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infosystems week 3

#3 What additional uses of technology can you see in the workplace? List ways technology
impacts other careers not discussed in this module, such as finance, government, non-profits,
and agriculture.
The additional uses of technology in a workplace could be used for educating and helping
people understand and learn about what they are working with. Another use is to help solve
issues or problems going on in the workplace. Technology could affect other careers such as
agriculture and farming because with technology now there are things that can help farmers
complete their daily tasks faster without the need for manual labor
#3 Research the trend of BYOD in workplaces. Compare the advantages to any potential
disadvantages. Do you think more companies should adopt this policy? Why or why not?
The advantages to BYOD in a workplace would be being more productive, this is because
working with a device that is our own can help you have a better understanding of where
certain things are located and how the technology functions rather than having to figure it out
with a work computer and it also allows you to go home and continue to work in your free time
if something is not completed. A disadvantage of BYOD would be being at risk of losing
information or not having the proper protection or security on your device with the risks of
being hacked or getting scammed. I think companies should not apply this in the workplace
because work should be a time to work and when you are off people need the time to relax and
decompress without the temptations of continuing work from home, and with being at home
there is more of a risk of someone using your device and erasing data and files that may be
#2 Media sharing websites let you post photos and videos to share with other people. What are
the benefits and drawbacks of using these websites?
Some benefits of sharing photos and videos on social media are that you can stay up to date
with friends and see what they are doing and where they are while being able to like and
comment on their posts. But a major drawback of sharing photos and videos online is that they
can fall into the hands of the wrong person and give them the opportunity to find you easily
and potentially could put you at risk of something terrible happening to you
#3 Business analysts say that physical retail stores are in decline, while e-commerce websites
such as Amazon are more popular than ever. Do you agree? Why or why not?
I agree with this because people nowadays are getting very lazy because everything is
available to them online, so it encourages the fact that they do not have to get up and go
somewhere instead they can have whatever they need to be delivered right to their doorstep
#5 On the Internet, anyone can publish anything to a website, a blog, or a social media site,
regardless of whether the information is true. Recent years have seen a spike in misleading or
false “news” and hoaxes that are shared as fact on social media. How can you tell fake news
stories from real ones?
The biggest way to tell if something is real or fake would be to check the source of where it
came from to see if it is a legit and credible source. The most credible source you would be
able to find would be the news channels like CNN, ABC news, etc.
#3 Despite how well you might take care of your computer, problems can always arise. When
troubleshooting problems you encounter, at what point should you engage a professional for
assistance? Why? At what point might you consider purchasing a new computer?
You should engage for assistance at any sort of issue a computer is having, most people look
up videos online but some of those could be incorrect and cause you to damage the computer
even more. The point of considering buying a new computer would be when it is not turning on
anymore or when a professional cannot figure out the problem of the device being worked with.