Uploaded by Chris Grace

Course Project Outline: Academic Task Management

Course Project: Detailed Outline
Goal: I will accomplish at least 3 academic tasks per day, by using rewards and
consequences, daily to-do lists, and journaling.
Book: [write the name of the book you read here]
This assignment will help you get started on your final Course Project submission by
selecting a format and developing a detailed outline. One of the problems you might
face is being daunted by the amount of work to be done for the final submission. Often,
the hardest part is getting started. To jump-start this process, it can help to create an
outline. This is not when you care about a perfect introduction, grammar and spelling
mistakes, or formatting. Later, you can make sense of and edit everything. For now, the
goal is just to put your thoughts down on paper and see the big picture.
Step 1: Consider requirements and select a format
First, look ahead to the Course Project: Final Product assignment in Carmen.
Next, visit the College Success website and read a few projects from previous students.
Consider similarities and differences, what you like and don’t like, and which projects are most
helpful and why. Keep in mind that even though these projects were selected for the website,
their quality may vary and not all formats may be represented.
Pick a tentative format for your project and explain your choice in the table below.
Available formats
Your choice and why
For now, I am going to choose a Blog Post as my mode of delivery for this
project. I feel that with the goals I chose, this format will best fit those goals and
allow me to express my progress and conclusions.
Blog Post
Podcast Episode
Interactive Presentation
[answer here]
Step 2: Create a detailed outline for your project
Start by thinking about the main topics you may want to cover in your final project. Think
of this list as the main topics of an essay you’re writing, or the chapters of a book that
an author is writing.
Then, start adding details to your outline. For each section in your outline, write out your
plans for what you want to say/include for that section. Don’t spend time searching for
just the right word or picture. What matter most are your ideas. Feel free to put down
phrases like “add quote about A, B, or C here”; “insert picture here”; or “connect topic X
to topic Y here.”
In general, use brief descriptions for the main sections/subsections (e.g., SMART
goal #1) and full sentences for your explanations and supporting details (e.g.,
One goal I had for this semester was …”).
Make sure you include all the essential components listed in the Course Project:
Final Product assignment in Carmen. The more details you include, the more
feedback I can provide. Even if your project format is a video or podcast, it is still
beneficial to have a script. You can include images and visuals, but they are not
required for the Detailed Outline.
**Example of a detailed outline; yours may differ**
Introduction – In this section, share a bit about yourself
Who I am
My name is ______. I am currently in my first year
here at OSU. I came here thinking that I wanted to pursue a _____
major, but now I am thinking of maybe a ______ major instead after
taking _______.
Goal(s) – In this section, describe the goal(s) you focused on in the
course project
Circumstances or situations in my life that made me want to
Last semester was my first semester of college. I
came in knowing it would be different than high school based on
what friends and teachers told me, but I still underestimated how
different it would be. I quickly realized that my studying was not up
to par, but I wasn’t sure what the “right” way to study looked like.
SMART goal(s)
SMART goal #1
One goal I had for this semester was to become
a more disciplined student. I want to be better at planning
out my studying, and when I do study or do homework. I
want to be more efficient and productive so I can have more
time to hang out with friends or join clubs.
SMART goal #2
Book – In this section, talk about what book you selected, why you
chose it, and how it connected to your goal(s)
Strategies/ideas from the book – In this section talk about what
strategies or ideas from the book you tried, how they worked, and how/if you
addressed any obstacles
Tracking – In this section, include 2 or more examples of
tracking/documentation that show how you applied the strategies from the book
to work toward your goals
Major takeaways – In this section, talk about the lesson you
learned, the insights that will continue to be important to you, and/or the key
advice you would share
[Insert your detailed outline below]
Who am I? My name is Christopher Grace, I started my first semester here at The
Ohio State University this fall. Upon arriving here, I was under the impression that
I wanted to attempt the business track and follow in my friend’s and my family’s
footsteps, however, upon further evaluation and understanding, I am switching
my major, to pursue a DPT. in Physical Therapy. This will better align with not
only my current lifestyle, but also the lifestyle I plan on living in the future,
fitness, and health is my true passion, and I am confident that I will find this
career path much more desirable.
Even before arriving at college this fall, I previously contemplated implementing
such goals that will be introduced later, however, this class has become the final
push that led me to work toward my self-development and I couldn’t be more
excited. My previous study habits were frankly non-existent in high school, which
is a shame, but I know what needs to be done to fix that, I also know nothing
worth having comes easy, and I have found that out very quickly since being at
college, but I am genuinely stirred to begin this journey and will take full
advantage of this opportunity, which should (if done correctly) lead to a more
complete and structured life.
One goal I set for myself is to build the habit of completing at least 3 academic
tasks per day, which is not limited to sending emails, working on my resume,
researching careers, majors, etc. I want to build this habit to ensure that I am
giving academic work its due time throughout my days, and never neglecting the
very reason I am enrolled as a full-time student.
The book I chose for this project, is Succeeding with Adult ADHD, by Abigal
Levrini and Frances Prevatt, Ph.D. I chose this book because, in my senior year of
high school I was finally diagnosed with ADHD, and I felt that this book would
help me grasp a better understanding of the struggles I face on a day-to-day,
hour-to-hour basis. I currently have not started the day-to-day tracking or
implementation of the goals I set, so this part will be expanded on later.
I dont have the exact tracking methodology down or the structure yet, but for
now, I plan on using a planner to write my daily to-do-lists, and also a journal to
reflect on my rewards and consequences methods.