www.radionic-international.com The Secret of the (known as) Wishing Machines Getting the welfare and the things you want through Radionics Devices www.radionic-international.com © COPYRIGHT 2015 Open Project It is not allowed the total or partial reproduction of this work, or transmitted, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written consent of Copyright holders Legal Deposit: ISBN: 84-95292-55-1 www.radionic-international.com 3ਅਆਁਃਅ This book aims to bring the reader to the fascinating and littleknown world of Radionics. This relatively misleading name has nothing to do with receivers or conventional radio transmitters but with tools that enhance mental abilities and psychics of their users. From the outset it has tried to avoid excessive dependence on theories that try to explain how this phenomenon works. Rather, it has sought to provide an overview of the broad spectrum where you can SUDFWLFDOO\DSSO\WKLVV\VWHPIRUDPSOL¿FDWLRQDQGHQKDQFHPHQWRIWKH extraordinary capabilities that every human being possesses to a greater or lesser extent. The intention was to consider practical situations that any user can experience with Radionics devices and check the results by himself. An approach with an open mind is required. But this is not just to believe or not to believe what is presented on the following pages. Neither is asked for acceptance or rejection about what is written without more evaluation. This book simply suggests a personal testing if any of the experiences described may be of interest to the reader. Come in, a world of extraordinary possibilities may be waiting www.radionic-international.com &ਈਁਐਔਅ,ਅਘ Chapter 1. The science of Radionics. What you should know to start and make the most of it. Let your imagination run wild: The possible applications of Radionics to health, personal development, wealth, business, plants and animals, relationships and etc. Concepts about detecting vibratory information and broadcast. Attraction and Achievement, how to get them What is Radionics How Radionics devices work in general. What measures Radionics? 9LVXDOL]DWLRQDQG5DGLRQLFV0HQWDOSRZHUDPSOL¿HGWKURXJK Radionics devices. Amazing applications in therapy. Remote treatments. Explanation about handling Radionics machines. 3UDFWLFDOH[DPSOHV'L൵HUHQWW\SHVRIGHYLFHV2UJRQHHQHUJ\ and Radionics. Chapter 2. Mental energy, universal energy and its relationship with Radionics How the mental powers are activated through beliefs and SURIRXQGFRQYLFWLRQV7KHH[SHULPHQWHU¶VPLQGLQÀXHQFHVWKH H[SHULPHQW&RQFHSWVRI&KL3UDQD2UJRQH$QH[SODQDWLRQ of mental phenomena through Magic. Notes on the Cosmic Matrix. Modulating the energy through the devices Radionics. www.radionic-international.com Chapter 3. Synchronicity and Radionic What is synchronicity? Connections between people. The incredible love story of a British couple. Connections between people and animals. The striking case of dog «Prince». The amazing case of cat «Sugar». Connections between people DQGWKLQJV$QGUpDQGKLVER[+RZKXPDQVLQÀXHQFHREMHFWV Dowsers and their connection to the water. How to detect ore deposits with simple pendulums. The example of Magic to connect with the energy of the people. The advantages of the radionic instruments to establish positive links. Chapter 4. Basic concepts and principles in Radionic. Intrinsic Data Fields and Waveforms Explanation of Intrinsic Data Fields (IDF’s) and its importance. Representations for use in the detection and HPLVVLRQ5XSHUW6KHOGUDNHDQGKLVWKHRU\RIPRUSKLF¿HOGV Global solutions to complex problems. Using the radionic in VLWXDWLRQVUHTXLULQJGL൵HUHQWFRQFDWHQDWHGVROXWLRQV:KDWDUH waveforms and how to use them in regards to radionic. Chapter 5. The radionic devices in therapeutic applications. Amazing remote healings? 7KHSUDFWLFHRIUDGLRQLFLQGL൵HUHQWFRXQWULHV7KHUHDVRQ for his detractors and defenders. The origin. The amazing discoveries of Dr. Abrams. Simple detection of diseases. Dr. Ruth and adherent plaque development. Remote pathology detection. Remote broadcast of remedies. The beginning of GL൵HUHQWDSSOLFDWLRQVXVLQJUDGLRQLF'U:5HLFKDQGWKH orgone. The researcher Hieronymus and discoveries about life www.radionic-international.com energy and radionic applications on plants. The development of Radionic in the UK. George DeLa War and Malcolm Rae. Radionic and homeopathy. Duplication of homeopathic remedies and remote transmission. Is it possible to modify the structure of water? Dr. Emoto and striking experiences. +XPDQWKRXJKWLQÀXHQFHVWKHSDUWLFOHV([SODQDWLRQRQWKH functioning of Radionic. Using samples. Experiences that anyone can prove. Chapter 6. The multiple practical applications of radionic devices Countless practical, everyday applications of Radionic. How to take advantage of these amazing devices. Plants and agriculture applications. How to incorporate «information» to water for irrigation or drinking water. Surprising implications. Radionic and animals. How to clean energy from gems and jewellery. How to incorporate positive vibrations to objects and make them possible that they can transmit in turn. How to ©UHSOLFDWHªLQWULQVLFGDWD¿HOGVDQGZKDWDUHWKHLUDSSOLFDWLRQV Improve the taste and qualities of the wine, food and EHYHUDJHV8VLQJ5DGLRQLFWR¿QGWKHPRVWDSSURSULDWHRSWLRQ the most appropriate studies, the most compatible occupation, the business that we must choose or the most appropriate place to live. Finding objects, animals or missing persons. How to remove negative vibrations and harmful charges from objects, houses and buildings. How to measure compatibility between people, people and businesses, people and studies, etc. List of applications where Radionic can be used successfully. How to improve the life of many devices, from appliances to vehicles. Improving fuel consumption?. Entering IDF’s in liquids, colognes and perfumes. Related applications. Improving relationships with Radionic. How to increase the personal appeal. www.radionic-international.com Chapter 7. Radionic in the business world, purchases, sales and money How to better run a business with Radionic. How to sell more with Radionic. Property acquisitions and Radionic. Examples of using Radionic and cars, real estate, etc. How the adherence plate of a radionic device is used. Choosing the best place to put an advertisement with Radionic. Saving money using Radionic. How to use the Radionic to improve in the negotiations. Ethical use of Radionic. How to increase the chances of success in any transaction. How to choose companies to invest or to buy shares. How to improve business XVLQJUDGLRQLF+RZWRLQFUHDVHWKHÀRZRIFXVWRPHUVWR\RXU business with radionic. How to enhance the attraction of your business to potential customers. Clearing vibrational blockages in your business. How «to charge» elements of advertising with positive vibrations to attract customers. How to reduce the rate of defaulters. How to choose logos and increase its appeal, uploading them with vibrations. How to choose the EHVWGHVLJQVIRU\RXUFRPSDQ\8VLQJWKHUDGLRQLFWR¿QG the best location for your business. How to use Radionics to choose the best franchise in your particular case. How «to load» IDF’s related to economic success. How to increase «luck». Considerations on the use of radionic and gambling. Chapter 8. Modern radionic devices available Legal Considerations on the use of radionic related to health issues. Several devices on the market. Radionic devices marketed in the UK. The «ARE» devices. Radionic instruments with orgone energy. Considerations and advantages of this type of equipment. Radionic advanced www.radionic-international.com equipments. The combination of computing and Radionic. The extraordinary device «SE 5- 1000». Harmonizing radionic devices. The Scalar Antennas for radionic transmission. Radionic structural links by codes and geometric patterns. 6WDQGDORQH&KL2UJRQH*HQHUDWRUV+DUWPDQQDQG&XUU\ networks. Chapter 9. How to learn to use radionics and deepen its use Suggestions on how you can access additional information about radionics. How to use it immediately to achieve your goals personally, family or as a therapist. Information about WKHFRQWHQWRIERRNVDQGFRXUVHV'L൵HUHQWDSSURDFKHVWKDW you should avoid. The path of practical, simple and rational radionics. How to learn radionics for immediate application. www.radionic-international.com Chapter 1 7ਈਅਓਃਉਅਃਅਏਆਐਅਓਏਁ ਅਖਅਏਐਅਔਂਁਓਅਏਔਈਅ ਓਏਃਁਅ5ਁਉਏਉਃਓ:ਈਁਔ ਙਏਕਅਅਔਏਏਗਔਏਇਅਔ ਔਈਅਏਓਔਏਕਔਏਆਉਔ In this general chapter you’ll discover what is Radionics, what it involves, how it is implemented and the extraordinary possibilities that you can expect from it. An open mind and a positive disposition to approach this book is suggested. It’s not intended to convince with the words, but to encourage the reader to ponder and evaluate. To consider new possibilities and horizons. To appreciates by himself the validity of the theory and reaching his/her own conclusions through the own experience Let your imagination run wild Imagine for a moment that you would have in your hands a device that would allow you to areach and realize your dreams. Something like a modern and improved version of Aladdin’s lamp. Where there wasn’t need to deal with a Genie and where the wishes were not limited to three, but ZHUHLQ¿QLWH Health? Money? Love? Traveling? Do you want to increase your standard of living? Help others? Produce more favorable circumstances for you and yours? Enhance the physical possibilities? Increase your ability to 10 www.radionic-international.com - Radionic- CHAPTER 1 The science of Radionics. What you should know to approach and make the most of it. OHDUQ"(QKDQFH\RXUEXVLQHVV"'HYHORSLQJVNLOOVPRUHHDVLO\",QÀXHQFLQJ on plants and animals? ...... It Sounds great, right? And ... How about if there really is something like this? It is not a dream nor a joke. Actually we talk about the possibilities presented by DVFLHQFHFDOOHG5DGLRQLFV2IFRXUVHWKHUHLVQRTXHVWLRQRIÀ\LQJRQD carpet or being able to destroy mountains with a simple wish. We refer to increasing detection capabilities, broadcast, attraction and achievement to the limit. Detection ?, Emission?, Attracting ?, Achievement ?, Please, read and understand better what it’s all about. What is Radionics? Radionics is a science. We understand «science» as a set of systematically structured knowledge. Knowledge that is developed using regular patterns and experimentation. Radionics uses instruments with electrical or electronic circuits for measurement of vibration and subtle energies that shape both the physical elements and intangible ones (we will look in greater detail about that). With radionics devices it’s possible to receive subtle information and broadcast subtle information in the same manner. According to radionics theory, when these devices are used FRUUHFWO\ZHFDQFRQ¿JXUHWKRXJKWVVRWKDWWKHFLUFXPVWDQFHVDURXQGXVDUH altered to realize the goals, desires and objectives we want or need. Radionics devices are designed with the objective of providing connection between human consciousness and the subtle energies present in any object, living being, thought or form. Everything that exists, or everything we can conceive, can be assigned to a number, a coordinate or a representation of some kind. Radionics devices usually work with numbers, coordinates set by potentiometers on the devices, words, or even drawings WRZKLFKVSHFL¿FPHDQLQJVDUHDVVLJQHG 11 www.radionic-international.com - Radionic- CHAPTER 1 The science of Radionics. What you should know to approach and make the most of it. Radionics devices are designed with the objective of providing connection between human consciousness and the subtle energies present in any object, living being, thought or form If we talk about health issues, a person can use a radionics device to detect diseases on themselves or another individual, always at a vibrational level. Diseases that may already be present or in the developing process at physical level. You can measure the vitality of a particular organ, a set of organs or an entire organism (again we always refer to a subtle level). A therapist can access remotely, using a sample of the patient to diagnose the person, depending on the type of radionics device the therapist has. %XWUDGLRQLFVLVPXFKPRUHWKDQWKDW,WDPSOL¿HVXSWR extraordinary limits the power of intention and the power of goals materialization. It increases, in an extraordinary way, the possibilities of materializing desires of all kinds formulated in the mind of the operator through his radionics device. Depending on the type of device used, it can be accelerated to a greater or lesser extent obtaining what is sought: personal development, improving skills, vibrational treatments for diseases, solving personal problems, business and economic objectives, etc. It can also work with animals, plants or insects. So you can improve plantation yields, eliminate pests, «balance» places and environments, help heal animals or even work with microorganisms. It is even possible to modify or LPSURYHÀDYRUVDQGWUDQVPLWYLEUDWRU\HOHPHQWVDQGIHDWXUHVWROLTXLGVDQG food. It increases, in a extraordinary way, the possibilities of materializing desires of all kinds formulated in the mind of the operator through his radionics device 12 www.radionic-international.com - Radionic- CHAPTER 1 The science of Radionics. What you should know to approach and make the most of it. What measures Radionics? To clarify concepts, we start from the premise that everything in the universe can be named somehow. We could give a name to it or, EHWWHU\HWZHFRXOGJLYHDQXPHULFDOGH¿QLWLRQRUSDUDPHWHU6D\IRU example that the cream colored three seater sofa in your room could be represented by a number: 0894. We could also do the same with ideas. The visualization that someone can do with the aim of achieving a goal, can be represented by a number or coordinates. So, John Smith’s wish to achieve an award in archery, can be linked to a numbering, using a potentiometer. That numbering would represent the achievement of that achievement. A GL൵HUHQWQXPEHULQJZRXOGEHIRUWKHFXUUHQWVWDWXVRI-RKQ6PLWKLQUHODWLRQ to that achievement (now he still doesn’t have the award). You can measure the vibratory health of a body at a precise moment in time and set a parameter to the same body with a perfect health. You can set measures for individuals or groups. The same for animals, situations, goals, to avoid unpleasant situations, to obtain remedies, to LPSURYHIRRGFURSVDQGÀDYRUWROHDUQIDVWHUWRFRQFHQWUDWHEHWWHUWR improve processes and for anything else a person can imagine. Radionics equipment, can accelerate and increase the chances of obtaining individual or group objectives in an astonishing way. 0DQ\SHRSOHNQRZWKHEHQH¿WVRIFUHDWLYHYLVXDOL]DWLRQ7KDWLV Use the mind to imagine what we want, in order to materialize that mental image. Radionics goes further. It acts as an enhancer element which serves to accelerate the realization of these objectives that are displayed and are created in the human mind. Radionics devices are instruments that direct the mental energies towards goals, giving extra power and magnifying these energies to the limit. It is important to mention that many of the phenomena that can be observed with the procedures and radionics devices are so amazing, VWUDQJHDQGXQXVXDOWRWKH³VFLHQWL¿FDQGDQDO\WLFDOPHQWDOLW\´WKDWPDQ\ people do not consider it a true science but a practice rather has to do with XQFRQYHQWLRQDOSURFHGXUHVHYHQ©PDJLFDOªRUSODFHERH൵HFWV+HUHLW should be noted that the same principle applies to other methods such as homeopathy, Chi Kung, visualization, naturopathy and other sciences that 13 www.radionic-international.com - Radionic- CHAPTER 1 The science of Radionics. What you should know to approach and make the most of it. work, but purely analytic minds do not admit as serious, tested or acceptable to be taken into consideration. Moreover, for those who know the nature of radionics and explored its possibilities, this developing science provides a holistic understanding of human consciousness and its potential. Not only at healing level, therapeutic level or analytical level; also at the level of achievement of objectives and LPSURYHPHQWLQDOPRVWHYHU\¿HOGLPDJLQDEOH5DGLRQLFVGHYLFHVKDYH been described by many as «wishing machines» when they experience ¿UVWKDQGWKHEHQH¿WVWKH\R൵HU:H¶UHQRWVD\LQJWKDWDQ\WKLQJLVSRVVLEOH The physical or physiological limitations will still be there, but you will be amazed at how you can tip the scales in your favour or develop the skills that you have not thought to have, much more easily. So, you can not expect to grow wings with a radionics device, but you can program your radionics machine in order to expect that things will happen so that you can get ©ÀLJKWªWRDFRXQWU\WKDW\RXZDQWVWRYLVLW<RXZRQ¶WEHDEOHWROLIW¿YH thousand kilos with your physical strength, but you can increase your sports performance to levels that could not be imagined. You can not have two brains, but you can increase your learning ability to high levels. Radionics devices have been described by many as «wishing machines» when WKH\H[SHULHQFH¿UVWKDQGWKHEHQH¿WV WKH\RϑHU ,IZHDUHWDONLQJDERXWWKHWKHUDSHXWLF¿HOG\RXFDQXVHFHUWDLQ radionics devices to make a bioenergetic diagnosis of ailments or diseases, even when they have not yet appeared on a physical level, as mentioned before (remember that we speak at all times of diagnosis at a vibratory OHYHO2QO\GRFWRUVFDQGLDJQRVHSK\VLFDOLOOQHVVHV <RXFDQVHWSURJUDPV to help a person improve or treat physical or energetic diseases, entering VXEWOH¿HOGVRIKXPDQPRUSKRORJ\SODQWRUDQLPDO7KHUHVXOWVDUHRIWHQ VSHFWDFXODUV0DQ\SHRSOH¿QGLQWKHZRUOGRIUDGLRQLFVWKHVROXWLRQWKH\ have not found elsewhere or by other means. 14 www.radionic-international.com - Radionic- CHAPTER 1 The science of Radionics. What you should know to approach and make the most of it. 5DGLRQLFVPDFKLQHVFDQDFWDVDNLQGRISV\FKLFDPSOL¿HU:H refer to the unconscious capacity of the person who uses these devices WRSHUFHLYHGL൵HUHQWHQHUJLHVRUYLEUDWRU\VWDWHV5DGLRQLFVHQDEOHVXV to connect to each other and with the Universe through its devices. This amplifying capacity allows therapists to perform very precise diagnosis RIWKHGLVHDVHVWKDWD൵HFWDSDWLHQWZLWKRXWKDYLQJPDGHDSULRUSK\VLFDO examination. It can be done remotely using a sample of the person (blood, saliva, hair) or even a photograph. In this sense, it seems that radionics rely on the «universal connection or Matrix» on which many modern scientists theorize. It’s important to specify that radionic devices can amplify innate psychic healing abilities of a person. They are also capable of transmitting YHU\VSHFL¿FYLEUDWLRQVWRVRPHRQHVX൵HULQJIURPDQLOOQHVVZLWKDPD]LQJ HQHUJ\H൶FLHQF\(YHQLIWKHSHUVRQLVWKRXVDQGVRINLORPHWUHVDZD\RURQ the opposite side of the globe. However, despite the practical evidence, to GDWHWKHUHLVQRDFFHSWDEOH©VFLHQWL¿FªH[SODQDWLRQRIKRZWKLVSKHQRPHQRQ occurs. It should be noted here that the «Bioresonance» equipment used in alternative therapies and medical consultations, are a derivation of radionic devices. They are better known and accepted simply because they are not used remotely and the patient is usually present in the consultations. Examinations and treatments are made when the patient holds up with his hands two electrodes through which vibrational information is transmitted DQGUHFHLYHG7KH¿QDOFRQFHSWLVYHU\VLPLODU7KHYLEUDWLRQHPLWWHGE\ the patient in relation to an organ or set of organs is measured and then is projected back with the correct parameters to correct the problem. We PXVWSRLQWRXWWKDWWKHH൶FLHQF\RIELRUHVRQDQFHHTXLSPHQWLPSURYHV exponentially when used in conjunction with radionic devices that emit orgone energy. This has been noticed by many therapists and we’ll talk in more detail below. :HPXVWSRLQWRXWWKDWWKHHϒFLHQF\ of bioresonance equipments improves exponentially when used in conjunction with radionic devices that emit orgone energy 15 www.radionic-international.com - Radionic- CHAPTER 1 The science of Radionics. What you should know to approach and make the most of it. How a radionic device works? :HKDYHVDLGWKDWWKHUHDUHGL൵HUHQWW\SHVRIGHYLFHVEXWWKH\ present basic similarities. A «machine» Radionic is an electrical or electronic circuit that serves both to capture information and to send information. It is not entirely conceived following the usual pattern of electrical circuits and can not make sense from the point of view of an electronics expert. It usually consists of a plate or container where a sample from a person is placed (photo, some hair, blood sample, saliva sample, etc.) and a written statement with the information the operator wants to collect. For example: «Current status of Andrew Miller in relation to his ability to speak in public and transmit information in the best possible way.» In the other plate is placed another small written paper with the desired state: «Andrew Miller speaks in public perfectly, in an interesting, relaxed and communicative way when transmitting information». (Some more sophisticated radionic devices permit to write messages on a computer connected to them). With the potentiometers which are connected to each plate, the operator begins to search a numerical parameter using at the same time a WRXFKSDQHOWKDWLVLQWKHGHYLFH%\VOLGLQJWKH¿QJHUVRYHUWKHDGKHUHQW plate, a special feeling of adhesiveness will be appreciated when the appropriate number appears indicated on the potentiometer. We establish parameters for both the current state and the desired state. In principle, these SDUDPHWHUVDUHGL൵HUHQWIRUHDFKRIWKHZULWWHQPHVVDJHV It is evident that in our example, Andrew has a problem related to communication or simply wants to improve in the best way possible their ability to speak in public. The device is now working. The intention of the operator, embodied in a written text and placed on the plate, is transmitted «vibrationally» to the sample and thus the person, like a radio transmitter. From this moment it will seem as if the universe began «to conspire» in order to to improve Andrew’s communication skills. His interest in public speaking correctly will increase exponentially. It’s likely WKDW$QGUHZ¿QGVUHOHYDQWLQIRUPDWLRQWRKLVSDUWLFXODUFDVH0D\EHKH 16 www.radionic-international.com - Radionic- CHAPTER 1 The science of Radionics. What you should know to approach and make the most of it. PHHWVSHRSOHZKRDUHVNLOOHGLQWKLVUHJDUG2UKHHYHQGHYHORSVDVSHFLDO interest for everything related to public speaking. Andrew could see that his abilities start to improve at high speed now, even if he once has no interest LQWKLV¿HOG Andrew may also feel much calmer automatically when speaking in public, without knowing exactly why. Even more imaginative when communicating. It may be expressed more naturally, with more enthusiasm, with a better diction or the quality of his voice. Perhaps greater empathy for the public that listens to him or suddenly he realizes he is able to articulate a warm speech, with notes of mood, highlighting key points best suited to capture the interest of those who hear him. As changes happen, the operator will make new measurements and the potentiometers that measure the content of each of the notes that DUHRQWKHSODWHVZLOOEHJLQWRFRQYHUJHXQWLO¿QDOO\WKH\HTXDO:KHQ this occurs, the improvement process is complete or is in a point of incredible improvement over the initial state. This same simple process can be used to work on anything: therapies, transmission of information, skills improvement, attracting positive situations, elimination of negative situations, increasing social skills, etc. (see section on the most common uses reported by users of radionic devices). 0DQ\UDGLRQLFGHYLFHVXVHQXPHULFDOFRQ¿JXUDWLRQV HJ representing healthy organs) words and drawings (or a mixture of them) that UHVHDUFKHUVKDYHVXFFHVVIXOO\XVHGIRUGL൵HUHQWSXUSRVHV<RXPD\HYHQ pass information about homeopathic remedies and other substances to water or liquids with surprising results. To improve and accelerate the results, there are radionic devices which also incorporate generators of life energy or «orgone» (See writings of Dr. W. Reich). It is called «Prana» energy for the Hindus or WKHVRFDOOHGª&KL©IRU$VLDQV7KHVDPHHQHUJ\WKDWÀRZVWKURXJKWKH acupuncture channels, considered the basis of life. This additional energy SURGXFHGZLWKLQWKHGHYLFHLWVHOIH[SRQHQWLDOO\LQFUHDVHVWKHH൶FLHQF\ of appliances and helps the operator to achieve the objectives without worrying about his own life energy be drained when working with complex issues or people with weakened energy by the disease. 17 www.radionic-international.com - Radionic- CHAPTER 1 The science of Radionics. What you should know to approach and make the most of it. The radionic device can be used by the owner to himself or use it for another person. The circuit measures the vibration of intention (easily set by the operator through the adherent plate that tells him what the potentiometers show as correct). Then, the device itself sends the right signals (as if it were a homeopathic remedy) to the subject (In this example, our imaginary Andrew Miller). The internal circuit connects the person’s current state with the desired positive conditions that we want to incorporate WKDWSHUVRQ7KHPHVVDJHRUWUHQGVRXJKWZLOOJUDGXDOO\LQÀXHQFHWKHSHUVRQ at a vibrational level and remotely through their sample (photo, hair, etc.). (PLWWLQJLQUDGLRVWDWLRQPRGHWKHSHUVRQZHZDQWWRLQÀXHQFHRULPSURYH receives the new information and acts unconsciously in the direction of the trend that has been marked on the appliance. $W¿UVWZKHQSRVLWLYHUHVXOWVDUHREVHUYHGLWLVYHU\HDV\WRWKLQN that everything is chance. However, when using the radionic device over and over again with outcomes that meet the expectations (and they are RIWHQVSHFWDFXODU LWLVKDUGWRGHQ\WKHHYLGHQFHRIWKHH൵HFWLYHQHVVRI Radionics. There are simple radionic devices that only consist of a basic circuit and the interconnection between the target and the trend set or expected. In these devices, the operator is paramount. It acts as an antenna, DUHFHLYHUDQGWUDQVPLWWHU7KH2SHUDWRU¶VRZQHQHUJ\FDQEHGUDLQHG IURPWKLVFDXVH:LWKWKHVHGHYLFHVXOWLPDWHH൵HFWLYHQHVVLVUHGXFHGDQG depends on the energy and mood of the operator. To address this, the most sophisticated radionic devices incorporate a very powerful orgone generator (vital energy. Universal energy, Chi or Prana), as explained above. What does this mean? Very simple, the operator of the radionic device simply set the parameters and let it work. The very powerful energy generating exerts a powerful force modulated by the device in the direction of the objective. The operators do not drain their physical or psychic energy and the results are much faster and accurate. In any case, a Radionic device without an orgone generator can be YHU\H൵HFWLYHWRGD\E\LWVKLJKGHJUHHRIVRSKLVWLFDWLRQ VHHGHVFULSWLRQ of device SE 5 1000 in chapter about current radionic devices). However, many users jointly employ both types of devices (with and without an RUJRQHJHQHUDWRU WRHQVXUHH[WUDRUGLQDU\H൶FLHQF\LQDOOFLUFXPVWDQFHV 18 www.radionic-international.com Chapter 2 0ਅਔਁਅਅਇਙ8ਉਖਅਓਁ (ਅਇਙਁਉਔਓਅਁਔਉਏਓਈਉਐ ਗਉਔਈਔਈਅ5ਁਉਏਉਃਓ Almost everyone has heard about the power of the mind to control its own body, to push the boundaries of human capabilities or to make dreams come true by controlled and persistent action. There are hundreds of books dedicated to meditation, mental concentration, visualization and the power of intention as a means to achieve all kinds of objectives. There are also dozens of books showing that the prayer (in any kind of religion), tends to activate processes that go beyond coincidence when applied according to the criteria of statistics. Regardless of whether you can believe in the existence of a Supreme Being and attend prayers, or you consider the existence of an entity that assumes supernatural abilities, one thing is clear: The power of intention is in many cases a decisive force in the course of things. People who visualise and people who ask for help from higher beings are activating the same type of process. That is: The ability of KXPDQVWRLQÀXHQFHWKHHYHQWVWKURXJKLQWHQWLRQDQGPHQWDOVWUHQJWK Research in quantum physics shows that the belief of the observer about how will develop certain subatomic particles in certain circumstances, causes these particles to follow the patterns that the researcher has mentally GHWHUPLQHGLQDGYDQFH7KLVPHDQVWKDWWZRUHVHDUFKHUVZLWKGL൵HUHQW ideas about the future of a physical reaction, eventually both end up being ULJKWZLWKFRPSOHWHO\GL൵HUHQWUHVXOWV%RWKH[SHFWGL൵HUHQWWKLQJVDQG WKRVHGL൵HUHQWWKLQJVKDSSHQ7KHSDUWLFOHVEHKDYHDFFRUGLQJWRZKDWHDFK experimenter expects. 19 www.radionic-international.com - Radionic- CHAPTER 2 Mental energy, Universal Energy and its relationship with the Radionic In Buddhism it is said that «All is Mind». In essence, Buddha considered that human beings share a common space created by the minds of every existing person. Therefore he also believed that the mind can change the world where we interact, as well as the reactions and perceptions of things if it has enough energy and conscience to do so. The energy present in the Universe The positive energy that moves the universe and penetrates all living beings is the energy that Asians called Chi, Hindus called Prana and :HVWHUQUHVHDUFKHUVGHVFULEHGDV2GLFHQHUJ\RU2UJRQHHQHUJ\7KHKXPDQ mind, through the will, can absorb, modify and use that energy. Practitioners of Chi Kung and Tai Chi know it. They know how to assimilate this energy through movement and breathing. So do the yogis and practitioners of Reiki. Actually there are many disciplines that know how to use this energy for multiple purposes: Martial arts, meditation, advanced visualization, healing, etc. Magic actually uses energy, focusing that energy through connections between the mind of the person who modulates it and the object or subject to whom it is addressed. In white magic rituals, friendly and EHQH¿FLDOHQHUJ\VRXUFHVDUHFROOHFWHGDQGWKHQSURMHFWHGWRZDUGSRVLWLYH goals, for creation and growth. Good deeds in general and all types of nice development. In the rituals of black magic, the way to capture the energy LVE\WKHVKRFNFUXHOVDFUL¿FHVGDUNQHVVDQGEORRG$OOWKLVDOVRSURGXFHV HQHUJ\ZLFKLVPRGL¿HGDQGDOWHUHGLQDQHJDWLYHZD\ZLWKJHQHUDOO\HYLO intentions. The human body, animals and plants employ universal energy. It LVWKHHQHUJ\WKDWÀRZVWKURXJKWKHDFXSXQFWXUHFKDQQHOVDQGQRZEHJLQV WREHDFFHSWHGE\WKHPHGLFDODQGVFLHQWL¿FHVWDEOLVKPHQW,WKDVEHHQ discovered that the energy can be transmitted through space and through conductive elements such as copper. The researcher T. G. Hieronymus SODQWHGVHHGVLQWZRGL൵HUHQWFRQWDLQHUVSODFHGLQWZRVHSDUDWHER[HVLQD 20 www.radionic-international.com - Radionic- CHAPTER 2 Mental energy, Universal Energy and its relationship with the Radionic GDUNFHOODU:LWKWKH¿UVWÀRZHUSRWQRRWKHUDFWLRQZDVWDNHQRWKHUWKDQ OHDYLQJLWLQDFROGDQGFRPSOHWHO\GDUNHQYLURQPHQW7KHRWKHUÀRZHUSRW was connected by a cable to a metallic plate that received sunlight. Plants that had a connection with sunlight through a single cable grew stronger and healthier. By contrast, the other plants had only weak growth. The universal energy is present in all things to a greater or lesser extent. It is possible to use, accumulate and direct that energy in the precise GLUHFWLRQZHQHHG2XUPLQGKDVWKDWH[WUDRUGLQDU\DELOLW\WRFKDQQHODQG XVHWKDWHQRUPRXVSRZHUXVLQJYDULRXVPHDQV2QHVXFKPHDQVLVUDGLRQLFV and its appliances. Instruments to detect, measure, modify, transmit and manage vibrational information, while facilitating the access to capabilities that only are considered present in privileged humans. They also allow managing vital energy and to use it in accordance with the intention of the person who operates one of these devices. The connection People, living beings and things, we all share a universe in which we are deeply interconnected. Later we will enter the concept of «Matrix» or an area where we can access the ability to receive or send information, in a voluntary way, on a kind of Internet for «subtle energy». Radionics We can say that Radionics and their devices are a simple way to access and amplify our mental power. We can compare a radionic device to a new generation smartphone that allows us to connect through an operator (estructural link) to the Internet (Matrix) to gather the information we need or send new information to anywhere or anyone, in order to correct anomalous situations or circumstances and to facilitate the achievement of objectives of all kinds. We will get more understanding on these concepts in the following chapters. 21 www.radionic-international.com