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ABB STATCOM: Power Quality Solutions Brochure

Power Quality Solutions
STATCOM, 100kVAr to 30MVAr
Dynamic reactive power compensation
Dynamic Reactive Compensation
Providing stability, security, and reliability to the grid
Installing a STATCOM at one or more suitable points on the network
is a powerful and cost effective method to increase grid transfer
capability and enhance voltage stability.
What is a STATCOM?
A STATCOM (or Static Synchronous Compensator) is a voltage
regulating device. It is based on a power electronics voltage-source
converter and can act as either a source or sink of reactive AC
power. It is a member of the Flexible AC transmission system
(FACTS) family which detects and instantly compensates for voltage
fluctuations or flicker, as well as controls power factor.
As a fully controllable power electronic device, the STATCOM is
capable of providing both capacitive and inductive VARs. ABB’s LV
STATCOMs can be rated at up to +/-30 MVAR although larger sizes
are possible.
STATCOM Applications
Electrical utilities and heavy industries face a number of challenges
related to reactive power. Electrical utilities may be confronted with
voltage sags, poor power factor and even voltage instability. Heavy
industrial applications can cause disturbances like voltage
unbalance, distortion or flicker on the electrical grid. Reactive power
control can resolve these issues by improving the power factor or
compensating for the voltage instability. In many cases, the
traditional solutions of switching capacitors is too coarse and slow
to stabilize a weak network.
The most advanced solution to compensate reactive power is to
incorporate a Voltage Source Converter (VSC) as a variable source
of reactive power. These systems offer advantages compared to
standard reactive power compensation solutions in demanding
applications, such as wind farms and arc furnaces, where normal
reactive power control generated by generators or capacitor banks
alone are too slow for the sudden load changes.
3 phase grid
Typical STATCOM applications:
–– Utilities with weak grids or fluctuating
reactive loads
–– Unbalanced loads
–– Arc furnaces
–– Wind farms
–– Wood chippers
–– Welding operations
–– Car crushers & shredders
–– Industrial mills
–– Mining shovels, hoists and mills
–– Harbor cranes
2 ABB Power Electronics - STATCOM
ABB’s STATCOM Solution
Engineered for user simplicity
- Improves power quality and plant reliability
- Increases network stability and transmission capacity
- Delivers grid compliance when necessary for renewable energy
- High availability and reliability
- Power factor control
- Voltage regulation
- Independant phase control
- Flicker compensation
- Active harmonic filtering (application specific)
- Multiple system parallel control
- High and low voltage ride through
- Modular inverter blocks for simple long term maintenance
- Medium voltage transformer included in footprint as option
minimizes installation costs
- 200-300% overload capacity
ABB Power Electronics - STATCOM 3
STATCOM product portfolio
625 kVar Cabinet
360 - 1900 kVar Rack / NEMA
Protection class
Unit Continous kVar Rating (+ / - )
All configurations can be paralleled to obtain higher ratings needed
MVAr System applied
AC Grid
AC Grid Voltage Connection
Output Frequency
Harmonic Distortion, Current
Transient Overload Rating
Extended overload rating (30 s)
480 V to 46 kV
480 V to 46 kV
50 / 60
50 / 60
IEEE compliant
IEEE compliant
Environmental Limits
Forced Air
Forced Air
0°C to 40°C
-40°C to 50°C
Zone 4
Zone 4
32Wx32Dx85H (809x804x2154);
88Wx32Dx97H (2241x800x2464)
B) Indoor Package, in (mm) 0°C to 40°C
60Wx40Dx97H (1524x1016x2464);
110Wx40Dx97H (2794x1016x2464)
C) Outdoor Package, in (mm) -30°C to 40°C
60Wx60Dx97H (1524x1524x2464);
110Wx60Dx97H (2794x1524x2464)
3000 (1361); 4100 (1860)
5500 (2495)
Ambient Temperature Range (nominal)
Seismic Rating
Housing Options - Dimensions & Weights
A) OEM Package, in (mm) 0°C to 40°C
Weights, lbs (kg)
Includes grid-tie transformer in footprint
Communication Protocol
Ethernet connectivity, Modbus, TCP, DNP-3, SCADA, others possible
A - System temperature rating depends on housing selection; systems require derating for ambients over 40°C
B - OEM 625 kVar Cabinet solution control cabinet mounted in cabinet if space permits, otherwise separate mounting required
C - 20kV maximum inside enclosure, higher voltage ratings require external installation
D - Application specific overload ratings and duration
4 ABB Power Electronics - STATCOM
20’ / 40’ / 53’ Enclosure
20’ Enclosure
40’ Enclosure
All configurations can be paralleled to obtain higher ratings needed
46 kV
46 kV
50 / 60
50 / 60
IEEE compliant
IEEE compliant
Forced Air or HVAC
Forced Air or HVAC
-40°C to 50°C
-40°C to 50°C
Zone 4
Zone 4
30000 (13608)
45000 (20412)
Yes C
Yes C
Ethernet connectivity, Modbus, TCP, DN3-P, SCADA, others possible
ABB Power Electronics - STATCOM 5
Value added solutions
Standard or engineered products
ABB’s containerized solution combines rugged construction
with industry leading engineering providing a system that can
operate under the harshest environments common in utility,
industrial and renewable applications.
ABB’s standard and engineered systems include:
– – Scalable building block design
– – Redundant inverter design increases reliability and
– – Inverter is used in a family of ABB products globally
– – Containerized solution reduces installation time and
provides mobility
– – Customer assistance in sizing and modeling of systems
–– Internal transformer design minimizes installation costs,
optimizes footprint and simplifies testing and commisioning
–– Modular construction provides for a simplified spare parts
package and fast exchange
6 ABB Power Electronics - STATCOM
Service and support
Installation, commisioning and life cycle management
Services for ABB‘s STATCOM product
– – Supervision of installation and commissioning
– – 24 x 365 local support line
–– Worldwide service network
–– Spare parts and logistics network
–– Training
–– Customized maintenance contracts
–– Engineering studies
–– Remote monitoring
Life cycle management
ABB’s life cycle management model maximizes the value of the
equipment and maintenance investment by maintaining high
availability, eliminating unplanned repair costs and extending the
lifetime of the whole system. Life cycle management includes:
–– spare parts and expertise throughout the life cycle
–– efficient product support and maintenance for improved
–– functionality upgrades to the initial product
Installation and commissioning
Proper installation and commissioning of the equipment, done by
qualified and certified commissioning engineers, reduces start-up
time, increases safety and reliability and decreases life cycle costs.
In addition, operators can be given practical training by experienced
specialists on site.
Global network, local presence
After-sales service is an integral part of providing the customer
with a reliable and efficient STATCOM system. The ABB Group
of companies operates in more than 100 countries and has a
worldwide network of service operations.
ABB Power Electronics - STATCOM 7
ABB Inc.
Power Electronics
16250 W. Glendale Drive
New Berlin, WI 53151
E-Mail: pes@us.abb.com
Copyright 2012 ABB. All rights reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice. PESTATCOM-PHPB01U-EN REV A1
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