The solar neutrino problem Introduction First observed by Ray Davis in 1968, the solar neutrino problem is the apparent discrepancy between solar neutrino flux measured in experiments versus the theoretical calculations. Many experiments were constructed after this to identify the cause. The solar neutrino problem was widely accepted to be solved in 2001 after scientists at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory first published their results. In this paper, we will journey through the mystery that puzzled scientists for over 30 years, interpreting experimental and theoretical publications, in addition to explaining and analysing proposed solutions to the solar neutrino problem. Solar neutrinos Nicknamed “ghost particles”, neutrinos are possibly the most unsociable particles. Interacting only via the weak force and gravity, they pass straight through most regular matter. Neutrinos have a very small mass, at least one million times smaller than the mass of an electron [1], however were once thought to be massless. Solar neutrinos are produced in the sun through complex nuclear fusion reactions in the sun’s core, most are produced during the proton-proton reaction. Most neutrinos passing through the Earth originate from the sun, totalling 70 billion solar neutrinos penetrating one centimetre squared every second [2]. Neutrinos come in 3 flavours: electron, muon, and tau. However, all neutrinos produced by the sun are electron neutrinos [3]. The Homestake experiment In 1967 the Homestake experiment commenced. Its goal was to measure how many neutrinos are produced by the sun. A 380 cubic metre tank filled with tetrachloroethylene was constructed 1478 metres underground to prevent cosmic rays from interfering with the detection of solar neutrinos [4]. Tetrachloroethylene contains chlorine which interacts with an electron neutrino according to: νe + 37Cl ⟶ 37Ar + e-. Then, the argon could be collected and counted, which relates directly to the number of electron neutrinos captured in the tank. Previously, in 1964 Bahcall had calculated the expected count to be 20 solar neutrino units or SNU (captures per second per target atom). Davis, in the first few months, measured only 3 SNU, approximately a factor of 7 below what would be expected from solar-model calculations [5]. In the next years, Davis improved his equipment and methodology and Bahcall improved the accuracy of his calculations. In 1988 Bahcall and Ulrich Fig. 1. The argon production rate obtained by the Homestake experiment from 1970 to 1995 [6]. improved the predicted count to be 7.93 SNU. The Homestake experiment ran for over 25 years; between 1970 and 1995 the average production of solar neutrinos was 2.56 SNU, approximately one third of what was predicted [6]. This experiment marked the start of the solar neutrino problem, as scientists could not understand why there was a deficit of solar neutrinos. Further experimentation After the publication of the chlorine detection method, many other methods were proposed, and other observatories were built. The Kamiokande-II detector was a large tank of ultrapure water surrounded by photomultiplier tubes that could count neutrinos by measuring the Čerenkov radiation given off by the elastic collision between a neutrino and an electron. It was sensitive to mostly electron neutrinos. In 1989 Kamiokande-II measured solar neutrinos at 46% of the value predicted by the standard model; this value was determined to be consistent with the Homestake experiment, confirming the solar neutrino problem [7]. Another method of detecting solar neutrinos used gallium: νe + 71Ga ⟶ 71Ge + e-. Gallium detectors were attractive because they could detect lower energy neutrinos, for example, those produced by the proton-proton reaction. So far, all experiments could only detect relatively high energy neutrinos from other reactions in the sun [8]. In 1989 the first gallium measurements were taken in SAGE (Soviet-American Gallium Experiment), then GALLEX (GALLium EXperiment) in 1991. Both observatories reported around 50% of the predicted number of solar neutrinos [9]. Proposed solutions The solar neutrino problem could be explained by either a problem with the theory or a problem with the experiments. After so many neutrino observatories recorded a deficit of solar neutrinos, it became unlikely that experiments were unreliable. So was the theory of the sun wrong, or does the standard model need changing? One proposed solution was that the sun was colder than originally thought. Since the rate of fusion in the sun is a function of temperature, decreasing the temperature would decrease the neutrino flux. However, there were two problems with this explanation. Firstly, the Kamiokande-II experiment required a decrease of the sun’s temperature by 4%, but the Homestake experiment required a decrease of 8%. This is a difference of 4 standard deviations, so it is implausable [10]. Secondly, the stellar model had been successful for many years, and the proposed decrease had a confidence level of less than 1%. This is too low to make the case for changing the physics of the sun [11], therefore this solution can be confidently rejected. Another proposed solution was that the neutrino had a large magnetic moment. A large magnetic moment would allow the neutrino to flip from having left-handed spin to righthanded spin in the presence of the solar magnetic field. This would explain the solar neutrino problem since the neutrino detectors are only sensitive to left-handed neutrinos [12][13]. This ‘helicity flip’ could also explain the recorded anticorrelation with sunspots because there are more sunspots during periods of increased magnetic activity. A large magnetic moment, however, would require a large neutrino mass. The neutrino was not widely believed to have mass, let alone a large mass [14]. Furthermore, right-handed neutrinos have never been observed. Consequently, this solution can also be rejected. Bruno Pontecorvo, in 1957, presented the idea of neutrino oscillation. He asserted that neutrinos could transition to and from their antiparticle counterparts. This theory advanced over the next decades to include oscillations between the 3 flavours of neutrino [15]. This would explain the solar neutrino problem because the experiments so far were only sensitive to one flavour of neutrino. In 1998 the Super-Kamiokande, measuring atmospheric neutrinos, found compelling evidence of neutrino oscillation. Super-Kamiokande was special because it could measure the direction of neutrinos in real time. Researchers found that muon neutrinos travelling up were occurring at half the rate of muon neutrinos travelling down, this could be explained if the muon neutrinos were transforming into another neutrino that could not be detected since in each direction the neutrino has travelled a different distance [16]. The confirmation of neutrino oscillation also requires the neutrino to have mass. To fully confirm this theory, neutrino oscillation must be observed in solar neutrinos. The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory In 1985 Herbert Chen recognised that the reactions νe + d ⟶ e- + p + p (charged current) ν+ d ⟶ν+p+ n (neutral current) could be used to measure both the total neutrino flux and the electron neutrino flux [17]. In these equations, d is a deuterium nucleus (one neutron and one proton bound together). The Sudbury Neutrino Experiment (SNO) used 1000 tonnes of heavy water, water that has a deuterium instead of a hydrogen (D2O), to detect all flavours of neutrino. Like the Kamiokande experiments, SNO used photomultiplier tubes to detect Čerenkov radiation to measure the neutrino flux. In the SNO, there are now three interactions that produce Čerenkov radiation: charged current, neutral current, and elastic scattering which was the interaction also used in Kamiokande. To differentiate the three interactions, statistical separation was performed using the inclusion of three more variables: electron kinetic energy, the angle between the sun and the path the electron takes, and the position in the tank where the interaction took place. Using these three parameters, researchers could calculate the proportion of electron neutrinos versus other types of neutrinos. The observatory started recording results in 1999, and first fully published these results in 2002. Fig. 2 shows the flux of high energy solar neutrinos, muon or tau neutrinos versus electron neutrinos. The three coloured bands are the fluxes measured with the three different reactions. The dashed lines represent the flux predicted by the standard solar model. The intersection of the bands is the measured final flux of electron neutrinos versus other kinds. This shows that 34% of Fig. 2. SNO’s measured solar neutrino flux [18] the neutrino flux is attributed to electron neutrinos and that the total flux is consistent with the standard model. The only explanation for this is neutrino oscillation, which causes neutrinos to change flavour on their journey to Earth [18][19]. Neutrino oscillation The discovery of neutrino oscillation implies that neutrinos have mass, more specifically a mixture of three mass eigenstates (the characteristic state of some quantum object). Because neutrinos evolve, this must mean they experience time. Since they experience time, they must be travelling at a speed slower than the speed of light. According to special relativity, only massless particles can travel at the speed of light. Therefore, the flavours of neutrino can be thought of as each a different superposition of three neutrino mass eigenstates when travelling, which collapses to a single flavour when observed. The wave packets of each mass eigenstate have different masses; therefore, they propagate with different velocities. As the wave packets propagate, their phase difference changes. As the phase difference evolves, the probability of finding each flavour of neutrino changes. We can write the transformation between flavour eigenstates and mass eigenstates as a matrix, called the Pontecorvo–Maki–Nakagawa–Sakata (PMNS) matrix: 𝜈𝑒 𝑈𝑒1 (𝜈µ ) = (𝑈µ1 𝜈𝜏 𝑈𝜏1 𝑈𝑒2 𝑈µ2 𝑈𝜏2 𝜈1 𝑈𝑒3 𝑈µ3 ) (𝜈2 ). 𝜈3 𝑈𝜏3 This means, for example, that an electron neutrino’s wave function is |𝜈𝑒 > = 𝑈𝑒1 |𝜈1 > + 𝑈𝑒2 |𝜈2 > + 𝑈𝑒3 |𝜈3 >. Which is a superposition of the three mass eigenstates. The |X> notation just means the state that this quantum object, X, is in. The mass eigenstates propagate according to a plane wave solution, so that at a later time, t, the wave function of the neutrino has changed to |𝛹(𝑡) > = 𝑈𝑒1 |𝜈1 > 𝑒 −𝑖𝜑1 + 𝑈𝑒2 |𝜈2 > 𝑒 −𝑖𝜑2 + 𝑈𝑒3 |𝜈3 > 𝑒 −𝑖𝜑3 [20]. Instead of using this complex notation, we can think of the changing coefficients of the mass eigenstates as arrows that rotate at different speeds. Because they are rotating at different speeds, a combination that initially looked like an electron neutrino could become a muon neutrino. If you wait longer, the combination will look like an electron neutrino again and so on as the neutrino travels through space from the sun to the earth. |𝜈𝑒 > = |𝜈1 > + |𝜈2 > + |𝜈3 > |𝜈? > = |𝜈1 > + |𝜈2 > + |𝜈3 > |𝜈µ > = |𝜈1 > + |𝜈2 > + |𝜈3 > In between the transition, we are in a situation where there is a probability of finding an electron neutrino and a probability of finding a muon neutrino. It is possible to calculate this probability from the values in the PMNS matrix that are measured experimentally. In reality, the oscillations are much more complicated. From Fig. 3 we can see the probability of observing each flavour of neutrino change as it travels farther from the source. At 11000 km/Gev there is approximately an equal chance to observe each flavour of neutrino. Unlike the simple, unrealistic example above, the electron Fig. 3. Neutrino oscillation. Black is electron neutrino, blue is tau neutrino, and red is muon neutrino [21] neutrino never fully transforms into another flavour; it always has a non-zero probability. The oscillations of tau neutrinos and muon neutrinos are similar because the tau and muon parameters in the rows in the PMNS matrix have similar values [22]. The values in the PMNS matrix are still not fully understood, and values are being updated all the time to correlate better with experimental results. Conclusion The solar neutrino problem was a result of a misunderstanding of the standard model. The standard model is used to, in theory, describe all fundamental forces and particles, paramount to our understanding of the universe. After nearly 40 years, it was discovered that neutrinos do not behave as expected due to their finite mass; a property that they were not thought to have until 1998. Four scientists working on neutrino physics during this time were awarded The Nobel Prize in Physics; Raymond Davis Jr. for his work to initially detect the solar neutrino problem in the Homestake experiment and Masatoshi Koshiba for his work with the Kamiokande detectors, awarded in 2002 [23]. And Takaaki Kajita for discovering neutrino oscillations from atmospheric neutrinos in the Super-Kamiokande detecter, and Arthur B. Mcdonald for discovering these oscillations in solar neutrinos using the SNO, awarded in 2015 [24]. This discovery is a brilliant story of scientific endeavour, resulting in a major change to how we think about the fundamental physics of our universe. Bibliography [1] S. Mertens, Direct Neutrino Mass experiments, presented at NuPhys2015 (London, 2015). [2] C. Grupen, Astroparticle Physics (Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2005). [3] Solar neutrinos,, retrieved 15/11/21. [4] J. N. Bahcall, Neutrinos from The Sun, Scientific American 221, 1 (1969). [5] R. Davis, Jr., D. 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