RENAL SYSTEM EXAMINATION INTRODUCTION: - General introduction about the system GENERAL EXAMINATION: SYMPTOMS FEATURES CONDITIONS OR DIAGNOSIS Pain In urinary tract Renal pain in ank or loin Chronic ank pain Severe suprapubic pain Obstruction, infection, tumour Stones PKD Acute bladder out ow obstruction Haematuria Blood in urine with or without pain Stones, tuberculosis, trauma, acute GN, prostatic enlargement Oliguria Passage of less than 500 ml of urine per day Pre-renal, intra-renal and postrenal diseases. Polyuria Increased urinary output with increased frequency of micturition DM, CKD, D insipidus Slow stream, hesitancy, and terminal dribbling Slow stream, hesitancy, terminal dribbling Prostatic enlargement, bacterial infection of UT. TO BE INSPECTED FEATURES DIAGNOSIS Consciousness Lost Uraemic encephalopathy Anaemia Due to hematuria, bleeding, coagulation Decreased erythropoietin in CKD Skin changes Dry, pale, anky Scratch marks Uraemia Pruritis Oedema Facial pu ness, pitting edema of ankles Nephrotic syndrome Deformity Knock-knee or bow legs Hyperparathyroidism in CKD Nails Leukonychia Half and half nails Nephrotic syndrome CRF SYSTEMIC EXAMINATION: INSPECTION: fl fl fl ffi 1 fl  Saturday, 22 October 2022 1. LEFT KIDNEY: - Right hand placed anteriorly in the left lumbar while left hand placed posteriorly in the left loin. - Ask the patient to take a deep breath, press the left hand forward and lift the right hand upward and inward. - Usually left kidney is not palpable unless enlarged. 2. RIGHT KIDNEY: - Same way as left kidney. - Right hand - right lumbar region anteriorly - Left hand - right loin posteriorly 3. URINARY BLADDER: - Normally UB is not palpable. - Retention of urine - smooth, rm, regular oval -shaped swelling will be palpated in the suprapubic region. - In women, a palpable bladder has to be di erentiated from the uterus. PERCUSSION: - To diagnose ascites in nephrotic syndrome. AUSCULTATION: - Uraemic pericarditis and pleurisy may be suggested by pericardial and pleural friction rubs, respectively. - Their presence points to either advanced uraemia or a multisystem in ammatory disorder such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), which may have both renal and extrarenal manifestations. - Added heart sounds (S3 and S4) suggest, respectively, volume expansion and incipient heart failure, and ventricular hypertrophy, often as a consequence of hypertension. - The presence of vascular bruits and/or impairment of the major arterial pulses is an important nding, raising the possibility of renal vascular disease, which may underlie hypertension and/or renal failure if bilateral. Add investigations fl ff fi 2 fi  PALPATION: