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Academic professional development.docx

Student number: 19046925
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Today, students after graduating not have a tendency to do a lifetime job (Arthur and
Rousseau, 1996; Gee et al, 1996), they have the ability to change, get more flexible on the
process of various situations, different jobs, do the best for their lives. Therefore, the most
important thing is to evaluate and analyze the labor market to find jobs that match their
strengths and weaknesses.
There are many important factors to be concerned about when evaluation of the labor
market, more specifically in marketing such as the unemployment rate, education level, salary, age, proportion of the graduation of men and women ,... However, I am particularly
interested employment and unemployment levels, to find out why that leads to the situation.
In addition, other factor that needs to be concerned is salary after graduation in marketing.
The first factor is employment and unemployment levels of marketing graduates after
graduation. Unemployed labor is the common situation of most countries in the world (Nickell, S., 1997). In Vietnam, in 2019, the number of unemployed youth (people aged 15 to 24)
in the first quarter of 2019 was estimated at 448.5 thousand, accounting for 40.4% of the
total unemployed ( General Statistics Office Vietnam, 2019). More specific about marketing,
it is essentially looking for, gathering knowledge about the psychological and social to impact
on the behavior of people. Marketing is now evaluated as the hottest major. With the development of digital technology, information technology, with huge corporations like Google,
Facebook... Currently, the media companies and advertising have shown a lot of opportunities for the opportunity to work for students after graduation. In Vietnam, recruitment sources
mainly through job postings on the mass media 54%; from the university 30% , through job
placement centers 8%, 8% from other sources. And only 30% accept new students out of
school, 46% require experience and specialization ( Table 3, The chart shows the source
and the object of recruitment, Long, N. T., 2006). Marketing is very important role in the
business activities of almost any business organization in the world. Marketing is rated in
the top 3 hottest major ( Smith, J., 2012 ). The opportunity to get a job of marketing students
is very high because the labor market is in need of a lot of labor in this industry. However,
there is a serious problem in Vietnam that human resources of marketing do not meet the
needs of employers ( Thang, N.N. and Quang, T., 2007). Vietnamese workers lack of professional qualifications and foreign language skills. Therefore, getting a job for students after
graduation is both difficult and easy.
The next important factor is the salary after graduation, this is also one of the factors that
students are most interested in when starting a job search. Education is an important factor
affecting income levels in the economic market. A more qualified person will receive a higher
starting salary, affecting the look of the employer (Moock, P.R., Patrinos, H.A. and Venkataraman, M., 2003). Vietnam has been affected by the international crisis that began in 2008,
leading to a significant decline of economic growth .Meanwhile, the average annual growth
rate reached 8.5% in 2004-2007, it dropped to 6.5% in 2008 and about 5% in 2009 (Cling,
J.P., Razafindrakoto, M. and Roubaud, F., 2010). However, Vietnam’s average income in
2018 was estimated at VND 58.5 million, equivalent to USD 2,587, an increase of USD 198
compared to 2017. Compared to the Government's expectation, the average income in 2018
was higher than USD 47, due to the increase of 7.08% of GDP in 2018 compared to last
year ( Mien, T, Vneconomy., 2018). Based on these figures, we can see that Vietnam's
economy is on a strong development momentum, labor qualifications are also increasing to
meet the needs of employers. More specific about the income level of a marketing major.
Currently, marketing is a major that attracts a lot of people, leading to very high competition
and a starting salary for this industry is also quite high. According to the statistics of Adecco
Vietnam, depending on experience and position, the salary of marketing industry fluctuates
quite large, from the lowest of 8 million VND / month to the highest up to over 100 million
VND / month.
There are many factors that change the labor market. However, the two most prominent
and remarkable factors are economic restructuring and climate change. The first and most
important factor affecting the change of the labor market is the economic restructuring. Vietnam is primarily a rural country. Two-third of all agricultural workers. Other major areas
including manufacturing (12%) and wholesale and retail trade (11%) (World Bank, 1997). In
recent years, the economic structure of our country has been shifted towards industrialization and modernization, promoting comparative advantages of industries and territories. The
restructuring of economic sector has changed the labor structure of our country in the trend
of industrialization and modernization. The number of workers in industry and services is
increasing, while the number of employees in agriculture is decreasing ( Huong,N.T.M, Forestry University Vietnam., 2017). According to the table of labor structure by economic sector of Vietnam General Statistics Office. We can see that the percentage of labor structure
from 2001 to 2016 has changed significantly. The structure of agricultural sector decreased
steadily from 63.4% to 42.2%. In contrast, the percentage of industry and service structure
increased significantly. Another factor that changes the labor market is climate change.
Climate change will have a significant impact on the global labor market. ( Cunningham,W
and Pimhidzai, O., 2016). As for Vietnam, it is a quite serious factor. In Vietnam, the temperature increases dramatically every year, the sea level rises, and the salinity of the water
increases. These changes will greatly affect the labor market. For example, tourism can be
affected as temperatures rise, coastlines erode and weather becomes more severe. Climate
change makes a part of the labor force convert jobs (for example from agriculture to industry,
trade and services), reduces working time, reduces income and increases the number of
migrant workers in the area. Research by the Institute of Labor Science and Social Affairs
2011 on the impact of climate change on employment of Ha Tinh province in the period of
2006-2010 shows that extreme weather events have reduced the potential for job creation
on average about 0.22% / year (equivalent to about 1,400 jobs per year lost). All of which
will create a new picture in the labor market.
With the purpose of getting suitable jobs and achieving success, it is indispensable for
some necessary and important skills and competencies. All competencies tested are important to a degree. 'Learning ability', 'teamwork', 'being proactive and ready to work', 'autonomy' and 'analytical thinking' are the five highest ranking competencies assessed, although these are all essential skills of success ( Pang, E., Wong, M., Leung, C.H. and
Coombes, J., 2019). A company that wants to increase competitiveness must rely on the
capacity of its employees, it directly affects the business performance of that company (
Deaconu, A, Osoian, C, Zaharie, M., 2014). In addition, an employee who wants to achieve
success and meet the needs of the business must know how to coordinate and use their
skills and competencies competently.
Moreover, in order to seize job opportunities, it is necessary to understand the needs of
employers. In a study of Hitt et al. (2001) capable employees have direct censorship and
direct impact on the company (Hitt, MA, Bierman, L, Shimizu, K.,2001). Today, the demand
for recruiting a competent staff, fresh graduates with skills and knowledge of businesses
has increased significantly. Researchers have confirmed that the importance and influence
of competent human resources on company activities and interests ( Promís, P., 2008). The
recruitment needs of businesses mainly need competent employees, necessary skills or
collectively called hard and soft skills (Deaconu et al., 2014; Dunbar et al., 2016; Orr et al.,
2011; Poon, 2014; Stewart et al., 2016). Hard skills are skills related to technology and
techniques to perform the job (Matsouka, K, Mihail, DM., 2016) . Soft skills are skills related
to working behavior, personal interaction (Andrews, J, Higson, H., 2008). Some of the capabilities of highly valued employees from employers are assuming responsibility, logically
organizing activities, and managing time effectively (Rahman, S, Nie, Q., 2014 ).
Marketing is a major that attracts a lot of student after graduation and including me. In
order to realize my dream of becoming a professional marketer, I have evaluated my own
strengths and weaknesses. In terms of strengths, I have the ability to analyze and synthesize, teamwork, arrange logical work, proficient use of office software such as Word, Excel,
.., Besides, my strongest point is learning, listening and changing. However, I have a few
weaknesses and I think that it is very serious and I must have a plan to overcome, which is
the ability to manage time, communication skills and public speaking skills. Those weaknesses often weaken my confidence.
II/ Part B
1/ My CV and covering letter to accompany the CV
Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
• I have the ability to learn quickly, acquire
knowledge quickly and accept change as an advantage to develop in the digital marketing industry
• Based on the knowledge already available about
digital marketing to complete the job and improve
my skills
• Research customer behavior and needs, catch
trends fast
Le Quy Don High School
2013 - 2016
• Ho Chi Minh
• Qualification awarded: High school diploma
International University
2016 - 2019
• Bachelor of Business Administration
• GPA: 2.8/4
West Of England University
2019 - 2020
• West of England Program
• Major: Business Management
Organizer at Project Hoa Phuong Do
Oct 2014
• Organizing a trip to visit HIV/AIDS children.
• Attracting approximately 50 people to join.
Organizer of Traditional School Camp
• Organizing a summer camp for LQD high school
• Student attracting approximately camp 2000 people
Deputy Secretary at Youth Union
Oct 2016
• International University
• Working with specialized teams to create theme,
general monitoring.
Logistic member at Youth Union
Nov 2016
• International University
• Making marketing plan, timeline, producing PR
content together with design team.
Leader of Spring Volunteer Campaign
April 2017
• Organizing a place where helping the poor people
before Tet holiday
• Attracting approximately 100 people to join.
Head of division of Logistic team at Youth Union –
International University
Dec 2017
• Making training plan for new staff
• Managing the supplies
• Making marketing plan, timeline, producing PR
content together with design team.
Organizer of marketing workshop Let’s do
Jan 2018
• Organizing a workshop about Digital Marketing
• Inviting the guest to provide some useful information
around the digital marketing
Supervisor of Thinker & Dreamer Coffee
Jul 2018
• Arrangement schedule for staff
• Making recruitment plan
• Managing inventory goods and controlling quality of
Leader of BA Backpacking ( Camping )
Aug 2018
• Organizing a winter camp for student in International
• Attracting approximately 300 people to join.
• Creating many interesting, rewarding and dynamic
out-door activities, developing team spirit
May 2019
• Type of internship: Human Resources
• Recruitment process ( The demand is suggested by
the staff to the superiors through the status and operation situation of their room to meet promptly before
the fluctuations of this school Fair democratic principles)
• Records the company staff ’s information ( Manage
the entire information system from resumes of personnel include name, origin, place of birth, passport
number to the information generated in the process of
working such as employment contracts, working process)
• English ( UWE Test 6.5 ) - June 2019
• Japanese ( N3 ) - Sep 2016
• Vietnamese
• Presentation Skills
• PowerPoint, Word , Excel, Adobe Illustrators
• Communication Skills
• Critical Thinking
• Teamwork Skills
Ms. Nguyen Thi Thuy Vy
• Business Administration Youth Union ( International
University )
• Position: Secretary
• Contact: nttvy.baiu@gmail.com
Mr. Tran Quang Dai
• Thinker & Dreamer Limited Company
• Position: Director
• Contact: mario.tran.610@icloud.com
Mrs. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Phuong
• Hai Thanh Long Service Transport Limited Liability
• Position: Director
• Contact: haithanhlongco@gmail.com
Cover letter of Social Media
Manh Nguyen
159/52/41 Tran Van Dang, Ward 11, District 3
Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
Mr. Tran Quang Dai
26BC Le Loi Street, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1
Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
Dear Mr. Tran Quang Dai,
Currently, I am a last-year student with a specialization in business management from the
International University, which is trained in the program associated with his West of England
University. In the recent 3 years, I have participated in many activities at the school, organizing a lot of events for students. So, I believe that with my experience accumulated over
the past years, I understand what companies need to meet the needs of various audiences,
as well as how to use feedback to implement new digital campaigns and strategies. I have
seen recruitment information for the Social Media position on web and I am confident that I
am suitable for this position and I will do the best as I can.
With the accumulated experience in managing proficient social networking sites such as
Facebook, Instagram,… I am confident about the skills and knowledge I have about the
writing skills to create a lot of interesting posts that attract more people and increase reach.
Besides, I also have the ability to catch new trends to constantly change, develop and approach closer to customers, increase job performance, expand markets.
In addition, I also have a data analysis skills from social media tools like Facebook, Twitter.
After that, from the source of the data analyzed, I'll rely on them to create solutions, issue
plans and strategies that bring the highest effectiveness of the future.
My passion is to communicate, contact with many different types of people through social
networking sites because it is the best tool to connect people together. From there, I want
to promote and develop positive relationships with consumers to expand the good relationship and implementing social media campaigns better.
I believe that with my ability and experience on the background of social media will help me
finish my best job and create lots of plans and strategies, attracting my consumers and my
clients to the company. I am confident that I will be an excellent employee at Social Media.
If you think I am fit, I would like to set up the interview time and discuss more about this
Manh Nguyen
2/ An outline of my desired graduate role and a supporting template showing
whether and how I meet the job specification for the role
As mentioned above, my desired major after graduation is social media. Therefore, the following I will mention the job description of social media to evaluate and compare with my
competences and skills.
Job Description
Evaluate and compare
with my own competences and skills
• The social media specialist must have I had a long time over 3
Job brief
an innovative plan, attract more cus-
years to interact and work
tomers through social networking
on the basis of social net-
sites, interact with consumers, ex-
working sites. Besides, I
pand the market to increase sales.
have the skills to analyze
Job Description
Evaluate and compare
with my own competences and skills
• The goal is to increase followers,
Career objectives
and synthesize data, cap-
reach and interact with customers by
ture the trends. English pro-
creating unique and creative strate-
ficiency is quite good. How-
ever, my public speaking
• Build and develop a social media
strategy through research, identification of customers and their needs.
• Continuously update new trends, cap-
ture the necessary information and
data to implement the plan effectively.
• Regularly analyze the data to come
up with solutions and strategies for
skills is weak and unconvincing. Besides, the ability
to manage time is a weakness that often makes me
stressed. Moreover, communication skills and interact with people are still limited.
the future.
• Offer methods to help expand the
company's coverage on media such
as Facebook, Instagram,...
Job Description
Evaluate and compare
with my own competences and skills
• Work experience through products
such as photos, videos, articles and
persuasive presentation skills.
• Basic social media skills such as
managing social networking sites,
creating content and proficient use of
data analysis tools.
• Good command of English
• Positive attitude, logical work ar-
rangement and effective time management skills.
• Highly persuasive presentation, the
ability to analyze and synthesize information and data.
3/ A detailed development plan to gain or develop some of key skills
Ways to overcome
and Devel-
will ar-
• Identify time management method and
To be com- My self
study the influencing factors of time to
pleted in
success and failure at work
the next 6
Ability to
• List things to do
• ( Ka-
rim, S.
, M.,
• Arrange tasks in order of priority
• Improve discipline
• Set a specific time for the job
• Concentrate
Ways to overcome
and Devel-
will ar-
Take communication skills courses to im-
End of De- Mentors
prove conversational skills through basic
steps such as:
• Step 1: First of all, you need to understand the basics of communication
and my
1. Have the courage to say what you think
Communi- 2. Practice regular communication
• Step 2: You need to create appeal to
the opposite person
1. Make eye contact
2. Promote effective listening skills
• Step 3: Use flexible and flexible terms
1. Make clear statements
2. Use appropriate words
3. Adjust the speaking speed
Ways to overcome
and Devel-
will ar-
In order to improve my confidence when
Over next
public speaking, I will practice regularly
3-6 months
My self
following the following principles:
- Prepare presentation content carefully,
grasp all content to be directed
- Speak loudly and clearly, show confidence when conveying information
- Psychological preparation to handle unexpected situations
- Focus on the presentation and practice
many times before the formal presentation
- Always smile and take a deep breath before speaking
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