Computer Engineering department Mid sem Question Bank Sem-8 Sub: Cloud Infrastructure and Services (2180712) 1. Define cloud, on demand self service, resource pooling, broad network access, rapid elasticity and measured. [7] 2. What are the characteristics of cloud computing? [3] 3. Explain pros and cons of cloud computing. [4] 4. Define cloud computing and state its desirable features. [7] 5. Explain public, private, community and hybrid cloud. [7] 6. Which cloud is better? Public or private. Justify your answer. [4] 7. Describe layers and types of cloud computing services. [7] 8. Define load balancing. What is the need of load balancing in cloud computing? List network resources that can be load balanced. [4] 9. List cloud deployment model and describe public cloud. [3] Or List cloud deployment model and describe community cloud. [4] 10. Explain SAAS with an example. [4] 11. Explain IAAS, PAAS and SAAS with example. [7] 12. Explain virtualization and hypervisor with its importance. [7] 13. Compare and contrast Emulation and Para – Virtualization. [4] 14. What is virtual machine? Explain virtual machine types. [4] 15. Compare different cloud service provider. [7] 16. Write a note on cloud computing stack. [7] 17. Explain in brief P2V, V2V, V2P, P2P, D2C, and C2D virtual machine conversion in VMM. [7] 18. Explain Amazon S3. Explain amazon S3 API. What are the operations we can execute through API? [7] 19. What is Glacier storage service and how it is beneficial? [7] 20. How machine language help to achieve the goal of cloud computing? [4] 21. Illustrate different service model of cloud. [7] 22. Write a short note on AWS ecosystem. [4] 23. Explain AWS infrastructure. [7] 24. Write S3 URL naming convention. [3] 25. Write a note on AWS API securities. [4] or Write a note on AWS security. [7] 26. How AWS deals with disaster recovery? [7] 27. How does cloud deals with Disaster Recovery. [3] 28. Explain Dynamo DB and ElastiCashe. [7] or what are the DynamoDB characteristics? [4] or write overview of ElastiCashe. [3] 29. How can we say our data is secure on cloud and what are the challenges to achieve it? 30. Explain virtual private cloud and Redshift. [7] 31. How virtual private cloud works? [7] 32. Write overview of Redshift. [3] 33. What do you mean by identity management and access management? [4] 34. What is cloud watch and cloud formation? 35. What is elastic load balancing and how it reduces the work load? [7] 36. Explain SOAP and REST web services? [3] 37. Describe Elastic Block Storage (EBS). [7] 38. What are the features of Relational database servise? [4] 39. Write a short note on High performance AWS networking. [4] 40. Compare and contrast Dynamo DB and Amazon S3. [4] 41. List the OpenIDL authentication steps in cloud security. [3] 42. What is Eucalyptus? Explain in brief. [4] 43. What is Dark Web? Explain in brief. [3] 44. Write a note on EC2. [7]