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Assignment Questions - Unit 1,2,3

Unit 1 Assignment Questions
With regards to astronomy, the ancient Mayan culture is best known for...
Developing a sophisticated calendar that incorporated the changing positions of Venus among
the stars of the right.
Astronomers measure the objects east/west position in the sky using a measure called…
Right Ascension
What is the maximum angle that the moon can appear above or below the ecliptic plane?
5.2 Degrees
A penumbral lunar eclipse occurs when
At least some part of the moon passes through the earth’s outer shadow
The apparent motion of celestial objects across our sky that is due to Earth’s rotation is called “Diurnal
When measuring Right Ascension across the sky, "1 hour" of right ascension is equivalent to an angle of
_______ degrees of arc.
The earliest type of device humans used for keeping track of time was probably some sort of sundial. It
reckoned the time by using the position of the Sun in the sky. Now, we call the type of time that sundials
measure as...
Apparent solar time
A photon travelling away from the sun at the speed of light would cover a distance of ___ in a year
9.46 trillion kilometers
On average, approximately how fast does the shadow of the moon move as it crosses the surface of the
1500 km/h
Lunar eclipses can only happen during a...
Full moon
If the Moon's disk appears half lit in the sky and is almost overhead just as the Sun is rising, its phase is
called __________________.
Third Quarter
As the Earth rotates, celestial objects visible in the night sky are seen to rise over the eastern
horizon, move across the sky and eventually set below the western horizon. Their path across the sky is
at some angle to the southern horizon due the observer's latitude location on Earth. This means that at
some point in their path across the sky, they reach a position where they appear due south from the
observer. At this point, the objects are at their highest point above the horizon. When it reaches this
location, astronomers say the object has reached its
Transit Points
The Moon's orbital path around the Earth is not perfectly circular. For this reason, the moon's apparent
size in the sky changes slightly during each cycle around our planet. When the moon is at its farthest
from Earth
Because of "precession", the Earth's polar axis will align with a different "North Star"14,000 years in the
future. What is the name of this star?
There are two types of solar eclipse that are visible from Earth's surface. During an annular solar
The moon in its orbit, is farther from earth than its average distance
As the moon moves in its orbit, it appears to an observer to shift eastward relative to the stars around it
each night. About how far eastward does the moon appear to move relative to the stars around it each
The moon appears to move eastward 0.5 degrees every hour
In the northern hemisphere of Earth, the period from late June to late September is the warmest season
of the year because...
1) During this time period, the Earth is closer to the Sun in its orbit than at any other time of the year.
2) During this time period, the Sun is above the horizon in the northern hemisphere longer than at any
other time of the year.
3) During this time period, sunlight in this hemisphere reaches the ground and warms it more efficiently
than at any orther time of the year.
4) During this time period, the Earth's north pole is tilted more towards the Sun that at any other time of
the year.
only answers 3) and 4) are correct
Because of Earth's motion in its orbit while the moon circles around it, a synodic
month takes ___________________________________________ than a sidereal month.
2.2 Days more
If you are on the Earth's surface and standing inside the Earth's umbra, then...
You must be experiencing a Total solar eclipse
When viewed from the Earth's surface, the Sun's apparent path moving through the constellations of
the celestial sphere each year (due to Earth's motion around the Sun) is known as...
The ecliptic
On the day of a "solstice", there will be equal hours of daylight and darkness at every location around
the world.
According to our textbook, if we mapped the time that our universe has existed on a calendar, with the
moment of the start of the universe (the "Big Bang") occurring at the first instant of January 1st and the
present moment on the last tick of the day on December 31st, on which day of that cosmic calendar
year did our solar system form?
Around September 10th
Although scientific theories can never be proven to be correct with 100% certainty, they can be proven
wrong with 100% certainty.
When we look up at the night sky, there is a group of constellations through which the other planets and
the Sun appear to travel over the course of a year. This sets this group of constellations apart from the
others that we recognize in the sky. This collection of constellations is referred to as...
the zodiacal constellations
Unit 2 Assignment questions
In Bohr's model of the atom, electrons
Only makes transitions between orbits of specific energies
Max Planck was the first to show theoretically that light can behave as both a wave and as a particle.
You count 6 wave crests (5 complete waves) pass your anchor rope in exactly 60 seconds. What is
the frequency of the waves?
0.083 Hz
Which of the following sequences, place the types of electromagnetic waves listed in the correct order
from shortest wavelength --> to --> longest wavelength?
Ultraviolet, Visible Light, Infrared, Microwave, Radio Wave
In order to explain how light waves were able to travel through space, many astronomers of the 19th
century believed that space itself must be made up of tiny undetectable particles which they called
Known as the Zeeman effect, it was determined that phenomenon was caused by …
The increase and decrease in strength of the magnetic fields around sunspots
"The intensity of light arriving from a source in space (eg. a star) weakens at an accelerated rate as the
distance from the source increases". This statement describes....
The inverse square law
Which of the following properties cannot be determined through analyzing spectral lines?
an object's rotation rate (or even if there is one)
the chemical composition of an object
the average density of the object
the average surface temperature of the object
the line-of-sight velocity of the object relative to Earth
Stefan-Boltzmann's Law notes that the total energy radiated by a 'blackbody' is proportional to the
____________________ of its overall temperature.
Fourth power
In the Kelvin temperature scale, the temperature of "absolute zero" is equivalent to...
Zero Kelvins
(See part 3 of lecture slides or resources folder) about doppler effect moving towards/away from us and
calculating speed
In which of the following portions of the EM spectrum are electromagnetic waves able to penetrate the
atmosphere and reach Earth's surface?
All waves in the visible portion of the spectrum, some in the infrared region and some radio
wavelengths can penetrate and reach the surface.
An absorption spectral line results from an electron falling from a higher to lower energy orbital around
its atomic nucleus.
Which of the following statements best describes the types of particles that are responsible and the
conditions under which they create the EM waves?
Only particles with either a negative charge or a positive charge that are accelerating or
decelerating within an object create EM waves.
In trying to visualize the size of specific forms of electromagnetic waves, it can be said that ultraviolet
waves have wavelengths comparable in size to a(n)...
microscopic virus
Joseph Fraunhofer was the German astronomer who in 1815...
first identified hundreds of absorption lines in the Sun's visible light spectrum.
Who was the first scientist to experimentally prove that the Electromagnetic Theory (that light is
actually made up of electromagnetic waves) was correct?
Heinrich Hertz
What is true of a blackbody?
Its temperature controls the wavelength at which its energy output is the strongest.
Which of the following colours has a wavelength longer than the others?
In general, the spectral lines of molecules are
More complex than those of atoms
A gaseous nebula, glowing because its atoms are being excited by energy radiated from hot young stars
nearby, emits its own spectrum of electromagnetic waves that is observed by astronomers as...
only emission lines on a black background.
Unit 3 Assignment Questions
The point in an object's orbit where it is farthest from the planet that it is orbiting (and traveling the
slowest in its orbit) is known as...
The Apogee Point
History shows that there was an astronomer in the ancient world who was the first to deduce the
Earth's rotation, first to propose a sun-centred model of the universe with all the planets in the correct
orbital order, and who was also the first to argue that the Sun was larger than the moon - up to twenty
times larger. However, due to the politics of his time, his astronomical work was basically ignored for
over 1000 years. Who was he?
An asteroid with an orbital period of 8.3 years. Using Kepler’s third law what is the average distance
from the Sun?
About 4 astronomical units
What is meant by Kepler's second law, which states that as a planet moves around its orbit it sweeps out
equal areas in equal times?
a planet travels faster when it is nearer to the Sun and slower when it is farther from the Sun.
Which of the following best defines " 1 astronomical unit" ( 1 AU)?
The average distance from the earth to the sun
One famous astronomer made such thorough and accurate drawings and written observations of the
Moon, that it convinced many of those who saw/read them to believe that the Moon might be not so
different from Earth. This conclusion led the astronomer to further argue that Earth itself could also be a
celestial body, like other planets. Who was this astronomer?
What was the most significant reason for Galileo's hard work to improve the design of his first refracting
He thought he could make money selling it to Venetian merchants
The type of orbits of most comets visiting the inner solar is _____________________.
planets were thought to orbit (grey circle) around a central point (violet dot) that was embedded in a
crystal sphere (red circle) that itself rotated around the Earth. This supposedly created the looping
motion observers saw planet making as they moved across the sky. What was the name given to the
grey circle to which a circling planet is attached? (Name the object indicated by the grey arrow)
A golfer hits a golf ball such that it leaves the tee on upward-angled trajectory towards the flag on the
green. While the Earth exerts a gravitational pull on the ball that alters the ball’s path and pulls it back
toward the ground, the ball is itself exerting a gravitational pull of equal strength back on the Earth.
What does the Greek word "planet" mean?
The geocentric system for predicting planetary positions that remained in use for some 1,500 years was
created by_________?
The motion of a body that is under the gravitational influence of two or more other bodies can only be
calculated accurately through the use of power computer processors. (hint: see online textbook section
According to Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation, which of the following factors effect the
strength of the gravitational pull between two objects?
1) the mass of object A
2) the mass of object B
3) the distance between the centres of object A and B
4) the strength of the gravitational field of each particle in each object
"For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction" (or: the mutual actions of two bodies upon
each other are always equal and act in opposite directions). This statement is a description of... (Hint:
see online textbook, section 3.2)
Newton's Third Law of Motion
_______________________'s very accurate observations were valuable in the development and testing
of ___________________'s theories.
Tycho Brahe; Kepler
The heliocentric model of the solar system that Copernicus proposed was different from earlier
geocentric models in several important ways. One key prediction that it made was that as Venus moves
through its orbit, observers should be able to see it illuminated in different phases from Earth. Which of
the phases does his model predict we would see?
1) Crescent
2) New
3) Gibbous
4) Full
Imagine a boy sitting on a spinning stool. He sits with his arms out. His friend then begins to spin him on
the stool. What happens to his spin speed when he pulls his arms inward?
His speed increases because the distance to the spin axis has decreased.
Who compiled the only surviving "textbook" of constellations, star charts, and data on planetary
positions, preserved from the ancient world?
According to Copernicus, the retrograde motion for Mars must occur
at opposition, when the Earth overtakes Mars and passes between Mars and the Sun.
With the invention of his astronomical telescope, Galileo was able to make several important
observations that convinced him that the ideas of the geocentric model that had been taught for over
1500 years in Europe were wrong. Which of the following was NOT one of those observations?
He saw white polar caps on Mars grow and shrink in a repetitive pattern that matched with the
orbital period of the planet.
The speed that a spacecraft needs to escape the Earth's gravitational pull and move out of Earth orbit is
known as the 'escape velocity' for the Earth. How fast does a spacecraft need to be traveling to reach
escape velocity?
11 km/s
To describe the eccentricity of a planet's orbital path around the Sun, an observer would need to know
two other properties of the planet's elliptical orbit. First, they would need to know the distance between
the two foci in its elliptical path. Second, they would also need to know the ___________________.
Length of the orbit’s major axis
Astronomers refer to a planet’s apparent eastward motion through the constellations over many
months as __________ motion across the sky.
Pythagoras was the first to measure the approximate diameter of the Earth by first using geometry to
measure the angle of the Sun's light in Alexandria, Egypt on the day of the Summer Solstice.