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Colonial Ethnography in New Zealand: A Bibliography

I am uploading this because I want to download a single article – please enjoy this bibliography on
the colonial origins of ethnography in New Zealand.
Anderson, A. (2016) ‘The Making of the Maori Middle Ages’, Journal of New Zealand
Studies, 23, pp. 2–18. doi: 10.4324/9780203385470-8.
Ashwell, B. Y. (1834) Letters and Journals of the Rev. Benjamin Y Ashwell of
Kaitoehe to the Church Missionary Society, 1834 - 1869. Wellington: Alexander
Turnbull Library, 4 vols.
Banks, J. (1896) Journal of the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks Bart During Captain
Cook’s First Voyage in HMS Endeavour 1768 - 1771. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Beaglehole, E. and Beaglehole, P. (1946) Some Modern Maoris. Wellington: Oxford
University Press.
Best, E. (1924) The Maori - Volume 1. Wellington: Board of Ethnological Research
for the Author and on behalf of the Polynesian Society.
Best, E. (1927) The Paa Maori. Wellington: Dominion Museum Bulletin.
Best, E. (1941) The Maori - Volume 2. Wellington: Board of Ethnological Research
for the Author and on behalf of the Polynesian Society.
Best, E. (1973) Tuhoe, the children of the mist. 2nd edn. Wellington: Polynesian
Burrell, J. (2009) ‘The field site as a network: a strategy for locating ethnographic
research’, Field Methods, 21(2), pp. 181–199.
Cleave, P. (1983) ‘Tribal and State-like Political Formations in New Zealand Maori
Society’, Journal of the Polynesian Society, 92(51–92).
Cook, J. (1955) ‘Remarkable Occurrences on Board his Majesty’s Bark Endeavour’,
in The Journals of Captain James Cook on his Voyages of Discovery: The Voyage of
the Endeavour 1768 - 1771. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1–479.
Crozet, L. (1891) Crozet’s Voyage to Tasmania, New Zealand, the Cadrone Islands
and the Philippines in the Years 1771 - 1772. Edited by Translated by H Ling Roth.
London: Truslove & Shirley.
Cruise, R. A. (1823) Journal of a Ten Months’ Residence in New Zealand. London:
Longham, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green.
Earle, A. (1909) A Narrative of Nine Months’ Residence in New Zealand in 1827.
Christchurch: Whitcombe and Tombs Ltd.
Elder, J. R. (1932) The Letters and Journals of Samuel Marsden 1765 - 1838.
Dunedin: Coulls Somerville Wilkie & Reed.
Firth, R. (1959) Economics of the New Zealand Maori. Wellington: Whitcombe and
Tombs Ltd.
Ghoddousi, P. and Page, S. (2020) ‘Using ethnography and assemblage theory in
political geography’, Geography Compass, 14(10), pp. 1–13. doi:
Gifford, J. (2018) Double Visions: Maori and Anthropology in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Auckland: Association of Social Anthropologists of Aotearoa/New Zealand.
Grey, G. (1956) Polynesian Mythology; an Ancient Traditional History of the Maori as
told by their Priests and Chiefs (orig. 1854). Auckland: Whitcombe and Tombs Ltd.
Grey, G. (1971) Nga Mahi A Nga Tupuna (1854). Wellington: Reed.
Groube, L. M. (1964) Settlement Patterns in Prehistoric New Zealand. Auckland:
University of Auckland Press.
Groube, L. M. (1985) The Making of Maori History. Port Moresby: Unversity of Papua
New Guinea.
Gupta, A. and Ferguson, J. (1997) Culture, Power, Place: Explorations in critical
anthropology. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
Hammersley, M. (2006) ‘Ethnography: problems and prospects’, Ethnography and
Education, 1(1), pp. 3–14. doi: 10.1080/17457820500512697.
Hiroa, T. R. (1939) Anthropology and Religion. London: Yale University Press.
Hiroa, T. R. (1949) The Coming of the Maori. Wellington: Maori Purposes Fund
Hiroa, T. R. (1954) Vikings of the Sunrise. Wellington: Whitcombe and Tombs Ltd.
Keesing, F. M. (1928) The Changing Maori. New Plymouth: Thomas Avery and Sons
- The Boar of Maori Ethnological Research.
Makereti, P. (1938) The Old-Time Maori. London: Victor Gollancz Ltd.
McNab, R. (1914) From Tasman to Marsden: A History of Northern New Zealand
From 1642 - 1818. Dunedin: Wilkie.
van Meijl, T. (1995) ‘Maori Socio-Political Organisation in Pre- and Proto-History: on
the evolution of post-colonial constructs’, Oceania, 65(4), pp. 304–322.
van Meijl, T. (1996) ‘Historicising Maoritanga: Colonial Ethnography and Reification
of Maori Traditions’, Journal of the Polynesian Society, 105(3), pp. 311–346.
Morgan, J. (1833) Letters and Journals of the Reverend John Morgan; Missionary at
Otawhao 1833 - 1865. Auckland: Auckland University Library, 3 vols.
Neich, R. (1983) ‘The Veil of Orthodoxy: Rotorua Ngati Tarawhai Woodcarving in a
Changing Context’, in Mead, S. M. and Kernot, B. (eds) Art and Artists in Oceania.
Dunmore: Palmerston, pp. 244–265.
Nicholas, J. L. (1817) Narrative of a Voyage to New Zealand, Performed in the Years
1814 and 1815, in Company with the Rev. Samuel Marsden, Principal Chaplain of
New South Wales, Including a Description of the Country, and Incidental Remarks
on the Manners, Customs and Politica. London: James Black & Sons, 2 vols.
Pitt-Rivers, G. (1927) The Clash of Culture and the Contact of Races: An
Anthropological and Psychological Study of the Laws of Racial Adaptability, with
Special Reference to the Depopulation of the Pacific and the Government of Subject
Races. London: Routledge.
Savage, J. (1939) Some Account of New Zealand: Particularly the Bay of Islands
and Surrounding Country, with a Description of the Religion and Government,
Language, Artst, Manufactures, Manners and Customs of the Natives. Edited by T.
McKinlay. Wellington: Watkins.
Shortland, E. (1856) Traditions and Superstitions of the New Zealanders. 2nd edn.
London: Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans and Roberts.
Sissons, J. (1998) ‘Introduction: Anthropology, Maori Tradition and Colonial
Process’, Oceania, 69(1), pp. 1–3.
Skinner, H. D. (1921) ‘Culture areas in New Zealand’, Journal of the Polynesian
Society, 30(118), pp. 71–78.
Sorrenson, M. P. K. (1975) ‘How to Civilise Savages: Some “Answers” from
Nineteenth-Century New Zealand’, The New Zealand Journal of History, 9(2), pp.
Taylor, R. (1855) Te Ika a Maui; or New Zealand and its Inhabitants. London:
Wertheim & Macintocsh.
Tregear, E. (1926) The Maori Race. Wanganui: A D Willis Ltd Printers and