CROSBY RESEARCHINSTITUTE I70 NORTHROEERTSON . EEVERLY BOULEYAR,D HILLS.CALIF.go2II September 27, 1973 Mr. Larry Crosby 170 North Robertson BIvd. Beverl! Hills, California Sub j ect: EIIA motor 90211 tests. Dear Larry i ; The following is a sunmary of p:ertinent d,ata accumulated during extensive testing or tha EMA motor by pan world Enterprises co., Ltd. r and EvGray engineers between May I and May 10 ' 1973. Conf irmation of input vs. output po!{er ef f iciency was^Tadg by the undersigned andlEvGray engineers on September 25 , 1973. The measured overall system efficiency exceeds ggt, .utilizing the. EvGray proprietary methods whereb| additional electrostrictive power is developed r ds well as the electro-chemical battery energy is recycled during the system operation. No external recharging generator wai utilized durLng these tests. The EMA motor was operated into a 10 H.p. (48 ft. lb.) dynamometer load at 1' 100 R. P.M. This povrer output is 7 ,460 ilatts. The total battery power available from the four batteries was 51454 watts for one hour. The total battery power consumed by the motor during a 2L minute run was onry g'.7-s ,.tt"; this eguals 26.9 watls per hour. The system *i11-operate continuously for zo3 hours or g.5 days, at 10 H.P. and 11100 R.P.M.1 with tlre four batteries, without rechargfe. Recyclilg of the batteries during ttotrloperational period's would permil continuous system operition until the end of the battery life. Battery life tl_t9tt operated on the high energy pu1se, electrochemical recycllng mode has not been determined. A conservative estimate of 2' to 3 year battery life seems reasonable. The EMA system will alter supporttng the future concepts the above information of is energy use. available . A. Maize Director of rlngineering