BUSINESS CYCLES THEORY AND POLICY MICROFUNDATION Capital Accumulation: Intro to Macro (Transformation: units of effective labor input) Capital growth rate for each unit of effective labor (Solow Model equation): In Stationary State ALL variables attain constant values, so no growth: Capital is generated by savings and reduced by depreciation Higher effective capital stock -> more output in units of effective labor input In Steady State the effective capital stock is constant, while technological progress and population increase with constant rates Population growth higher-> more capital is needed for the ‘new ones’ Savings ratio higher -> each worker can use more capital for production Microfoundation needed! Policy changes can affect the endogenously determined savings rates of optimizing individuals MEASURING THE BUSINESS CYCLE “Business cycles are a type of fluctuation found in the aggregate economic activity. A cycle consists of expansions occurring at about the same time in many economic activities followed by similarly general recessions, contractions and revivals which merge into the expansion phase of the next cycle.” Burns and Mitchell (1946) We can decompose a series of observations into trend and cyclical components: Extracting a linear time trend from the log of a series removes an exponential growth trend with constant growth rate from original series: Small cyclical components Smooth growth trend Kaldor stylized facts Kaldor facts in the Solow Model FACT 1: Growth of Y/L FACT 2: Growth of K/L FACT 3: Constant Interest on Capital FACT 4: Stability of Y/K FACT 5: Factor ratios remain approx. constant In Summary: Output per worker increases with the rate of technological progress Steady state level of output per worker depends on savings rate, population growth and rate of technological progress RBC Stylized Facts THE REAL BUSINESS CYCLE MODEL The most standard RBC model is an extension of the Solow Model. There are three differences however: Technological progress is stochastic Households choose how much to consume and to save (invest in capital kt) Households choose how much labor to supply Together with factor inputs kt-1 and nt chosen by firms to maximize profits we have optimizing agents under perfect competition. In period t, all agents know what has happened up to and including period t. If they agents use this information optimally, they are forming rational (mathematical) expectations about the future. The goal is to match salient features of the business cycle using exogenous shifts in total factor productivity (technology shocks). There are three traded goods in a perfectly competitive economy: Output produced by firms used for consumption and investment Labor services supplied by households Capital services supplied by households HOUSEHOLDS Households are endowed with an initial capital stock k-1 Households are endowed with one unit of time. They can use this time to either work or enjoy leisure The Optimization Problem: # ## Intuition of the household optimization: Utility cost of further reducing consumption today to finance additional investment Optimal capital supply equates Discounted E(utility) benefit of the additional consumption in the future financed by higher capital income Intuition of the household consumption smoothing: PROPAGATION Intuition of the household labor supply: ^ TECHNOLOGY SCHOCKS AND PRODUCTION (FIRMS) Stochastic Production Alternative and Equivalent The central question of the model lies on the effect of the productivity shocks on the remaining variables of the model. Qualitative: How do productivity shocks affect the remaining variables (Propagation) Quantitative: How strongly do prod. shocks affect the remaining var (Amplification) If A=0 MARKET CLEARING AND THE COMPETITIVE EQUILIBRIUM The market is cleared when: The amount of capital services supplied by households has to equal the amount of capital services demanded by firms. The amount of labor services supplied by households has to equal the amount of labor services demanded by firms. The amount of output supplied by firms has to equal the amount of output demanded by households An equilibrium is a situation in which: households maximize, firms maximize, markets clear, households form expectations rationally. Summary: System of 5 nonlinear difference equations in 5 variables (yt, ct, kt, nt, zt) I. Capital market II. Labor market Marginal Rate of Substitution Marginal Rate of Productivity III. Resource constraint (constant returns to scale + perfect competition => zero profits πt = 0) IV. Production function V. Shock SOLVING THE REAL BUSINESS CYCLE MODEL The solution of the RBC Model is a policy function. This function maps the state variables kt1 and zt (pre-determined) into all other variables “resolving” approximately the expectations in the system above. Procedure: 1. Find the steady state y, c, n, k, i . 2. Set parameter values (perhaps calibrated, estimated,...). 3. Loglinearize around this steady state to obtain a system of linear difference equations. 4. Solve the system of linear difference equations with the method of undetermined coefficients. 5. Observe the effect of a single productivity shock—impulse response analysis 1) Steady State: all variables are constant Equilibrium of the quarterly RBC – Model Steady State equations 2) Setting parameter values Productivity shocks zt are the cyclical components of the log Solow residuals log TPF estimated as an AR(1) process zt= pzt-1 + ut Factor share of capital 3) Log linearizing around the steady state Linear system of equations in log deviations I) III) Capital Market Resource Constraint II) IV) Labor Market Production Function 4) Solving the linear system - To solve the syste we need policy funtions: control variables as function of state variables The capital we chose today becomes a state variable next period -> endogenous state variable We don’t seek to explain our technology schock in the model but rather it´s repercusions -> exogenous state variable 5) Analyzing the model - Consumption has a different shape: It´s maximum deviation is when capital dev. and output dev. cross each other We get rich suddenly, capital is constantly built and we Invest some of our output. The built capital stock is going to provide us with consumption even though technology shock dissipates The New Keynesian Model The Household Optimization Problem S Aggregate Price Dynamics: Aggregate price level is given by: Log-Linearization around a zero-inflation steady state (Π = 0, π = 1) Inflation results because reoptimizing firms choose a price which differs from the average price in the previous period Optimal price setting v Log-Linearization and market clearing New Keynesian Phillip’s and IS Curves Real Marginal Costs If firm a lowered the prices in t, demand will increase and therefore the output will be larger than average output in the economy. The marginal cost will increase. If firm was able to adjust prices and increased them; demand decreases, WPN increases, MC decreases. Same logic for equation (11) *NKPC Plug this in the equation derived from (28) FOC: Side Note: Under the assumption of constant returns to scale (α = 0) marginal cost is independent of the level of production and, hence, it is common across firms Weighted average of current conditions (mc and inflations) with the price differential we would expect tomorrow. We want to choose our optimal price change today as our monopolistic price setting would tell us to set it today and we are going to weight that with the optimal price we would expect to choose tomorrow if we were able to reset prices. The decision of tomorrow is embedded in today´s. *IS Curve Recall log lin Euler: In the RBC model: a tech shock led us to wish more capital accumulation. Now New Keynes: r leaves the household indifferent. If agents´ impatience change, that changes the natural rate of interest that must exist, so agents (on average) have no incentive to start accumulating assets/capital but rather stay indifferent and keep purchasing bonds. _______________________________________________________________________________________ We later show, how the NK-Output-Gap is related to the liquidity preference and the money supply in the economy. So far, we saw how the NKPC represents the supply side of the economy between and the pricing decision of firms. The IS curve represents the demand side of the model, hence the investment-saving decisions of agents. Equilibrium under an interest rate rule We want to analyze the conditions needed for an equilibrium. This is, what is necessary so forward-looking variables like inflation and output oscillate back to their natural level after a monetary policy shock. Combining the non-policy block with the Taylor-type interest rate rule delivers Policy seeks to contra rest the inflationary psychology in the economy i.e the self-fulfilling effect of inflation. If firms and consumers expect higher future inflation, then it can become a selffulfilling prophecy. If workers expect future inflation, they are more likely to bargain for higher wages to compensate for the increased cost of living. If workers can successfully bargain for higher wages, this will contribute towards inflation. Also, most consumers will spend their money on a product immediately if they think its price is going to increase shortly. To pop the expected inflation bubble (decrease pressure on possible self-fulfilling inflation) the key mechanism by which the models work depends on the coefficient on expected inflation in the Taylor rule is to be greater than one. Thus, a rise in expected inflation leads to a raise in the real interest rate. This demotivates spending, leading to a decrease in output that eventually gives way to a decrease in inflation. Suppose a contractionary monetary policy, so a positive monetary policy shock where nominal i increases. What happens with the real interest rate after the shock? How does the money demand/supply react? We use this to determine the change in the money supply required to bring about the desired change in the interest rate. The sign of the change in money supply can be ambiguous. In our model inflation expectations (fisher effect) do not outweigh the liquidity effect Liquidity effect: increase in the money supply can reduce the real interest rate, more money, i.e. more liquidity, tends to lower the price of money which is equivalent to lowering the interest rate = 0.6 – 0.15 = 0.45 Tech shock under Taylor Rule: The Central Bank tries to stimulate output to close gap by lowering i. Here we don’t have this reaction. Employment decreases in both examples (household enjoys leisure thanks to tech shock) but here we have the added effect of a lower output level, hence less labor needed. Suboptimality: Optimal monetary policy Implications of optimal monetary policy Simple policy rules (Welfare loss) Simple policy rules Evaluation