数字图像处理及应用 第1次作业 班级: 2019240302 班级学号: 18 姓名: 赵伟光 Part I Exercises Ex 2.7 Suppose that a flat area with center at is illuminated by a light source with intensity distribution Assume for simplicity that the reflectance of the area is constant and equal to 1.0, and let K = 255. If the resulting image is digitized with k bits of intensity resolution, and the eye can detect an abrupt change of four shades of intensity between adjacent pixels, what value of k will cause visible false contouring? Answer: Formula for illumination intensity at points (x,y) So the light intensity range of this image is [0,255]. Variation in intensity between adjacent pixels: so m= = f= =64 from we can know that k=6 Ex 2.12 Develop an algorithm for converting a one-pixel-thick 8-path to a 4-path. Answer: If the distance between the two pixels that make up the 8-path is 1, it remains unchanged. If the distance between the two pixels that make up the 8-path is 2, the conversion is performed with the help of adjacent pixels. For example: If there are 8-path between pixels a(x,y) and b(x+1,y+1),4-path are first established between pixels a(x,y) and c(x+1,y), and then between pixels c(x+1,y) and b(x+1,y+1); or 4-path are established between pixels a(x,y) and d(x,y+1), and then between pixels d(x,y+1) and b(x+1,y+1). Ex 2.15 Consider the image segment shown. (a) Let and compute the lengths of the shortest 4-, 8-, and m-path between p and q. If a particular path does not exist between these two points, explain why. (b) Repeat for . Answer: (a) the 4-path: the 8-path: the m-path: (b) the 4-path: there is no 4-path in p and q the 8-path: the m-path: Ex 2.21 Consider two 8-bit images whose intensity levels span the full range from 0 to 255. (a) Discuss the limiting effect of repeatedly subtracting image (2) from image (1). Assume that the result is represented also in eight bits. (b) Would reversing the order of the images yield a different result? Answer: (a) Because the intensity levels of image span the full range from 0 to 255,so the result span the full range from -255 to 255 inone calculation. We assume that when the intensity less than zero,it equal to zero. In the process of repeated subtraction, when the value of a pixel becomes zero, although he still subtracts a positive value the next time, he is zero. There are two cases under this assumption: 1> When the value of a pixel in (2) is zero, the pixel value of that point in the result is equal to the pixel value of that point in (1). 2> When the value of a pixel in (2) is not zero, the pixel value of that point in the result is equal to zero. (b) 1> When the value of a pixel in (1) is zero, the pixel value of that point in the result is equal to the pixel value of that point in (2). 2>When the value of a pixel in (1) is not zero, the pixel value of that point in the result is equal to zero. Ex 2.22 Image subtraction is used often in industrial applications for detecting missing components in product assembly. The approach is to store a “golden” image that corresponds to a correct assembly; this image is then subtracted from incoming images of the same product. Ideally, the differences would be zero if the new products are assembled correctly. Difference images for products with missing components would be nonzero in the area where they differ from the golden image. What conditions do you think have to be met in practice for this method to work? Answer: Let f(x,y) denote any input image acquired during routine operation of the system. The original image is g(x,y).We give a range [-v,v] that subtracts f(x,y) and g(x,y) pixel by pixel, and if the interpolation of each point falls within that range, it means that the input image conforms to the specification, otherwise it means that it does not conform to the specification. And f(x,y) and g(x,y) of the shooting environment should have the same lighting conditions, otherwise the comparison results are meaningless, and the noise should also be controlled within a certain range, otherwise the difference will be mainly determined by noise. Part II Programming Example 2.5 For a noisy image which contains Gaussian noise with stand deviation levels and mean , observing noise reduction effects by adding (averaging) k noisy images, and k takes 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 respectively. code: figure; subplot(3,3,1),imshow(x1),title('origian'); g1=imnoise(x1,'gaussian',0.01); subplot(3,3,2),imshow(g1),title('gaussian'); w=fspecial('laplacian',0); g=imfilter(x1,w,'replicate'); g2=x1-g; subplot(3,3,3),imshow(g2),title('Laplace filtering'); x2=im2double(x1); for i=1:1:5 d(:,:,i)=imnoise(x2,'gaussian'); end g3=mean(d,3); subplot(3,3,4),imshow(g3),title('5 average'); for i=1:1:10 e(:,:,i)=imnoise(x2,'gaussian'); end g4=mean(e,3); subplot(3,3,5),imshow(g4),title('10 average'); for i=1:1:20 h(:,:,i)=imnoise(x2,'gaussian'); end g5=mean(h,3); subplot(3,3,6),imshow(g5),title('20 average'); for i=1:1:50 gray j(:,:,i)=imnoise(x2,'gaussian'); end g6=mean(j,3); subplot(3,3,7),imshow(g6),title('50 average'); for i=1:1:100 k(:,:,i)=imnoise(x2,'gaussian'); end g7=mean(k,3); subplot(3,3,8),imshow(g7),title('100 average'); Example 2.6 Image subtraction for enhancing differences. 1) Firstly, set the least-significant bit of the image shown, and then subtract the result image from the original one to show the differences between them. code: x2=imread('F:\Assignment1\images\x2.tif'); for i=1:1024 for j=1:1024 y(i,j)=bitset(x2(i,j),1,0); end end y1=x2-y; for i=1:1024 for j=1:1024 if y1(i,j)==1 y1(i,j)=0; else y1(i,j)=255; end end end figure; subplot(1,3,1),imshow(x2),title('original'); subplot(1,3,2),imshow(y),title('proessing'); subplot(1,3,3),imshow(y1),title('difference'); 2) Digital subtraction angiography. code: x1=imread('F:\Assignment1\images\x3.tif'); x2=imread('F:\Assignment1\images\x4.tif'); y1=x1-x2; for i=1:420 for j=1:420 y(i,j)=255-y1(i,j); end end figure; subplot(1,3,1),imshow(x2),title('original'); subplot(1,3,2),imshow(x1),title('x-tay'); subplot(1,3,3),imshow(y),title('final'); Example 2.7 1) If the shading pattern has been estimated from the original image, try to correct the shading by using image multiplication and division. code: x5=imread('F:\Assignment1\images\x5.tif'); x6=imread('F:\Assignment1\images\x6.tif'); x1=double(x5); x2=double(x6); y=x1./x2; figure; subplot(1,3,1),imshow(x5),title('original'); subplot(1,3,2),imshow(x6),title('sgading pattern'); subplot(1,3,3),imshow(y),title('final'); 2) Extraction of ROIs by using mask. code: x7=imread('F:\Assignment1\images\x7.tif'); x8=imread('F:\Assignment1\images\x8.tif'); for i=1:674 for j=1:882 if x8(i,j)==255 x8(i,j)=1; end end end y=x7.*x8; figure; subplot(1,3,1),imshow(x7),title('original'); subplot(1,3,2),imshow(x8),title('sgading pattern'); subplot(1,3,3),imshow(y),title('final'); Example 2.8 Let the elements of a gray-scale image be represented by a set A whose elements are triplets of the form , where and are spatial coordinates and 1) Show the complement of A according to denotes intensity. . 2) Suppose image B is a constant image whose size is same as image A, and the value of its elements is 3 times the mean intensity of image A. Show the union of A and B, with the union of A and B defined by 1)code: x1=imread('F:\Assignment1\images\x9.tif'); for i=1:1482 for j=1:750 x2(i,j)=255-x1(i,j); end end figure; subplot(1,2,1),imshow(x1),title('original'); subplot(1,2,2),imshow(x2),title('Ac'); . 2)code: x1=imread('F:\Assignment1\images\x9.tif'); a=0; x4=double(x1); for i=1:1482 for j=1:750 a=a+x4(i,j); end end n=a/1482/750; for i=1:1482 for j=1:750 x3(i,j)=max(x1(i,j),23); end end figure; subplot(1,2,1),imshow(x1),title('original'); subplot(1,2,2),imshow(x3),title('An');