Uploaded by Claudia Chavez Cárdenas

Strategic Management Exam Paper - Specialised Solutions Case

Student ID
Semester / Year:
Semester 2 2022 – REGULAR EXAM
Faculty / Dept:
Management and Marketing
Subject Code:
Subject Name:
Strategic Management
Writing Time:
Reading Time:
Open Book Status:
Number of Pages (including this page):
2 pages plus 2 pages of case
Authorised Materials:
Lecture notes, readings, study notes.
Instructions to Students:
This examination contributes 50% to the final subject mark.
This examination paper includes 1 section.
Section 1:
Contains 5 long answer questions. You are required to answer 4 out of 5 questions.
Each question will be worth 25 points, totaling to 100%.
Extra Materials Required:
Case Study
Private Media Pty Ltd (2022). Meet the South Australian business taking its smart street
furniture to the world. Retrieved from
This section contains 5 long answer questions. You are required to answer FOUR (4) questions.
This section accounts for 100 marks, with 25 points allocated to each of the 4 questions.
Please answer four of the following questions using what we have learned in class (lecture,
readings and briefing notes), together with the assigned case reading.
For all of these, reasonable answers will be accepted, but make sure to show your reasoning,
arguments and evidence – we can only assess what you write down.
Please limit yourself to about 500 words per question, for 2000 words total. Given the online
exam this semester, please be sure to correctly cite the case evidence, readings and lecture notes.
(The +/- 10% rule will apply, and you may exclude references from your total word count.)
1. Please conduct a value chain analysis on Specialised Solutions, indicating whether
the analysis focuses on Australia and/or global operations. Consider associated
implications for competitive advantage.
2. Provide two innovative ideas that Specialised Solutions might introduce to the
Australian marketplace. Choose one idea and discuss how it might be implemented.
3. Compare and contrast transaction and administration costs for Specialised Solutions.
Which has the greatest impact on competitive advantage, and why?
4. Thinking particularly of distinctive resources and capabilities, please analyse Specialised
Solutions using a relevant framework and any challenges.
5. Outline and discuss how Specialised Solutions is using synergy in their business. Do you
have any recommendation(s) how they could improve their synergies?
Meet the South Australian business taking its smart street furniture to the world
SEPTEMBER 23, 2022
An Adelaide engineering company has further plans to tackle the global market with an exportfriendly line of smart furniture and modular buildings.
Since the COVID-19 lockdown, Specialised Solutions has seen strong demand for its line of off-grid
park benches and shelters and its modular buildings.
Worker and supply shortages in the building and construction industry and councils zeroing in on
renewable energy projects are behind the demand for its cutting-edge products.
Brad Riddle, the company’s national business development manager, said Specialised Solutions
were now eyeing more opportunities on a global scale.
Riddle said the company has distributors in the United States and New Zealand but said there is
“strong interest” from European and Middle Eastern markets.
“We are working on an export version of our products,” Riddle said.
“We’re still working on that, but it will be a little more transportable and more modular.
“A number of our products are larger and made of aluminum and steel and so we need to look at
transport efficiencies to ensure that we can still be competitive in the international market.”
Growing demand
Based out of the Tonsley Innovation District in Adelaide, South Australia, the company has been
manufacturing its Sedi line of smart furniture for the last three years.
The original outdoor bench has since spawned bins, bike racks and heaters harnessing their power
from the sun.
Designed by JPE Design Studio, the furniture is made from steel and sustainable timber and, using a
small battery, can provide Wi-FI, lighting and charging ports to people.
Riddle said the company saw increased demand for the unique products during the COVID-19
“I think COVID-19 has put a new focus on public spaces and councils are looking for innovative ways
to deliver in those spaces, and our products fit within that perfectly,” Riddle said.
“We’ve also seen large public infrastructure grants to councils come out in the last 18 months, 24
months with COVID-19, so we’ve had a renewed focus on those public spaces.”
Riddle said there has also been a growing appetite for modular buildings in regional areas
struggling with housing issues.
“A lot of places can’t get builders, so people are looking at different systems and different processes
for how they would traditionally do something, in particular regional areas.”
In May, the company installed three modular buildings, including a foreshore cafe, visitor’s
information and a library in the South Australian town of Whyalla for the local council.
Riddle said the council couldn’t find local builders to complete the work in time.
The company constructed the modular buildings at the company’s base in the Tonsley Innovation
District. They then shipped the buildings to the South Australian town to be installed on-site.
“We’ve found our products cross a gamut of needs and requirements at the moment which works
well, but we’re always looking at how we can improve the modularity in the production of what we
do to reduce cost for the end consumer,” Riddle said.
An innovation hub
The Tonsley Innovation District co-locates a variety of manufacturing capabilities, which allows
engineering companies like Specialised Solutions to work with design companies, as well as
fabrication and manufacturing companies, all in one location to bring an idea to market.
Renewal SA’s Tonsley project director, Vince Rigter, said Specialised Solutions demonstrates the
importance and ongoing need for traditional manufacturing capabilities to deliver new highly
technical advanced products.
“To bring high-end technologies to life you still need a “carrier”, which often is defined in a classic
form of metal fabrication. These businesses are such an important part of the value chain to get a
product from an idea on paper to a product that adds value to the community,” Rigter said.
“Co-locating a variety of manufacturing capabilities is a key element of Tonsley’s vision in order to
deliver commercial success of businesses in the district and growing economic development for the
Tonsley once housed a Mitsubishi car assembly plant but is now home to more than 2000 workers
in critical industries, including clean tech and renewable energy, medical devices, mining and
energy services and automation and simulation.
This article was first published by The Lead South Australia.