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Electromagnetic Radiation Worksheet: Applications & Effects

What I Can Do
1. Make a tree of radiation applications,use a long bondpaper.
2. Think of the applications and effects of EM radiation that you are aware of and
write them down on fruit-shaped pieces of paper.
3. Group the applications in your list and decide a term for the set (ex.medical,etc.)
4. Put the group label on one of the branches of the tree.
5. Do the same to the rest of the labels.
6. Hang the “fruits” on the right branches.
7. Draw and label more branches and hang more “fruits”.
Post Test
A.Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer on a sheet of paper.
1. In order of increasing frequency,which of the following is correct?
A. Infared,X-ray, UV and Gamma
C. Light, UV, X-ray and Gamma
B. Infrared, X-ray, light and Gamma
D. Light, radio, UV and X-ray
2.EM radiation have various applications, which of the following is one of the bad effects in
living things?
A.Damage body tissues
C. Used to treat skin diseases
B. Determine bone fracture
D. Kill microorganisms
3.Which series of EM radiation is ionizing that can kill and cause cancer cells?
A.Gamma, Infrared, light
B.Microwave, light, microwave
C. Radio, UV,X-ray and light
D.UV, X-rays and Gamma rays
4.When is the best time to get the Vitamin D from the sunlight?
I. 7am to 4pm
III. 10am to 4pm
II. 7am to 10am
IV. 4pm and up
A. I only
C. II and IV only
B. II and III only
D.II,III and IV only
5.Visible spectrum is the only EM wave visible in our eyes, how is infrared detected?
It is detected in the form of_____.
A. Heat
C. Sound
D. Vibration
6.What is the EM radiation that causes tanning of the skin?
B. Microwave
C. Ultraviolet
D. X-rays
7.Which of these EM waves has the lowest speed?
A .Light waves
B. Radio waves
D. None of them
8.Of the various types of EM radiation ,which is the most penetrating through all forms of
D. Visible light
9.The prolong use of gadgets exposed us from blue light,what is the purpose of using
anti blue light eyeglasses?
I. Lessen eye strain from using gadgets in a longer time
II .Prevent the blue light from penetrating and damaging our eyes
III. Block blue light as it has greater energy therefore greater penetrating power
A. I only
B. II only
C. III only
D. I,II and III
10. What will happen to us and our environment if EM radiations did not exist?
I. Microorganisms can multiply easily.
II. The surroundings will become dark.
III.Contacting loved ones at a distant place will be difficult.
IV.We will be free from radiation that is both harmful and beneficial to us.
A.I only
B. I,and II only
C. II,III and IV only
D. I,II III and IV
B.Directions: Read the questions and answer briefly on a separate sheet of paper.
1.Why we need an information about electromagnetic radiation?
2.Why are ultraviolet rays harmful to humans?