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Order Processing DFD & Product Revenue Analysis

This DFD diagram illustrates the procedural system of receiving order and shipping to customer. This system
divided into four departments to deliver results back to customers. The first step start from receiving order by
marketing depart, the distribution centre check the availability of product, if the product is out of stock then
the order will return to customer point, further process will continue after printing invoice by accounts depart,
lastly the shipping department delivery the ordered product to customer’s location. In conclusion, through this
system the customer get what they order.
This graph shows the outcome comparison of top three products between age of 0 to 65 years and 20 to 100
revenue in thousands.
The Product A got highest number of revenue in age of 35-44 and lowest number of revenue in age of 0-18.
The product B got 90 thousand which is the highest number of revenue in overall graph in age of 35-44 and
lowest number of revenue in age of 0-18. The Product C got highest 16 thousand of revenue in age of 19-24
and also in 45-54, the lowest revenue similar to the previous two products.
In conclusion, all products revenue are below 20 thousand in 0-18 age and only product B which crossed
highest 90 thousand of revenue in age of 35-44.
The pie chart shows what devices are prefer by internet users of aged 16+ to access the internet at different
places. According to the results, most users prefer smart phones and desktop was least for accessing internet
at home and in other places.
Interestingly, it has been observed that 33% of users prefer smartphones for accessing internet,