Rules of thumb General Briefing G2 AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. V2.0 Content – G2 1 in 60 rule Speed factor, ground factor, air factor Rate of descent, angle of descent, descent gradient Rate of climb, angle of climb, climb gradient Descent planning Wind and time corrections AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Content – G2 1 in 60 rule Speed factor, ground factor, air factor Rate of descent, angle of descent, descent gradient Rate of climb, angle of climb, climb gradient Descent planning Wind and time corrections AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. 1 in 60 rule • Mathematics Most angles are defined in degrees, but you can define an angle also in radians (rad). For an angle of one radian the arc length along the edge of the circle is equal in length to the radius. AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. 1 in 60 rule • Mathematics Circumference of a circle = 2 x π x r 2 x π (6,28) radii in the circumference of a circle 2 x π radians in a circle, in 360° Conclusion: 1 rad = 360° / 2 x π = 57,3° ≈ 60° ≈ 60° AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. r 1 in 60 rule • Mathematics 1 rad ≈ 60° with arc length = radius For an angle of 1°, arc length ≈ radius / 60 1° r / 60 r not to scale AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. 1 in 60 rule • The 1 in 60 rule 1 NM ≈ 6000ft 1° 60 NM ≈ 100ft 1° 1 NM ≈ 300ft Standard ILS 3° 1 NM AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. not to scale 1 in 60 rule • Exercises B α A • at 60 NM, 3° B ≈ … NM ? • at 60 NM, 2 NM off α ≈ ? • at 15 NM, 5° B ≈ … NM ? • at 12 NM, 4 NM off α ≈ ? • at 25 NM, 2° B ≈ … NM ? • at 20 NM, 6 NM off α ≈ ? • at 1 NM, 3° B ≈ … ft ? • at 1 NM, 200ft off α ≈ ? • at 10 NM, 3° B ≈ … ft ? • at 5 NM, 2000ft off α ≈ ? • at 5 NM, 4° B ≈ … ft ? • at 6 NM, 1800ft off α ≈ ? AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. 1 in 60 rule • Exercises B α A • at 60 NM, 3° B ≈ 3 NM • at 60 NM, 2 NM off α ≈ 2° • at 15 NM, 5° B ≈ 1,25 NM • at 12 NM, 4 NM off α ≈ 20° • at 25 NM, 2° B ≈ 0,8 NM • at 20 NM, 6 NM off α ≈ 18° • at 1 NM, 3° B ≈ 300 ft • at 1 NM, 200ft off α ≈ 2° • at 10 NM, 3° B ≈ 3000 ft • at 5 NM, 2000ft off α ≈ 4° • at 5 NM, 4° B ≈ 2000 ft • at 6 NM, 1800ft off α ≈ 3° AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. 1 in 60 rule • Exercises Q. You are on a VFR navigation, flying a leg from point A to point B (distance 20 NM). Halfway between A and B you verify your position with a landmark and with the chart you notice that you drifted 2 NM off track. What is your drift angle? drift angle ≈ 12° AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. 1 in 60 rule • Exercises Q. You are on a VFR navigation, flying a leg from point D to point E (distance 35 NM) at 120kts. 6 minutes after passing point D, you verify your position with a landmark and with the chart you notice that you drifted 3 NM off track. What is your drift angle? drift angle ≈ 15° AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. 1 in 60 rule • Exercises Q. Airport elevation is 1500ft, mountain ridge (top 5500ft) at 20NM from airport. What minimum angle do we need to pass the ridge without any margin? 5500ft minimum angle ≈ 2° 1500ft 20NM AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. 1 in 60 rule • Exercises Q. 2 NM after the departure end of the runway is a building extending up to 400ft. You pass the end of the runway at 100ft during your take-off. What angle of climb do we need to pass the building with at least 500ft clearance? required angle = 4° AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. 1 in 60 rule • Exercises Q. We want to follow a 3° descent path from 12500ft to 2500ft. How many miles do we need to descent to 2500ft. 33 NM AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. 1 in 60 rule • Exercises Q. How many nautical miles is the green segment of this DME arc? Procedure is flown at 120 KTAS. 12DME arc turn radius = TAS/200 7,4 NM R090 Arc distance between R050 and R090 = 8.0NM Turn radius = 0.6NM Green segment = 8.0 – 0.6 = 7.4 NM AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. 1 in 60 rule • Exercises Q. At which altitude approximately should you start the descent at the FAF arriving via FLORA? ≈ 2920 ft Distance threshold to FAF = 8.8NM ≈ 9NM 1 in 60 rule: 9NM with a 3° ≈ 2700ft 2700ft + TCH (≈60ft) + apt. elev. (≈160ft) AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. 1 in 60 rule • Exercises Q. At which altitude should you cross 2.5DME ILST? ≈ 1425 ft AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Content – G2 1 in 60 rule Speed factor, ground factor, air factor Rate of descent, angle of descent, descent gradient Rate of climb, angle of climb, climb gradient Descent planning Wind and time corrections AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Speed factor, ground factor, air factor • Definitions Speed factor is a general term indicating the distance travelled per minute, expressed in nautical miles per minute. Sometimes the term speednumber is used instead of speed factor. Ground factor (GF) is the ground distance (ground miles) travelled per minute. GS GF 60 Air factor (AF) is the air distance (air miles) travelled per minute. TAS AF 60 AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Speed factor, ground factor, air factor • Air factor Another good approximation for air factor is: Mach number x 10 Most of the times this equation can be used on bigger airplanes where Mach is indicated on the flightdeck. air factor ≈ ?6 NM/min example AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Speed factor, ground factor, air factor • Exercises Q. Calculate the air factor for the given TAS / Mach number? • 90 KTAS AF = ? • M .78 AF ≈ ? (A320) • 120 KTAS AF = ? • M .84 AF ≈ ? (B747) • 150 KTAS AF = ? • M .72 AF ≈ ? (AVRO RJ) • 180 KTAS AF = ? • 100 KTAS AF = ? AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Speed factor, ground factor, air factor • Exercises Q. Calculate the air factor for the given TAS / Mach number? • 90 KTAS AF = 1,5 NM/min • M .78 AF ≈ 8 NM/min • 120 KTAS AF = 2 NM/min • M .84 AF ≈ 8,5 NM/min • 150 KTAS AF = 2,5 NM/min • M .72 AF ≈ 7 NM/min • 180 KTAS AF = 3 NM/min • 100 KTAS AF ≈ 1,7 NM/min AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Speed factor, ground factor, air factor • Exercises Q. Calculate the ground factor for the given TAS and wind? • 120 KTAS, 20kts HW GF ≈ ? • 105 KTAS, 15kts TW GF = ? • 130 KTAS, 25 kts TW GF ≈ ? AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Speed factor, ground factor, air factor • Exercises Q. Calculate the ground factor for the given TAS and wind? • 120 KTAS, 20kts HW GF ≈ 1,7 NM/min • 105 KTAS, 15kts TW GF = 2 NM/min • 130 KTAS, 25 kts TW GF ≈ 2,5 NM/min AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Speed factor, ground factor, air factor • Exercises Navigation exercises: AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. • AB − leg distance: 30 NM − 110 KTAS − TW 15 kts − ETE ? 15 min • BC − leg distance: 50 NM − 120 KTAS − TW 25 kts − ETE ? 20 min Speed factor, ground factor, air factor • Exercises Navigation exercises: AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. • C D diversion − leg distance: 45 NM − 145 KTAS − HW 20 kts − ETE ? 22 min • C E diversion − leg distance: 70 NM − 140 KTAS − HW 30 kts − ETE ? 35 min Speed factor, ground factor, air factor • Exercises IFR navigation exercises: • Under radar vectors to final on base leg. Speed 120 KTAS, HW 15 kts. How much time left before intercepting final? 3,5 min AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Speed factor, ground factor, air factor • Exercises IFR navigation exercises: • Under radar vectors to final on base leg. Speed 100 KTAS, TW 10 kts. How much time left before intercepting final? 2 min AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Speed factor, ground factor, air factor • Exercises Q. ATC request ETA overhead point EXIBA, distance to EXIBA is 80 NM. Speed 145 KTAS, HW 20 kts. 13:45 14:25 AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Speed factor, ground factor, air factor • Exercises Q. ATC request ETA overhead point DOBAL, distance to DOBAL is 30 NM. Speed 110 KTAS, HW 20 kts. 16:32 16:52 AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Speed factor, ground factor, air factor • Exercises Q. What is you air factor, ground factor and at what time will you arrive overhead TILLE? AF ≈ 4 NM/min GF ≈ 3 NM/min TILLE @ 11:37Z AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Content – G2 1 in 60 rule Speed factor, ground factor, air factor Rate of descent, angle of descent, descent gradient Rate of climb, angle of climb, climb gradient Descent planning Wind and time corrections AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Rate of descent, angle of descent, descent gradient • Mathematics - AoD Y X For small angles tan(α) ≈ α (with α expressed in radians) Y tan [rad ] [rad ] X AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Rate of descent, angle of descent, descent gradient • Mathematics - AoD altitude ft distance NM altitude [ft] tan [rad ] [rad ] distance [ft] [rad ] AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. altitude [ft] distance [NM] 6000 Rate of descent, angle of descent, descent gradient • Mathematics - AoD [rad ] [] altitude [ft] distance[NM] 6000 altitude [ft] distance[NM] 6000 [] altitude [ft] distance[NM] 100 60 altitude [FL] 100 [] distance[NM] 100 AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Rate of descent, angle of descent, descent gradient • Mathematics - AoD altitude ft distance NM altitude [FL] 100 [] distance[NM] 100 FL [] distance[NM] AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. ≈ angle of descent [ ° ] Rate of descent, angle of descent, descent gradient • Mathematics - RoD RoD [ft/min] AoD[] GS NM / hr FL AoD[] distance[NM] RoD[FL/hr] AoD[] GS[NM/hr] AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Rate of descent, angle of descent, descent gradient • Mathematics - RoD RoD[FL/hr] AoD[] GS[NM/hr] 60 RoD[ft/min] 100 AoD[] GS[NM/hr] 100 RoD[ft/min] AoD[] GS[kts] 60 RoD[ft/min Rate of descent [ ft/min] ] AoD[] GF[NM/min]100 AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Rate of descent, angle of descent, descent gradient • Descent gradient descent gradient [%] AoD 2 1 3° ≈ ?5 % 4° ≈ ?7 % example Rate of descent [fpm] AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. ≈ descent gradient [%] x GS Rate of descent, angle of descent, descent gradient • Exercises Q. Calculate angle of descent, descent gradient and rate of descent? Altitude to loose 2000ft 3000ft 1200ft in distance of 6 NM 5 NM 3 NM with GS 120 kts 100 kts 150 kts AoD ? ? ? descent gradient ? ? ? RoD ? ? ? AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Rate of descent, angle of descent, descent gradient • Exercises Q. Calculate angle of descent, descent gradient and rate of descent? Altitude to loose 2000ft 3000ft 1200ft in distance of 6 NM 5 NM 3 NM with GS 120 kts 100 kts 150 kts AoD 3,5° 6° 4° descent gradient 6% 11% 7% RoD 720 fpm 1100 fpm 1050fpm AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Rate of descent, angle of descent, descent gradient • Exercises Q. You are flying enroute at 11.000ft, ATC requests you to descent and reach waypoint TANGO at 5000ft. TANGO is at 12 NM and your groundspeed is 160 kts. What rate of descent will you need? RoD ≈ 1300 fpm AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Rate of descent, angle of descent, descent gradient • Exercises Q. What AoD and RoD do we need to fly to pass the step down fix at 12.0 NM and 7.0 NM at the minimum altitude? What will be our final RoD (from to the touchdown point)? GS is 90kts. 6200ft 5000ft 4000ft AoD ≈ 2° AoD ≈ 4° RoD ≈ 300 fpmRoD ≈ 600 fpm Final RoD ≈ 450 + 100fpm 1900ft AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. 7.0 12.0 15.0 Rate of descent, angle of descent, descent gradient • Exercises Q. What is the AoD and RoD required to reach the stepdown fixes at the minimum altitudes? GS is 75 kts. KCHD, VOR Rwy 4R 4° 500 fpm AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. 3° 375 fpm Rate of descent, angle of descent, descent gradient • Exercises Q. What is the final RoD required to the MDA? GS is 75 kts. KSDL, VOR A 450 + 200 fpm AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Rate of descent, angle of descent, descent gradient • Exercises Q. What RoD is required to stay on the glide of a standard ILS approach, at 90 – 100 – 120 – 150 kts GS? AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Rate of descent, angle of descent, descent gradient • Exercises Q. Airport elevation is 2500ft, mountain ridge at 30 NM from the airport with a top of 8000ft. What RoC and AoC do we need to clear the top of the mountain with 1000ft clearance at 90KIAS (no wind)? 8000ft 2° 300 fpm 2500ft 30NM AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Rate of descent, angle of descent, descent gradient • Exercises Q. What is the angle of descent and rate of descent required to follow the published final approach? AoD ≈ 4° RoD ≈ 800 fpm AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Rate of descent, angle of descent, descent gradient • Exercises Q. What is the descent gradient and required rate of descent of this non-precision approach? Descent grad. ≈ 6% RoD ≈ 540 fpm AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Content – G2 1 in 60 rule Speed factor, ground factor, air factor Rate of descent, angle of descent, descent gradient Rate of climb, angle of climb, climb gradient Descent planning Wind and time corrections AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Rate of climb, angle of climb, climb gradient • thumbrules Same as for descent. angle of climb [ ° ] rate of climb [fpm] FL distance FL GF 100 distance ≈ climb gradient [%] x GS climb gradient [%] AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. AoC 2 1 Rate of climb, angle of climb, climb gradient • Exercises Q. What RoC do we need to climb on a SID with a standard gradient? Climb speed 105 kts. 350 fpm AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Rate of climb, angle of climb, climb gradient • Exercises Q. Due to obstacles in the departure area, a SID requires 7% up to 3000ft. At 105 kts climb speed, what RoC do we need? 750 fpm AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Rate of climb, angle of climb, climb gradient • Exercises Q. At 3 NM from the departure end of the runway is a church located on a small hill. The top of the church is at 700ft above airport elevation. What is the AoC, climb gradient en RoC required to cross the top with a 500ft clearance? During takeoff you cross the end of the runway at 150ft at 90 kts. AoC: 3,5° Climb gradient: 6% RoC: 525 fpm 700ft 150ft AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Content – G2 1 in 60 rule Speed factor, ground factor, air factor Rate of descent, angle of descent, descent gradient Rate of climb, angle of climb, climb gradient Descent planning Wind and time corrections AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Descent planning • non-pressurized aircraft 500 feet/min rate of descent is the standard, unless there is a good reason to descend at a higher rate. altitude to loose 2 Minutes to descend = 1000 altitude to loose Distance to descend = 2 GF 1000 Remember not to calculate your descent until ground but til your pattern altitude! AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Descent planning • Exercises Q. How many miles to loose 3000ft at 120 kts GS? AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. 12 NM 5000ft 100 kts 17 NM 4000ft 150 kts 20 NM Descent planning • Exercises Q. Calculate TOD in nautical miles and minutes? present alt. airport elev. airspeed wind 8500ft KSDL - 1500ft 110 kts 10 TW 5500ft KRYN - 2500ft 100 kts 15 HW 11500ft KFLG - 7000ft 145 kts 20 HW ! Reach the airport at TPA (normally 1000ft AGL). • 12 min – 24 NM before KSDL • 4 min – 6 NM before KRYN • 7 min – 14 min before KFLG AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Descent planning • Exercises Q. At which distance from KFFZ will you start the descent? Descent speed 90 kts (no wind). A/FD KFFZ pattern alt. 800ft TOD = 20 NM before KFFZ AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Content – G2 1 in 60 rule Speed factor, ground factor, air factor Rate of descent, angle of descent, descent gradient Rate of climb, angle of climb, climb gradient Descent planning Wind and time corrections AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. • wind component headwind Wind and time corrections crosswind tailwind AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Wind and time corrections • crosswind component 1 3 AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. 2 3 3 3 Wind and time corrections • crosswind component AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Wind and time corrections • tail-/headwind component 2 3 3 3 TAIL AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. 1 3 2 3 HEAD 3 3 Wind and time corrections 13kts • tail-/headwind component AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Wind and time corrections • wind component AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Wind and time corrections • Exercises Q. Calculate crosswind and head/tailwind component? wind: 340/15 300/10 015/20 AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Wind and time corrections • Exercises Q. Calculate crosswind and head/tailwind component? wind: 080/20 230/30 360/15 AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Wind and time corrections • time correction HW / TW component divided by AF = time correction [sec] per minute flight time time correction per minute x leg time = time correction for the leg B Q: new flight time with 20kts headwind? A 11min 40 sec AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. example This is an approximation (thumb rule), if you calculate it exactly, you will found 12 min. as new flight time Wind and time corrections • drift/wind correction angle crosswindcomponent AF AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Speed factor, ground factor, air factor • Exercises Q. Calculate crosswind and head/tailwind component? Crosswind comp. = 8 kts (2/3) Headwind comp. = 8 kts (2/3) Wind, 300°/13kts AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Speed factor, ground factor, air factor • Exercises Q. How many ground miles will you fly in a minute? 16kts Reported wind: 090°/22kts 2 NM/min AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Wind and time corrections • Exercises Q. Calculate the heading correction, 90 KTAS? wind: 340/15 300/10 150/20 AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. 3° L 5° L 7° R Wind and time corrections • Exercises Q. Calculate the heading correction, 120 KTAS? wind: 080/20 230/30 360/15 AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. 4° L 15° R 8° L Wind and time corrections • Exercises VFR navigation • PA 28 – 110 KTAS • wind 120/15 • diversion to alternate airport: course 060°, distance 36 NM Q. What will be your ETE and heading to your alternate airport? Heading: 067° ETE: 21 min AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Wind and time corrections • Exercises VFR navigation • DA 42 – 145 KTAS • wind 060/25 • diversion to alternate airport: course 210°, distance 45 NM Q. What will be your ETE and heading to your alternate airport? Heading: 205° ETE: 16 min AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Wind and time corrections • Exercises Q. Which heading to fly and what will be your estimated leg time? Track: 160° Distance: 11 NM Wind: 030/18 HDG: 154° Leg time: 5,5 min AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. Wind and time corrections • Exercises Q. Calculate the time correction? 100KTAS, leg time 3 min. wind: 340/15 300/10 150/20 AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. + 30 sec. + 9 sec. - 30 sec. Wind and time corrections • Exercises Q. Calculate the flight time outbound SNOWL and the heading and time correction outbound in the procedure turn (course 167°). 100 KTAS. Extra info: Outbound timing SNOWL 1 to 3 minutes (ICAO), we take 3 minutes (no wind) with a speed of 100 KTAS and we stay within 10NM from SNOWL 2,5 min. + 0 sec / 11° R Stay within 10 NM from SNOWL AIRLINE TRAINING CENTER, INC. MENU