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Tardiness in BTLED College Students: A Concept Paper

Reasons of Tardiness among BTLED College Students of
University of Science and Technology of Southern
Philippines, Oroquieta City
A Concept Paper Requirement
RES 310 – Qualitative Methods of Research in Education
Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Submitted to:
Ninia Marie A. Estillore
Submitted by:
Tayone, DJ L., Clerigo, Maria Nicole M., Arias, Maria Niza L., Miculob, Shella
Mae T., Lomonggo, Rolly
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................. 2
CHAPTER 1 ....................................................................................................................... 4
THE PROBLEM .................................................................................................................. 4
1.1 Introduction to the Study Area ........................................................................................ 4
1.2 Background of the Study .................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Statement of the Problem ............................................................................................... 6
1.4 Research Objectives ......................................................................................................... 6
1.5 Research Questions ......................................................................................................... 6
1.6 Definition of Terms .......................................................................................................... 6
1.6.1 Tardiness ................................................................................................................... 7
1.6.2 Academic performance ............................................................................................. 7
1.6.3 Tertiary education ..................................................................................................... 7
1.7 Significance of the Study .................................................................................................. 7
1.8 Scope and Limitation of the Study ................................................................................... 8
1.9 Summary .......................................................................................................................... 8
CHAPTER II..................................................................................................................... 10
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURES ................................................................................. 10
2.1 Introduction ...........................................................Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
2.2 Discuss the Dependent Variable .................................................................................... 19
2.3 Discuss the Independent Variables ................................................................................ 20
2.4 The interrelatedness of the variables to Address the Problems ................................... 20
2.5 CONCEPTUAL/THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ................................................................... 20
2.6 Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 21
CHAPTER III .................................................................................................................... 22
METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................. 22
3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 22
3.2 Research Design ............................................................................................................. 22
3.3 Research Location .......................................................................................................... 22
3.4 Population ...................................................................................................................... 22
3.5 Sample, Sampling Procedure and Sample Size .............................................................. 23
3.6 Research Instrument ...................................................................................................... 23
3.7 Data Collection Methods ............................................................................................... 23
3.8 Data Analysis Techniques............................................................................................... 24
3.9 Summary ........................................................................................................................ 24
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................. 25
References..................................................................................................................... 25
1.1 Introduction to the Study Area
Time is like a sword. If you did not cut it, it will cut you. Basically, human
beings are the most difficult to manage. Many college students, especially those
in the BTLED program at USTP-Oroquieta, show up late to class. As a result,
their overall academic performance, which they need to pass, will suffer.
Tardiness has become a habit of some students nowadays. Tardiness is
when students are consistently late to class and can have dramatic results on
a student’s future education and career. Similarly, students who leave school
early miss out on valuable instructional time. Also, students who arrive late and
leave early from school miss out on key learning opportunities such as morning
huddles, morning announcements, academic activities, tests and quizzes, and
social interactions with peers. (Academies, Attendance Matters: The Impact of
Tardiness on Student Success, 2018)
The tardiness implies a situation where an individual is coming,
occurring, or remaining after correcting, usual or unexpected time. Thus, the
term “Class Tardiness” has been defined as students not attending lecture on
time, missing out initial time from the first period and primarily not being present
in the time set.
A late student substitutes for a lack of accountability. Being tardy all the
time is a sign of carelessness and a waste of time. Being punctual is not only a
need for students, but it is also a sign of good manners, respect, and reputation.
As a result, students must learn to value their time and avoid being late at all
costs. Students are still unaware of the repercussions of tardiness for
unidentified reasons on their academic achievement. A student's tardiness may
have an impact on his or her classmates during class.
In this paper, the researchers are aiming to unravel the different reasons
of students who are being tired that leads to being late.
1.2 Background of the Study
The students are doing their best to acquire the necessary abilities
needed to accomplish their future ambitions since college or tertiary level
education is the chapter of their lives where they will pursue their preferred
goals in the future. Being a college student requires a lot of work and comes
with a lot of responsibility, which can make some students exhausted and cause
them to arrive at class late, among other behaviors.
According to (Maria Warne, On time: a qualitative study of Swedish
students’, parents’ and teachers’ views on school attendance, with a focus on
tardiness, 2020) tardiness is a widespread issue in many schools. It might be
viewed as a personal risk for subsequent health issues, absenteeism, school
dropout, and other problematic behaviors’ that contribute to problematic actions
in the future. Another way to look about tardiness is in the context of a larger
social-ecological view of health. Therefore, it’s critical to understand the causes
of these issues in order to reduce the difficulties that many people, especially
students, experience.
1.3 Statement of the Problem
This study aimed to evaluate the causes of tardiness among students,
instructors, and parents. It is said that tardiness is to blame for kids receiving
failing marks, performing poorly academically owing to absences, and arriving
1.4 Research Objectives
Tardiness is one of the most rampant factors that affect the success of
every student. This study seeks to determine the reasons of tardiness and meet
these following objectives:
1. To unravel the negative factors affecting chronic tardiness of students.
2. To give students idea on how to overcome tardiness.
3. To know the effect of tardiness relating to academic performance.
1.5 Research Questions
Specifically, this research answers the following questions:
1. What are the negative factors that causes tardiness of the students of BTLED
in USTP, Oroquieta?
2. What are the potential remedies for tardiness of students?
3. What could be the effect of tardiness in relation to the students’ academic
performance if tardiness?
1.6 Definition of Terms
1.6.1 Tardiness
Tardiness is the habit of being late or delaying arrival (BrownHairedGirl,
Tardiness, 2022).
1.6.2 Academic performance
Academic performance is the measurement of student achievement across
various academic subjects. Teachers and education officials typically measure
achievement using classroom performance, graduation rates and results from
standardized tests (Academic Performance)
1.6.3 Tertiary education
Tertiary education, also called post-secondary education, is any level of
education pursued beyond high school, including undergraduate and graduate
credentials. These credentials encompass certificates, diplomas or academic
degrees (Ter; Robertson, 2022; Academies, Attendance Matters: The Impact
of Tardiness on Student Success, 2018)
1.7 Significance of the Study
This study will identify the causes of BTLED students' tardiness, which
is one of the school's concerns. It will also assist students in understanding
the effects of their tardiness on both themselves and the wider community.
They could also get insight into their typical excuses for being late according
to the findings of this study, which should encourage them to change their
patterns. Additionally, this study could be beneficial to academics or
instructors. Teachers may come to the realization that their own tardiness
has some bearing on the tardiness of the students. They may feel the need
to change their own personal and pedagogical practices in order to
completely model punctuality and academic excellence for the students. The
administration of the University of Science and Technology of Southern
Philippines may also find value for this research. The findings of this study
could aid the administrator in determining if the students' excessive tardiness
poses a risk to the institution's competence and standard of instruction.
Additionally, the study may be modified by the school and even companies
in order to identify the causes of student tardiness.
1.8 Scope and Limitation of the Study
This study "Reasons of Tardiness among BTLED College Students of
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines" focuses on
the reason why the students tardiness and how tardiness affects their
academic performance. The researchers only focus on the selected students.
The researchers will conduct survey used by means of answering questions
and the respondent are compose of selected BTLED students in USTP
Oroquieta City.
1.9 Summary
The goal of this study is to understand the causes of tardiness, the
consequences it may have, and the ideal course of action for dealing with the
issue at hand. It attempts to assist parents, instructors, and students in
reducing tardiness among one another and among their classmates. For the
sake of everyone's development and harmony, it is crucial to have a greater
grasp of this and to discuss it. This will be advantageous to the University of
Science and Technology of Southern Philippines school as well as other
schools, and it will also provide information on tardiness in any job or
workplace. This will also give insights to those hardworking parents which
strive hard in sending their children at school. This may give them guide on
what specific actions will they do to enhance their students' performance and
boost their chances of success.
This chapter summarizes related research on student tardiness. It
covers school tardiness difficulties. Thus, a survey will be conducted among
students, educators, and parents to determine why pupils are tardy. This study
will evaluate the causes and effects of student tardiness. This chapter presents
the review of related literature, related studies, relevant theories, hypothesis
and assumptions of the study and definition of terms that are relevant to the
Student tardiness impacts student achievement, instructors, and
parents. This problem affects future performances; hence it should be studied.
Tardiness affects a student's overall performance and is often disregarded or
not given enough attention when it should be.
Chronic tardiness, which occurs when students often miss class, can
have a significant impact on a student's future academic and professional
success. Similar to this, students who leave school early waste important
teaching time. One of the most frequent indicators of academic success is
student attendance. Students who often skip class form bad habits that will
damage their education, careers, and social relationships as adults. Students
who completely engage in school activities, on the other hand, will have more
chances to excel in the classroom, have healthy, informed lives, and establish
Performance Character characteristics (Academies, Attendance Matters: The
Impact of Tardiness on Student Success, 2018)
A variety of things can contribute to tardiness. Several writers have
identified factors of tardiness that range from cultural background to behavioral
issues; some students arrive late to class because they do not recognize the
significance of arriving early, whilst others do so because they have no option.
Transportation issues, sleeping and waking late, having classes in different
buildings, early start times, lecturers or administrators who do not emphasize
the tardy policy, and lecturers themselves showing up late for class are just a
few of the factors that can influence students to arrive late to class. Students
that arrive late to class have an impact on other people as well as the scheduled
time.the professor and the students; if the lecturer is mid-sentence, possibly
sharing an important point, they will be disturbed or distracted by the student
arriving late to class, losing concentration on the argument they were about to
make as a result. It is crucial to stress punctuality in order to get students ready
for the workforce. There should be tardiness regulations in schools, to watched
carefully to lower overall (Kgosi, 2015).
According to CAESC (2007) and Zeiger (2010), the most essential
learning time of the day for the students lies in the morning, specifically between
8:00 to 9:00 AM. It because the students missing are most important lessons
and subject matters are discussed during this time. So, when students are late
or not presented during this time of the day, they in effect, miss out most of the
important lesson to be noted and learned. In the book cited by Santillano
(2011), “Never be late again: 7 cures for the punctually challenged”, the author
Diana DeLonzor suggested that some personality traits could most likely lead
to a person being often late. Some of the traits included were “struggling with
self-control”, “feeling nervous or uncomfortable with social situations” and
“getting distracted easily”. Santillano also discussed about the study conducted
by DeLonzor at San Francisco State University in 1997 in which she surveyed
225 respondents about their habits that makes them late from their
appointments. It was also a test on the personalities of the respondents that
affect their habits. According to the results of DeLonzor’s study, those
respondents that were often tardy apt to be anxious and gets distracted easily.
Nakpodia and Dafiaghor (2011) attribute lateness or tardiness to a lot of
factors or causes. Going late to bed and waking up late next morning are
authors added film-watching late at night as a
cause for tardiness. The student may forget that he/she needs to be in school
the next day. The distance between the student’s home and school or solely
the school’s location is also considered by Nakpodia and Dafiaghor as a
cause for tardiness. Not just because it takes more time to get to school, but
according to the authors, the student is susceptible to more distractions
and hindrances along the way. Parent’s untimely tasks and commands
also reasons that students come late to school. Habitual tardiness can
also be learned from other members of the family, especially from the
on punctuality also
encourages students to come late at school since there
tardiness. These causes of
tardiness will lead to serious attribute lateness or tardiness to a lot of factors or
causes. Going late to bed and waking
most common. The authors added film-watching late at night as a cause for
tardiness. The student may forget that he/she needs to be in school the next
day. The distance between the student’s home and school or solely the
is also considered
and Dafiaghor as a
cause for tardiness. Not just because it takes more time to get to school, but
according to the authors, the student is susceptible to more distractions
and hindrances along the way. Parent’s untimely tasks and commands
also reasons that students come late to school. Habitual tardiness can
also be learned from other members of the family, especially from the
ones. Lack of a firm and consistent policy on punctuality also encourages
students to come late at school since there are no consequences attached
tardiness. These causes of tardiness will lead to serious
(Nakpodia and Dafiaghor, 2011).
by Barbara
Weade (2009) tried
"determine if school tardiness is a predictor of work tardiness". It provided a lot
of literature
and factors affecting a college
student's tardiness. As cited by Weade, the third most common cause for the
failure of a student is "excessive tardiness and unexcused absences"
"Inconsistency of school rules “and situations such as “crowded halls, limited
opportunities for social interaction, irrelevant
content, and teacher
indifference” (Damico et al., 1990) are also factors that affect a
punctuality. As mentioned by Weade, personal values,
financial security, and lack of parental guidance as well as family background
influence tardiness and absences of students.
When students are tardy or absent, or when they drop out of school,
sequential learning cannot occur, subject matter and skills cannot be
developed, and much student talent is wasted .at –risk students identify in the
school setting include goes exhibiting signs of alcohol consumption, drug
abuse, or anti-social behavior specially to the college students. This student
need assistant to overcome their problems and to achieve in school. When
counselling in the school setting is not sufficient, these students need to be
referred to appropriate services in the community. For some high school
students, the immediate earnings from employment seems more significant
than staying in school. This student need courses in vocational education and
assistance to help them developed positive attitudes toward education,
perceive alternative to dropping out, and realize the worth of long-term goals.
Family situations, such as cultural differences between values taught, at home
and school, separation, divorce, or out. School personal need to be determine
causes of tardiness, absenteeism and dropping out and to provide necessary
remediation ( Ediger ,Marlow 2004).
In evaluating the deleterious effects of missing in school time, research
has almost exclusively focused on absences, and almost no attention has been
paid to tardiness. Hence, this study contributes a new dimension to the field by
examining the reasons of tardiness specifically to those who are college
students. First, students with greater tardiness perform worse on both
standardized reading and math test. Second, holding constant an individual’s
own record of tardiness, students whose classmates are tardy more frequently
also have lower test score. Hence, the achievement gap widens even further
for students who also have greater individual level of tardiness. Policy
implications are discussed (Gottfried 2012). Being always tardy and late in class
can affect the learning of a student as well as she/ he can disturb other students
and also the teacher who are having a class. According to Breeze et al. (2010)
lateness is synonymous to “tardiness”, which implies being slow to act or being
slow to respond, thus not meeting up with proper or usual timing. Habitual
tardiness can also be learned from other members of the family especially from
the older ones. The amount of time spent on task daily is also a factor directly
related to student achievement. Brophy (2003) found that teacher`s ability to
organize the classroom effectively and to keep learning as a priority allows for
allocation of the largest amount of the school day to learning (Brophy, 2003).
Student tardiness could also be affected by family structure and socioeconomic
status. The student’s tardiness problem has farther reaching effects than
maybe seen for many years to come through generation of families. (Stutman
2007) found that “family theory and practitioner have long recognized that
struggles inherent in a family life carried forth from generation to another.
Therefore, family history has an impact on a student’s success or failure at
Within the home environment, every family is unique in its own make-up
of family characteristic. These family characteristics reflect how each family
handle physical, social, and psychological variables of the family environment.
(Maykut 2001) investigated the relationship between the physical, social, and
psychological variables if the family environment and children developmental
performance on measures of cognition, academic achievement, and effective
characteristic. This study strongly suggested through its finding that family
environment or home environmental has a significant impact on a student’s
achievement. This also implies that the family practices or habits may have a
strong impact on chronically tardy students and non-tardy students. In many
cases, it is hope that parents are aren’t being negligent and their responsibilities
as parent (Roscoe, Peterson, Shaner 2000) in their elaboration on the problems
of absenteeism stated, children who are frequently late classes, for example
those who typically arrived at 10:00 am, are experiencing a form of neglect
which needs to be remedied. The author stated the more children are neglected
at least 2 to 3 times more than children are abused. Parket (2009), found that
tardy students experience negative feelings as social isolation, feelings of
powerlessness, academic frustration, and lack of confidence. These feelings
may be a result of both the home and school environment. Therefore, teachers
may examine the background of the student failures and successes at both
home and school. This assessment may set the basis to establish a plan of
action to encounter these negative feelings, consequently which may impact
student tardiness.
Film watching at night can also affect the tardiness of a college students.
According to Nakpodia and Dafiaghor (2011), waking up late in the morning
are one of the most factors of lateness that lead to tardiness. They go to school
late is because of heavy traffic, household chores, vehicle breakdowns and lack
of responsibility are some reasons why students arrive late to class. One of the
most recurring and most “Frustrating problem” that the school nowadays are
having tardiness (Sprick and Daniels,2007). If a student sleep late at night
she/he forget that on the next day she/he need to be on the school. Parents
that untimely tasks and commands are also reasons that a student come late
to school. The distance between the student’s home from school or the school’s
location is also considered as the cause of tardiness. Lack of firm and
consistent policy can also encourage the students to come late at school since
there is no consequences attached to lateness or tardiness. Personality as the
end result of the typical ways in which and person reacts, the product of his
motivation, emotions feeling tones, style of thinking and attitudes,’’ personality
is partly in born and nervous system are largely responsible for the inborn
aspects the associate either through imitation or through hostile reactions when
we are thwarted Habits are reaction so often repeated as to become fixed
characteristics or tendencies good habits results from choice and are required
through effort (the encyclopaedia international,2007) Students tardiness
behavior considered an educational problem and epidemic disease spread and
infect other students, and lead to delayed follow-up curriculum and become
chronic among students. As we know there are a number of possible reasons
causes arrive students to come to class late. Thus, this study comes to
determine the roots of the problem and understand the causes, which helps
officials, administrators and faculty members to develop appropriate strategies
to deal with such behavior seriously and not condoned access, to establish
controlled and organized learning environment. (Pimentel and Quijada 2011)
Cited in Bilocura (2012).
Literally, the term “tardiness” implies a situation where an individual is
late in happening or arriving “(Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary ,2010)”.
The term tardiness is synonymous with “lateness” which implies arriving after
the expected, arranged or usual time “(Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary,
2010)”. Besides, Tardiness as coming, occurring or remaining after correct,
usual or expected time. Therefore, the term “class tardiness” has been viewed
as students coming late, not attending lecture on time, missing out initial time
from the first period and primarily not being present on time.”( Malik et al., n.d.)”.
Many researchers have developed checklists of “deviant” school behaviors
which are associated with poor school performance. Tardiness and excessive
absences as part of criteria which predict the like dropping out of school
“(Mizell1987)”.excessive absences and tardiness constituted the 3rd most
common reason for student failure in school. “(Ligon and Jackson 1988)”. Low
attendance and habitual tardiness were among the common characteristics of
low-achieving high school students.”(Cuellar, 1992)”.Low achievement
correlated with chronic absenteeism in high school students. “(Estcourt1986)”.
Many school interventions to improve student performance use tardiness and
absences as indicators of success or failure of the intervention. However, the
relationships among tardiness, absences, and grades and dropping-out or 11
school failure are complex. The phenomenon of class tardiness in the literature
has been viewed as students coming late, not reaching school on time, missing
out initial time from the first period and primarily not being present in the time
set by the school. Educational psychologists took a great interest to find the
causes of and solutions to, tardiness and subsequently worked a lot to get the
most accurate findings. They were more focused about discovering the root
causes behind tardiness so that this problem is addressed appropriately. There
are many reasons for the students to show tardiness in the school, few reasons
are directly related to the student that is students are not taking their breakfast
on time, students are de-motivated to come to the school and the young ones
who find it extremely difficult to get up early in the morning. Whereas a few are
not related to the students, but fall on others like family members, van drivers
and others who do not support students to be on time. Researchers view
tardiness as a form of absence because this is how students miss a part of their
class. Tardiness is defined as “coming, occurring or remaining after the correct,
usual or expected time; delayed “(Free Dictionary)”. Therefore tardiness can
broadly be defined as missing time over a course of a school day. For that
reason researchers reckon it as a chronic problem as two of the classes which
the researchers have taken into consideration, have around six students who
turn up late every other day and show signs of lethargy and disengagement
from school. The familiar faces are lined up every morning outside the
attendance office with no concern or emotion on their faces whenever the
researchers pass by. This attitude can even become more adverse when the
students re-promoted from their middle school to high school. Unpunctuality in
the middle school can develop into high school lateness where the early slow
disentanglement evolves into later truant attitude. Educational psychologists
stated that school tardiness and absenteeism accelerate if the students are not
committed to their school. In an earlier study, reached at the same conclusion,
vigorously stating that if students do not at home in their school environments,
they prefer to be absent or tardy at school. “(Kirkpatrick, Cronsone and Elder
Student tardiness is a timely and important issue not just at USTP
Oroquieta City Campus, but also at other institutions in the Philippines and
other countries. This research will extensively explore and study the issue to
find a solution.
2.2 Discuss the Dependent Variable
Here, you discuss about the problem that you have identified: Why is it
a problem? How did you observe this problem in your locality (or context of your
study)? What do literatures/related studies say about this problem from the
global context? What do literatures/related studies say about this problem in
the Philippines? you want to investigate in this study.
2.3 Discuss the Independent Variables
Here, you discuss about the possible factors/variables that may cause
or are the reasons why the problem identified in your dependent variable exist.
How did you observe factors in your locality (or context of your study)? What
do literatures/related studies say about these factors from the global context?
What do literatures/related studies say about these factors in the Philippines?
you want to investigate in this study.
2.4 The interrelatedness of the variables to Address the Problems
Please take note that you may change the titles of each subtopic here.
In the case of 2.4, you may support with a theory or model to show how the IVs
and DVs are interrelated to solve the problem. Again. NEVER, NEVER
Based on the identified interrelatedness of the variables under study,
discuss the conceptual framework here. Or if you take the whole theory or
model in your study, discuss the interrelatedness of the variables. Also present
the graphical representation of your framework here.
2.6 Conclusion
Synthesize Chapter 2
3.1 Introduction
Present here the order by which you are presenting the chapter 3. Also,
it will be helpful if you mention the objectives of the study. Remember to use
the PAST TENSE form of your verbs in this chapter.
3.2 Research Design
Discuss here about the design of your research: discuss what is the
design, why it is used in the study and how it will be employed in the study.
3.3 Research Location
Discuss where the study is conducted, and why this group of people.
3.4 Population
Discuss what is the taregt population, why it is addressed int his study.
Also, discuss and describe the target population of the study to which the
findings of the study will be generalized into. Provide the demographic
information such as age, gender, socio-economic status, etc.
3.5 Sample, Sampling Procedure and Sample Size
Discuss the sample of the proposed study, and the sampling techniques
by which these samples are chosen from the population. If you use purposive
sampling, discuss the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Discuss what is the sampling technique used, the reason why you
employ it in your study and how you will utilize it in your study.
Discuss the sample size. Tell what technique was used, and why you
used it.
3.6 Research Instrument
Explain the research instrument to be used. Discuss how the instrument
will be validated. Also discuss from whom you borrowed the research
instrument, and be sure to cite the original author of the research instrument.
What ate
measured, how many items each
variable/construct? How to measure: is it Likert scale, or hedonic scale?
3.7 Data Collection Methods
Discuss how you collected the data, the procedure, how you contacted
the contact persons. When you discuss, mention the number of the table, and
immediately after the paragraph where the table number is mentioned. Present
the table. Remember that the font size for you table should be one smaller that
the font size of your body text.
3.8 Data Analysis Techniques
Discuss how the data will be analyzed. For example, mean, median,
mode, frequency, percentage, t-test. Describe each test to be used.
3.9 Summary
Summarize Chapter 3
(Academies, Attendance Matters: The Impact of Tardiness on Student Success, 2018)