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AB InBev & SABMiller: Global Beer Market Entry Strategies

AB InBev and SABMiller: A Match
in (Beer) Heaven?
SAB Miller owned more than 100 breweries in 24 countries. South Africa,
where SAB had a commanding 98 percent share of the beer market. Most of
its brands, which include Castle Lager,, and Carling Black Label, were sold
on a local or regional basis but none had the global status like Heineken.
SABMiller was to revitalize the Miller Lite brand in the United States and then
to launch Miller in Europe as a premium brand.
Exporting and importing as ways to exploit global market opportunities.
However, for SABMiller and other brewers, exporting their brands is just one
way to go global.
As the picture says levels of involvement, risk, and financial reward increase
as a company moves from market-entry strategies such as licensing to joint
ventures and, ultimately, various forms of investment.