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Engineering Councils in Zimbabwe & South Africa

1. Familiarize yourself with Zimbabwe institute of engineers, engineering council of
Zimbabwe and engineering council of South Africa.
Zimbabwe institute of engineers (ZIE):
Engineering professionals in Zimbabwe are represented by the Zimbabwe Institution
of Engineers. In addition to fellow status, it offers various levels of membership,
including those for students, technicians, graduates, and corporations. Therefore the
Zimbabwe Institution of Engineers is in charge of all engineering-related matters in
Zimbabwe. Thus an Act which was passed by the Parliament governs both its
activities and membership. Therefore, ZIE is an exclusive organization made up of all
of its participants.
Furthermore the institution was established in 1944. Consequently, the 1944 Society
of Engineers was established. In 1952, it became a legally recognized institution. The
institution is run by a policy-making Board with members from each grade of its own
ranks. Additionally, the institution is run by the Board and its executive committees,
which include the Finance and Staff Committee, the Learned Society, the Professional
Committee, the Executive Committee, and the Education and Qualifications
Committee. However one can become a Corporate Member of the Institution if he/she
has an engineering degree and three years of post-graduate engineering experience.
Goals of the Institution:
 To encourage the development of engineering and make it easier to share and
transfer engineering information.
 Promote public awareness and trust in the profession while enhancing its
reputation and standing.
 To uphold ethical and professional standards which are appropriate.
 Establish and uphold suitable standards for technical and engineering
Engineering council of Zimbabwe (ECZ):
It is a regulating agency set up by a Parliamentary Act to make sure that engineers’
and technicians working in Zimbabwe adhere to the ethical standards of their
industry. Hence this is achieved by regulating the engineering profession through
registration, monitoring and continuous professional development so as to establish a
safe and sustainable environment through engineering excellence in Zimbabwe.
Therefore as a result all engineers are required to be registered and obtain a practicing
license under the Engineering Council of Zimbabwe Act, which is currently being
enforced. Thus for one to be registered with the Engineering Council of Zimbabwe
and obtain a practicing license, they have to be a Corporate Member of the ZIE first.
They then proceed to register with the Engineering Council of Zimbabwe after
receiving their Zimbabwe institution of engineers’ membership. Therefore after being
accepted at the ECZ, a certificate for annual practice is given to the person. The
certificate must be renewed annually and has one-year validity. Continuous
Development Points (CPD) must be earned annually in order to maintain the license
and be eligible for renewal. These are obtained, among other things, through the
activities that an engineer member engages in within the engineering field.
Functions of the Engineering Council of Zimbabwe:
 To enhance the profession of engineering's perspective on local, regional, and
global issues
 To grant practising certificates to individuals who have registered, and to
revoke or terminate such certificates
 Ensuring that constituent organizations have appropriate processes in place to
enforce discipline and ethical conduct among engineers and technicians
registered under the Engineering Council Act.
 To review, regulate, and preserve the standards of eligibility requirements,
tests, courses, and training established or made available by component bodies
 To promote human resource development in Zimbabwe in order to satisfy the
demands of the engineering profession
Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA):
According to the Engineering Profession Act (EPA), 46 of 2000, the Engineering
Council of South Africa (ECSA) was created as a legislative organization. The major
duty of the ECSA under this Act is to oversee the regulation of the engineering
profession. Its primary duties include accrediting engineering programs, registering
people as professionals in certain categories, and regulating registered people's
conduct in their professions.
Thus one may register as an engineering practitioner after acquiring a certificate, such
as a degree or national diploma in engineering, and having at least three years of
experience. Functions of the ECSA:
 Registering engineering professionals
 Establishing engineering education, certification, and registration requirements
 Preserving a skilled staff, effective, and suitable mechanisms and frameworks
for governance
 Increasing the number and quality of the profession in collaboration with
 Educating the public about expected engineering quality standards and
safeguarding the public's interests against engineering work that is of poor
(no date) Engineering Council of South Africa. Available at:
https://accreditation.org/accreditation-processes/accrediting-bodies/engineering-councilsouth-africa (Accessed: October 21, 2022).
Ayemba, D. (2020) Register with the Zimbabwe Institution of Engineers, Construction
Review Online. Available at: https://constructionreviewonline.com/professionalassociations/register-zimbabwe-institution-engineers/ (Accessed: October 21, 2022).
Engineering Council of Zimbabwe (2019) Wilsoft. Available at:
https://www.wilsoft.co.zw/partner-view/engineering-council-of-zimbabwe/ (Accessed:
October 21, 2022).
Home (no date) Engineering Council of Zimbabwe. Available at: http://ecz.co.zw/ (Accessed:
October 21, 2022).
Reporter, C.M. (no date) Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA), Engineering News.
Available at: https://engineeringnews.co.za/article/engineering-council-of-south-africa-ecsa2013-09-18/rep_id:4136 (Accessed: October 21, 2022).