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Melisa, problem solving essesment

Not having enough
time for myself.
My name is Melisa and until last year I was a normal 11-yearold student who was happy with the school and my life. I had
time to rest all day and study for only one hour. Ever since I
came to high school, I don’t have time for anything.
Younge people think that being in high school means you can
do whatever you want and be on your phone for the whole
day without being questioned but that’s not true.
From the first day that I came home from high school, I
already had
many things to study about. I came in a bit later than
everybody else in my class which meant I had to study a lot
more, so I don’t stay behind everyone else in my class. That
took all my time for one whole week and after that, the
assignments and test started which took all my time.
I always try to use the most time of my day for studying but
when I have too many exams, I must wake up early and since
I already sleep late it means that I don’t get enough time for
even sleeping.
Most students get home at about 4 pm but since I take two
buses to get home, I get home at about 5 pm so I sometimes
don’t even get enough time to eat my dinner properly. I also
sleep at nine pm which means I only have four hours to do all
my studying and many more thing!
My English is always a big problem for me, I always need to
double-check everything that I write to make sure I don’t
have any English mistakes which already takes a lot of time. I
always try to study as hard as I can to get the best results,
Sometimes I want to give up on everything because I don’t
get enough time for anything.
Next week I am going to do an EAL essay, humanity CAT and
a mandarin test so I don’t know what to do with all these
exams and I’m struggling with NOT HAVING ENOUGH TIME
I wanted to ask if anyone knows a way to have time for
studying and myself without failing my exams.
Hi Melisa, I understand what you are going through since I
also have been in those stages of my life where I didn’t have
enough time for myself because of too much work. I also
solved my problem by asking other people for help and these
are the way they suggested to me:
1. Study at night and do your other stuff in the morning.
2. Ask your parents to clean your room and let them know
that you need to study a lot so they understand and will help
3. Plan everything you wanted to do in your day and put a
specific time for each of them so you don’t have a lot of time
in between.
Tell your teachers to give you less work and exams.
I used the third suggestion and it helped me a lot! I now have
time to study and have time for myself as well as have a cup
of tea while watching my phone. I recommend every morning
set up what you want to do in the day and set one hour for
each of them.
If you still didn’t get enough time, you can always sleep early
so you can wake up early and do things that you didn’t have
time to do.
I hope this helped you Melisa and keep up the hard work!
Change yourself!
My name is Melisa and I know that as fast as you read the
topic you know what I’m talking about, I also know that you
certainly experienced this at least once in your life.
We all had this experience where someone told you “She is
better than you” or “you are not good enough” which all lead
you to want to change yourself and be that “perfect person”.
I’m one of those girls that are “not perfect” and so I need to
change to be perfect but no matter how hard I try there is
always that line that I never get to. Everywhere I look I see
people that are better than me and I know I can’t be them
but that only makes me feel worse and weaker.
I always try my best to make my parents feel proud of me
and show my teachers that I always try my best in studying
but in the end, I never get what I wanted. I try so hard to be
that perfect teenage girl but, in the end, all I get is to change
myself and be like that student or daughter who is the
perfect student and child.
Don’t get me wrong it is not just my parents and teachers
that told me to change, even I tell myself to change who I
am. I feel dumb for not answering questions in class, I feel
bad for not getting good grades, I feel bad for not being a
good sister to my brother, and many more things.
Changing myself doesn’t just mean I change into a better
person; it means I turn into a person that I wasn’t meant to
be and thinking about the fact that I turned into what people
wanted and not myself is just awful.
As soon as I become a teenager everyone has some
expectations of me and if I’m not at the level that I need to
be I will face a lot of hate and life will not be easy. I keep
hearing “you are a grown-up now you need to change
yourself” or “Can’t you act like other teenagers at your
school” repeatedly.
I’m now close to finishing my first year in high school which
means I will be in my second year of high school and things
will only get worse from here.
I wanted to write this and ask if anyone knows a way for me
to accept myself the way I am and show everyone that I’m
perfect just the way I am.
Hi Melisa, I’m sorry for what you have been through, but I
also experienced this type of person who keeps telling you to
change. I understand that you always try your best to be
perfect but remember that no one is the same. If everyone in
this world were the same then this world would be boring,
and no one would be unique.
Remember that you were born to be who you are right now,
and no one should be able to change you. Do things that you
like and speak to the people who try to change you, if you be
strong enough, they will back off and never bother you again.
If you still find it challenging to stand up for yourself Infront
of people who try to change you, you can always get help
from doctors.
I hope you feel better now and remember you don’t need to
be what people want you to be and you are perfect just the
way you are.
Thank you for all the
suggestions, I will certainly use
them in future.