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20202 EDG3343 Syllabus

Course Number:
Course Name:
Credit Hours:
Length of Course:
School of Education
Instructional Strategies
3 credit hours
8 weeks
EDF2005, EDG2740, EME2040 MAT3905, SCE3905 or consent of
department Corequisites: MAE3940 or SCE3940 or MAE4941 or
Course Description
This course teaches an overview of instructional models and strategies. Emphasis is placed on
principles of State standards, instructional methods, lesson planning, and instruction. Students
will develop knowledge of instructional models and lesson plan construction for effective
implementation including the diverse student populations.
Course Rationale
Indian River State College believes that effective teaching provides for student interaction within
a rigorous curriculum. This instruction must be accountable for providing accurate knowledge,
the development of critical thinking, and the development of a reflective learning environment.
The learning environment must provide: (a) Clearly defined learning objectives; (b) Fair and
authentic assessment of student learning; (c) Effective management of time, space, and
delivery of content to optimize learning; (d) Opportunities and encouragement for the
development of critical thinking and self-reflection for both teacher and student; and (e)
Assurance that both academically proficient and historically marginalized students receive
instruction and encouragement that reduce the gap in achievement and extend the learning
horizon for all students.
Program Learning Objectives
Indian River State College believes that effective teaching provides for student interaction within
a rigorous curriculum. This instruction must be accountable for providing accurate knowledge,
the development of critical thinking, and the development of a reflective learning environment.
The learning environment must provide: (a) Clearly defined learning objectives; (b) Fair and
authentic assessment of student learning; (c) Effective management of time, space, and
delivery of content to optimize learning; (d) Opportunities and encouragement for the
development of critical thinking and self-reflection for both teacher and student; and (e)
Assurance that both academically proficient and historically marginalized students receive
instruction and encouragement that reduce the gap in achievement and extend the learning
horizon for all students.
Course Learning Objectives
At the completion of the course the
students will be able to:
Identify the Florida Standards, subject
areas, content, objectives, and grade level
Locate and use appropriate sections of the
standards for planning instruction;
1, 2, 3
Relate knowledge of motivational and
learning theories to models of instruction
and specific instructional strategies
1, 2, 3, 6
Identify, describe, explain, compare, and
analyze models and strategies for effective
classroom instruction
1, 2, 3, 4,
Demonstrate an understanding of the
models of teaching and the purpose of
incorporating a variety of teaching methods
and strategies in lesson –planning and
thematic unit development
Demonstrate knowledge of skills necessary
to enhance students’ feelings of dignity and
self-worth and the worth of others and that
support individual differences;
Identify, explain, and demonstrate the
components of effective lesson plan and
unit construction and implementation
Demonstrate knowledge of and recognize
the value in community building and
cooperative learning strategies.
Demonstrate knowledge of the role of
measurement, evaluation, and assessment
in the instructional process including the
use of formative and summative
1, 2, 3, 4,
Class discussion
Course assignments
Lesson Plan development
Course assignments
Unit development
Lesson Plan development
Course assignments
Unit development
Lesson Plan development
Class Discussion
Course assignments
Unit development
Lesson Plan development
Class Discussion
Course assignments
Unit development
Lesson Plan development
1, 3
1, 2, 3, 4, 6
Class Discussion
Course assignments
1, 2, 3, 4
Unit development
Lesson Plan development
1, 2, 3
Course assignments
Unit development
Course assignments
Course Resources
Textbook(s) - (available at IRSC bookstore): Arends, R., Learning to Teach, 10th ed.
ISBN: 9781308366210
Website(s): As listed in the Study Activities
Additional resources will be referenced in the modules, where they will be available to students.
Course Requirements
This course consists of a series of activities and assessments to assist you in achieving the
outcomes/objectives for the course and instructional modules/ units. Each week you will work on
various combinations of assignments, activities, discussions, readings, research, etc.
Grades and Grading Scale
Assignment of letter grades is based on a percentage of points earned. The letter grade will
correspond with the following percentages achieved.
100 - 93
92 - 83
82 - 70
69 - 60
59 and below
Note: Calculated grades will NOT be rounded to the next whole number.
Critical Assignments
Final Exam
Number of
Point Value of
Each Item
Total Points of
All Items
450 points
Schedule of Activities
The course schedule will be located in the Schedule of Activities link on the course menu.
Course Guidelines
Online Course
This is an online course and therefore there will not be any face-to-face class sessions. All
assignments and course interactions will utilize Internet technologies. The content of this course
is fully online except for proctored exam(s).
Specific Course Policies
IRSC Email
Students must check and respond to their IRSC email within three days.
Unique Assignments
All assignments submitted for this course should be unique assignments. This means a student
should not use a paper, lesson plan, or any type of assignment for this course that has already
been submitted for another course. All assignments for this course are to be created solely for
use in this course. The student, using resources only to guide and gather ideas, creates all
Dishonesty, such as cheating, plagiarism, or knowingly furnishing false information to
the College are considered misconduct and the student can be referred to the Vice
President of Student Affairs for disciplinary actions under the Student Standards of
Conduct. A student found to be in violation may be subject to assignment or course
failure, suspension, probation, expulsion, or other types of disciplinary action resulting
from the Student Grievance Process. For more information, please refer to the Student
Communicating with the Instructor
When questions arise during this course, please remember to check these three sources for an
1. Course Syllabus;
2. Announcements in Blackboard.
If you have questions of a personal nature such as relating a personal emergency, questioning
a grade on an assignment, or something else that needs to be communicated privately, please
contact the instructor via IRSC email. Please allow 24/48 hours for the instructor to respond.
All instructor correspondence should be conducted within IRSC email.
Preparation for class means completing all study activities required for that week. Attendance in
an online course means logging into the Learning Management System (Blackboard) at least
twice a week and participating in all of the activities that are posted in the course.
Studying and Preparation Time
The course requires you to spend time preparing and completing assignments. For every credit
hour you should expect to spend at minimum of three (3) hours working on the course.
Therefore, a 3-credit course would require approximately 9 hours of time per week. Since this is
an 8-week course, you should expect that time to double.
Examination Guidelines
IRSC requires that at least one examination be held at an Assessment Center. Assessment
centers are available at all campuses. Students who cannot access any of the IRSC testing
facilities must contact Assessment Services Manager Steven Daniello at (772) 462-7583 or
sdaniell@irsc.edu to make other arrangements.
The final exam will be proctored.
A quick link to the Assessment Center (Testing) is located in Blackboard in the Institutional
Resources section under IRSC Policies & Resources.
Late or Missed Assignments
All assignments must be finished and turned in to complete the course. Unless the instructor is
notified at least one day BEFORE the assignment is due and provides an opportunity for the
student to submit his/her assignment late, points may be taken off for a late assignment.
Late work will be deducted two points a day until it is submitted.
Submitting Assignments
All assignments, unless otherwise announced by the instructor, MUST be submitted via
Blackboard. Each assignment will have a designated location for submission.
Instructor Feedback
Your instructor will provide feedback within 7 to 14 days.
Subject to change notice
All material, assignments, and deadlines are subject to change with prior notice. It is your
responsibility to stay in touch with your instructor, review the course site regularly, and
communicate with other students to adjust as needed if there is any change in the course.
Critical Assignments and Remediation Policy
This course requires one Critical Assignment that is linked directly to FEAP’s.
Students must complete and pass all Critical Assignments in a course in order to pass
the course.
There will be three categories under which a student’s final Critical Assignment may be
Demonstrated = score of 3 (70% or above);
Demonstrated with remediation = 2 (redo and must be passing at 70% or above);
Does Not Demonstrate = 1 (69% or below on initial submission and redo). Students who do not
pass one or more Critical Assignments may be able to remediate (“In Remediation”)
Students who are “In Remediation” for one or more Critical Assignments may be granted
an “I” or incomplete grade for one semester only.
Students “In Remediation” who pass the Critical Assignment on the redo will pass the
course, but the original points towards the final grade remains the same. Therefore, if
Critical Assignments are not turned in on time a zero is earned. Upon completion and
passing of the second attempt, the zero will remain (original points) and will be averaged
into your final grade.
Students “In Remediation” who do not pass the Critical Assignment on the redo after the
period for the “I” will fail the course.
Students must achieve a minimum of a “C” in Bachelors’ Degree Education courses, a minimum
of “C” on Critical Assignments, and an overall GPA of 2.5.
Students must have a percentage total of no less than 70% in order to successfully complete
these critical assignments.
Reminder: refer to Critical Assignment Policy; Students are considered “In Remediation” if they
do not pass the Critical Assignment on the first attempt. Students “In Remediation” who pass
the Critical Assignment on the redo/2nd attempt will pass the course, but the original points
towards the final grade remains the same.
IRSC Resources
Quick links to the Indian River State College’s resources and policies are listed in the
Institutional Resources section of the course, including:
Pioneer Portal or My IRSC– Register
for classes, view grades and
financial aid awards
Student Handbook & Student
Handbook Reference Guide
Equity Statement
Financial Aid
Incomplete Grade
IRSC Mission Statement
Student Accessibility Services
Student Activities
Student Success Services
Testing Services
Update Personal Information
Withdrawal Policy
Academic Resources
Quick links to the Indian River State College’s Academic Resources can be found in the
Institutional Resources section in Blackboard. Quick links include:
Academic Calendar
Academic Support Center
Academic Notice/
Assessment/Examination Policy
How to Succeed in this Course
Incomplete Grade
Netiquette Rules
Student Responsibility
Studying and Time Management
Library & Research Paper Resources
Quick links to the Indian River State College’s Library and Research Paper Resources can be
found in the Institutional Resources section in Blackboard. Quick links include:
Library Link
Course Specific Custom Library
Ask the Librarian (24/7)
American Psychological Association
APA Guidelines
MLA Guidelines
CSE Guidelines
Legal Citation
Plagiarism Policy
Writing a Research Paper
Writing Expectations:
All students should write at college level in all course communication and assignments. Please
pay particular attention to the information listed below.
Person – First Language (Expected Professional Behavior)
All students are expected to use Person-First Language when referring to,
writing about, or speaking to children and adults with disabilities. Refer to ASHA Person-First
Language, https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/disabilityandhealth/pdf/disabilityposter_photos.pdf
Citation and Reference Style:
Students should use the APA citation style unless otherwise directed by their instructor.
Technical Requirements
IRSC Computer Requirements
Students must have a reliable computer and Internet connection throughout the course. Quick
links to the Indian River State College’s Blackboard Technical Information can be found in the
Institutional Resources section in Blackboard. Quick links include:
 Essential Technical Skills Checklist
 Digital Information Literacy Checklist
 Browser Support
 Blackboard Learn Mobile
Blackboard Learning Management System (LMS)
If you need assistance with Blackboard, please review the Blackboard Help Videos by clicking
on the link provided on the course menu.
Note: The preferred browsers are Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.
Blackboard LOG IN:
USERNAME: Student ID number (no dashes)
PASSWORD: IRSC web registration/pay pin
Technical Support
If you can’t find your answer within the Blackboard Help Videos section, visit the Blackboard
Help Center at https://help.edusupportcenter.com/shplite/IRSC/home
Student Accessibility Statement
Indian River State College provides reasonable accommodations to students with documented
disabilities through the Student Accessibility Services (SAS) Office. The rights of students with
disabilities which pertain to post-secondary education are provided under Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. Students who
wish to request an accommodation for a documented disability may contact Student
Accessibility Services at 772-462-7808, 772-462-7782, or e-mail accessibilityservices@irsc.edu
Syllabus Disclaimer
The instructor views the course syllabus as an educational contract between the instructor and
students. Every effort will be made to avoid changing the course schedule but the possibility
exists that unforeseen events will make syllabus changes necessary. The instructor reserves
the right to make changes to the syllabus as deemed necessary. Students will be notified in a
timely manner of any syllabus changes in the course Announcements or course e-mail.
If you are experiencing difficulty in your course and have already worked with your instructor
to resolve the challenge but feel your issue needs additional attention, please visit
http://tinyurl.com/IRSCadmininfo to access the appropriate contact information.
IRSC is an equal employment/equal opportunity educational institution.