INDIAN INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY BHOPAL DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING LAB MANUAL PREPARED BY: KASHISH GOYAL (19U02040) Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering List of Experiments Sr. No. Name of Experiment 1. Introduction to MATLAB commands used in Digital Image Processing 2. Write programs to read and display images using MATLAB. 3. To display and read gray-scale images in MATLAB 4. To write a program for histogram calculation and equalization 5. 6. 7. • Standard MATLAB function • Enhancing Contrast using histogram equalization To write and execute programs for image arithmetic operations • Addition of two images • Subtract one image from other image • Calculate mean value of image • Different Brightness by changing mean value To write and execute programs for image logical operations • AND operation between two images • OR operation between two images • Calculate intersection of two images To write and execute program for geometric transformation of image • Translation • Scaling • Rotation • Shrinking • 8. Zooming Write and execute programs for image frequency domain filtering • Apply FFT on given image • Perform low pass and high pass filtering in frequency domain • Apply IFFT to reconstruct image 9. Write a program in MATLAB for edge detection using different edge detection mask 10. Write and execute programs to remove noise using spatial filters • Understand 1-D and 2-D convolution process • Use 3x3 Mask for low pass filter and high pass filter EXPERIMENTNO. 1 Aim: Introduction to MATLAB commands used in Image Processing. Commands: Image Type Conversion gray2ind Convert grayscale or binary image to indexed image ind2gray Convert indexed image to grayscale image mat2gray Convert matrix to grayscale image rgb2lightness Convert RGB color values to lightness values im2int16 Convert image to 16-bit signed integers im2java2d Convert image to Java buffered image im2single Convert image to single precision im2uint16 Convert image to 16-bit unsigned integers im2uint8 Convert image to 8-bit unsigned integers Image Sequences and Batch Processing implay Play movies, videos, or image sequences montage Display multiple image frames as rectangular montage Color rgb2lab Convert RGB to CIE 1976 L*a*b* rgb2ntsc Convert RGB color values to NTSC color space rgb2xyz Convert RGB to CIE 1931 XYZ rgb2ycbcr Convert RGB color values to YCbCr color space lab2rgb Convert CIE 1976 L*a*b* to RGB lab2xyz Convert CIE 1976 L*a*b* to CIE 1931 XYZ ntsc2rgb Convert NTSC values to RGB color space xyz2lab Convert CIE 1931 XYZ to CIE 1976 L*a*b* xyz2rgb Convert CIE 1931 XYZ to RGB ycbcr2rgb Convert YCbCr color values to RGB color space Display and Exploration Basic Display imshow Display image imfuse Composite of two images imshowpair Compare differences between images montage Display multiple image frames as rectangular montage immovie Make movie from multiframe image implay Play movies, videos, or image sequences Build Interactive Tools imageinfo Image Information tool imcolormaptool Choose Colormap tool imcontrast Adjust Contrast tool imcrop Crop image imcrop3 Crop 3-D image imagemodel Image Model object axes2pix Convert axes coordinates to pixel coordinates imattributes Information about image attributes imgca Get current axes containing image imgcf Get current figure containing image imgetfile Display Open Image dialog box imputfile Display Save Image dialog box imhandles Get all image objects Geometric Transformation and Image Registration Common Geometric Transformations imcrop Crop image imcrop3 Crop 3-D image imresize Resize image imresize3 Resize 3-D volumetric intensity image imrotate Rotate image imrotate3 Rotate 3-D volumetric grayscale image imtranslate Translate image impyramid Image pyramid reduction and expansion Generic Geometric Transformations imwarp Apply geometric transformation to image affineOutputView Create output view for warping images fitgeotrans Fit geometric transformation to control point pairs findbounds Find output bounds for spatial transformation fliptform Flip input and output roles of spatial transformation structure makeresampler Create resampling structure maketform Create spatial transformation structure (TFORM) tformarray Apply spatial transformation to N-D array tformfwd Apply forward spatial transformation tforminv Apply inverse spatial transformation images.geotrans.Warper Apply same geometric transformation to many images efficiently imref2d Reference 2-D image to world coordinates imref3d Reference 3-D image to world coordinates affine2d 2-D affine geometric transformation affine3d 3-D affine geometric transformation projective2d 2-D projective geometric transformation geometricTransform2d 2-D geometric transformation object geometricTransform3d 3-D geometric transformation object Image Filtering and Enhancement Image Filtering imfilter N-D filtering of multidimensional images fspecial Create predefined 2-D filter fspecial3 Create predefined 3-D filter roifilt2 Filter region of interest (ROI) in image nlfilter General sliding-neighborhood operations imgaussfilt 2-D Gaussian filtering of images imgaussfilt3 3-D Gaussian filtering of 3-D images wiener2 2-D adaptive noise-removal filtering medfilt2 2-D median filtering medfilt3 3-D median filtering ordfilt2 2-D order-statistic filtering stdfilt Local standard deviation of image rangefilt Local range of image entropyfilt Local entropy of grayscale image imboxfilt 2-D box filtering of images imboxfilt3 3-D box filtering of 3-D images fibermetric Enhance elongated or tubular structures in image maxhessiannorm Maximum of Frobenius norm of Hessian of matrix convmtx2 2-D convolution matrix padarray Pad array imbilatfilt Bilateral filtering of images with Gaussian kernels imdiffuseest Estimate parameters for anisotropic diffusion filtering imdiffusefilt Anisotropic diffusion filtering of images imguidedfilter Guided filtering of images imnlmfilt Non-local means filtering of image burstinterpolant Create high-resolution image from set of low-resolution burst mode images gabor Create Gabor filter or Gabor filter bank imgaborfilt Apply Gabor filter or set of filters to 2-D image bwareafilt Extract objects from binary image by size bwpropfilt Extract objects from binary image using properties freqz2 2-D frequency response fsamp2 2-D FIR filter using frequency sampling ftrans2 2-D FIR filter using frequency transformation fwind1 2-D FIR filter using 1-D window method fwind2 2-D FIR filter using 2-D window method Contrast Adjustment imadjust Adjust image intensity values or colormap imadjustn Adjust intensity values in N-D volumetric image imcontrast Adjust Contrast tool imsharpen Sharpen image using unsharp masking imflatfield 2-D image flat-field correction imlocalbrighten Brighten low-light image imreducehaze Reduce atmospheric haze locallapfilt Fast local Laplacian filtering of images localcontrast Edge-aware local contrast manipulation of images localtonemap Render HDR image for viewing while enhancing local contrast histeq Enhance contrast using histogram equalization adapthisteq Contrast-limited adaptive histogram equalization (CLAHE) imhistmatch Adjust histogram of 2-D image to match histogram of reference image imhistmatchn Adjust histogram of N-D image to match histogram of reference image decorrstretch Apply decorrelation stretch to multichannel image stretchlim Find limits to contrast stretch image intlut Convert integer values using lookup table imnoise Add noise to image Neighborhood and Block Processing blockproc Distinct block processing for image bestblk Determine optimal block size for block processing nlfilter General sliding-neighborhood operations col2im Rearrange matrix columns into blocks colfilt Columnwise neighborhood operations im2col Rearrange image blocks into columns ImageAdapter Interface for image I/O Image Arithmetic imabsdiff Absolute difference of two images imadd Add two images or add constant to image imapplymatrix Linear combination of color channels imcomplement Complement image imdivide Divide one image into another or divide image by constant imlincomb Linear combination of images immultiply Multiply two images or multiply image by constant imsubtract Subtract one image from another or subtract constant from image Image Segmentation and Analysis Image Segmentation activecontour Segment image into foreground and background using active contours (snakes) imsegfmm Binary image segmentation using Fast Marching Method imseggeodesic Segment image into two or three regions using geodesic distance-based color segmentation imsegkmeans K-means clustering based image segmentation imsegkmeans3 K-means clustering based volume segmentation watershed Watershed transform gradientweight Calculate weights for image pixels based on image gradient graydiffweight Calculate weights for image pixels based on grayscale intensity difference grayconnected Select contiguous image region with similar gray values Region and Image Properties imhist Histogram of image data mean2 Average or mean of matrix elements std2 Standard deviation of matrix elements corr2 2-D correlation coefficient bwconncomp Find connected components in binary image bwareaopen Remove small objects from binary image Image Transforms hough Hough transform dct2 2-D discrete cosine transform dctmtx Discrete cosine transform matrix fan2para Convert fan-beam projections to parallel-beam fanbeam Fan-beam transform idct2 2-D inverse discrete cosine transform ifanbeam Inverse fan-beam transform iradon Inverse Radon transform para2fan Convert parallel-beam projections to fan-beam radon Radon transform EXPERIMENT NO. 2 Aim:Write program to read and display image using MATLAB. Theory: In this experiment ,we will learn how to read and display the images using matlab. Following command are used to read and display images in matlab. To read image- imread() To display image- imshow() MATLAB Code: % 2-write a program to read and display images using matlab I = imread("kashish2.jpg"); %read the image imshow(I) %display the image Result: Conclusion: Program for reading and displaying image using MATLAB is executed. EXPERIMENT NO. 3 Aim:To display the Gray scale images Theory: TheoryIn this experiment, we will learn how to convert rgb images in grayscale and display them. Following commands are used to perform this experimentTo read image- imread() To display image- imshow() To convert image into gray-scale- rgb2gray() MATLAB Code: % 3-To display and read gray scale images into matlab clc; clear all; I=imread('kashish2.jpg'); subplot(121); imshow(I); title('Original Image'); I1=rgb2gray(I); subplot(122); imshow(I1); title('Gray Image'); Result: % clear the workspace % read image I % dispaly image % converting I to gray scale % display I1 Conclusion: Thus the gray scale image is displayed. EXPERIMENT NO. 4 Aim: To write a program for histogram calculation and equalization using MATLAB. Standard MATLAB function Enhancing Contrast using histogram equalization Theory: In this experiment, we will learn how to do histogram calculation and equalization. Following commands are used to perform this experimentTo read image- imread() To display image- imshow() To convert image into gray-scale -rgb2gray() To convert image into histogram equalized image- histeq() To get the histogram of the image- imhist() Standard MATLAB function for histogram and histogram equalization: [1] imhist function It computes histogram of given image and plot Example: myimage=imread(‘tier.jpg’) imhist(myimage); [1] histeq function It computes histogram and equalize it. Example: myimage = imread(‘rice.bmp’); newimage= histeq(myimage); MATLAB CODE: % To write a program for histogram calculation and equalization MATLAB. clc; clear all; using I=imread("kashish2.jpg"); I=rgb2gray(I); % read I % grayscale image I1=histeq(I); % histogram equivalent image figure,subplot(221); imshow(I); title("Original Image"); % display original image subplot(222); imshow(I1); % Histogram equalized image title("Histogram equalized image"); subplot(223); imhist(I); % Histogram of original image title("Histogram of original image"); subplot(224); imhist(I1); % Histogram of equalized image title("Histogram of equalized image"); Result: Conclusion: We have used histogram Equalization to enhance contrast. EXPERIMENT NO. 5 Aim:To write and execute programs for image arithmetic operations using MATLAB. Theory: In this experiment we will learn how to implement arithmetic operation in images. We will do addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of images. For this ,each image should have same dimensions. For example ,let there are two images I and J. And if I have dimension 600*400*3 uint array ,then image J should also have the same MATLAB CODE: clc close all I1 = imread('cameraman.tif'); I2 = imread('rice.png'); subplot(2, 2, 1); imshow(I1); title('Original image I1'); subplot(2, 2,2); imshow(I2); title('Original image I2'); I=I1+I2; % Addition of two images subplot(2, 2, 3); imshow(I); title('Addition of image I1+I2'); I=I1-I2; %Subtraction of two images subplot(2,2,4); imshow(I); title('Subtraction of image I1-I2');figure; subplot(2, 2, 1); imshow(I1); title('Original image I1'); I=I1+50; subplot(2, 2, 2); imshow(I); title('Bright Image I'); I=I1-100; subplot(2, 2, 3); imshow(I); title('Dark Image I'); M=imread('Mask.tif'); M=im2bw(M) % Converts into binary image having 0s and 1sI=uint8(I1).*uint8(M); %Type casting before multiplicationsubplot(2, 2, 4); imshow(I); title('Masked Image I'); Result: Conclusion: MATLAB program to implement arithmetic operation on images is executed. EXPERIMENT NO. 6 Aim:To write and execute programs for image logical operations AND operation between two images OR operation between two images Calculate intersection of two images Theory: In this experiment ,we will learn how to perform logical operations between two images And how to calculate intersection of two images.To perform this experiment ,prior knowledge about AND and OR is required. MATLAB Code: clc; close all; %close all clear scr; %clear screen %Read 1st Image I1=imread(''); I1=rgb2gray(I1); %Read 2nd Image I2=imread(''); I2=rgb2gray(I2); [row,column,col]=size(I1); I2=imresize(I2,[row,column]); figure; %Display 1st image subplot(331);imshow(I1);title('First Image'); %Display 2nd image subplot(332);imshow(I2);title('Second Image'); %Or Operation LogOr=bitor(I1,I2);subplot(333);imshow(LogOr);title('Or of images'); %And Operation LogAnd=bitand(I1,I2);subplot(334);imshow(LogAnd);title('And of Images'); %Complement of 1st image c= imcomplement(I1);subplot(335);imshow(c);title('Complement of 1st'); %Complement of 2nd image c2= imcomplement(I2);subplot(336);imshow(c2);title('Complement of 2nd'); %xor xor=bitxor(I1,I2);subplot(337);imshow(xor);title('Xor of images'); %xnor xnor=imcomplement(xor);subplot(338);imshow(xnor);title('Xnor of images'); %xnand nand=imcomplement(LogAnd);subplot(339);imshow(n and);title('Nand of images'); Result: Conclusion: MATLAB program to implement logical operations is implemented. EXPERIMENT NO. 7 Aim: To write and execute programs for geometric transformation of images Translation Scaling Rotation Shrinking Zooming Theory: We will perform following geometric transformations on the image in this experiment Translation- Translation is movement of image to new position. Mathematically translation is represented as: x’=x+δx and y’=y+δy Scaling- Scaling means enlarging or shrinking. Mathematically scaling can be represented as: x’=x*Sx and y’=y*Sy Rotation- Image can be rotated by an angle θ ,in matrix form it can be represented as if -θ. This matrix rotates the image in clockwise direction Zooming-Zooming of image can be done by process called pixel replication or interpolation .Linear interpolation or some non-linear interpolation like cubic interpolation can be performed for better result. Shearing- Image can be distorted (sheared) either in x direction or y direction. Shearing can be represented as: x’=shx * y and y’=y MATLAB Code: %% TRANSLATION % % % % % Syntax B= imtranslate(A,translation) [B,RB] =imtranslate(A,RA,translation) _=imtranslate(_,method) _=imtranslate(_,Name,Value) x=imread(''); figure,subplot(221); imshow(x);title("Original image"); y=imtranslate(x,[25,25]) subplot(222); imshow(y);title("Translated image"); y=imtranslate(x,[-20,25]) subplot(223); imshow(y);title("Translated image"); y=imtranslate(x,[25,-20]) subplot(224); imshow(y);title("Translated image"); x=imread(''); figure,subplot(221); imshow(x);title("Original image"); y=imtranslate(x,[125,125]) subplot(222); imshow(y);title("Translated image"); y=imtranslate(x,[-120,125]) subplot(223); imshow(y);title("Translated image"); y=imtranslate(x,[125,-120]) subplot(224); imshow(y);title("Translated image"); Result: %% ROTATION % J= imrotate(I,angle) % J=imrotate(I,angle,method) % J=imrotate(I,angle,method,bbox) x=imread(''); figure,subplot(221); imshow(x); title("Original Image"); y=imrotate(x,45,"bilinear"); subplot(222); imshow(y); title("Image rotated by 45 degree"); y=imrotate(x,90,"bilinear"); subplot(223); imshow(y); title("Image rotated by 90 degree"); y=imrotate(x,-45,"bilinear"); subplot(224); imshow(y); title("Image rotated by -45 degree"); %% Rotated image to be cropped x=imread(''); figure,subplot(221); imshow(x); title("Original Image"); y=imrotate(x,45,"bilinear","crop"); subplot(222); imshow(y); title("Image rotated by 45 degree"); y=imrotate(x,90,"bilinear","crop"); subplot(223); imshow(y); title("Image rotated by 90 degree"); y=imrotate(x,-45,"bilinear","crop"); subplot(224); imshow(y); title("Image rotated by -45 degree"); Output Cropped image after rotation %% SHEARING x=imread(''); figure; subplot(221); imshow(x); title("Original Image"); tform = maketform("affine",[1 0 0; .5 1 0; 0 0 1]); y=imtransform(x,tform); subplot(222); imshow(y); title("Shear in x direction"); tform = maketform("affine",[1 .5 0; .5 1 0; 0 0 1]); y=imtransform(x,tform); subplot(223); imshow(y); title("Shear in y direction"); tform = maketform("affine",[1 0.5 0; .5 1 0; 0 0 1]); y=imtransform(x,tform); subplot(224); imshow(y); title("Shear in x-y direction"); Output- %% SCALING % imresize- resize the image x=imread(''); figure; subplot(221); imshow(x); title("Originl Image"); y=imresize(x,[100,200]); subplot(222); imshow(y); title("Resized Image by [100,200]"); y=imresize(x,[75,75]); subplot(223); imshow(y); title("Resized Image by [75,75]"); y=imresize(x,1.5); subplot(224); imshow(y); title("Resized Image by 1.5"); Output- Conclusion: Different geometrical transforms are applied successfully EXPERIMENT NO. 8 Aim: Write and execute programs for image frequency domain filtering Theory: In spatial domain, we perform convolution of filter mask with image data. In frequency domain, we perform multiplication of Fourier transform of image data with filter transfer function. Basic steps for filtering in frequency domain: Pre-processing: Multiply input image f(x,y) by (-1)x+y to center the transform Computer Discrete Fourier Transform F(u,v) of input image f(x,y) Multiply F(u,v) by filter function H(u,v) Result: H(u,v)F(u,v) Computer inverse DFT of the result Obtain real part of the result Post-Processing: Multiply the result by (-1)x+y MATLAB Code: %Program for frequency domain filtering clc; close all; clear all; % Read the image, resize it to 256 x 256 % Convert it to grey image and display it myimg=imread(''); if(size(myimg,3)==3) myimg=rgb2gray(myimg); end myimg = imresize(myimg,[256 256]); myimg=double(myimg); subplot(2,2,1); imshow(myimg,[]),title('Original Image'); [M,N] = size(myimg); % Find size %Preprocessing of the image for x=1:M for y=1:N myimg1(x,y)=myimg(x,y)*((1)^(x+y)); end end % Find FFT of the image myfftimage = fft2(myimg1); subplot(2,2,2); imshow(myfftimage,[]); title('FFT Image'); % Define cut off frequency low = 30; band1 = 20; band2 = 50; %Define Filter Mask mylowpassmask = ones(M,N); mybandpassmask = ones(M,N); % Generate values for ifilter pass mask for u = 1:M for v = 1:N tmp = ((u-(M/2))^2 +(v-(N/2))^2)^0.5; if tmp > low mylowpassmask(u,v) = 0; end if tmp > band2 || tmp < band1; mybandpassmask(u,v) = 0; end end end % Apply the filter H to the FFT of the Image resimage1 = myfftimage.*mylowpassmask; resimage3 = myfftimage.*mybandpassmask; % Apply the Inverse FFT to the filtered image % Display the low pass filtered image r1 = abs(ifft2(resimage1)); subplot(2,2,3); imshow(r1,[]),title('Low Pass filtered image'); % Display the band pass filtered image r3 = abs(ifft2(resimage3)); subplot(2,2,4); imshow(r3,[]),title('Band Pass filtered image'); figure; subplot(2,1,1);imshow(mylowpassmask); subplot(2,1,2);imshow(mybandpassmask); Result: Conclusion: MATLAB program for frequency domain filtering is executed. EXPERIMENT NO. 9 Aim:Write MATLAB code for edge detection using different edge detection mask. Theory: Image segmentation is to subdivide an image into its component regions or objects. Segmentation should stop when the objects of interest in an application have been isolated. Basic purpose of segmentation is to partition an image into meaningful regions for particular application The segmentation is based on measurements taken from the image and might be grey level, colour, texture, depth or motion. There are basically two types of image segmentation approaches: [1] Discontinuity based: Identification of isolated points, lines or edges [2] Similarity based: Group pixels which has similar characteristics by thresholding, region growing, region splitting and merging . Edge detection is discontinuity based image segmentation approach. Edges play a very important role in many image-processing applications. It provides outline of an object. In physical plane, edges are corresponding to changes in material properties, intensity variations, and discontinuity in depth. Pixels on the edges are called edge points. Edge detection techniques try to find out grey level transitions. First order derivative and second order derivative operators can do edge detection. First order line detection 3x3 mask are: Popular edge detection masks: Sobel operator performs well for image with noise compared to Prewitt operator because Sobel operator performs averaging along with edge detection. Because Sobel operator gives smoothing effect, spurious edges will not be detected by it. Second derivative operators are sensitive to the noise present in the image so it is not directly used to detect edge but it can be used to extract secondary information like … Used to find whether point is on darker side or white side depending on sign of the result Zero crossing can be used to identify exact location of edge whenever there is a gradual transition in the image MATLAB CODE: Using standard functions: % Program for edge detection using standard masks clear all; [filename,pathname]=uigetfile({'*.bmp;*.tif;*.tiff;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*. gif','IMAGE Files (*.bmp,*.tif,*.tiff,*.jpg,*.jpeg,*.gif)'},'Choose Image'); A=imread( filename) ;if(size( A,3)==3)A =rgb2gray (A);end imshow(A );figure ; BW = edge(A,'prewitt'); subplot(3,2,1); imshow(BW);title('Edge detection with prewitt mask'); BW = edge(A,'canny'); subplot(3,2,2); imshow(BW);;title('Edge detection with canny mask'); BW = edge(A,'sobel'); subplot(3,2,3); imshow(BW);;title('Edge detection with sobel mask'); BW = edge(A,'roberts'); subplot(3,2,4); imshow(BW);;title('Edge detection with roberts mask'); BW = edge(A,'log'); subplot(3,2,5); imshow(BW);;title('Edge detection with log '); BW = edge(A,'zerocross'); subplot(3,2,6); imshow(BW);;title('Edge detection with zerocorss'); MATLAB Code for edge detection using convolution in spatial domain % Program to demonstrate various point and edge detection mask clear all; clc; while 1: K = menu('Choose mask','Select Image File','Point Detect','Horizontal line detect','Vertical line detect','+45 Detect','-45 Detect','ractangle Detect','exit') M=[-1 0 -1; 0 4 0; -1 0 -1;] % Default mask switch K case 1, [namefile,pathname]=uigetfile({'*.bmp;*.tif;*.tiff;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*. gif','IMAGE Files (*.bmp,*.tif,*.tiff,*.jpg,*.jpeg,*.gif)'},'Chose GrayScale Image'); data=imread(strcat(pathname,namefile)); %data=rgb2gray(data); imshow(data); case 2, M=[-1 -1 -1;-1 8 -1;-1 -1 -1]; % Mask for point detection case 3, M=[-1 -1 -1; 2 2 2; -1 -1 -1]; % Mask for horizontal edges case 4, M=[-1 2 -1; -1 2 -1; -1 2 -1]; % Mask for vertical edges case 5, M=[-1 -1 2; -1 2 -1; 2 -1 -1]; % Mask for 45 degree diagonal line case 6, M=[2 -1 -1;-1 2 -1; -1 -1 2]; % Mask for -45 degree diagonal line case 7, M=[-1 -1 -1;-1 8 -1;-1 -1 -1]; case 8,break; otherwise, msgbox('Select proper mask'); end outimage=conv2(double(data),double(M));figure; imshow(outimage); end close all %Write an image to a file imwrite(mat2gray(outimage),'outimage.jpg','quality' ,99); Result: Conclusion MATLAB program for edge detection is executed. Tutorial: 1.) Get mask for “Prewitt”, “Canny”, “Sobel” from the literature and write MATLAB/SCILAB program for edge detection using 2Dconvolution 2.) Write a MATLAB code for edge detection of a grayscale image without using in-built function of edge detection. EXPERIMENT NO. 10 Aim: Write and execute programs to remove noise using spatial filters • Understand 1-D and 2-D convolution process • Use 3x3 Mask for low pass filter and high pass filter Theory: Spatial Filtering is sometimes also known as neighborhood processing. Neighborhood processing is an appropriate name because you define a center point and perform an operation (or apply a filter) to only those pixels in predetermined neighborhood of that center point. The result of the operation is one value, which becomes the value at the center point's location in the modified image. Each point in the image is processed with its neighbors. The general idea is shown below as a "sliding filter" that moves throughout the image to calculate the value at the center location. In spatial filtering, we perform convolution of data with filter coefficients. In image processing, we perform convolution of 3x3 filter coefficients with 2-D image data. In signal processing, we perform convolution of 1-D data with set of filter coefficients. MATLAB CODE: 1D convolution (Useful for 1-D Signal Processing): clear; clc; x=input("Enter value of x: ") y=input("Enter value of y: ") n=length(x) k=length(y) for z=n+1:n+k-1 x(z)=0; end for u=k+1:n+k-1 y(u)=0; end for i=1:n+k-1 s(i)=0 for j=1:i s(i)=(x(j)*y(i-j+1))+s(i) end end subplot(3,1,1) plot2d3(x) subplot(3,1,2) plot2d3(y) subplot(3,1,3) plot2d3(s) Take value of x: [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 10 11 12 13 14 15] Y: [-1 1] Program for 2D convolution: clear; clc; x=input("Enter value of x in matrix form: ") y=input("Enter value of y in matrix form: ") [xrows,xcols]=size(x); [yrows,ycols]=size(y); result=zeros(xrows+yrows,xcols+ycols) for r = 1:xrows-1 for c = 1:xcols-1 sum=0; for a=0:yrows for b=0:ycols sum=sum+x(r+a,c+b)*y(a+1,b+1); end end result(r,c)=sum; end end MATLAB Code: % Experiment No. 10 Spatial filtering using standard MATLAB function % To apply spatial filters on given image clc; close all; clear all; %Define spatial filter masks L1=[1 1 1;1 1 1;1 1 1]; L2=[0 1 0;1 2 1;0 1 0]; L3=[1 2 1;2 4 2;1 2 1]; H1=[-1 -1 -1;-1 9 -1;-1 -1 -1]; H2=[0 -1 0;-1 5 -1;-0 -1 0]; H3=[1 -2 1;-2 5 -2;1 -2 1]; % Read the test image and display it [filename,pathname]=uigetfile({'*.bmp;*.tif;*.tiff;*.jpg;*.jpe g;*.gif','IMAGE Files (*.bmp,*.tif,*.tiff,*.jpg,*.jpeg,*.gif)'},'Chose Image File'); myimage = imread(cat(2,pathname,filename)); if(size(myimage,3)==3) myimage=rgb2gray(myimage); end subplot(3,2,1); imshow(myimage); title('Original Image'); L1 = L1/sum(L1); filt_image= conv2(double(myimage),double(L1)); subplot(3,2,2); imshow(filt_image,[]); title('Filtered image with mask L1'); L2 = L2/sum(L2); filt_image= conv2(double(myimage),double(L2)); subplot(3,2,3); imshow(filt_image,[]); title('Filtered image with mask L2'); L3 = L3/sum(L3); filt_image= conv2(double(myimage),double(L3)); subplot(3,2,4); imshow(filt_image,[]); title('Filtered image with mask L3'); filt_image= conv2(double(myimage),H1); subplot(3,2,5); imshow(filt_image,[]); title('Filtered image with mask H1'); filt_image= conv2(double(myimage),H2); subplot(3,2,6); imshow(filt_image,[]); title('Filtered image with mask H1'); figure; subplot(2,2,1); imshow(myimage); title('Original Image'); % The command fspecial() is used to create mask % The command imfilter() is used to apply the gaussian filter mask to the image % Create a Gaussian low pass filter of size 3 gaussmask = fspecial('gaussian',3); filtimg = imfilter(myimage,gaussmask); subplot(2,2,2); imshow(filtimg,[]),title('Output of Gaussian filter 3 X 3'); % Generate a lowpass filter of size 7 X 7 % The command conv2 is used the apply the filter % This is another way of using the filter avgfilt = [ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1]; avgfiltmask = avgfilt/sum(avgfilt); convimage= conv2(double(myimage),double(avgfiltmask)); subplot(2,2,3); imshow(convimage,[]); title('Average filter with conv2()'); filt_image= conv2(double(myimage),H3); subplot(3,2,6); imshow(filt_image,[]); title('Filtered image with mask H3'); Result: Conclusion: MATLAB program spatial filtering is executed. Tutorial: 1.) Write mathematical expression of spatial filtering of image f(x,y) of size M*N using mask W of size a*b. 2.) What is need for padding? What is zero padding? Why it isrequired? 3.) What is the effect of increasing size ofmask?