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Investigative Techniques: Surveillance & Evidence

Specialized Investigative Techniques
Evidence and Investigation (Fanshawe College)
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Specialized Investigative Techniques
Electronic Surveillance
 Used in conjunction with other surveillance o other investigative methods
 May be in a form of tracking device
 Could be stand alone or with other physical evidence
 Intercepting private communication by way of listening device placed in a vehicle, wiretap or subjects
 CCTVs camera to observe suspect and movements
 JP may issue a warrant to install, maintain, monitor or remove a tracking device
 Not exceed 60 days unless an extension is granted
 Provincial or superior court judge – may issue a general warrant for police to utilize CCTV or other
recording device
Private Communication Interception
 Eavesdropping on private communications
 Search and seizure under S8 of the charter
 Various criminal offences
 Use of these devices to gather information is authorized under Part VI of the CC
 Person must be notified in writing usually within 90 days after the warrant expires
 This includes whether charges were laid or not
 Exception without warrant authorization
 RG, immediately necessary to stop an unlawful act
 Act would cause serious harm to any person or property
 One of the persons in the communication would either commit or fall victim to the act
Technology and Crime
 Investigations where digital evidence is vital
 Could be part of the criminal investigation or used in the actual commission of the offence
 Digital evidence – information stored or transmitted in binary form that may be relied on for court
 Case law and criminal code both describe where digital evidence can be found
 Both also describe which format digital evidence can be found in
 S. 342.1 (2) defines computer system and may involve crimes in two ways
 Computer forensic examination
Digital Evidence
What is it?
 Valuable to criminal investigation
 Photo of Facebook
 Surveillance video
 Email, chat logs, internet browsing history
 Date and location photos were taken
 Text messages
 Cellular phone-tower dump analysis
 Computer software
Where can it be found?
 Public interest
 Internet and cellular providers
 Computer and cellular phones
 Employer devices
 Public cameras
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Portable storages devices
GPS tacking
Printers, faxes, photocopiers
Gaming devices
Personal video recorders
Digital recorders
Digital cameras
Anything capable of storing/transmitting in binary form
Electronic Communication as Evidence
 Rafferty accused of killing Tori Stafford – April 8, 2009
 Facebook page entered at trial “good things are coming my way” (10:01am – 5 hours prior to
 Raffertys blackberry data indicated his cell phone was used in the Woodstock, Guelph and Mt. Forrest
area on April 8, 2009
 Tracked number of cell phone calling, number called, the time, duration, and cell tower used to replay
the signal
 Rafferty took out his cell phone battery during part of this abduction
 Different times that phone was used corroborated evidence of accomplice McLintic
Drones and Surveillance
Remotely Piloted Aircraft /Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
 For law enforcement – armed with cameras, infrared thermal imagers, radar, location – based
tracking tools, communication interception and other surveillance technology
 Video data and analytics combined with facial recognition software – track people
 Relatively low cost to conduct surveillance
Polygraph and how it works
 Measures a persons involuntary physiological responses while under stress… the stress of telling a lie
 Not a lie detector
 Physiological responses are compared between relevant and control questions – finding of truth or
deception ins incidental
 Assists with interrogative interviews
 Evaluates 3 physiological responses – blood pressure, respiration, galvanic skin resistance
(function of perspiration)
 Fight or flight
 Body produces adrenalin, pulses rate and breathing increases… possible physical exertion to survive
 Reaction are measured by polygraph… not lies
 Pre test: legal rights, medical background, test questions reviewed
 In-test: blood pressure cuff, pneumograph (rubber tubes around chest for respiration) and
galvanometer fitted (fitted on two finger tips for perspiration
 Post-test: scored as truthful, deceptive, inconclusive, if deceptive, interrogation will be attempted
Forensic Artist
 Prepares likeness of unknown suspects of crimes with assistance of eyewitnesses
 Hand drawn or computer generated
 May be disseminated in the media
 Also used in facial reconstruction and age progression
Composite Drawing
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Instrumental in identifying suspect Terri=Lynne McLintic in the 2009 abduction and murder of 10
year old Victoria Stafford
Identification Lineups
 Identification of suspects in a crime by eyewitnesses
 Physical lineups
 Voice lineups
 Photo lineups
 Fair and non-suggestive
 Useful in clearing innocent persons from suspicion
Photographic Lineup
 Most common method – use “double-blind administration
 12 photos shown simultaneously (all at once) in photo spread
 12 uncounted photos shown sequentially (one at a time) – cant go back
 if suspect in custody – request media not release picture until witnesses are questioned
Behavioral Analysis
 Interpretation of pre-offence and post-offence offender behavior through analysis of psychological
 Individual personality directs behavioral during all human activity
 Used to profile the personality type and lifestyle of the most likely suspect
 Information from crime scene reflects the offenders state of mind – organized or disorganized
 Disorganized: as children, quite and polite internalizing emotions/poor self-image, socially
incompetent around others
 Organized: superior to everyone/as a child they were well known and intended to act out/history of
failed relationships
Blood Pattern Analysis
 Used to reconstruct the events of the crime in offences of violence where blood has been lost
 3 types: Passive, Projected and Transfer
 Can be used to determine direction from source and velocity
Passive Stains
 Blood that is free-flowing or that falls in drops due to gravity
 Round blood stains indicates the source was 90 degrees above the stain – blood was travelling at low
 If one sided of stain is distorted – could determine direction blood was traveling
Projected Bloodstain
 Blood propelled from its source at a velocity greater that force of gravity
 Projected at medium velocity usually due to stabbing or beatings
 Blood projected from a wound if artery has been severed – blood is under pressure – pattern referred
to as an arterial gush
Transfer Pattern
 Bloody object in direct contact with a surface
 May have a hand or footwear impression
 There may be direct contact with blood covered weapon
Collision Reconstruction
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Collision: motor vehicle contracts another object resulting in damage, injury, loss of life
Detect, collect, measure and analyze all evidence
Determine vehicle speeds, pre-crash, crash and post-crash movements
Determine causes
Provide expert testimony
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