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SBE 195A Syllabus: Intro to Sustainability, University of Arizona

SBE 195A – ONLINE/iCourse
Introduction to Sustainability
23 Aug – 16 Dec 2021
Description of Course
This first-year colloquium will prepare Sustainable Built Environments students with insight into
sustainable concepts and practices. Students will learn about sustainability and its impacts on the
built environment from a national and global perspective. This colloquium introduces the methods
and standards of the discipline for discovering new knowledge, the values which characterize the
field of study, advances in the field, and the impact on society.
Course Prerequisites
No prerequisites are required for enrollment of this course; however, those taking this course
may take SBE 195B Careers in Sustainability in the same semester (concurrently or in short
course format back-to-back). Please note that taking things out of sequence (SBE201 in
particular) may result in some repeated material.
University of Arizona Faculty
Nicole Iroz-Elardo, Ph.D.
Assistant Research Professor, Planning
School of Landscape Architecture and
Email: irozelardo@email.arizona.edu
Online Office Hours:
Fridays, 10-10:45 am (MST)
Zoom: https://arizona.zoom.us/my/irozelardo
College of Architecture, Planning, and
Landscape Architecture (CAPLA)
Password: NIE2022
Course Format, Texts, and Communications
This course is a 1-credit hour class taught in an ONLINE (iCourse or Online program) format
which, according to Carnegie definitions, must include a minimum of 3 hours per week in a
16-week format.
Please note that there is no single required textbook; instead materials for the course are
entirely organized on D2L. I assume you check D2L at least multiple times a week for updates.
Course announcements will be made online to enrolled UA email addresses and the D2L course
Course Objectives
As a result of successfully completing this course, students should be able to:
• Demonstrate a general understanding of sustainability, from national and global perspectives
and with ability to identify local examples;
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• Critically analyze the challenges and trade-offs of creating a more sustainable built
environment through course material and classroom discussions;
Expected Learning Outcomes
In addition to engaging the course objectives, students will:
• Illustrate mastery of introductory and interdisciplinary sustainable built environment subject
matter through short quizzes;
• Practice communicating about sustainability and built environment in multiple written
modalities (memo, informational sheets, and essays);
• Express concepts learned through active and respectful participation in discussions with other
students & instructors.
Grading Scale and Policies
Course grades and instructor feedback are available for your review at all times on the D2L
course site. Grades for assignments are typically provided 1-2 weeks after the due date. It is
your responsibility to monitor your academic progress throughout the course.
Final grades are based on the following (Subject to Slight Changes if Needed):
Course Assignment
Per Lesson
Points per
Percent of
Final Grade
14 (out of 15) Lesson Quizzes
10 pts
140 pts
14 (out of 15) Homework Assignments
10 pts
140 pts
14 (out of 16) Weeks of Participation/Discussions
10 pts
140 pts
80 pts
Final Exam
500 pts
Lesson Quizzes (28%)
Each lesson has a short, timed quiz embedded in D2L. You are required to complete at least 14
quizzes; if you complete more than 14, the lowest grade(s) will be dropped. Quizzes close at
midnight at the end of the week; there are NO LATE QUIZZES allowed.
These quizzes are meant to confirm you are completing the required reading and watching
materials. You are able to take each quiz twice, viewing the items you got wrong at the end of
the first quiz. Variations of quiz questions make up the final exam; looking at past answers will
help you study.
Homework Assignments (28%)
Each lesson has an assignment to give students an opportunity to synthesize required readings
and videos and better prepare everyone for participation in discussions. You must complete at
least 14 assignments; if you complete more than 14, the lowest grade(s) will be dropped. Late
assignments are permitted; however, turning the assignment in late will result in a 20%
reduction of the grade for that item.
Please follow these guidelines for the assignment:
The deadline is Sunday at 11:59pm.
Assignments must be uploaded to D2L in PDF format unless otherwise indicated.
If the written and video instructions do not match, FOLLOW THE WRITTEN
INSTRUCTIONS including the prompts.
Looking at the grading rubric will also help maximize your grade
SBE 195A – ONLINE/iCourse
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Participation via Attendance/Discussion (28%)
Active participation in class discussions builds community and is critical to success in this course.
Participation is primarily measured by activity on the discussion boards. You will notice that
each week has a discussion. You must participate in 14 out of 16 weeks. You are expected
to post your initial reaction to the prompt by Wednesday, 11:59pm and then to follow-up
by reading and posting reactions to items that others post by Sunday, 11:59pm.
Final Examination (16%)
The final for course will be held online at the time of your choice between December 1316th. There will be 40 questions consisting of multiple choice and short answer questions to
assess recall of key course terminology and concepts. These questions will be developed from the
Lesson Quiz questions.
More information is available for Final Exam Regulations,
Final Course Grades follow the US-based system as follows:
A = 90 – 100%
B = 80 – 89%
C = 70 – 79%
D = 60 – 69%
E = 60% or below
The following policies apply to Final Course Grades:
Final course grades are not adjusted or "rounded up".
Late and incomplete work will not be accepted, unless there is documentation of a medical
or family emergency. Students are given ample opportunity before assignment due dates for
instructor feedback.
A grade of C or better is required for credit in the SBE major. Earning a D or E will require
retaking the course.
University policy regarding grades and grading systems is available at
Requests for incomplete (I) or withdrawal (W) must be made in accordance with
University policies, which are available at http://catalog.arizona.edu/policy/grades-andgrading-system#incomplete and http://catalog.arizona.edu/policy/grades-and-gradingsystem#Withdrawal respectively.
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Scheduled Topics
Dates *
Intro to the Course & Defining Sustainable Built
The Role of Evidence in Sustainable Built Environment
Origins of Environmentalism and Sustainability
Population Growth and Urbanization
Climate Change
Defining Equity
Sustainable Land Use
Sustainable Transportation
Sustainable Landscapes
Renewable Energy Generation and Systems
Sustainable Waste Management
International Sustainability and Local Applications
Sustainable Food Production and Distribution
Sustainable Building Systems
12/13 - 12/16 (11:59PM)
*Everything released 12:01am Monday; initial discussion post due Wednesday by 11:50pm;
everything else due by 11:59pm Sunday
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The Fine Print (All the Other Policies)
Absence and Class Participation Policy
Students who need to miss more than 1
week of classes (defined as not turning in
anything in an online format) in any one
semester will be required to provide a
doctor’s note of explanation to DOSdeanofstudents@email.arizona.edu. The
Dean of Students Office will communicate
the receipt of the note (with expected end
date) out to the relevant faculty.
Students are responsible for completing any
work that they might miss due to illness,
including assignments and exams.
Participating in the course is vital to the
learning process. The course is asynchronous –
meaning you may do the assigned readings,
videos, assignments, and discussions at
whatever time you wish during the week. With
this flexibility comes great responsibility;
students must manage their time to turn in all
items by the assigned due date.
All discussions, assignments, quizzes
and/or tests are due by 11:59 pm Arizona
(MST) time on the date of the deadline.
However, the time that shows on your
computer is not necessarily the official Arizona
time for D2L.
If you test positive for COVID-19 and you are
participating in on-campus activities, you must
report your results to Campus Health. To learn
more about the process for reporting a positive
test, visit the Case Notification Protocol.
Make sure that you don’t wait until the last
minute to start your work. Not being able to
complete your assignment because the time
limit cut you off is not an acceptable excuse. I
expect you to be logging into the course each
day and no less than every other day. I will not
accept any late online work (discussion posts,
response papers, quizzes, etc.); you’ll receive
no points for uncompleted online work.
COVID-19 vaccine is available for all students at
Campus Health and students are highly
encouraged. to be vaccinated. If you live
outside of Pima County and need help finding a
vaccine, please reach out to me.
Please visit the UArizona COVID-19 page for
regular updates. https://covid19.arizona.edu/
Late work will not be accepted without
penalty unless students make
arrangements for an extension well before
the due date. All assignments must be
submitted electronically to the D2L Dropbox (no
exceptions—I will not accept emailed
The UA policy regarding absences for any
sincerely held religious belief, observance or
practice will be accommodated where
reasonable. (See
The UA’s policy concerning Class Attendance,
Participation, and Administrative Drops is
available at
http://catalog.arizona.edu/policy/classattendance-participation-and-administrativedrop. The registrar provides an online calculator
to give you the exact date of a drop with refund
and without a “W”:
Absences pre-approved by the UA Dean of
Students (or Dean Designee) will be honored.
Please see
Makeup Policy for Students Who Register
Students who register after the first class
meeting must contact the instructor
immediately to agree upon a fair deadline for
missed work to be completed.
In light of the ongoing COVID-19 challenges,
this policy is changing to follow the US CDC
recommendation that people stay at home if
they feel sick, especially if they think they may
have an infectious disease. In particular:
Classroom Behavior Policy
To foster a positive learning environment,
students and instructors have a shared
responsibility. We want a safe, welcoming, and
inclusive environment where all of us feel
comfortable with each other and where we can
challenge ourselves to succeed. Students
observed engaging in disruptive activity will be
asked to cease this behavior. Those who
continue to disrupt the class may be reported to
the Dean of Students.
Students that need to extend 1 assignment
deadline up to 1 week, due to illness, are
responsible for emailing the University of
Arizona Faculty Member (Dr. Iroz-Elardo) at
least 24 hours prior to due date. There is
NO need for a medical excuse to be
provided, at least initially (see below).
SBE 195A – ONLINE/iCourse
22 Aug 2020
Threatening Behavior Policy
are also encouraged to contact Disability
Resources (+1-520-621-3268) to explore
reasonable accommodation.
The UA Threatening Behavior by Students Policy
prohibits threats of physical harm to any
member of the University community, including
to oneself. Please see
Please be aware that the accessible table and
chairs in this room should remain available for
students who find that standard classroom
seating is not usable.
Code of Academic Integrity
Notification of Objectionable Materials
Students are encouraged to share intellectual
views and discuss freely the principles and
applications of course materials. However,
graded work must be the product of
independent effort unless otherwise instructed.
Students are expected to know and adhere to
the UA Code of Academic Integrity as described
in the UA General Catalog. Even minor
infractions will be reported to College-level
administrators in order to better track repeat
behavior. For more information, please see
This course will contain material that is often
politicized. Students are encouraged to engage
the materials consistent with their own values;
however, assertions that are not based in
current scientific consensus or framed around
evidence are not acceptable. The instructor will
provide a single warning without impacting
assignment or participation grades.
Preferred Gender Pronouns
This course affirms people of all gender
expressions and gender identities. If you prefer
to be called a different name than what is on
the class roster, please let me know. Feel free
to correct instructors on your preferred gender
pronoun. If you have any questions or
concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me
directly in class or via email (instructor email).
If you wish to change your preferred name or
pronoun in the UAccess system, please use the
following guidelines:
Preferred name: University of Arizona
students may choose to identify themselves
within the University community using a
preferred first name that differs from their
official/legal name. A student’s preferred
name will appear instead of the person’s
official/legal first name in select Universityrelated systems and documents, provided
that the name is not being used for the
purpose of misrepresentation. Students are
able to update their preferred names in
Pronouns: Students may designate
pronouns they use to identify themselves.
Instructors and staff are encouraged to use
pronouns for people that they use for
themselves as a sign of respect and
inclusion. Students are able to update and
edit their pronouns in UAccess.
The University Libraries have some excellent
tips for avoiding plagiarism, available at
Selling class notes and/or other course
materials to other students or to a third party
for resale is not permitted without the
instructor’s express written consent. Violations
to this and other course rules are subject to the
Code of Academic Integrity and may result in
course sanctions. Additionally, students who
use D2L or UA email to sell or buy these
copyrighted materials are subject to Code of
Conduct Violations for misuse of student email
addresses. This conduct may also constitute
copyright infringement.
UA Nondiscrimination and Antiharassment Policy
The University is committed to creating and
maintaining an environment free of
discrimination; see
Our classroom is a place where everyone is
encouraged to express well-formed opinions
and their reasons for those opinions. We also
want to create a tolerant and open environment
where such opinions can be expressed without
resorting to bullying or discrimination of others.
More information on updating your preferred
name and pronouns is available on the Office of
the Registrar site at
Accessibility and Accommodations
At the University of Arizona we strive to
make learning experiences as accessible as
possible. If you anticipate or experience
physical or academic barriers based on
disability or pregnancy, you are welcome to let
me know so that we can discuss options. You
SBE 195A – ONLINE/iCourse
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Campus Pantry
Any student who has difficulty affording
groceries or accessing sufficient food to eat
every day, or who lacks a safe and stable place
to live and believes this may affect their
performance in the course, is urged to contact
the Dean of Students for support. In addition,
the University of Arizona Campus Pantry is open
for students to receive supplemental groceries
at no cost. Please see their website at:
campuspantry.arizona.edu for open times.
Additional Resources for Students
UA Academic policies and procedures are
available at http://catalog.arizona.edu/policies
COVID Resources including information about
policies, testing, COVID Watch app, and daily
Wildcat Wellcheck is available
Campus Health
Campus Health provides quality medical and
mental health care services through virtual and
in-person care.
Survivor Advocacy Program
The Survivor Advocacy Program provides
confidential support and advocacy services to
student survivors of sexual and gender-based
violence. The Program can also advise students
about relevant non-UA resources available
within the local community for support.
Counseling and Psych Services (CAPS)
https://health.arizona.edu/counseling-psychservices CAPS provides mental health care,
including short-term counseling services.
The Dean of Students Office’s Student
Assistance Program
Student Assistance helps students manage
crises, life traumas, and other barriers that
impede success. The staff addresses the needs
of students who experience issues related to
social adjustment, academic challenges,
psychological health, physical health,
victimization, and relationship issues, through a
variety of interventions, referrals, and follow up
SBE 195A – ONLINE/iCourse
Confidentiality of Student Records
Please see
Subject to Change Statement
Information contained in the course syllabus
may be subject to change with advance notice,
as deemed appropriate by the instructor.
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