Who is writing this passage & what do we know about them? Who are they writing to & what characteristics defined this particular audience? Where is this taking place and what is unique about its location? When is this taking place? What time of day? Year? Where does this take place on the historical timeline? What was the culture like when the author wrote this? How might culture have influenced this author and audience? Who are the main characters or people groups? What is the overall theme, topic, concept, or event of this passage? What does this passage teach me about the character of God/Jesus? How does this passage reflect what God has done? What lessons I can learn from this passage? What do we learn about people or specifically the people in the bible in this passage? What do I learn about relating to God or others from this passage? What are the key words (repetition, comparison/contrast, cause-effect, transition words, emphasis) used in this passage? Does this passage have any specific instructions or commands for me to follow? Are there any sin(s) described in this passage I must avoid? How does this passage describe the impact or effect of our sin? Does it provide a good example for me to follow (or a negative example to avoid)? What changes do I need to make in my life as a result of this passage? What does God want me to understand? How does God want me to change the way I think about my current relationship/circumstances based on this passage? What does God want me to believe/desire/do as a result of this passage? What don’t I still understand in this passage?