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Physics Important Questions - Junior College

1. Explain the formation of stationary waves in stretched strings & hence deduce the
laws of transverse waves in stretched strings.
2. Explain the formation of stationary waves in an air column enclosed in an open
pipe. Derive the equations for the frequencies of the harmonics produced.
3. Explain the formation of stationary waves in an air column enclosed in a closed
pipe. Derive the equations for the frequencies of the harmonics produced.
4. What is Doppler Effect? Obtain an expression for the apparent frequency of
sound heard when the source is in motion with respect to an observer at rest.
5. What is Doppler shift? Obtain an expression for the apparent frequency of sound
heard when the observer is in motion with respect to a source at rest.
6. Explain the formation of Mirage.
7. Explain the formation of Rainbow.
8. With a neat labeled diagram, explain the formation of image in a simple
9. Define critical angle. Explain total internal reflection using a neat diagram.
10. Why does the setting sun appear red?
11. Explain Doppler Effect in light. Distinguish between red shift & blue shift.
12. How do you determine resolving power of your eye?
13. Derive the expression for the intensity at a point where interference of light
occurs. Arrive at the condition for maximum & zero intensity.
14. State Coulombs Inverse Square Law in electricity.
15. Define intensity of electric field at a point. Derive an expression for the intensity
due to a point charge.
16. Derive the equation for the couple acting on a electric dipole in a uniform
electric field.
17. Derive an expression for the intensity of the electric field at a point on the axial
line of an electric dipole.
18. Derive an expression for the intensity of the electric field at a point on the
equatorial plane of an electric dipole.
19. State Gauss law in electrostatics & explain its importance.
20. Derive an expression for the electric potential due to a point charge.
21. Explain series combination of capacitors. Derive the formula for equivalent
capacitance in the combination.
22. Explain parallel combination of capacitors. Derive the formula for equivalent
capacitance in the combination.
23. Derive an expression for the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor.
24. State Kirchhoff’s law for an electrical network. Using these laws deduce the
condition for balance in a Wheatstone bridge.
25. State the working principle of potentiometer. Explain with the help of circuit
diagram how the emf of two primary cells are compared by using the
26. State the working principle of potentiometer. Explain with the help of circuit
diagram to determine the internal resistance of the given primary cells.
27. State & explain Biot-Savart law & Ampere’s law.
28. Deduce an expression for the force on a current carrying conductor placed in a
magnetic field. Derive an expression for the force per unit length between two
parallel current – carrying conductors.
29. A current of 10A passes through two very long wires held parallel to each other
and separated by a distance of 1m. What is the force per unit length between
30. Obtain an expression for emf induced across a conductor which is moved in a
uniform magnetic field which is perpendicular to the plane of the motion.
31. Describe the ways in which Eddy currents are used to advantage.
32. (a)Current in a circuit falls from 5.0A to 0.0A in 0.1s. If an average emf of 200V
induced, give an estimate of the self – inductance of the circuit.
(b) A pair of adjacent coils has a mutual inductance of 1.5H. If the current in one
coil changes from 0 to 20A in 0.5s, what is the change of flux linkage with the
other coil?
33. Write a short note on Debroglie’s explanation of Bohr’s second postulate of
34. What are the limitations of Bohr’s theory of hydrogen atom?
35. Explain the different types of spectral series in a hydrogen atom.
36. Distinguish between nuclear fission & nuclear fusion and explain proton –
proton cycle.
37. What is radioactivity? State the law of radioactive decay. Show that radioactive
decay us exponential in nature.
38. Explain the principle & working of a nuclear reactor with the help of a labeled
39. What is a rectifier? Explain the working of half wave rectifier with diagrams.
40. What is a rectifier? Explain the working of full wave rectifier with diagrams.
41. Distinguish between Half wave and Full wave rectifier.
42. Explain the working of LED and what are its advantages.
43. Define OR, AND, NOT, NAND & NOR gates. Give their truth tables.