TYPES OF AIR POLLUTION There are several types of Air Pollution , mainly indoor air pollution and outdoor air pollution. These include smog , acid rain the green house effect and hole in ozone layer One type of air pollution is the release of particle in to the air Another type of air pollution is the release of particles the air CAUSES OF AIR POLLUTION Dust raised on the ground during dust strom Stone dust raised by crushing of stone inquires Smoke Emmited by vehicle Smoke from forest fires Smoked raised by burning of coal in power house Burning of wood , cow during cakes and garbage , ETC CAUSES OF AIR POLLUTION SMOG Smog is a type large scale out pollution . It is caused by chemical reaction between pollutant derived from different sources ACID RAIN It is caused when polluted combine with droplet of water in the air The effect of acid rain on the environment can be serious EFFECT OF ACID RAIN Acid rain causes acidification of lakes and stream It contribute to the damage of trees and many sensitive forest soils It acceleration the decay of building materials and paints ,including irreplaceable building ,statues HOLE IN OZONE LAYER It is another result of air pollution Chemical released by other activities affect the stratosphere Released by CFC heating ,aerosol cans , refrigerator equipment s remove some of the ozone , causing “holes” EFFECT OF AIR POLLUTION It is impossible to describe the whole extent of potential and actual damaged caused by all forms of air pollution. But there are the same consequence ON THE ENVIROMENT Air pollution is the major impact on the process of plants evolution by preventing photo santhesis in many cases with serious consequence for the purification of the air we breathe. It also contribute the formation of acid rain , atmospheric precipitation in the form of rain, snow , fog .which are during the combustion of fossil fuel transformed by contract the water stream in the atmosphere. GLOBAL WARMING Top of that air pollution is a major contributor global warming and climate change. In fact the abundance of carbon dioxide in the air is one of the causes of the greenhouse effect . Normally the presence of greenhouse gases should be beneficial of the planet because they absorb the infra-red radiation produced by the surface of the earth . But the excessive concentration of these gases in the atmosphere in the causes of the recent climate change. ON HUMAN HEALTH Our continual exposure to air pollutant is responsible for the deterioration of the human health Air pollution is indeed a significant risk factor for human health condition , causing allergies, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases as well as lung damage AIR POLLUTION PREVENTION There are way to prevent control and eventually reduce air pollution Renewable fuel and clean energy production The most basic solution for air pollution is to move away for fossil fuel, replacing them with alternative energies like solar, wind and geothermal ENERGY CONSERVATION AND EFFICIENCY Producing clean energy is crucial but equally important is to reduce our consumption of energy by adopting responsible habits and using more efficient devices GREEN BUILDING From planning to demolition , green building create enviroment responsible and resource efficient structure to reduce their carbon foot print. THANK YOU