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Job Evaluations & Hay Method Presentation

Job Evaluations &
the Hay Method
Open Mic Session 8.20.17 & 8.22.17
Sara Anderson
Job Evaluations - WHAT
A systematic process to assess the relative worth (or value)
of jobs in an organization.
Often helpful to hire an external consultant to perform this work to limit subjectivity.
It is NOT:
Job Analysis – examine the job tasks and responsibilities for writing the
job description. Job Analysis is needed to do a Job Evaluation.
Job Pricing – put a dollar amount on the worth of a job (create pay
grades and ranges). Job Evaluation is needed to do Job Pricing.
Job Evaluations - WHY
• Communicates to employees there is a fair &
equitable compensation system in place.
• Used to determine which positions are similar when
it comes to pay & work assignments (allows us to
map & align jobs within company.)
• Used to determine appropriate pay or salary grades.
• Useful information for development of job
• Helps recruiters to better source candidates &
match skills to jobs.
Job Evaluations - HOW
• Analyze each position's tasks, responsibilities, knowledge,
and skill requirements to determine the value of the job to
the employer and provide an internal ranking of the jobs.
• Four methods:
• Non-quantitative: doesn’t produce precise numerical score, based
on hierarchy
• Job ranking – hierarchy based on value to company, simplest method.
• Job Classification – job grouping by grade (government)
• Quantitative: produces specific score based on job factors
• Point Factor – most popular, based on compensable factors.
• Factor Comparison – combines ranking and point methods. Hay Method*
Factor Comparison Method
Identify 5-8 key (benchmark) jobs
Identify job factors *typically 5 or 3
Rank key jobs
Assign $ to each key job, based on $ per factor
Compare unique jobs with key jobs by factor to determine $
Hay Method aka:
Hay Group Guide Chart/Profile Method
• 3 Compensable Factors (each with sub-factors)
• Know-How
• Practical/technical knowledge
• Planning, organizing, and integrating (managerial) knowledge
• Communicating and influencing skills
• Accountability
• Freedom to act
• Scope
• Impact
• Problem Solving
• Thinking environment
• Thinking challenges
• A unique aspect of the Hay Group job evaluation method is that the relative weight of the
factors is driven by the size and the nature of the job. For example, higher level jobs have
higher weight on accountability while lower level positions tend to be more know-how
weighted. ~ Hay Group http://www.haygroup.com/us/