographical Entries for Journal Articles Reference for Book with One Author E.g. Madrunio, M. (2009). Managing College Freshman Language Skill. Espana Manila: UST Publishing House. Reference for Books with Two Authors Madruino, M., & Villamarzo, P. (2009). Managing College Freshman Language Skills. Espana, Manila: UST Publishing House. Reference for Books with Three-Seven Authors Salonga, R. (2009). Conventional vs. Contemporary. ITechnology and Beyond, 2(3), 6-10. Working Bibliography vs. Annotated Bibliography ● Working Bibliography is the list of references ● Annotated Bibliography has a paragraph or 2 that summarizes the reference after the bibliography ● ● Bibliography vs. References Bibliography contains all the list of references, directly helpful or Indirectly helpful references. References list are only sources that you have cited in-text Concept Paper ● Is a prelude to a full paper which aims to seek approval or funding ● Is a summary that tells the reader what you are proposing, why it is important, and how it will be carried out ENGLISH FOR PROFESSIONAL PURPOSES (ENG3) Prof. Jeffrey Engracia UST-SHS - Accountancy, Business, and Management (Business Track) - Student No. 2021149426 ● Provides your target reader an idea as to how your paper is about. A more formal way to ask permission/go signal whether you should start your paper right away Concept Paper in the Academe ● In the academic setting, a concept paper may come in a form of a research proposal ● It is something that is done before a full blown research paper is carried out, implemented, or approved for funding ● There is a format that is followed in creating a concept paper - ● E.g., A Solar cell is a device that/which converts the energy of sunlight into electric energy Extended Definition used to define abstract concepts. It allows the writer to broaden the definition by using analogy, examples, characteristics, components, historical account, or something else For further discussion: Purpose of Writing a Concept Paper ● It involves defining some terms based on the context of your research ● Defining the terms can be subjective because you have the freedom to choose what areas to emphasize however freedom entails responsibility Explaining a concept ● Definition is a mode of paragraph development that answers the questions: What is it? What does it mean? What are its special features? - Description - Information Report - Enumeration Techniques in Defining ● Formal Definition the term is first assigned to a class or group to which it belongs and then distinguished from other terms in the class - Elements of a Formal Definition: Term, Class, Distinguishing Detail How to write a concept paper for research? 1. RS Title 2. RS Questions (1 par.) 3. RS Hypothesis (1-2 par.) 4. Proposed Methodology (1 par.) 5. References LESSON 4: Reviewing the Types, Elements and Forms of Argumentative Writing Basic Types of Argumentative Writing ENGLISH FOR PROFESSIONAL PURPOSES (ENG3) Prof. Jeffrey Engracia UST-SHS - Accountancy, Business, and Management (Business Track) - Student No. 2021149426 ● ● ● ● Editorials (Insider) - written by writers who are part of the company Opposite Editorials (Outsider) - writers commissioned by a newspaper company - always found at the opposite of the editorials (traditional) - Because they want the readers to see varying opinions about the issue. - The issues on hand should be intelligently discussed so an expert should be invited to talk about the issue. Letters to the Editor (Private Individuals) - Written by a private individuals (readers) to a company to agree or disagree with the article which the company publish Advertisement - Paid announcements that try to convince people to buy something - E.g., propaganda Basic Structure of Argumentative Writing ● Title - Catches the reader's attention into reading the work ● Introduction - Establish the territory by providing the main idea - Shows the scope of your discussion ● Body ● Conclusion Elements of Argument ● Proponents ● Claim/Argument ● - Refers to the main argument Counter Arguments/Counterclaim - Refers to the arguments of the opposing side Another Academic Form of Argumentative Writing ● Reaction Paper - Requires the response of a reader to a prompt which requires thoughtful reading, researching, and writing ● Reviews - Short argumentative writing which aims to provide readers with some insights about a published material ● Critique Reviewing the Steps in Writing a Reaction Paper 1. Reading and studying the material 2. Annotate the text as you read 3. Ask questions as you read 4. Free write 5. Decide on your angle & Determine your thesis 6. Organize your paper 7. Gather quotations 8. Structure your paragraph Steps to consider in Book Review - Mention the name of the book, the author and your personal quality rating of the book - Provide your ‘Personal Quality Rating’ by evaluating the book on a scale of 0 to 5 based on your personal liking/disliking of the book Subparts of a Book Review ENGLISH FOR PROFESSIONAL PURPOSES (ENG3) Prof. Jeffrey Engracia UST-SHS - Accountancy, Business, and Management (Business Track) - Student No. 2021149426 Summary Provides a brief detail of the plot Social/History Gives the purpose for which the book was written Style Discusses its distinctive features like point of view, language, used, etc. Thoughts Mentions your personal reaction Steps to Consider in Film Review 1. View the film more than once 2. Express your general opinions and support them with examples 3. Decide your style of writing based on your readership profile 4. Avoid spoilers 5. Judge the story based on its different elements 6. Rate the actors 7. Rate the technical elements Parts to consider in Paper/Article Review ● Abstract – 200 - 300 words summarizing the rationale of the review ● Introduction - Giving the importance of the topic being reviewed and providing an outline of the review ● Body - Discussing thoroughly each point by providing reliable sources to support them ● Conclusion Summarizing the review in terms of importance, purpose, main points and implications Critique Papers - Form of constructive criticism of an expert’s work, based on the critical analysis and evaluation of its strengths and weaknesses ● Critiques may come in two different types 1. APA Format (Introduction, Body, Conclusion) 2. Art Criticism - Made up of the description, analysis, interpretation, and evaluation ENGLISH FOR PROFESSIONAL PURPOSES (ENG3) Prof. Jeffrey Engracia UST-SHS - Accountancy, Business, and Management (Business Track) - Student No. 2021149426 QUARTER 2 LESSON 5: Position Paper Position Papers - Is another example of argumentative writing and is written to discuss the writer’s stand on an issue of phenomenon, in terms of how to deal with it or if it’s a pressing matter, how to address or solve it Characteristics of a Position Paper 1. Debatable - It should focus on the aspect of the issue of the issue that is worth arguing about ● Facts cannot be a subject for a position unless you challenge the subject topic 2. Clear - It should specifically state the author’s stand ● The thesis statement should be well worded ● Should verbalize your actual stand in a thesis statement ● Should focus on a single aspect of the issue 3. Factual - It should be made up of arguments that are well-supported 4. Engaging - It should sustain the reader’s interest from the beginning to the end 5. Resolute - It should provide not only problems but also suggestions for solutions ENGLISH FOR PROFESSIONAL PURPOSES (ENG3) Prof. Jeffrey Engracia UST-SHS - Accountancy, Business, and Management (Business Track) - Student No. 2021149426 Component of a position paper 1. Claim 2. Evidences - Supporting details 3. Explanation 4. Counter Argument 5. Reputation 6. Transition - Explicit market that shows the relationship between your claim & reputation - Words or phrases that dictates among your ideas Other Explanation ● May seek to generate support from an organization like the government by creating policies/laws that support its cause ● It discusses an issue to inform the people and increase their awareness, and ultimately, gain their support in whatever means the public could extend ● Position paper are commonly published in academic, in politics, in law, in medical field, and in other domains - There are proper channels to reach out to the correct audience ● Position papers range from the simple format of a letter to the editor through the most complex, in the form of a multi-author academic position paper Steps to build a position 1. Read widely and gather all pieces of information about the topic 2. Formulate your views about the issue based on what you have learned 3. Each assertion should be well-supported 4. Evidences should come from reliable resources 5. Refine your argument - Arguments should be presented through the following structure: AsseEvEx (Assertion, Evidence, Explanation) 6. Prepare for the opposition - cite the strongest counter-arguments and prepare to counter them with your strongest refutations 7. Write your position - compose the position paper following the usual TIBC structure (Title, Introduction, Body, Conclusion) Lesson 6 Professional Text vs Academic Text Field Report - The purpose of a field report is to describe the observations of people, places, and/or events and to analyze that observation data in order to identify and categorize common themes in relation to the research problem underpinning the study. The content represents the researcher’s interpretation of meaning found in data that has been gathered during one or more observational events - Might need you to observe something and identify why you need to observe from the first place ENGLISH FOR PROFESSIONAL PURPOSES (ENG3) Prof. Jeffrey Engracia UST-SHS - Accountancy, Business, and Management (Business Track) - Student No. 2021149426 - Examples of things to observe: Physical setting, Objects & Material Cultures, Use of language, Behavior Cycles, Event, Body Movements - To effectively observe, you need to apply MAT: Methods, Approaches, Techniques Methods of Observation An observation is the “skill of describing scientific events” drawn from “any information collected with the senses,” - Scientific by nature - Technical - 2 Methods to Observation Qualitative - - Uses our senses (sight, hear, touch, smell, taste) to record the results Example: the colors of the walls of the room as red Quantitative - - Those that can be measured using instruments and yield numerical values Example: the square meters of the room floor Types of Observation 1. Participant Observation - Involves an intensive interaction between the observer and the subjects or participants by joining the group he/she is studying in their environment and participate in their activities ● Overt: Awareness of the participant, interacts with the subject ● Covert: Unaware that they are being observed, obtains a richer and more detailed observation 2. Nonparticipant Observation - The observer does not participate in the activities of the group being observed. He/She is usually seated at the sidelines observing the action of the group. This means that the observer is not directly involved in the situation he/she is observing. 3. Naturalistic Observation - This method, which is commonly used by psychologists and other social science researchers, requires that the researcher observes the subjects under study in their natural setting. The observer simply observes and records what is really happening as they occur naturally like in laboratory research. ENGLISH FOR PROFESSIONAL PURPOSES (ENG3) Prof. Jeffrey Engracia UST-SHS - Accountancy, Business, and Management (Business Track) - Student No. 2021149426 4. Simulation - The observer simulates or recreates a situation, environment, or system and observes the subjects under study in the simulated environment. He/She may ask the participants to portray a role individually or by team. This may not guarantee, however, that the participants’ behaviour would be the same as in natural environment Other approaches to observation 1. Ethnography - Study of People and Cultures 2. Case Study - observing a person for a period of time 3. Historical Approach - Observing a people in the same position over a period of time 4. Conversational/Interactional Analysis A&D of Ethnographic Observation Advantages Disadvantages More comprehensive Dependent of the researcher’s observations and interpretations Gains deeper and richer understanding of one’s behaviour in a natural setting Observer bias in difficult to eliminate Suited in studying in group behavior over time CLose supervision is needed From University of Southern California 1. Systematicaly observe and accurately record the varying aspects of the situation. - Pay attention to every detail. 2. Continuously analyze your observation. - Observe more than once to validate first findings. 3. Keep the report’s aims in mind while you are observing. - Disregard observations made that are nuances to your goal. 4. Consciously observe, record, and analyze what you hear and see in the context of a theoretical framework. - Disregard logical and sensible but unrelated observations. By Bernard (2006) - Each one has their own unique way of writing field notes, however proposes four types of field notes: 1. Jottings - Any observation 2. Diary - Entries are written in a regular intervals 3. Log - Waits for a specific behavior in a specific period of time 4. Field notes proper - there is a structure/format that you need to follow which varies from work place to another ENGLISH FOR PROFESSIONAL PURPOSES (ENG3) Prof. Jeffrey Engracia UST-SHS - Accountancy, Business, and Management (Business Track) - Student No. 2021149426 - Tips on Jotting Observations shouldn’t be dependent on the notes but rather observe your surroundings to analyze behavior 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Do not attempt to be a “court recorder” Listening is more important than writing Notes are memory triggers Use pictures to illustrate concepts Write down keywords only Use multiple colors Write on one side of the paper Use the presenter’s pauses to enhance your notes 9. Review and enhance the notes within 24 hours 10. File notes in a meaningful system Disadvantage: have negative effect of increasing how intrusive you are as an observer 4. Illustrations/Drawing - To draw a map of the observation setting or illustrating objects in relation to people’s behavior. - Forms of rough tables or graphs documenting the frequency and types of activities observed 5. Inferences - conclusions or deductions based on observations or form a given evidence - a logical interpretation of an event that is based on observations and schema Other techniques to record your observation 1. Note taking - organizing shorthand symbols - Effective by creating codes or shortcuts so - Does not impede an individual's ability to observe 2. Photography - Documenting the details of a space that would otherwise require extensive note taking - Does not absolutely reflect reality 3. Video and Audio recording - Advantage: Saves you the trouble of going back to the interviewee Lesson 7 Survey Report Data Commentary - The verbal comment on visual presentation. What is given is a graphic organizer and you need to explain it. - It usually appears in the Results and Discussion section of a thesis. - The reverse process of a graphic organizers Main purposes of a data commentary ENGLISH FOR PROFESSIONAL PURPOSES (ENG3) Prof. Jeffrey Engracia UST-SHS - Accountancy, Business, and Management (Business Track) - Student No. 2021149426 - To present the results of research To interpret these results To discuss the significance implications of the study and - Why use data commentary? 1. Highlight results 2. Compare and evaluate different data sets 3. Assess standard theories, common beliefs, or general practices in light of the results. It may reveal how the results validate or invalidate the methods used in the study. 4. Assess the reliability of data in terms of the methods that produced it.\ Structure of Data Commentary 1. Location elements and summary statements (Move 1) - We give the ordinal position of the graphic organizer that we will use - Move 1 Step 1 is when ● Example, (1) Table 5 shows the points of entry of computer viruses for XYZ company (Summary Statement), (2) Figure 4 gives the results of the second experiment 2. Highlighting Statement (Move 2) - The generalizations that you can draw from the Do’s - Simply repeat all the details Don'ts - Spot trends or regularities in words Attempt to cover all the information Claim more than is reasonable or defensible - - in the data Separate more important findings from least important Make claims of appropriate strength Example: As can be seen, in the majority of cases, the entry point of the virus infection can be detected, with disks brought from home being by far the leading cause in the list (42%). However, it is alarming to note that the source of nearly 30% of viruses cannot be determined. 3. Discussion of implication, problems, exemptions, recommendations (DIPER) - Highlights the move 2 - Answers the question: So what? Example: While it may be possible to eliminate home-to-workplace infection by requiring computer users to run antivirus software on diskettes brought from home (Recommendation), businesses are still vulnerable to data loss, especially from unidentifiable sources of infection (Exemptions) Focus: Language verbs for introducing summary statements ● Table 2 shows ● Figure 1 illustrates ● Table 3 demonstrates ● Provide, present, summarize, reveal, indicates ENGLISH FOR PROFESSIONAL PURPOSES (ENG3) Prof. Jeffrey Engracia UST-SHS - Accountancy, Business, and Management (Business Track) - Student No. 2021149426 Some specific ways for qualifying or moderating a claim Survey Report - 1. Probability - ● ● ● Stronger claim: The factory has benefited from the recent technology upgrade Soft claim: The factory seems to have benefited from the recent technology upgrade Weaker claim: It has been said that the factory seems to have benefited from the recent technology upgrade - An academic text that documents the data commentaries of a research paper It can be a formal document that can be used for submission to your research teacher to show your progress in your research paper, in terms of interpreting the result of your data It can be considered as a preview of your chapter 4 It is an organized method of recording, presenting, and interpreting your data Structure: 1. a title page 2. table of contents 3. executive summary 4. background and objectives 5. Methodology 6. Results 7. conclusion and recommendations 8. Appendices. 2. Generalization - When qualifying or defending a generalization, use the verb “tend” or qualifying modifiers 1. Title Page 2. Table of contents Provides the list of the survey report’s section - Your number of pages for R&D depends on the number of 3. Soft Verbs 4. Distance - Distance yourself from the data by showing in some way that it is “soft.” - your table Provide the list if the survey report’s section ENGLISH FOR PROFESSIONAL PURPOSES (ENG3) Prof. Jeffrey Engracia UST-SHS - Accountancy, Business, and Management (Business Track) - Student No. 2021149426 ● ● - You start with the actual page numbers in the executive summary In some formats, the preliminaries are included in the table of contents: The executive summary is also sometimes considered part of the preliminaries 3. Executive summary - Gives your reader an overview of your survey report 4. Background & Objectives - Gives the introduction of your survey report - Specifies the groundwork of the survey conducted - You may find in the previous chapters of your paper\ 5. Methodology - This summarizes the processes involved in selecting the respondents & generating the data ● Demographic: Age, gender, etc. ● Target vs Actual size: How many were you expecting to answer vs how many responded How?: How the respondents were selected, and how it was administered, What assurance did you give to your respondents that their responses will be kept confidential? Where & When? What was given in exchange for the response, where and when it was conducted? 5. Results and Discussions - Presents the tables & figures with their corresponding data commentaries - What should be the arrangement of your data commentaries? - Question, Variables, - Based on the themes used and variables measured by the survey 6. Conclusion - Closes your survey report - By summarizing, paraphrasing, and synthesizing step 3 of all your data commentaries 7. Appendices - This exhibits all the survey-related documents you used - Examples: Questionnaire, Letter of Consent, Request Letters, Other pertinent docs Lesson 4 Laboratory Report ENGLISH FOR PROFESSIONAL PURPOSES (ENG3) Prof. Jeffrey Engracia UST-SHS - Accountancy, Business, and Management (Business Track) - Student No. 2021149426 ● Laboratory Report - Document that provides essential details on what took place inside the laboratory (before, during, and after the laboratory experiment) - Fundamental to hard science (such as Engineering and health-related courses) - Concrete evidences of the writer’s understanding of the rationale principles, processes and results of the experiment Parts of a well-written Laboratory Report 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Title Page. Introduction. Methods and Materials (or Equipment) Experimental Procedure. Results. Discussion. Conclusion. References. Tips in Writing Laboratory Report 1. ABSTRACT - condensed version of the experiment ● Tip 1: It must be substantial enough that the reader need not read the entire report to know the details of the experiment ● Tip 2: It must concise and comprehensible without giving too much information 2. Introduction ● Tip 1: Highlights that need/s as to why the experiment will be conducted ● ● Tip 2: Gives the background information and primary motivation of the experiment Tip 3: Outlines the investigation question and objectives Tip 4: Discusses related theories and defines key concepts 3. Materials ● Tiip 1: Lists the necessary equipment apparatus, chemicals, glasswares needed in the laboratory ● Tip 2: Gives how much and/or how many of the materials needed for the experiment is indicated ● Tip 3: Outlines the specifics of setting up the materials 4. Procedure ● Tip 1: Includes the detailed steps undertaken and all materials used in the experiment ● Tip 2: Provides the difficulties encountered and how they were solved are discussed ● Tip 3: You may present the procedure using graphic organizers such as the following: ENGLISH FOR PROFESSIONAL PURPOSES (ENG3) Prof. Jeffrey Engracia UST-SHS - Accountancy, Business, and Management (Business Track) - Student No. 2021149426 Lesson 7 Presenting Creative Report 5. Results ● Tip 1: Shows what was obtained in the experiment conducted ● Tip 2: Uses narrative and graphic format (e.g. tables, graphs, etc.) ● Tip 3: Provides a brief explanation for each graphs 6. Discussion ● Tip 1: Provides analysis and interpretation of the raw data ● Tip 2: Interpolates the result as relative to experimented objectives and statement of the problem ● Tip 3: Relates the result of the experiment to scientific theories and principles 7. Conclusion ● Tip 1: Includes any unforeseen results/occurence in the conduct of the study ● Tip 2: Restates the experiment’s objectives, the methods used, the salient findings, the knowledge acquires ● Tip 3: Encapsulates the content of the laboratory report Creating and Using Presentational Aids - Aims to supplement your report through a combination of the ff: Pictures, art forms, illustrations, and/or sound Why use presentational aids - Clarifying the verbal message Adding variety Reducing Public Speaking Anxiety Conveying information concisely Increasing persuasive appeal Increasing Listener Retention Classification of Presentation Aids 1. Visual - Appeals to the audience’s sense of sight - Examples: Chart, Slides, Flip Chart, 2. Audio ENGLISH FOR PROFESSIONAL PURPOSES (ENG3) Prof. Jeffrey Engracia UST-SHS - Accountancy, Business, and Management (Business Track) - Student No. 2021149426 - Appeals to the audience’s sense of hearing - Example: sound, musical recordings, conversations 3. Audiovisual - Supplements both the audience’s hearing and visual - Example: Videos Characteristics of Presentational Aids - - - Relevant: you have to ensure that your presentation is related to your paper Appropriate: whatever presentation you will use should be suitable to your audience Appealing: materials should be interesting; do not use presentation that are boring Readable: Varied: should be diverse