Uploaded by Samantha Everett

Monument Research Project Worksheet

Monument research project
I. Possible Memorials I may choose:
a._____________ Reason:______________________________________
b._____________ Reason:______________________________________
c. _____________ Reason:______________________________________
(Example: Christopher Columbus Statue
Reason: It is my opinion after many hours researching and educating myself on
Christopher Columbus, statues of Columbus ignore his enslavement and massacre of indigenous peoples, promotion of sex slavery
of children and the true "discovery" of America.
II. Are you FOR or AGAINST?
For against
Leave it alone!
Leave it where it is, but add the necessary historical information to understand it.
Take it down and relocate it to a library or museum.
Remove it and destroy it!
Essential Question: Are the preservation of memorials vital to demonstrate the evolution of the
American Dream?
Iii. Places
I can find information about the monument:
IV. Start with :
The * Who * what * where * when * why * of the monument:
Questions to think about:
Was this created to honor an important person or a historical event
that happened?
What does it stand for/represent?
What impact does it serve for the American people?
What era does it represent?
Does it help capture the memory of what happened?
Should it be removed or should it be preserved?
Does it represent the sacrifices people have made?
Why do Americans commemorate that individual’s sacrifice?
Does this add to the country’s architectural or artistic heritage?
Is this a testament to our past/history?
Does it represent diversity in our culture?
How does it help shape society?
What about this makes it “American?”
What tone does this set?